Read The Breeding Lands (An Epic Erotic Fantasy Novel) Online

Authors: Eva Fellheart

Tags: #shapeshifter romance fantasy romance shapeshifter menege romance shapeshifter paranormal romance epic romance fantasy fantasy romance adult werewolf romance

The Breeding Lands (An Epic Erotic Fantasy Novel) (14 page)

He looked at Violet as if she were a real person, and she felt herself entranced by his gaze, her eyes lingering on his full lips and prominent cheekbones. The man took a step closer to her, studying hard and his eyes widened as he moved closer.

“Your eyes,” he murmured. Embarrassed, Violet looked down. “I like your dress,” he said quietly and Violet blushed this time.

“Thank you.”

The man looked around, and Violet wasn’t sure what he was searching for. “I have no opponents,” he stated. Violet’s eyes swept from left to right; there was no one else who wanted her. “I claim her,” he said loudly and Violet gasped as a fairy instantly appeared in front of her.

“You have been chosen by the Lycan Moonlords,” the Peace Keeper proclaimed, and Violet barely blinked by having been sentenced to a life of darkness. She was too enthralled with her soon-to-be-husband. Violet hardly noticed as the ethereal being outstretched her frail arm, her fingernails nearly twice as long as her actual fingers, and touched Violet’s head gently. Two things happened at once, and both so quickly, that it made her head spin. Violet felt the blue bracelet crumble against her skin, and she looked with surprise as it trickled back into the sand. At the same time, the fairy gasped loudly. She was instantly before Violet, invading her space in an un-natural way.

Violet could only see the Peace Keeper, it was as if the rest of the world had disappeared. There was no blue desert, no women, no warriors. The space before her was void of everything but the fairy. “You are the only one who can see me. Who can hear me,” the sprite spoke rapidly, her eyes round and glassy. “You are the chosen one. You will change the fate of this planet. You will bear a female shifter.”

Violet’s mind reeled, and she tried to process what was happening. She wanted to interrupt, to ask for clarification, but there was no time. “Speak nothing of this!” the fairy ordered, and then she was gone as quickly as she had appeared. Violet was back in the Breeding Lands, her heart pounding as she looked wildly at her husband who seemed unperturbed. Battling warriors and mating couples once more surrounded her.

Maybe she had hallucinated? Conjured up the vision of the Peace Keeper? Imagined that she had been told she would give birth to a female shifter? Giving her a quizzical look, and then smiling tentatively, her husband took her hands in his larger ones.

“My wife. I am Faolan. Please, what is your name?”

His voice was velvety smooth and it took Violet a moment before she could respond. “Violet. My name is Violet.”

“A fitting name for one with such beautiful eyes.”

Faolan was shirtless, like all the warriors, and his skin was a warm olive tone. He was dressed in torn brown pants, and unashamed, he pulled his pants down and stepped out of them.

Shocked, Violet turned away.

“Do not turn away, Violet. I am not ashamed to show you my body. We are husband and wife now.”

Violet turned back and looked into the beautiful face of her husband. All thoughts of Bryan were gone, and Violet’s pulse raced from the immediate attraction she felt for Faolan. While she had cared for Bryan, she had never felt the swell of emotions or desire that she now felt for her new husband. Was this love? Could she feel love so soon? So suddenly?

Acting on impulse, she slowly unhooked the top button of her dress at the top of her neck. Her dress fell open at the back, and she slid her arms out, revealing her milky-white, ample breasts. Faolan inhaled sharply, and his mouth was on her chest instantly, taking one of her breasts into her mouth as his hands massaged the other.

Violet couldn’t help but succumb to the amazing feeling of Faolan’s warm mouth against her flesh, and she cried out in surprise. Violet found the world around her slowly fading, and the only thing that existed was she and Faolan. Her body began to warm under his gentle hands, and she didn’t protest when he tugged her dress down her thighs.

