Read The Bridal Hunt Online

Authors: Jeanette Lynn

The Bridal Hunt (18 page)

"Okay," I panted, "I'll say it!"

I can't take much more of this!
I thought desperately.

He's killing me!

He stopped and waited.

I cleared my throat and tried to make the words come out, tried to say it, but the jackass in me kept them held back.

Kirch grunted and pulled out of me, flipping me over onto my back so we were facing each other.

He gripped my hips and entered me, tossing my legs over his shoulders as he flattened his body against mine, pushing my legs up by my head.

"Say it," he choked out, his eyes closing briefly in bliss as he ground himself into me.

My mouth opened on a silent moan.

"Say it, Meanie," he whispered quietly, then buried his face in my neck, lapping at the teeth marks he'd left there earlier as he nuzzled me, pumping into me in short, harsh thrusts.

I gripped his shoulder
s tight, heedless of my nails digging into his skin.

"Please," he
whispered in my ear, hurt laced throughout his voice.

I ran my hands over his
thick mane of hair, that I'd only ever seen on him, and gripped it, pulling his head back.

"I'm not yours," I state
d fiercely, surprising him.

Stunned, his eyes dulled and his face fell.

He looked crushed.

I pulled his head down to mine and snarled in his face, "You're mine!"

I crushed his lips to mine, biting at his lower lip, nipping it hard, almost drawing blood, running my tongue over it to soothe the sting.

"Meanie," Kirch growled eagerly, his tongue slipping into my mouth, tangling with mine in a wicked kiss as we both tried to lead each other in the dance.

I tugged on his hair again and he groaned, running his hands over me frantically as he started to tremble, letting me know he was getting close again, his actions telling me just how much he enjoys my bossy attitude, even if he insists otherwise.

My hands traveled down his back, gripping his ass, egging him on.

"What's the matter, sweetheart?" I panted tauntingly, "Can't keep up?"

He gripped my hips and lifted me up, putting us into a sitting position on the floor, shouting out when I gripped his nipples and thrust myself down onto his shaft,
clenching around him tightly, our shouts of completion echoing off the walls as we both flew over the edge together.



Chapter 14



"Think they're alive?"
Bia chuckled to Veck.

"Go away," I muttered, not even bothering to open my eyes, pulling Kirch's and Veck's furs over my head.

Veck chuckled, pulling the furs back, running his hand down my cheek lovingly.

"Meanie and Kirch happy now?" Veck asked amused.

‘happy’, husband?" I asked as Kirch said, "Yes," at the same time.

"Quiet you," I grumbled at Kirch.

He just sighed happily and snuggled closer to me, his legs and arms wrapped tightly around me as he hugged me to him possessively and went back to sleep.

I peeked one eye open to see what the two culprits responsible for interrupting my nap wanted.

I glared at Veck.

"You set me up," I grumbled at him.

He gave me a wide eyed, innocent expression and pointed to himself.

"Yes, you. You ditched me and left me with
. What
you thinking?

He chuckled, grinning at me.

"Veck left and Kirch watch Meanie." He eyed me up and down. "Meanie looks safe."

I snorted disgustedly, fighting a yawn.

I gave up fighting it when it proved to be too much for me at the moment, yawned and waved them away.

"Whatever. Go away. I'm broken."

"Broken?" Bia laughed, grinning at me.

"Yes, Broken." I
pulled the furs back over my head.

It was Bia who pulled them off this time.

"Broken how?" he asked smirking.

"It's all his fault," I said on a sigh, hooking a thumb over my shoulder at Kirch.

Veck smiled and leaned down to kiss me, but Kirch growled at him warningly and grumbled something to Veck in their language.

Veck snorted and retorted something back, kissing me anyways.

"You were saying," Bia reminded me.

"Kirch slimed me, th
en broke my vagina.”

Bia burst out laughing and Veck looked at me horrified.

"Slimed and broke your..." Veck trailed off, eyeing the 'v' of my legs.

Kirch's hand snuck around and cupped my sex.

He mumbled something to Bia and Veck that set Bia off into a fresh round of laughter.

Veck just smiled and shook his head.

"What did you just say?" I asked Kirch accusingly.

He just purred against my back and nuzzled me.

"Veck?" I felt myself pursing my lips in irritation.

He just shrugged and chuckled.

"Bia?" I asked starting to get upset at them for not sharing.

I'm feeling totally left out now and I'm not fond of the idea of being the butt of one of their jokes.

"You're hurting my feelings," I pouted.

Bia stopped laughing and admitted sheepishly, "He said he didn't break you,
he fixed you

"Oh! Kirch! You stupid baboon! You are such a jerk!" I ranted, ignoring Bia and Veck as they both started laughing.

Kirch grunted and chuckled in my ear, "But Kirch is
stupid baboon."

"You'll be a very lonely, very
, stupid baboon if you don't watch it, mister!"





"Yes, Mina, my sweet?"

"Could you please inform Kirch that I'm trying to eat here and that his incessant nattering is getting on my nerves?"

"Veck thinks Kirch hears Meanie," Veck added helpfully, grinning at Kirch as Kirch tried to get my attention.

