The Braille Club (The Braille Club #1) (6 page)









Chapter 8





Braille Club, London, Present Day: When signing into The Braille Club, Key Holders must observe the following rules: Keys Must Be Concealed. Blindfolds Must Be Worn. Time Restrictions Apply. Silence is Mandatory. Member Roles are Optional, Rotational, or Random. Non-compliance leads to membership termination. Braille Club, Zones are made up as follows:- X is female, and XY is male. Mono is for singles and Bonded is for couples:


Mono X +XY Zone: single female with single male.

Mono X +X Zone: single female with single female.

Mono XY+ XY Zone: single male with single male.

Bonded X+ XY Zone: male and female couples.

Bonded X +X Zone: female couples.

Bonded XY+ XY: Zone -male couples


Marbella, 2012



“S-Siena…” Benedict stammered. Her eyes blazing, she strode into the room, then slammed the door. She was like a tapestry, a perfect picture behind a tangled mess.

“Well, Mr. Harrison, if you won’t come to me, then it leaves me no alternative but to come to you.”

Her voice seemed loud in the quiet of the room.

“Siena, I’m sorry, let me explain,” said Benedict looking stricken.

“Your apologies are not necessary. I’m here now and I have taken the liberty of adding to your room service order.”

“But where is Matt?” said Benedict, concerned.

“Ah, the lovely Matt…a gentleman, but I didn’t want to hurt him to get back at you. Matt is currently at my home being entertained. I don’t think he’s unhappy; you can call him if you want.”

Benedict lifted his phone and clicked on Matt’s number. A sheepish Matt answered on the fourth ring, confirming he was indeed at Siena’s home with some of her friends and that he was staying there for dinner. Benedict had no choice but to wish him a good evening and hang up.

Benedict heard a knock at the door, but Siena got there before him. She opened it and told the waiter to put everything onto the spacious balcony, which had a large table and chairs. Several minutes later, even Benedict was impressed with the table cloth and candles, it looked fantastic, complete with chilled champagne in a bucket.

Benedict gazed at Siena, who was striking in a bright orange strapless dress, her curls piled on the top of her head, before looking ruefully at his own clothes.

“May I change?” he asked Siena. She nodded. “Be quick, I don’t want the food to get cold.”

Benedict was quick, as his stomach was rumbling; he hadn’t eaten anything since breakfast. He joined Siena on the balcony. She appeared even more beautiful in the candlelight, softer, and again he felt his memory stir and the darkness threaten, but he closed his mind down.






Siena observed how he paled when he looked at her. Furious with Benedict, she had badly wanted to see him. She had never experienced the currents that flowed between them before. It was as new to her as it was to Benedict. Thinking of the night she saw Benedict, she noticed him as soon as he walked into the club. He was distinct, the type of man you don’t forget. Tall and arrestingly handsome, his blue eyes were startling even in the darkness. She watched him and his friend at the bar sipping their drinks, and had sensed his discomfort. His friend, on the other hand, seemed to be enjoying himself, chatting to an attractive girl while Benedict stood beside them, alone and detached.

She hadn’t realised she was moving, surprising even herself as she boldly asked him to dance, reaching out her hands and pulling him towards her. His thick dark hair was swept back from his smooth, remote face. Up close, she could see his eyes lay beneath dark brows, their colour a strange glacial blue that seem to absorb and reflect the light, framed by long, thick, dark lashes. Apple cheekbones and a straight nose served to accentuate full lips, the only feature to soften his handsome face. Siena thought his eyes were his most dominant feature; the colour leaving a lasting but somewhat chilly impression. She gazed into his eyes, but they revealed nothing, even when they focused on her; they registered no real connection. Like he wanted to observe but not partake.

The resistance in his body and confusion in his eyes seemed to melt away as they started to dance. That dance was a shock, his body up close, his hands on her skin, and those eyes locked on to hers. She’d panicked and run, not stopping, pushing through the crowd until she was outside and thinking more clearly.

Relieved at first he hadn’t followed her, she then felt crushing disappointment. Looking at his photo from his company website, she caught her breath, trying to remember where she had seen him before. Although looking older in the photograph, she had recognised him immediately. In fact, she had never forgotten those opaque blue eyes and sensuous, sullen mouth.

Drawn to him once again, she couldn’t resist playing with him. In reality, she felt a bit giddy after the dance…her feel giddy? It was ridiculous; it took some effort to regain her equilibrium. She hadn’t intended to leave, but realised she couldn’t go back in there, and so she approached the reception area of the club.

“Good evening, señorita,” said the girl at the desk politely.

“Hi,” said Siena. “I wonder if you can help me.” She quickly explained what she wanted. The girl listened and smiled. Taking the card from Siena, she disappeared, returning five minutes later.

“It’s all organised and I will call you to confirm he is in receipt of both his drink and your card.”

“Excellent,” replied Siena, excited and anxious.

She climbed into her hire car, a sporty BMW Z4, and started as her phone began to ring. She answered it quickly.


“Ms. Waters, your guest has his drink and your card. Is there anything else we can assist you with this evening?” said the capable voice.

“No, but thank you, I appreciate you calling so quickly,” she replied and disconnected the call.

Pressing the ignition button and accelerator, the engine roared into life. She made her way home, consumed with Benedict and the coincidence that brought him back into her life.

Had she not been looking for an exceptional architect, dismissing one design after another until her exasperated project manager suggested his company, she wouldn’t have had his cell number.

