The Billion-Dollar Marriage Contract (2 page)



September 12, 2003 (Three Days Earlier)
The Emerald Hotel
Athens, Greece


Jann Arden's song,
blasted through the entire grand ballroom of an exclusive five-star hotel which currently held a party that Cassia Andrade was forced to attend. She leaned over one of the marble pillars and sipped her drink while she contemplated all the things the other girls here had that she didn’t.

First of all, they all looked like glittering princesses.

Well, that was bound to happen when one was born into so much wealth that they never had to work a day in their life. They were pampered right from the start and then raised to be the spoiled, snobby bitches they were right now.

Cassia snorted, exhaled and then tried harder to blend into the shadows.

To be honest, she tried as much as she could but she still stuck out like a sore thumb. She was like a duck in a room filled with gorgeous peacocks. She was not like these people. Yes, her grandfather was wealthy but she had not been born into the grandeur of wealth like these girls. She did not even know of her grandfather’s existence until about a month ago.

Her parents died in a plane crash. Up until then, she had been happy. Her parents loved her very much. They may have had a difficult time scraping by financially but everything was alright since they had each other.

Then they died and orphaned Cassia at the age of twelve years old. Since then, she had been passed from foster home to foster home.

But her life changed one month ago, exactly after her nineteenth birthday, when her grandfather finally found her.


That was when she
found out that her father was the only son of Costas Andrade, one of the richest men in the world. Her father was disowned because he married Cassia’s mother, a common waitress. Her father gave up everything for her mother.

Now that her father was dead, she was Costas’ only heir. After that bomb shell of a declaration, she was then swept into the glitz and glamour that was the life of the rich and famous.

“That was when I found out I would never fit in
Cassia muttered under her breath as she took another swig of the punch in her hand.


“Hey there,
,” one of the women in the party snarled. Cassia ignored her. There was nothing else she could do but ignore these women who thought themselves to be the epitome of perfection.


“Hey hon, my dad owns a gym. Let me give you a free membership, okay?”

“Who did your hair? My poodle’s hair looks so much better than that.

“When you shop for dresses, make sure it’s the correct size. Not one or two sizes too small.”


Again, she ignored all those taunts. But from all those words, it was the last ones that stung the most. Cassia tried everything to be refined, beautiful and smart like her grandfather wanted so that she could please him. But he was a hard man to please and instead of earning his love and his praise, she always earned his wrath.

The women sauntered by and Cassia knew she was not like them. They were like those models she saw on TV while she was short and plump. To top it all off, she had a face that no amount of make-up could fix. Her mother was so very beautiful and to her, her father looked like a Greek god. Yet somehow, fate and genetics laughed at that and produced Cassia.

Cassia snorted at her thoughts and scanned the beautiful ballroom.

Supermodels and sons of rich businessmen twirled around the dance floor in glittering silks and satins. They flirted openly with each other and looked as though they were having the time of their lives.

Cassia shook her head and refused to feel sorry for herself.

So what if no one looked at her with admiration?

So what if she was an outcast?

So what if no one asked her to dance?

She would just go through this ordeal to please her grandfather and then she would return home at the first available chance. She never belonged with this crowd. And she knew that she never would, for she was not beautiful and she was not accustomed to the lifestyle of wealth.

Suddenly, she was jolted out of her thoughts when somebody barreled into her.

“Whoops! S-sarrehdin’t seeya there,” a drunken voice slurred.

Cassia spilled her drink on herself during the impact. She quickly reached over for a napkin and began to wipe her bodice. The drunken guy quickly retrieved the napkin from her.

“I’m so sorry. Let me do that for you,” he offered with a sneer. He proceeded to wipe Cassia’s bodice with a slowness that suggested lechery. Cassia gasped and stepped back from him but he tugged on her wrist and forced her to come into contact with his hard body.

“What’s your problem, sweet thing? Shouldn’t you be thankful that I am paying you some notice so that you won’t have to blend in with the marble?” he whispered to her. She could smell the alcohol on his breath and it made her want to hurl.

