Read The Alpha's She-Wolf Online

Authors: K.S. Martin

The Alpha's She-Wolf (4 page)


Drunk and

“Connor!”  Derek’s yell woke him
from his drunken stupor.  A woman’s scream got him out of bed.  Every nerve
tingled.  His mate was in danger and she needed him.  Her scream sent icy
shivers through his heart and caused his soul to tremble with fear.  His
brothers and Naomi were in his living room.  Kirk had Shauna over one shoulder
with her ass in the air, and a lovely ass it was too.  She was beating Kirk’s
back and screaming for release. 

“What the hell is this Kirk?  Put
her down.”  Kirk set her down gently on her feet with her back to Connor. 
Shauna hauled her hand back and slapped him across the face as hard as she
could, Connor smiled, the chicks got fire after all.  Then she did it again and
Connor laughed, oh yeah, real fire, what a nice surprise, he thought.  He
enveloped her in his arms and held her so she couldn’t go after his brother
again.  Shauna turned to look at him and gasped.  Connor was standing there in
nothing but a pair of black boxer briefs.  She spun back around and covered her
face, which made him laugh all that much harder.  “What’s going on little

“I’ve found my mate.”  Mike swept
Naomi into his arms and kissed her deeply.  Connor grinned and thought that
maybe now they would settle down.

“Glad to hear it.  That is great
news.”  He stepped over to them and hugged them both.  “Go home.”  Mike saluted
and pulled Naomi toward the door tucked under his arm.  “Now what else is going

“I told them not to Connor.”  Derek
said.  “I told them to leave her alone but you know that neither one of them
listens.”  Connor nodded.

“Look Connor, you two had a
misunderstanding.  You think that she rejected you, and she thinks that you
rejected her.  Nobody rejected anybody.  You need to calm down and quit over
thinking things” He pointed his finger at Connor.  “And you need to man up and
stop being scared of your own shadow.”  He pointed at Shauna.  “I’m going to
Derek’s, you can thank me tomorrow.”  Kirk turned around and marched out of the
front door, his cheek still blazing red and with Derek on his heels.

“Can I get you a drink?”  Connor
blew out a breath and asked when the front door closed.

“Smells like you’ve had enough.” 
Shauna snipped at him.  Could he be any more gorgeous?  She wanted to peel the
boxers off and wrap her mouth around him.  Shauna flushed.

“Okay.  I’ll take that as a no.” 
The first three doors on the left are guestrooms, the door on the right is the
bathroom, straight through there is the kitchen.  Take your pick and help
yourself.”  Connor started down the hall.  This woman was pissed and all Connor
could think about was throwing her over his shoulder and carrying her to his
bed.  He had to get away from her before he embarrassed himself.  He could feel
his manhood thinking about rising up to greet her.  How mad would she be then?

“Where are you going?”  She called
after him.

“I am going back to bed.”  Connor
paused in his doorway.

“You need to take me home.”  Shauna
stomped her foot.  He grinned at that, as if it would change his mind.  Plenty
of fire.

“Nope, I’ve been drinking and I
don’t drive when I’ve been drinking.  There’s a pool out back, you’re welcome
to go cool off.”  His bedroom door clicked shut.  Shauna stood there glaring at
his door for a long time on the verge of tears.

This was a fine mess.  His
brother’s were scarier than he was.  How dare they haul her out of her home and
across town to his house and then leave her stranded!  Shauna went to the bar
and looked around.  She wasn’t a drinker, maybe a beer occasionally.  This
situation definitely called for something stiffer than a beer.  For the first
time in her life, she wanted to get good and drunk.  There were three bottles
on the shelf.  Vodka, bourbon and gin, Shauna unscrewed the cap of the gin and
sniffed it.  “Eww.”  It smelled like pine cleaner.  “Why would anyone drink
this?”  She uncapped the vodka and sniffed it but she didn’t smell anything. 
Shauna filled a glass half way and sipped it.  It needed ice.  She wandered
into the kitchen and got ice from the dispenser on the outside of the
refrigerator.  That was better.  She found orange juice inside and filled it to
the top.  She liked it and finished it.  Shauna got more ice, more orange juice
and went back to the vodka.  She found the remote control and turned the TV on
to find something to occupy her until he could take her home.  She found channels
playing music, settled on one she liked and started to dance. 

