Read The Black Room Online

Authors: Lisette Ashton

The Black Room (8 page)

Kelly gasped breathlessly as she felt herself being penetrated. It was difficult to believe that sex could be this good. Kelly could feel three digits probing her hole as her lover skilfully tried to please her. The hand moved deep inside her, then pulled out, leaving Kelly with an aching emptiness that she longed to have filled.

After stroking the pads of her fingers around the wet entrance to Kelly’s hole, Helen obligingly slid them back into the warm velvety depths of her pussy. Repeatedly she pushed her fingers deep inside then pulled them out again. With every withdrawal, she traced soft circles over the tender flesh of Kelly’s inner lips.

Kelly’s breathing deepened to a crescendo of mounting pleasure and Helen pushed her mouth on to the febrile nub of her clitoris. Her tongue darted over the tiny mound of flesh, stimulating wave after wave of furious delight through Kelly’s body.

The redhead shrieked happily as a third orgasm rushed through her. Pressing her face delightedly between Helen’s legs, she licked and nuzzled greedily. Her probing tongue delved deep between the soft folds of flesh and she lapped at the blonde’s pussy juice. Her tongue pushed ever deeper into Helen’s hole and she pressed her mouth against the swell of the blonde’s sex. Helen screamed ecstatically as the climax washed over her.

Rolling to one side, Helen fell from Kelly’s body and collapsed on to her back. She smiled fondly at the redhead.

Happier than she would have believed possible, Kelly could not stop herself from returning the grin. As they lay next to one another, Kelly could not stop her hand from tenderly stroking the soft flesh at the top of Helen’s legs. She was thrilled, and pleasantly touched, when she felt Helen returning the caress.

‘That looked like fun, ladies,’ Mistress Stacey said kindly.

Kelly looked up and smiled at her. ‘It was,’ she agreed. She noticed Helen nodding agreement and grinned at her warmly.

‘You must be ready for a drink now,’ Mistress Stacey went on. ‘Here, Helen, you can drink first.’ Her instruction given, Stacey bucked her hips forward on the chair and inserted the tip of the wine bottle into her moist depths. Tilting the base upward, she poured part of the wine bottle’s contents inside herself.

Helen climbed swiftly from the bed and knelt submissively before the mistress. Stacey slowly removed the bottle from between her legs and allowed the blonde to put her mouth there. Kelly watched as Helen drank greedily from Stacey’s hole.

Her tongue pushed inside the woman and a mixture of wine and pussy juice poured over Helen’s face. Unconsciously displaying her innate dominance, Stacey grabbed a handful of Helen’s blonde curls and held her head firmly in position. Glancing at Kelly, Stacey offered her the wine bottle.

‘Drink,’ she commanded softly.

Eagerly, Kelly accepted the wine. She closed her eyes and inhaled the open top of the bottle, delighting in the fruity mixture of aromas that greeted her nose. The musky scent of Mistress Stacey’s arousal mingled with the sweet aromatic fragrance of the wine. Hesitantly, she traced her tongue around the rim of the bottle, savouring the combination of flavours with a sly smile. She saw Stacey was watching her as she did this and Kelly tried to read the curious expression that glinted in her eyes.

Helen continued lapping at Stacey’s hole, slurping noisily at her juices.

Kelly swigged from the bottle, mesmerised by the scene. She envied Helen the good fortune of being used in such a way and wished she was in her position. The thought stirred a longing inside her that quickly intensified into a burning desire. As these thoughts tumbled through her mind, she sniffed the top of the wine bottle and filled her nostrils with the scent of Stacey’s pussy juice.

‘Enough,’ Stacey said abruptly. She pushed Helen roughly away.

The blonde released a small gasp of pain as her hair was unexpectedly tugged. Aware of her position, she moved away quickly, just as Stacey demanded. Placing herself on the bed, next to Kelly, Helen took the wine bottle and drank slowly from it.

‘Well, you’ve proved to me that you are lovers,’ Stacey said, leaning easily back in her chair. ‘So I suppose I owe you both an apology for doubting you,’ she went on.

Helen shifted uneasily on the bed, wary of the mistress’s pliant mood. ‘There’s no apology necessary, Mistress Stacey,’ she said, speaking quickly and quietly. ‘Like I told you, we were about to settle down for the evening anyway. Neither of us minded having an audience, did we?’ she asked, turning to Kelly for confirmation of this fact.

Surprised by Helen’s unease, Kelly nodded confirmation. ‘Of course we didn’t mind. It was –’

She didn’t get to finish her sentence.