“Please just let me go,” she whispered as she tried to tug her wrist out of his grasp.

But even if the man was drunk, he was very strong.

“Let her go,” another voice cut in. The pressure on Cassia’s wrist eased and she opened her eyes.

Her gaze clashed with the most vivid green eyes she’s ever seen. Immediately, her throat ran dry and her heart started to beat faster. She gazed at her savior and the first thought that popped into her mind was that he was the most handsome man she’s ever seen.

He had jet black hair and a face which looked like it was sculpted by the gods themselves. Every inch of him was flawless but his most striking feature was his beautiful green eyes. Right now, those eyes looked at her with concern.

He moved closer to her and Cassia realized just how tall he was. He towered over her by about a foot and she was already wearing four-inch heels.

“Are you alright?” he asked.

His voice slid through her like silk. It took her some time to reply but she was able to stammer, “Y-yes...”

“Good. Leave her alone, George,” he said in a curt tone.

“Aaaw. Come on, Nikos. Don’t be such a buzz kill. I just wanted to have some fun with her. She looked like she needed to be rescued from the wall.”

Cassia flinched at his words and Nikos saw it. He shot her an apologetic look and her heart went out to him. Right now, she did not know if this was some case of hero-worship but she was definitely infatuated with this gentleman.

“I said leave her,” Nikos repeated in a sterner tone.

“No. One good fuck may change her views on these kinds of things,” George snarled.

Cassia flinched again and at the same time, she saw Nikos tense. George hand shot out and gripped Cassia’s wrist. Before she could blink, she saw that Nikos launched his towering frame towards George and landed a solid punch to his right jaw.

George fell and clutched his bloody lip.

“What the hell, man!” he shouted.

George started cursing both of them but Cassia paid him no heed. She gazed at Nikos with a dumbstruck expression. That tender moment was ended when she noticed that everyone turned to look at them.

I wish the ground would open up and swallow me whole...
Cassia thought to herself.

Everyone around them started whispering. Others sneered at her and sadly shook
their heads. Cassia cringed at the thought of gossip reaching her grandfather and instantly dreaded the coming punishment.

“Again, I said leave her alone,” Nikos said as he reached inside his suit and retrieved his handkerchief. He then tossed it to George who was still clutching his jaw.

Nikos turned towards Cassia. He lifted her hand and placed it inside the crook of his elbow. He leaned forward as if to whisper something to her and Cassia was able to get a whiff of the exquisite perfume he wore. Mixed with his masculine scent, it was a drug unlike any other.

“Come on, the least you can do is dance with me,” Nikos told her with a small smile.

When she heard those words, her knees almost buckled. Sheer happiness raced through her and she wanted to jump up and down with joy!

She managed to nod and Nikos guided her to the dance floor.




Nikos exhaled the breath he’d been holding. He really did not want to cause a scene tonight. Hell, almost every week he’d already been on numerous magazines and tabloids! It was all because of his playboy lifestyle.

Just right now, he punched one of his friends to rescue this girl he did not even know. For sure he’d be in another of those blasted tabloids.

Quick as a flash, the two of them became the center of attention and the only thing he could do to avoid reporters swarming around both of them right now would be to whisk her away to the dance floor.

Nikos waved his hand and it was as if someone hit the play button once more. The music resumed, people turned around to go about their business and conversation all around the party started once more. He then pulled Cassia close and placed his hand on her waist.
She seemed stunned as he guided her onto the dance floor.


This was her first dance ever and she was so lucky to be in this hero’s arms.

Effortlessly, Nikos Demakis led her on the steps of the waltz. He smiled at her when she stepped on his foot and adjusted his steps for her. With every sway, every smile and every step, Cassia fell deeper and deeper.

“I’m sorry about what happened,” Nikos said after a long moment of awkward silence.

“Thank you for rescuing me...” Cassia breathed.

“It’s nothing,” Nikos replied in a clipped Greek accent that made Cassia’s pulse skyrocket.

“I am Nikos Demakis.”

“And I am Cassia Andrade...”