Shauna made her fourth drink and
turned the TV up louder then she found the surround sound button and cranked it
up.  She danced with her eyes closed.  Shauna moved, jiggled swayed and shook
to the music.  Connor watched from the darkened hallway.  God but she was
beautiful, this had to be the sexiest thing he’d ever watched, even drunk she
danced like an angel.  Connor saw the vodka bottle on the bar, nearly empty. 
He calculated that Shauna had at least four huge screwdrivers so far,
considering her weight and height, she would go down for the count any time
now.  He stalked into the living room and turned the sound down to a tolerable
level.  “We don’t want to disturb the neighbors’ sweetheart.”  He said to her.

“Dance with me Alpha man.”  Shauna
curled a finger at him.  His eyebrows shot up.  “I love your outfit.  But it
makes me feel over dressed.”  She pulled her tee shirt up and over her head
then sailed it across the living room leaving her in only a white lacy bra. 
Connor watched it fly past him and one brow rose.  “Come on.”  She twisted and
swayed motioning him to join her.  Connor swallowed and went over to where she
was.  “You’re so damn big.”  Shauna looked up at him and put her hands on his
belly gently feathering her fingers up over his ribs then over his chest
setting his skin on fire everywhere she touched.  Connor wrapped his arms around
her waist and swayed with her.  “You’re so bumpy.”  She giggled and laced her
fingers together behind his neck when he bent to accommodate her.  “And you’re so
big.”  She giggled again.  She was still moving to the music.  He let her lead
him for now.

“You said that already.”  Connor
was watching her face closely.  She looked confused.  “That I’m big.  What else
am I?”

“Um,” she looked up at the ceiling
and then back at his face.  “Gorgeous, handsome, and um, fascinating.  You have
the most interesting eyes.”  She slurred.  Connor smiled.  “Oh look there, he
can smile, and there’s a dimple right there.”  She touched his cheek with her
finger.  “Now that’s adorable.”  The music changed and got slower.  Shauna
leaned into him and put her face against his chest swaying to the music.  “I’m
sorry I tried to get away from you today, I was stupid and scared.  And you
shouldn’t have left me this afternoon Connor.  I wasn’t rejecting you.  I was
confused after the panic attack, that’s all.”  He nodded.  Shauna leaned up and
kissed him softly on the cheek.  Connor groaned.  He wanted to take her to bed
more than anything he’d ever wanted before but she was blitzed.  No way would
he take advantage of a drunken woman.  Her hands were moving into his hair when
he reached up and pulled her easily to her sides.  She looked hurt and

“You need to get some rest
sweetheart.  I am going to put you to bed now, okay?”  He gazed into her
unfocused blue grey eyes.

“With you?”  She smiled drunkenly. 
“I can’t wait.”

“No, I’ll put you in your own
room.  If you still want to join me in my room tomorrow, you will be more than
welcome, but I want you to enjoy it and remember it, okay?”  She nodded.  Connor
lifted and carried her to the guest room next to his so that he could at least
hear her if she needed anything.

“I feel like a new bride.”  Shauna
slurred and kicked her feet up and down.

This was the most feminine guestroom
and her bed would share a common wall with his.  He would have the illusion
that his mate was only a few inches away.  What a nice illusion.  “Do you need
something to sleep in?”  Shauna looked down at her clothes, or lack of and
nodded.  “Be right back.”  He went into his bedroom and brought her a long tee
shirt to wear.  “There’s a bathroom right there if you need it and there’s new
toothbrush too, extra towels are under the sink.  I’ll make breakfast after my
swim in the morning.  Sweet dreams sweet girl.”  Shauna held the tee shirt up
to her face when he’d gone and inhaled deeply. 

