The Billionaire´s Toy (Last Day) (8 page)

I remembered that he could see us, but we couldn’t see him.  I wanted to turn to the side to look at him, but I knew that he was watching me and I felt shy.


Damn, I´m flirting with the boss. This is too silly. 

The crazy part was that I really loved it. I loved the attention. My roomie said that she doesn’t blame me. She saw him on the night that he tucked me into bed like a child. She offered to do it, but he insisted.  It was strange, because then I woke up I had nothing on. It didn’t creep me out that he took my clothes off, it actually turned me on — the idea of him slowly rubbing his hands up and down my body, trying to take off my top, bra and skirt. I wondered if he enjoyed it. If only I could have been a fly on the wall, watching him doing

We had the first office party when he pinched my ass. It was a slow lingering pinch. I wanted him to do so much more than that. Okay, so he was a bit tipsy, but even if he wasn’t I sure the hell was. So was most of the office. That night I made sure that after each drink I had a Coca-Cola just to make sure I didn’t make a fool of myself. Once bitten, twice shy. 

He said the red dress drove him wild.  At the time I bought it, I had him in my mind. I knew it would get his attention. I made sure my breasts and a bit of my legs would be on show. I wanted him to imagine me, wanted to be with me, I didn’t want him to not feel the urge to take things to the next level — after three months of convincing myself that it was unethical, wrong and against everything I’d ever been taught.  Seeing him every day, watching his lips, wanting to lick them; brushing against his soft hands a few times and feeling the urge to take them and make him grab me. They were so soft and gentle.  Obviously a man, that has never done any hard labor, not like any man I know.  They are manicured to perfection.  Just like every part of him. 

He jogged a lot, mostly in the comfort of his apartment, house and in the office. He had a slip room next to his office with an exercise bike and treadmill.  I’d never been in, but it has a shower in there, which I’d been told by Megan.  I wondered how she seemed to know about it, consider no one else seemed to know.  I’d only discussed it with Olivia and she didn’t have a clue. I did try asking Megan and she gave me some feeble excuse about how everyone knows. No, they don´t!

Once, when he was getting changed in his office, he called me in and he had a few buttons of his shirt undone.  I could not take my eyes of his chest.  I just wanted to run my hands up and down them and lay on his desk and say, “Take me now, let´s just get this over and done with.”

That´s the thing, I want it over and done with. I would want it done, again, again and again, till I can’t take it anymore.

How would that ever happen?



Can´t think of anything I´ll rather do.

That got him.  I wished I could have seen his face. He went quiet, probably waiting for a response. I didn’t have one, I couldn’t concentrate. I needed to know what he wanted. I thought that he wanted me and the thought made me blush. I knew one thing for
sure, I wanted him — what girl wouldn’t?

8pm ? I need to go for a meeting, but meet me back here at that time.” He whispered in my ear as he passed.

The scent and aura.
I watched him as he left. The only thing is, I wasn’t sure where I was or what was going to happen next.


I really didn’t understand what it was that I had signed up to.  It was clear that there was — and still is — chemistry between us.  It made sense to sign the contract.  We were practically sleeping together, without committing the physical act.  He wanted me and I wanted him more.   I thought it was my last day at Reid Incorporated and the first day of Carson and Alisha.  Now, I’m not so sure.

Chapter 10


I woke up in a daze.  I was lying on a bed, but I wasn’t sure where. 

Am I still in the office? Did we leave the building? How the heck did I get onto this bed?

I raised my head. My hands were stretched over Carson´s body.  Carson was with me so I knew I was safe.  He wouldn’t do anything to hurt me, or is that being naive?

I wondered what happened to Emma. Did she really leave or did he sack her? He never sacked me, he just offered me the chance to be in a relationship with him. Is this what happened to Emma? What will he tell people about the reason I left?

I knew I was out of his league. I sighed and gave myself some time to think it over. A man like him could have any girl that he wanted.  Women were queuing up to be with him. Maybe that was why I felt the need to entice him and make myself desirable for him. I never had to make the effort with
John, it was the complete opposite sometimes. I used to wish that he wouldn’t find me so attractive and would run around in my sweats to make sure of that. It never worked.

It definitely wouldn’t work with Carson either, he was too sophisticated for that.  I remembered what Megan had said to me one day, “He´ll use you like a toy, so remember my warning. You´ll just be another Billionaire´s toy.”

Is that what I was to him last night, some toy, is he going to throw me away once he gets bored of me?

Is that what he did with Emma?

Is this why no one talks about her?

Damn, even Betty goes quiet when I ask her and she never goes quiet about anything.

I rolled my hands softly up his chest as I tried and take in my surroundings.  It was too dark. There was only a bit of natural light coming into the room, but it didn’t matter. I relaxed back down, thinking that things seemed too good to be true.

If I´m a toy, then he can play with me as long as he wants.

I allowed myself a chuckle.  I just had to make sure that I kept my emotions to myself, make sure that I knew my place. But there was no reason why I couldn’t have fun. 

I´m single, he´s single.
  We´re not hurting anyone.  I just have to know my place and not let my emotions get tangled in the web, this is exactly what I´m going to do.  Easy.


I use my other hand to cover the sheets on me a bit more, I´m naked on what feels like silk sheets, this really his heaven, I’ve never slept on silk sheets before.


I lift them up to my head and take in the smell, it smells of rose petals I can´t quite put my finger in it, but it makes me put my head back on his chest.


I can hear his heart beat and it´s racing, strange when he´s asleep I bet his mind is still thinking of things to do, hopefully to me.


Last night or tonight, still can´t figure out if it´s a new day or not.  Either way it was amazing.  Absolutely fantastic.  I lift my leg and wrap it round his leg.


“You awake sleepyhead?” he asks as he kisses my forehead.

Hmm, how long have you been awake? I think to myself as I lift my head again and look into his eyes.  His eyes are shut only those soft lips are moving up and down.

“Slightly, but I´m hungry..”

“For what?”

Good question.  The first thing I thought about was food, but now I know what he´s thinking as I lift the sheets and see his big cock start to become erect.  Wow, was that big cock inside of me.  No wonder I came, surprised it didn’t rip me apart. 


Shouldn’t I be asking – where are we?

I laugh to myself again, because the only thing on my mind is the fact that he wants to go back inside of me, I wonder where – from the front, in my mouth or the back?


He opens his eyes and is staring directly at me, “You´re in your own world again?”

“What do you hunger?”

“I wish to have something to eat, to drink and suck.”

Holy crap, did I really say that. Course, I did because I don´t want this to end.  I was intimidated at first, but now I´m enjoying it and indulging it with open arms.

He kisses me on the forehead, then on my nose then gently on my lips and whispers, “Be careful what you wish for, they may come true…”

One Last Thing………


This is Part I of a III Series:

Part II of the Last Day – The Billionaire´s Lair is out on the 25
April 2014


Newsletter for the Part II in the series:


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