There was a long pause and Cassia noticed a different expression cross Nikos’ face. It was something like surprise mixed with uncertainty. But it was gone in a flash and she thought that she must’ve just imagined it.


“Nice to meet you, Cassia,” Nikos managed after a few seconds of silence. He never expected that the woman he saved was the Andrade heiress that everyone was talking about. He didn’t envision that this was how they’d meet.

He tilted his head to the side and looked at her features. Yes, he agreed with what everyone was saying. She seemed plain, but if one looked at her harder and got past that first glance, it was plain to see that she had a fine facial bone structure. She also had skin so smooth and so pale that it looked as if it was glowing.

They called her fat but what Nikos saw was curves that made his mouth water. He blinked and tried to clear his head of these shameful thoughts. She was the granddaughter of the man that wanted to ruin his family! If he made her one of his conquests and broke her heart, the
Demakis Shipping Corporation
would surely plummet to the ground under her grandfather’s wrath.

“The pleasure’s mine...” she managed to reply.


They say time flies when you are enjoying yourself.

That happened to Cassia. All too quickly, the dance was over and she found herself craving to be closer to her savior. She wished he’d take her in his arms again and dance with her until the night was over.

But that was not to be. Cassia frowned a bit when Nikos let go of her hand. Then, he bowed and she realized that the song had already ended. She so desperately wished that it would go on for a little while longer for she really wanted to know him more.

It was as if there was something in him that called out to her.

She wanted him...


“Thanks for the dance. I have to go,” Nikos Demakis said as he picked up her hand and kissed it.

Then, he turned his back and walked towards his peers who started teasing him because he danced with her. He just shrugged as though it wasn’t really a grave matter. He turned back towards her one last time.

When their eyes met across the crowded ballroom, he winked.


“I think I’m in love...”
Cassia giggled.





“Sebastian. Excellent as always. I expected no less from you.”

’s chest puffed out with pride at his boss’ words. In their world, you either lived by the rules or you died trying to fit in. It seemed as if the fates were smiling down at him. He just managed to secure police protection from a corrupt set of officials. Now, they were free to do their business in this city.

“The bosses will be pleased. For this, I will grant you a boon. Ask anything and if it is within my power, I will grant it to you.”

Sebastian grinned. This was what he was waiting for.

“I need you to get me a job. I have a specific one in mind.”

“A job? Why? You can live off your commissions!” his boss exclaimed.

“Let’s just say that I have another ulterior motive...a personal vendetta

His boss smiled menacingly. “Well why didn’t you just say that? I love vendettas. Tell me about it and this job you want is yours


September 22, 2003
The Amphitrite (Nikos’ Yacht)
Somewhere in the Greek Coast




Nikos turned and then groaned at the shrill ringing of his cell phone.

Who would dare interrupt him when he said that he didn’t want to be disturbed and
that all his calls and meetings be cancelled? He picked up a pillow and placed it over his head to drown out the noise.

“I think you better get that,
,” the woman beside him purred in a heavy French accent. He lifted the covers and stared at her exquisite features. She smiled at him and it was the smile of someone well-satisfied.

Her hair was tousled and her cheeks were still flushed from their recent bout of lovemaking. He smiled at her and she launched herself up his body and began kissing him eagerly. She was a renowned French supermodel and she was his latest mistress.

Nikos felt his body responding to her expert caress and he almost gave in. But they were interrupted once more by the incessant ringing of his phone.

He sighed and then placed one last kiss on her lips and stood up to retrieve his phone.

“Nikos Demakis. And this better be important,” he growled.

His grandfather’s laughter echoed in his ears.

“Nikos. I assure you that this is important,” Stavros Demakis answered his only grandson.

“Nice hearing from you,
... How are you?”

“Fine, my boy, but I am afraid I need to cut your vacation short. I need you here at the office as soon as possible. You know the current state of our company and I have some things I must discuss with you.”

Nikos pinched the bridge of his nose and closed his eyes in a gesture of exasperation. He had planned his weekend with Marietta, for a really long time now. He had pursued her relentlessly but it was a long time before she succumbed to him. He wanted to cherish this moment of triumph when she was finally his.