As Violet stepped out of her dress, Faolan seized her face with his hands and looked deeply into her eyes. They were bottomless emerald pools, filled with care, desire, and gentleness. Floored, Violet felt her heart swell with joy at the realization that she had been truly lucky enough to find a mate who would love her, respect her, and care for her. Even though she had known Faolan for mere minutes, she knew all of this instantly and felt it to the very core of her being. Every cell of her body felt the love that Faolan would have for her, and she could feel herself falling for him moment by moment. She knew with utter certainty that she would follow him to the ends of the earth.

Faolan brought his mouth to hers. The sweet pressure of his mouth was firm, and she kissed him back, letting her lips fall into the easy rhythm he set. The kiss became deeper, more passionate, and Violet curled her hands gently against Faolan’s chest as the kiss continued to intensify. Faolan pulled Violet closer to him, his hands running over the bare skin of her back. He tugged her to the ground with him, and she folded into his lap, kissing him as his hands roamed along her smooth thighs.

Faolan adjusted Violet’s body, spreading her legs on either side of him. He ran his hands through her hair, over her breasts, and then slid over her panties, rubbing her through the thin material. Never had Violet imagined such pleasure existed in the world, and her inhibitions fell away as she let her head fall back.

Faolan seemed to be enjoying the pleasure just as much as she, and he pressed his fingers against the outline of her sex, rubbing them slowly against the material. “Do you like the way that feels, Violet? Am I pleasing you?” His voice was raw with lust.

“Yes!” she gasped, arching her back so that her breasts pushed forward and her shoulders arced gracefully.

Faolan pushed her panties to the side, exposing her delicate skin. He took one long finger and traced her outer lips. Violet moaned quietly. Quickly, Faolan gripped her panties, and slid them over her thighs and knees before tugging them completely off. As if Violet were a delicate flower, he spread her open with his hands, unveiling her sweet opening.

He touched her clitoris with gentle pleasure, gauging her reaction. Violet’s eyes widened and she choked out a moan. Taking that as a sign to continue, Faolan increased his pressure and quickened his speed. Violet closed her eyes, trying to absorb her new feelings, emotions and desires. She didn’t know that intimacy with a man could feel this good, and she wondered how people went about their daily lives when they could spend all their time entangled with their spouse.

Feeling courageous, Violet reached her hand down and grasped Faolan’s erection in her hands. She wasn’t sure what exactly to do, but she let her instincts take over. Slowly, her hands explored Faolan’s length and width, feeling how solid and strong he felt within her hands. She traced his lines from his shaft, up to his tip, and her fingers softly massaged his swollen pink head. Violet had the sudden urge to kiss Faolan on the tip of his cock, and without thinking, she bent her head down and took his head into her mouth.

The skin was warm and smooth, and she sucked and kissed softly. Faolan made a sound deep in his throat, his hands tangling in Violet’s hair, and he pushed her head further down his shaft. Violet understood, and she began moving her head along his length, licking and sucking as she felt him throb within her mouth. Faolan’s breath came in fast pants, and he jerked and twisted as she sucked him.

“Stop!” he gasped, shoving Violet off him, and pushing her down on to her back.

Confused, Violet looked up at him. “Did it not feel good?”

Faolan smiled kindly, caressing her face. “It felt wonderful. That’s why I had to stop you. I have to make certain that my seed enters you here,” he explained, slipping his hand between her thighs.


Faolan pushed her thighs apart, and Violet felt the smooth sand touching her skin. “Are you afraid?” Faolan asked, running his hands over her breasts.

“No. I trust you.”

And with that, Faolan slid tenderly inside her, slowly, so as not to hurt her. Violet inhaled sharply, the pain surprising her. “Continue?” he asked. Biting her lip, Violet nodded. Faolan pushed in slightly deeper and waited again. Violet waited for the pain to subside and nodded. Faolan pushed completely inside her. He slid back out and entered her again. Violet winced with each of his careful thrusts, but soon she found that the pain had vanished, leaving her only with pleasure.