After a few more choice comments from Kirch throughout the week, I'd decide to give him the silent treatment.

It didn't bother him at first, not until he realized he wouldn't be getting anymore cuddles or play time with me when I'm mad at him.

That sure fixed

We were all gathered at the bonfire, me snuggled up comfortably in Veck's lap.

Bia had just gotten back from his turn on the hunting trips they took for meat.

He'd been gone all week and I'd missed him.

We haven't had a moment with each other since the day by the lake when we'd held hands.

I could tell he was getting antsy.

"Meanie," Kirch said irritably, bringing me back to the present, "Kirch not bad to Meanie."

There was a commotion off to the side and I froze when I saw Tarnk walking up with Candy.

, I thought acidly and tensed, glancing worriedly at Kirch as he caught on that something was up and looked to see what was going on too.

He frowned when he saw Candy approaching.

"Willy!" she cried excitedly in her high pitched squeak and ran over to me.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I
practically growled at her, jumping up to stand in front of my men, trying to block Kirch from her view.

She stopped and glanced around nervously, gulping when she realized how pissed off I was.

Kirch got up and sidled up behind me, wrapping his arms around me protectively.

"Only Meanie," he whispered in my ear, smiling when I melted against his back and some of the fight drained out of me.

"Willy?" Candy asked worriedly, wringing her hands together.

"Why are you here?"
I asked, my voice much calmer this time.

... well, I wanted to stay here." She nodded her head eagerly.

"Why?" I couldn’t keep the note of suspicion out of my voice

Tarnk was standing a little off to the side, ping pong-ing his head back and forth, trying to keep up with our conversation.

"Are you with
?" I asked tossing my head in Tarnk's direction.

" She blinked at me, her answer coming out sounding more like a question.

"Good," I said warningly, "Keep it that way."

Tarnk picked up Candy to carry her off.

"But..." she whined.

I turned my back on her and glared at Kirch. I gripped the fur on his chest, lacing my fingers through it and pulled hard.

"You even look at her funny and I swear I'll bite your dick off!" I threatened.

Kirch grinned from ear to ear, hugging me close.

"Meanie loves Kirch," he sighed out happily.

You're mine
and don't you forget it!" I snarled, still glowering at him.

"Well, she's mine right now," Bia announced, tugging me away from Kirch, taking my hand in his, "So you two are just going to have to figure out what to do without us."

He steered me off and away from the crowd, despite my protests.

"But... Candy... she's... I don't," I spluttered.

"Mina," Bia said sternly, stopping, glancing at Kirch, "If he's half as smart as I'm hoping he is…" he ignored Kirch's indignant grumbling and Veck's laughter, "he'd know he'd be a fool to ever do anything so stupid."

He turned us back in the right direction and frog marched me to the far end of the village, closer to Dorothy's place.

"Where are we going?" I asked curiously, once we’d gotten a distance away.

"Honestly?" We were approaching
a small hut.


"My hut, so I can have my wicked way with you. You're all mine tonight, Mina, my sweet," he purred huskily, turning to face me fully.

He cupped my face in his hand and brought his lips down to mine hungrily. I kissed him back, running my hands through the soft pelt on his chest.

His hair wasn't coarse like Veck's and Kirch's. It was softer, more human like, silky almost, but still thick.

"Mina," he murmured against my lips, backing me up until I felt my spine resting against a wall.

He deepened the kiss, his tongue gliding inside my mouth to duel with mine.

I felt him pulling up my dress, reaching for the ties to my pants, gripping the waist to yank them down my legs.

"Someone might see us," I whispered nervously.

"Everyone else is at the bonfire and it
’s dark," he said confidently, grinning when he saw me bared for his perusal.

He went down on his knees and helped me out of my pants and boots, tugging my feet farther apart, looking at my most intimate place.

I started to feel a little awkward as he just stared at my crotch.

He looked like he was trying to memorize it or something.

I contemplated covering myself with my hand to get him out of Mina's vagina lala land, but he had other ideas.

I yelped as I was unceremoniously picked up and pinned to the wall, my legs pulled over his shoulders.

He buried his face in my sex, lapping at me enthusiastically as I gripped his scalp, holding on for dear life.

"Bia," I gasped out a little too loudly, squirming when he pushed his tongue inside my pussy, thrusting it deep.

He growled when I gripped his hair harder. I writhed in ecstasy, my ardor escalating as he used his tongue to fuck me.

It felt so good,
his growls vibrating against my clit as he made sure he thoroughly pleased me, his thick long tongue mimicking my favorite male appendage.

"I'm going to," I moaned as he curved his tongue up and rubbed, sending me over the edge as I clamped my legs around his poor skull, crying out, biting my lip to muffle it.

He pulled back when I loosened my death grip, letting my legs slide down him a little, but kept them on his shoulders.

Bia lined us up and thrust into me, shouting out when my still convulsing pussy gripped his cock tightly and sucked him in.

"Mina... ah... oh..." he moaned as he thrust in a couple more times, gripping me to him tightly as he spilled his seed.




"Sorry," Bia mumbled against my skin as we snuggled in his bed.

I looked over my shoulder and frowned at him.

He looked embarrassed, his face turning an adorable shade of pink.

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