But his time with her would have to be cut short for his grandfather requested his presence immediately.

“All right,
I will meet you in time for dinner,” Nikos answered.

“Good. See you, son,” Stavros replied and then cut the line.

Nikos ruffled his hair and then turned back to his pouting mistress. “I’m sorry but I have to go,” he said as he reached for the drawer beside his bed and opened it. “For you.” He opened a jewelry case that nestled a beautiful emerald necklace.

“Oui!C'est beau! C'est parfait! Merci!”
she squealed as she showered him with kisses. Nikos laughed and quickly flipped her onto her back, rubbing his hardening shaft against her.

“I think we still have some time for you to thank me properly before I leave.”


Several Hours Later
Demakis Corporation Headquarters
The Penthouse Suite


Stavros Demakis inspected his grandson from head to toe while he approached.

He noted the arrogant strides Nikos took and how he seemed to radiate power and authority with every step. He recognized that stance and it brought him several memories from his past when he was the same age as his grandson.

Stavros smiled in welcome while he shifted to hide the newspaper he was reading before Nikos arrived. It featured his grandson once more and the rumors that he was dating some French supermodel. Stavros knew Nikos’ lifestyle even if his grandson didn’t communicate with him often. It was not needed when he read about it in the papers almost every week.

Who could fault the boy for doing that anyway?

He was rich and he was young. Even though he was only twenty four years old, he already graduated from Harvard with a business degree. Right now, Nikos had his own money from buying and selling in the stock market. He also managed his own businesses while working for the Demakis Corporation.

Stavros then wondered how he was going to break the news to his grandson.

” Nikos greeted and he gave his grandfather a tight hug.

Stavros chuckled and patted Nikos’ back.

“How have you been?”

“Excellent, my boy. And you?”

“Never better,” Nikos replied with a smile.

Stavros walked towards his desk and indicated for Nikos to sit. Nikos folded his tall frame into the couch in front of the desk and awaited his grandfather’s words.

“ are aware of the situation of our company currently, right?”

Anger flashed quickly in Nikos’ eyes and his entire body seemed to grow taut.

“Yes,” he said through clenched teeth.

“It seems as if Costas Andrade has finally pushed us to our last limits,” he breathed.

Stavros sighed, leaned back in his chair and pinched the bridge of his nose.

“Let’s change the topic here first, Nikos. Have you met the Andrade girl? What do you think of her?”

“She’s different from the women in her circle. She seems naive about this kind of world. Wait...
, if you are thinking about asking me to date that Andrade girl to get her grandfather to be more amenable to us, you are probably wrong. I’d just end up breaking the poor girl’s heart and Costas’ wrath will be upon us further. Nothing will be left for us, not even the clothes on our backs,” Nikos replied with humor.

Stavros sighed once more. His grandson spoke the truth. But the Andrade heiress was also their only way out of this tight mess.

“Nikos... Costas has offered us a way out.”

Nikos leaned forward in his chair and regarded his grandfather with a curious gaze.

“What do you mean?”

“Nikos there’s no easy way to say this...”

“Just say it straight to me,
. You’ve never been one who beat around the bush,” Nikos chuckled.

“Alright. Costas offers a merger of Demakis and Andrade Shipping. And we’d still be able to gain control of our company.”

Nikos snorted. “That sounds like something the devil would offer in exchange for your soul.”

“Ahh...but then it is not my soul he wants, is

“Me? What the hell do I have to do with this? Why would he want me?” Nikos exclaimed.

There was a knock on the door and Stavros pressed a button on the side of his desk for it to open. His secretary came in with two cups of coffee. Stavros noticed the way that her eyes roamed all over Nikos and also the come-hither glances she threw his way.

Nikos just raised an eyebrow and turned the corner of his lips upwards in a smile. The secretary looked almost ready to faint.

Stavros coughed. “That would be all, Lydia. Thank you.”

The secretary flushed a deep red and quickly exited the room.

Stavros sipped his coffee slowly in an attempt to postpone the inevitable for a little bit more. Another sigh escaped his lips and he leaned forward and looked at his only grandson and heir in the eye.