“Mmm.”  She slid it over her head
and shimmied out of her jeans then crawled into the bed under the pretty


Shauna and Connor

Shauna smelled coffee and dragged
herself out of bed.  “Ugh.  I hope he has Advil.”  She muttered holding her
head.  She followed her nose to the kitchen where a full pot sat brewed and
waiting.  She filled the cup on the counter and sipped.  She remembered him
turning her down, rejecting her again, and telling him that he was gorgeous and
fascinating blah blah blah.  Well he could stick it.  Shauna had had enough of
this mate business.  They obviously were not meant to be together or he
would’ve gladly taken her to his bed.  Kirk didn’t mind touching her, maybe she
would go out with him, or maybe not, she did slap him didn’t she, twice if
memory served.  He could stick it too.  She would go home and just grow old by
herself.  To heck with all of them.  Shauna gulped more coffee then refilled
her cup.  She heard splashing in the back yard and noticed there were French
doors standing open at the other end of the room.  Shauna went outside, padding
across the narrow cement pathway that surrounded by lush foliage and beautiful
flowers.  A dark wood trellis that supported red grapes covered it.  Shauna
reached up and plucked one then stuck it in her mouth.  It was delicious.  The
path opened up to a wide cement patio that surrounded a large pool.  The pool
itself held dark blue water, he must have tiled with dark blue tile.  Large
grey rocks enclosed the end of the pool and more of the tropical looking plants
from the path and had a built in waterslide and waterfall.  Shauna could almost
see Connor and herself under that waterfall making love.  She found him gliding
through the water effortlessly and dear Lord in heaven he was nude.  Who does
that?  Who just goes outside in the buff where anyone can see you and swims
around like that?  Shauna looked around but didn’t see any neighbors but he
must have them because he made her turn down the music.  He was so beautiful
gliding through the water, lucky water, to be all over him like that, touching
him everywhere, that was what she wanted to do, and it was too bad he didn’t
want her too.  Desire mixed with regret curled low in her belly and her heart
squeezed painfully in her chest.  This whole situation was just pissing her
off.  Shauna turned around and headed back inside.  If she stayed there any longer,
she would jump in and beat him to death, peel her clothes off and join him or
burst into spontaneous orgasm “Didn’t like the view?”  He called after her.  She
heard him climb out of the water behind her and swore she heard a dog shake.

“Nope.”  She called over her
shoulder making the “p” sound pop at the end of the word.  Connor laughed
loudly and Shauna’s muscles deep down in her belly clenched hard.  Her body
reacted weirdly to him.  She decided. 

“Good, I won’t have to worry about
you looking then.”  He followed her inside a moment later and went to the
coffee pot to pour his cup.  Connor sipped his coffee and carried the large mug
with him to the fridge.  He pulled out eggs and ham and twisted the tie on the
bread then popped two slices into the toaster.  He was very efficient in the
kitchen.  Shauna watched every movement, every muscle, and every flex while she
worried her lip.  Once the stove was on, he placed the ham inside the pan and
sautéed it.  Then he cracked the eggs and fried them in another pan.  He
flipped them over easy and served them on two plates with the ham slices and
toast that he buttered quickly.  Shauna stared open mouthed.  He was still nude
and he was amazing.  Most men nowadays cover themselves in tattoos and some ink
was okay she thought but Connor was completely bare.  Not a tat anywhere and God
was that sexy!  A man that was comfortable enough in his own skin that he
didn’t have to cover it with thick black tribal marks or Chinese characters. 
There was only tanned and lightly haired skin with deeply corded muscle
bunching and flexing under it.  He had the most delicious dimples on his lower
back just above that gorgeous muscled ass.  Shauna’s fingertips wanted to reach
for it and pull it toward her center.  Could there be anything sexier than a
perfect nude male specimen cooking her breakfast?  No.  Why didn’t he wrap a
towel around himself as a normal person would?  She watched the muscles in his
haunches bunch and flex as he moved and the cords of muscle move across his
belly and back as he cooked for her.  She needed to get away from him.  He was
too tempting and he didn’t want her.  If she stayed here, she was going to make
a fool of herself and there would be no getting over that.  Why did everything
have to be so hard?  He put the plate in front of her with a fork and a
napkin.  He came around the bar to sit beside her.  “It sure looked like you
were enjoying the view.”  He cut his egg, lifted his fork to his mouth, and

“Maybe a little.”  She cut her egg
and Connor laughed.  A deep and soul-stirring sound sent tingles straight to
her core.  “Can you put a towel on?  It’s very difficult to sit here with you
like that.”  She tried to keep her eyes averted but kept failing miserably. 
She thought she heard a repressed rumble in his chest.

