Read The Deception series boxset: FaCade, Cadence, Beneath Innocence Online

Authors: Ker Dukey,D.H Sidebottom

Tags: #The Deception Boxset

The Deception series boxset: FaCade, Cadence, Beneath Innocence (5 page)

Her answering smile and whispered thank you was observed by Star. Theo handed Maria a small silk robe then left with Malik to wait outside. She slipped the smooth material over her mocha skin. She was a stunning woman but her beauty paled in comparison to Star’s. The robe sashayed down her body covering her hard dark nipples, toned flat stomach, and bare pussy, stopping mid-thigh.

“Do you like your gift, Maria?”

Her large chocolate eyes latched on to mine. “I do. Can I show you how much?” She asked.

My eyes sought out Star, standing in all her naked glory staring at the interaction, her mouth slightly open. I placed my hand on Maria’s shoulder, adding a small amount of pressure. She didn’t need much encouragement, willingly lowering to her knees. Her hands greedily came up to my belt buckle then dipped into the now open fly of my slacks. Her warm hand grasped my stiffening cock, exposing me to her mouth with haste. Her full lips sucked me straight into her mouth until the tip hit the back of her throat making her gag, her throat closing around me.

“You see, Belle, Maria has been here a little longer than you and has learned her place. She welcomes the gifts I grant her, the affection she earns with respecting her superior.” I held my face stoic as I spoke so as not to grin at her disgust.

I growled in her direction when I saw the shower was still off. “You prefer the cold hose as opposed to the hot shower I told you to take?”

Eyes widening, she spun and pushed the lever. A splutter then a waterfall of rain tap-danced over her flesh. She reached for the soap left by Maria and began to wash her body, every curve sculpted to send my senses into overdrive.

My hand gripped Maria’s hair to hold her in place so I could fuck her filthy mouth. She was as experienced as they came, her hot, wicked tongue slurping at me like an ice cream on a hot summer’s day. I was above average in size, my girth thick but she had no problem stretching her expert lips over me.

My eyes devoured Star, my thoughts raging war with reality, my cock plunging unforgiving into Maria’s throat, imagining it being Star’s slick, constricted cunt. Her lips were all pink and wet and tight, enticing me to flood her gluttonous inner walls with my cum.

Fuck! She watched me stare at the slit between her toned thighs as my brain told me I was fucking that and not Maria’s mouth. Her thick hair slicked back, her natural beauty laced in beading water, her nipples pink and hard. Heat warmed my entire crotch, traveling up my cock in waves of pleasure, making it swell. A shiver rocked up my spine as the feeling of my cum actually being sucked, pulled from me, nearly brought me to my knees.

I drew myself free from Maria’s mouth, hot spurts of creamy ribbon coating her face and dripping down her chin to her chest. My whole body tensed as my orgasm found its end. Lowering my eyes from the intense shock on Star’s face, I gathered some of my cum on the pad of my thumb and swiped it across Maria’s lips. “Rub me into your skin. You have earned to wear my scent for the night.”

The scoff leaving Star’s lips brought my attention back to her. I narrowed my eyes at her. “You too will seek the honor of pleasing me and wearing my essence on your skin, Belle. Now follow me back to your room.”

Maria stood and followed my lead as I left the room, the soft tap, tap from their bare feet echoed down the hall. Opening the cell I had kept Star in, I gestured for them both to enter. Scanning the second bed now in the room, they both turned to me with expectant eyes. “You will learn to share.”

I turned to leave, stopping when a question was fired at me. “Is Belle my name?”

I cringed on the inside at the weakness of my own desire and the truth slipping free and calling her Belle. She really was a beauty, the most beautiful girl in the room; in any room. Belle was an endearment she hadn’t earned and didn’t deserve.

“Your name is and will always be Star!” I ground out, not turning to look at her. She had already made me soften, giving her a fucking compliment by calling her Belle and coming from thoughts of her pussy while Maria worked her jaw. I needed to remember my reasons for doing this, allow the ache molded from betrayal and bitterness that was fused into my soul from an early age rule here. I couldn’t let my cock, my eyes or the fire buried deep down in the pit of my fiber burn out the hate I had for her. I needed my vengeance… I fucking earned it.