Mistress Stacey broke in on her words sharply. ‘Regardless,’ she snapped. ‘Your demonstration helped to clear up my misunderstanding and at least, if I don’t apologise, then I should thank you for being so cooperative.’ She smiled broadly at the two women and reached towards Kelly’s dressing table. She calmly pulled the top drawer open and removed the hidden brooch that Kelly had secreted there. ‘And whilst you’re both being so cooperative, I wonder if either of you could tell me what this is doing here?’

Helen and Kelly exchanged a glance. Kelly felt her heart sink and wondered miserably what punishment she could expect. She had only gone through with the charade of being Helen’s lover to avoid this confrontation. Now she saw she had gone through all of that and she was still going to be punished.

‘Kelly!’ Helen gasped. Speaking in a theatrical tone she said, ‘How could you steal Mistress Stacey’s brooch like that? Don’t you know that stealing isn’t just wrong: it’s a punishable offence?’

Kelly stared miserably at the blonde, knowing that Helen was already building a barrier of protective lies for herself. It was hard to believe they had just shared so much pleasure and intimacy with one another. She studied the blonde’s face, stunned by her hypocrisy.

‘I haven’t stolen anything,’ she said softly.

Helen snorted in mock disbelief. ‘It was found in your drawer!’

Kelly rubbed a nervous hand through her hair. She shook her head unhappily and glared at Helen. There was a dangerous light sparkling in the blonde’s eyes and Kelly remembered her earlier threats of retribution.

Turning to Stacey, she nodded as though she were agreeing with some unspoken statement. ‘Helen’s right,’ she whispered meekly. ‘I stole the brooch. I took it, so I’m the one you should punish.’

Stacey raised her eyebrows doubtfully. ‘You stole it?’ A cynical smile played on her lips.

Kelly spat a vehement glare at Helen, then turned unhappily to Mistress Stacey. She nodded simply. ‘That’s right.’

Helen was shaking her head in a gesture of disgust, making tut-tutting noises at the back of her throat. ‘I’m surprised at you, Kelly,’ she said piously. ‘I thought you would have known better.’

‘Helen,’ Stacey said quietly.

Helen glanced innocently at the mistress. Her eyes were wide with pantomime naivety. ‘Yes, Mistress Stacey?’ she asked sweetly.

‘Are you saying that you know nothing about this item?’ Stacey asked calmly.

Helen put a hand to her chest, as though she was deeply shocked by the suggestion. ‘Me?’ she declared indignantly. ‘Of course I didn’t know anything about it. I promised you last time I wouldn’t be taking anything from anyone. I’m a reformed woman, Mistress Stacey. You do believe me, don’t you?’

Stacey shook her head sadly. ‘I’d like to believe you, Helen. I really would,’ Stacey said softly. ‘Come to think of it, if I hadn’t heard your conversation with Kelly before I came in here, I probably would have believed you.’

All the colour drained from Helen’s face in an instant.

‘I was glancing through the open door,’ Stacey began. ‘That’s how I knew where it was hidden. Now, are you going to take your punishment properly, or will you try and wriggle out of that too?’

‘Not the black room,’ Helen said. Her voice was close to panic. ‘Please, Mistress Stacey, not the black room,’ she moaned.

Stacey smiled tightly. ‘No, Helen. I’m not responsible for the black room this week so I wouldn’t be able to enjoy your chastisement if I sent you there.’

Helen stared unhappily at her. There was an undercurrent of malice in Mistress Stacey’s voice that told Helen she was really in trouble this time. ‘Please, mistress,’ she begged. ‘Don’t. I’ll…’

Stacey ignored her. Turning her attention to Kelly, she said crisply, ‘I’ve been watching your performance since you arrived here. You’re an exemplary trainee and you’ve excelled in all your duties so far.’

Kelly considered saying thank you for the complement but she realised this was not the proper time.

‘So far, you’ve managed to avoid punishment, haven’t you?’ Stacey remarked.

Helen nodded.

‘Until now,’ Stacey informed her.

The mistress’s mood changed in an instant. Her muted tone and considered manner disappeared in the blink of an eye. ‘Both of you,’ she snapped crisply, ‘kneel down on the floor. I want your lying, bare arses high in the air. Now!’

Not daring to disobey, Helen and Kelly knelt down on the floor side by side. Kelly was still naked after making love, whilst Helen remained partially dressed in her loose blouse and short skirt. They both pushed their heads to the floor and thrust their backsides high in the air, exactly as Mistress Stacey had commanded.

‘Is this your hairbrush?’ Stacey asked calmly. ‘Or has this been stolen too?’