Carefully attuned to her body, Faolan noticed that Violet was beginning to enjoy herself, and he picked up his pace, thrusting harder into her. Violet cried out his name, arching her back, and rubbing her own breasts. The intimacy and love she already felt for this man was almost too much for her to comprehend.

As Faolan made love to her, he looked deep into her eyes, conveying a thousand emotions. Violet knew she had found her life partner. She was never meant to be with Bryan. Faolan was her home. Faolan was her life. As she violently came on the blue sands, her first orgasm spinning her out of control, writhing and shaking beneath Faolan’s powerful body, the puzzle pieces of her life fell into place.

Faolan was her one true love.

She cried out with unbridled lust as she was filled to the brim with Faolan’s seed, forgetting all about the Peace Keeper’s prophecy.




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Swinging her legs over the side of the bed, Mia wiped at the line of sweat that was already beading on her forehead. She looked down at her swollen belly, lightly resting her hands against the rise of heated skin. Sometimes she could feel the baby move or kick, but all was still now. He must be sleeping.

Mia vaguely remembered Ayo rising hours earlier and kissing her lightly on the forehead before leaving. She struggled to stand up and made her way over to the wooden chair in the corner. Mia picked up her silk robe and shrugged into it. Tying the garment across her wide belly, she padded out of the bedroom in search of Femi.

At first, Mia had been opposed to having a servant. But Ayo had assured her it was normal, especially for someone of his stature. While Ayo was certainly not the most powerful or respected warrior in the Sabre Tribe, he was powerful and prosperous enough to have some household help, at least.

Mia entered the kitchen and saw Femi with his back to her. Femi heard her enter and he turned around, smiling.

“Good Morning, Miss Mia. What can I get you for breakfast?”

“Just some fruit, please. And a tall glass of water.”

“Yes, Miss. Would you like me to go into your room and open the blinds for you today?”

“Oh no, Femi. Thank you. It’s much too hot today. Let’s keep the room as cool as possible.”

“Yes, of course.”

Working quickly, Femi sliced up some fresh fruit and poured Mia a large glass of cold water. Mia smiled gratefully and took a large sip of the drink. She was glad to have Femi to help, especially now that she was growing bigger by the day. But she also enjoyed the servant’s company when Ayo was busy working. Femi, like all the servants, was a young boy, only fourteen. Once he was seventeen, he would stop being a servant, and begin his warrior training. After a few years, he would be able to attend the Mating Ritual and choose a female for himself. Mia couldn’t imagine young, sweet Femi trudging across the blue desert in search of a female to breed. But then again, Mia couldn’t imagine her strong husband working as a servant either, slicing up fruit and helping a wife keep her house.

Sometimes Ayo’s work took him away for days at a time, and Mia missed him when he was gone. At first, Mia enjoyed it when Ayo traveled. While Ayo was handsome and kind to her, Mia couldn’t conjure romantic feelings for him right away. She was lonely and frightened, and soon grew horribly sick with her pregnancy.

Femi had turned out to be a godsend, joining their household within Mia’s first two weeks in the Lowlands. Femi always urged Mia to stay in bed, and brewed her a secret morning sickness concoction every day that made her feel almost normal. Femi did all the cooking, and helped Mia pick out new clothes for her wardrobe. She and Femi bonded quickly, and soon Mia found herself warming to her husband, too.

Ayo tried to work as little as possible at first, wanting to spend time with Mia and make her comfortable. Once Mia began to feel better in the second trimester of her pregnancy, she began to appreciate Ayo’s calm and chivalrous manner. And while it took them a while to connect on an emotional level, Mia had to admit that they had easily and quickly connected on a physical level, starting from their first moment on the Breeding Lands. Even now, Mia got a small shiver of excitement as she thought of how Ayo had pleasured her on the blue sands.

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