“It’s hard for me too sweetheart,
you have all of those clothes on, and it would sure make me feel better if you
took yours off.”  He grinned watching her squirm uncomfortably.  He got up and
ducked outside to get his towel.  Normally he would’ve dried himself and
wrapped it around his waist but she had to say she didn’t like the view and it
was his just his nature to provoke and one up.  “Is that better?”  She nodded. 
“Good.  Then I will expect you to look at me when we speak Shauna.”  He was
very close to her now.  She turned to glance at him and he caught her in his
embrace.  Connor brushed his lips over hers then drew back just enough for her
to decide.  When she didn’t bolt or scream he covered her mouth with his.  His
tongue traced the seam of her lips begging entrance, which she granted.  It
teased and danced with hers.  Her heart began to pound and a flush stole over
her body.  The heat enveloped her.  He was her mate.  It was so clear to her
now.  Every cell in her body longed to submit to him, to caress him, to take
him within her.  Her breath came in shallow pants now but it wasn’t the same
feeling as when those kinds of breaths signaled a panic attack, this was
different, this was good.  Shauna put her hands on his chest and let them find
their way around his neck giving him permission to explore her further.  Connor
pulled her up and out of her chair snuggling her tightly against him.  One of
his hands tangled in her hair and massaged her scalp while the other pressed
into her lower back holding her still and steady.  Shauna felt his growl
against her chest and liked it, she moaned into his mouth encouraging him. 
Connor moved with her intending to take her to bed when Kirk burst through the
front door and whistled loudly.

“Glad you both got over your
stupidity.”  He smirked.  “We need to get to work big brother.”  Connor growled
shoving Shauna behind him.  “Shit.”  Kirk took a step backwards into Derek and
Mike.  “He’s gone guys.”  Shauna stepped around him and looked up into Connor’s
face.  His eyes were completely amber and his features contorted into a mask of

“What’s wrong?”  Shauna backed away
from Connor but he grabbed her roughly and pulled her to him.  “Let me go!” 
She tried to fight him but he was just too strong and she was terrified. 
Shauna and Naomi grew up alone without any exposure to other wolves, his
behavior was frightening, and unlike any, she’d ever seen before.  The panic
attack was starting.  She couldn’t control her breathing and her heart started its
drum roll.

“Don’t fight him baby girl, he’s in
complete mating lust, it’s like blood lust but…”  Shauna nodded.  She
understood at once that there would be no getting away from him or fighting him
and let Connor tuck her into his side.  “We’re going to leave you two alone.” 
Naomi burst through the door just then and ducked between the men unnoticed.

“What’s up?”  Connor growled
again.  “Oh stop it.  You aren’t going to hurt anyone here and if you don’t put
your happy face back on, you are going to scare Shauna again.”  Connor
instantly calmed, scaring Shauna was the last thing he wanted to do.  He took
deep measured breaths and looked down into her beautiful face.  He calmed
himself down quickly gazing into her eyes.  Shauna watched his contorted face
return to normal and saw the grey returning to his eyes.  She let out the
breath she’d been holding trying to keep the attack at bay.  “Shauna honey,
come over here with me for a sec okay?”  Naomi walked toward the couch and
Shauna followed her.  “Are you okay?”  Shauna nodded.  “Did you?”  Shauna
peeked up at Connor and shook her head.  “But you want to?’  Shauna smiled
shyly and bit her lip.  Naomi spotted her sisters tee shirt on the couch and
smiled softly.  “Okay.  The boys are going to see me home and then they are
going to work but afterward everyone is coming to Mike’s house for dinner,
we’re going to grill out to celebrate my claiming”  She smiled over at Mike.  “I’m
packing more of my things to bring back with me later, I am moving in with
Mike.  You and I need to decide what we are going to do with the house and the
business.  Will we give it up?  Continue?  Move onto something else?  Stay with
our mates and make babies?  Or will we expand?”  Connor was watching the
females, his female.  The sister was asking many questions.  He wanted to pick
up where he left off with Shauna before his shit of a brother crashed the
party.  Connor had forgotten it was his turn to drive to the office. 