Kelly glanced over her shoulder. She didn’t need to look to know which hairbrush Stacey was referring to. The large firm brush with its sturdy metal spikes was the only one she had brought with her. Wondering if Mistress Stacey was considering her appearance before she administered punishment, Kelly replied, ‘Of course it’s mine, mistress.’

The sound of a hand smacking flesh made Kelly wince. It was not until Helen whimpered with pain that Kelly realised who Mistress Stacey had chosen to chastise first. The second blow landed smartly on the swell of her own buttock and Kelly bit back an anguished cry. She could feel her face burning crimson with shame as she finally realised the true meaning of the word ‘humiliation’.

Stacey’s hand whistled through the air again and Kelly heard a ferocious smack, followed by Helen’s pained cry of remorse. The fourth blow landed on Kelly’s other cheek, leaving a stinging imprint that burnt as fiercely as the first.

‘Did you really think you could get away with lying to me?’ Mistress Stacey asked. She delivered two sharp blows, one for each of the trainees. ‘Do you think I’m that gullible?’ she asked, before administering two more.

‘You can consider this a first warning, Kelly,’ Stacey said, smacking her hard on the arse three times in quick succession.

‘And as for you, Helen, you can consider this a last warning.’

Kelly heard Stacey’s hand connect with Helen’s backside in a staccato beat that must have lasted for a dozen blows or more. Helen’s groans of anguish became ever more pained with each blow.

‘Do you think you’ve had enough punishment?’ Stacey asked sharply.

‘Yes, mistress,’ Helen sobbed.

‘Yes, mistress,’ Kelly agreed eagerly.

Stacey barked a sound of dry, cruel laughter. ‘Perhaps you do,’ she said coldly. ‘But I’ve barely begun yet.’

Knelt on the floor, Kelly felt Stacey place a hand on her behind. She flinched from the touch, having expected another blow. When she realised the hand was not hurting her, she relaxed a little. The mistress slowly caressed her sore buttocks. Her brusque fingers rubbed the tender flesh of Kelly’s arse. Earlier it would have been a pleasant stimulation. Now Stacey’s touch rekindled flames on the sore flesh.

Kelly moaned softly. Her slapped backside hurt badly but she found the sensation curiously exciting. Her moans increased when she felt the fingers enter her.

‘You’re loving this, aren’t you?’ Stacey observed. ‘It’s a wonder you haven’t come yet,’ she snorted, a note of contempt tainting her words.

Kelly took a breath, intending to deny there was any truth in Stacey’s accusation. If she was still aroused, surely that was because of what they had been doing before. It could not have anything to do with being punished, she told herself. Desperately she wished she could believe the inner voice that told her this, but the words lacked substance. Admittedly she had been highly aroused by the lovemaking she and Helen had enjoyed, but already that was a fading memory. Being totally honest with herself, Kelly realised her pussy lips were quietly tingling with impending orgasm. She also realised that there was only one possible explanation. She was getting pleasure from the pain and humiliation that Mistress Stacey was administering.

‘Look how horny your arsehole is,’ Stacey remarked.

Before Kelly could stop her, she realised Stacey was thrusting something into the dark canal of her backside. It was too stiff and rigid to be a finger, Kelly thought, lost in a dizzy wave of euphoria. It could only be the handle of the hairbrush Stacey had mentioned earlier. Her suspicions were confirmed when she felt the brush’s lower spikes pricking uncomfortably against the tender flesh around her buttocks. Stacey had jammed the whole length of the handle into her and she was still pushing it deeper inside.

Kelly gasped breathlessly, aware that she was close to climaxing. Tears of embarrassment streamed down her face as she felt the first rush of pleasure sweep through her. The combination of humiliation and arousal was totally unexpected and Kelly was shocked by the intensity of her orgasm. She felt the brush being pulled from her bumhole, and wondered distantly what Mistress Stacey intended to do next. When she felt the sting of pain that pelted her arse cheeks, she realised the mistress’s intentions immediately.

Whilst the handle of the hairbrush had made a good makeshift phallus, the spiked end was a far more formidable tool. The teeth bit into the reddened flesh of her arse like a barb. Kelly was breathless with the first blow, unable to believe she had experienced such a punishment. When the second blow connected she shrieked loudly. The pain was so acute and severe, she could not believe her body’s response to it. The tremendous tingling in her vagina increased enormously. Each blow Stacey delivered seemed to augment her excitement. With the fourth and fifth blow the stinging was unbearable. Kelly did not believe she could take any more of the punishment but she did not want it to stop. She felt so close to orgasm she wanted the mistress to continue and push her beyond the brink of ecstasy.

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