“Costas offers a merger that would save our company in return for you marrying the Andrade girl.”

Nikos looked momentarily stunned. He took a deep breath and Stavros could see his hands shaking as he held his coffee cup.

“Say that again...” Nikos implored. His voice was barely a whisper.

“I apologize for this Nikos, but it is the only way.

“This is his revenge on you, right? You stole his bride and now he wants to curtail my freedom? And what does he even gain from this?!” Nikos stood up and began pacing the length of the room.

“I don’t know. But from what I’ve read in the contract, there must be no divorce. Or else, the one who is at fault will lose all the money. Another one of the conditions is that you have to have a child and that child will inherit everything. Costas wants the fate of the companies tied to your marriage with his granddaughter.”

“This is unbelievable!” Nikos spat.

“Right now, the entire Demakis fortune is in your hands, Nikos. What you do with that would determine our company’s future.”

Nikos ran a hand through his hair in frustration at his grandfather’s words.

“I refuse!
, I have my own businesses. They are flourishing! We will never become poor. I can still maintain this lifestyle that we have! I will get everything back for you one by one. This I vow! And I will make Costas Andrade pay!” Nikos vowed solemnly.

“I know you are a very smart man Nikos. And that you are very good with this business. But
Demakis Shipping
has been in our family for generations. I understand why you do not want to be saddled with this marriage. It just saddens me that there’s nothing else I can do and that the whole business will become lost in my hands. I wanted you to inherit this. I wanted to see you sit at its helm and make it prosper even more...but I might not for this would be the end of our ancestors’ hardships,” Stavros whispered weakly.

He leaned back in his chair and Nikos noticed that his entire body seemed to sag. Gone was the ruthless business tycoon and in its place was just a frail old man. Nikos felt his chest tighten and he immediately regretted his words. But still, it was a huge sacrifice for him to make.

Pappou cannot ask this of me,” Nikos pleaded.

“I understand, Nikos. No one should impose something this big on you. And I will not hold this against you. Just go...I will talk to Costas tonight,” he said in a defeated tone.


“Go, Nikos. I will deal with this,” Stavros said and then pressed the button that opened the door once more.

Then, he rotated his chair and stared out of the window so that he would not be able to see his grandson leave, taking all hopes for the company with him. And Nikos Demakis turned his back and left his grandfather’s office with a very heavy heart.

But before Nikos closed the door, he heard one last defeated sigh from his grandfather which tore at his heart.


A few hours later
Vrettos Bar
Athens, Greece


“Where are you?”

“At the oldest bar in Athens, getting myself drunk until all this crazy bullshit disappears,” Nikos replied dryly. He perched atop one of the stools in the crowded bar while nursing a glass of brandy in his hands.

“A drink sounds nice. Mind if I come over?” his college friend Antonio Velez asked.

“Go ahead,” Nikos replied and then gave his friend the address of the bar.

“Great. I am ten minutes away, my friend. Be right there.”

Nikos ended the call and glanced one more time at the name of his friend.

Antonio Velez was one of the richest men in Spain. At a young age, he inherited and led his family’s business. In all those years, their business of exporting the best seafood in the entire world flourished. While Nikos ventured into the hotelier business, Antonio ventured into the food industry. Right now, all of Nikos’ hotels housed Antonio’s restaurants making a more profitable trade for both of them.


“Hi there! You look as if you could use some company tonight.” A blonde sidled into the recently abandoned stool beside him and slanted him a seductive look. She also leaned forward and bared her lovely breasts to his gaze.

Before Nikos could reply, she spoke again.

“You seem familiar...I think I have seen you somewhere,” the blonde whispered.

Nikos inclined his head to the side and waited for her to recognize him.

“You’re Nikos Demakis!” the blonde exclaimed and then clapped her hands together.

Her eyes lit up and Nikos could almost see the dollar signs flashing in them. All his life, women looked at him as though he was a walking bank account. They craved the things he could give them rather than the depth of a relationship, which was alright with him since he didn’t want to form any attachments.

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