“I want to continue making things
for ‘Off Center’” Shauna looked worried.  Connor didn’t like it.  “We were
doing so well Mimi.”  Connor was at her side in an instant. 

“You don’t have to work sweet girl,
I can afford anything you want.”

“I like to work.  I like making my
jewelry and beading the blouses that Mimi makes.”  Naomi grinned brilliantly.

“Then we’ve decided.  We will
continue to make our products.  We will stay here in the evenings and work from
home during the days.”

“You will sell the house, I will
give you a facility close by, and you can continue your business from there.” 
Connor said.  Naomi looked cross. 

“You don’t tell me what to do.  I
will never sell Missus B’s house, rent it out maybe, but sell it?  No way.” 
She heard Mike behind her now.

“He’s the alpha babe.  He makes the
decisions for pack and that includes you now.”  Naomi huffed.  She had always
struggled with authority.

“Connor?  I don’t want to sell the
house either.  Can’t I keep it?  We can rent it out and make a little money
from it.”

“You’re going to stay with me?  Be
my mate?”  Shauna nibbled her bottom lip and looked up at him through her
lashes then smiled a small happy smile.

“Cool deal.”  Derek whooped.  “Now,
I got shit to do at work, Mike, Kirk and Naomi, let’s roll.  Connor, Shauna you
stay here and do your claiming, and we’ll see you all later at the barbeque, if
you’re ready to come up for air.  Everybody out, let’s go.”  He waved his keys
in the air.  They marched out and shut the door behind them.  Connor wrapped
his arms around Shauna.

“Come with me sweet girl.”  Shauna
was nervous, nearly panicky all of a sudden.  “What’s wrong?”  She stepped out
of his arms.

“I don’t know.  I just…I thought it
would be different.”  Shauna walked back to the kitchen and sipped her coffee. 
He was behind her.  She could feel him there.

“Different how?”  His arms came
around her and his lips placed soft, warm kisses in a line from her ear to her collarbone. 
“You thought maybe it would be romantic?  You though that your mate would drive
your passion to heights unknown?”  He nibbled her ear lobe and she melted into
him.  Connor took her coffee cup and set it back on the counter.  His arms were
around her middle and his heat wrapped around her making her feel safe.  “Maybe
we should go slowly.  I have a feeling that you’ve never been with anyone
before.  Is that right?”  He kissed her temple and turned her around in his
arms.  “You haven’t, have you?”  Shauna kept her eyes down and shook her head. 
Connor eased her head to his chest.  His cell rang from its place on the
counter next to the coffee pot.  “Be right back.”  His kissed her forehead. 
“Maddock.”  Connor carried the dishes to the sink and ran water over them while
he listened.  “I see.”  His face looked grim and Shauna hoped it wasn’t
serious.  He glanced at her and began loading the dishes into the dishwasher. 
He closed the dishwasher door and leaned on the counter.  “You tell Macgregor
that I said no.  I will not negotiate on that point.  The borders stay as they
are.”  Connor glanced at her bare legs and wet his lips.  She shifted nervously
and suddenly grew antsy.  His brows knitted and he wondered if she needed to
use the bathroom.  “I’m not buying any more of his territory, I don’t need it. 
If he wants a loan tell him to ask.”  Connor blew out a breath.  “Yeah, okay.” 
He pushed the end button and put the phone down.  “Now where were we?”  He
advanced on her. 

“Who is Macgregor?”  Shauna asked. 
Connor stopped.  His brows drew together in concentration.

“He’s the alpha three counties over

“Because Macgregor is my last name
and I thought maybe we were related.  It was written on a piece of paper and
pinned to my blanket when I was dropped off at Missus B’s.” 

“You’re shitting me?”  Connor
stormed.  “There’s no way that you can be a Macgregor.”  His fists clenched and

“Why not?”  Shauna tipped her head
and sat on her stool again.  “It’s what my blanket said.  It’s the name I have
always used.”

“Because Maddock’s and Macgregor’s
don’t mix.  You are my mate that I know.  Nature wouldn’t mate me to a Macgregor. 
Nature doesn’t make those kinds of mistakes.”  A muscle in his jaw ticked and
Shauna’s eyes narrowed. 

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