Of course, his secretary had given it to her secretary along with the details of his accommodation should she wish to get in touch with him. She didn’t mean to call him later that night, but found she couldn’t stop thinking about him and that call…the memory of that night made her shiver. Then tonight when he had sent Matt, she’d been so angry. She could easily have left it at that and fired him from the project. But here she was, and she didn’t know why this man was different. She needed to know she was still in control; she still had a few tricks up her sleeve.

On the balcony, the food was ready.

“Champagne?” asked Benedict.

“Yes,” she replied, and he poured them both a glass. “I hope you will indulge me tonight,” she said sweetly.

Benedict stared at her warily as she pulled what he thought was a napkin from its holder, only to discover it was, in fact, a hooded blindfold, the ribbon and bell nestled inside.

“Only if I can go first,” said Benedict, rising from his seat and moving around to pull the hood from her fingers. Slipping it over her head, she let out a little gasp as darkness descended.

Holding the ribbon, he pulled her arms behind her back and secured it around her wrists before moving them to check that the bell was working.

“Benedict,” she protested.

“Sssssh,” he murmured. “You know the rules.”

He stood behind her and Siena rested her head against him. He placed his hands on her bare shoulders and started to caress them. His hands stroked the nape of her neck and arms. He ran his fingers repeatedly up and down her throat again and again. Massaging, brushing and caressing until he felt her body start to respond.

Siena felt the sensations beginning to build, surprised by how difficult it was not to respond to his touch. She was usually good at this game, had played it many times before, but this was different. His hands were slow and firm as he explored her décolletage, her breath quickening as she felt his nails dragging gently down her arms as goose pimples popped up along her skin. She almost screamed when his fingers grazed the top of her breasts and had to bite her lip to stop from doing so.

They were moving in slow rhythmic circles, and felt like a brand as they sizzled against her skin, leaving her hot and aroused. Siena found she was almost panting. When his thumb did eventually graze her nipple, slipping inside the front of her dress, she did scream, her body jerking as the bell rung loudly. Benedict stopped, he too was breathing hard. Reaching down, he pulled the ribbon from Siena’s hands as they heard knocking at the door.

“Damn, should we ignore it?” Benedict asked, but the knocking persisted and he reluctantly moved to open it.

It was room service with what appeared to be their desserts. The waiter placed plates down on a small table at the side of the room. Turning away, Benedict fumbled in his pockets for a tip.

“Damn, I’ve left my change on the bathroom counter,” he said, annoyed. “Un momento, por favor,” he said, disappearing into the en-suite.

Siena noticed Benedict walk into the en-suite and saw her chance to slip past him. She put her fingers to her lips as she passed the surprised waiter and closed the door softly.






When Benedict returned, he tipped the waiter, who thanked him before leaving the room.
Talk about timing
, he thought, walking out onto the balcony…which was now empty. Had he gone too far? No, he was certain she wanted him, so where the hell was she? Fury erupted in him as he realised she’d gone.

Benedict couldn’t believe she had disappeared again, and then his phone started to ring…“Where the hell are you?” he said angrily.

“I’m pulling up to the hotel,” said Matt, confused. “Did I just see Siena leaving?”

“Oh Matt, I thought…never mind, hang on to the taxi, I’ll be right down.”

Benedict grabbed the cream card with the scribbled address and sprinted down to the lobby, arriving breathless in front of Matt.

“Thanks, we’ll talk later,” said Benedict, opening the door and giving the driver the address. The driver turned the car, heading back from whence he came. Some fifteen minutes later he pulled up in front of a sleek, stylish villa and Benedict couldn’t help being impressed. He paid the driver and strode purposefully to the door, upon which he proceeded to hammer loudly. He was furious and decided to ring the bell too, just for good measure.

After some minutes, he heard heels clicking on the floor. The door swung open, and he was inside, pinning her to the wall, kissing her with such intensity he was almost out of control. Half carrying her, half dragging her, they stumbled down the hallway still locked together, their kisses savage with the need for each other. He stepped into a big white lounge, tugging her with him.

“Why did you leave?”

“I don’t know. You do things to me,” she whispered.

He pushed her against the door and pressed his body against her, pinning her arms with his.

“Do you want me to stop?” His gaze burned into hers.

Siena was terrified but shook her head, she could no longer resist him, or the feel of his hard body pressed against her. She couldn’t stop him even if she wanted to. He reclaimed her mouth as her body acquiesced.

He pulled away from her and rasped, “Where’s the bedroom?”

Unable to speak, she pointed at the door to his left. Swinging around, he lifted her, and she was like a rag doll in his arms. Kicking the bedroom door open, he moved across the room quickly, standing her abruptly beside the bed. Her eyes were ablaze as he unzipped her dress. It fell to the floor, revealing a black lace bustier and matching panties.

“I had to imagine you naked, so it’s only fair,” he says as he deftly unhooked her bustier. Her breasts sprung free, and he groaned when he saw them. He knelt before her and pulled her panties slowly down, his mouth hot on her skin as he removed them, before standing and drinking her in.

He was intoxicated with desire and longing as she stood for his approval, her nipples already hard, anticipating his touch; her lips slightly parted, ready for his kiss. But still he didn’t touch her, although he ached to do so. Instead he pushed her down onto the bed and pulled the hood and ribbon from his pocket.

“Should we continue where we left off?”

Before she could protest, he slipped the hood on. He lifted her hands and slipped on the loops before pushing them over her head. He pulled off his clothes as he spoke to her. “I want you to imagine me naked, my body close to yours,” he murmured, climbing onto the bed.

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