THE CHILL IN THE ROOM seeped into my bones, my body rattling with violent shivers as my teeth chattered. Drops from my wet hair trickled down my back and chest, causing another more intense shudder.

I reached behind me where I sat on the bed and pulled the blanket around me, holding it tight as I embraced myself. The abrasive material scratched at my sensitive skin but it provided much needed warmth and security.

I looked over at Maria who regarded me from the edge of her bed. She was beautiful, possibly Italian with the deep rich bronze color of her skin. Her long black wavy hair fell in wet ringlets around her shoulders while her chocolate, slightly Asian eyes watched me warily.

“Are you…?”

She tipped her head and narrowed her eyes. I couldn’t get a feel of her. The way she looked at me so intently made me nervous but there didn’t appear to be any animosity in her expression. “Am I what?”

“Are you being held here too?” I knew it was a stupid question but I wanted to talk to her. I’d been left too long without company; well without friendly company. My nerves were shot, blocking my mind of anything intelligent to say but I needed a connection, if only from a few words.

She gave me a small nod, her eyes fixed on mine.

I nodded in return. “How long have you been here?”

She appeared to ponder for a moment as she shuffled backwards on the bed and rested her back on the wall behind her, bringing up her knees so she could hug them. The silk robe she had been given slipped open, each section falling in a soft pile either side of her. I was glad she had her legs tucked up; otherwise I would have been treated to a view of something I would rather not have had. “Around three months.”

My eyes widened as my mouth fell open. “What?” My heart beat frantically as my throat closed in. “I can’t… I can’t stay here that long!”

She shrugged casually. “It’s not like you have a choice, princess.”

I couldn’t work out if she was making fun of me, or just using the endearment trivially. “But…” I swallowed back the sob and curled further into myself. I was so tired of crying. My eyes were sore, my throat was sore, my brain was sore. Even my lips had started to crack, the once soft flesh now blistered and tender. Exhaustion had settled in and taken the fight I had found earlier.

We fell into silence for a while before I started questioning her again. “Can I ask you something?” She nodded, her eyes once again finding my face. “I know this may sound like a weird question but do you know who you are?”

She frowned at me as though I was stupid. “Yes.” It was spoken with incredulity, one of her eyebrows elevated high on her forehead. “Don’t you?”

I shook my head briskly. “No. I… there’s nothing in my head. The only memories I have are the ones I have created from being here. There’s nothing at all before here. I don’t know who I am. I don’t know how old I am, or what I like for breakfast. I don’t know what my favorite color is, or what I prefer to drink. I don’t know who my girlfriends are. I don’t know if I have a boyfriend. I don’t even know what damn shoe size I am.” Maria stared at me with wide eyes throughout my outburst, her eyes widening further which each of my revelations. “The only thing I know is that my name is Star, and… and I’m scared.”

I looked around the room nervously when she didn’t answer me. I had never felt so alone in my life, even though my life now only consisted of a few days. My heart ached as my soul reached out for some comfort. I chewed on my nails when the silence grew uncomfortable. “Why did you do that?” I blurted out. “Do that to… to
?” I added when she looked at me blankly.

“Suck his cock?” she asked, smirking when I blushed at her words. I nodded, too embarrassed to speak. She straightened her legs and leaned forward, resting her palms on the tops of her thighs. “Honey, you’ll soon learn to do anything, as long as it makes life in here easier.”


She shrugged. “What’s a blowjob if it grants you luxuries and his affection?” She sighed and smiled warmly at me. “Look, Hun. I don’t have the words to make you feel any better about being here, but I speak from experience when I say I would rather be on his good side than his bad, and if that means pleasuring him sexually, then I will. But don’t worry, he doesn’t fuck you, he never actually fucks. It’s just oral pleasure he seeks.”

I nodded but her calmness shocked me. How could anyone allow themselves to do things like that, especially to a person they despised? Or maybe I had read her wrong, maybe she didn’t despise him, maybe she felt something for him. I’d heard of captives falling for their kidnappers – Stockholm syndrome. Many different thoughts raced around my mind when I realized I could fall into that trap; end up feeling something for the man who disgusted every fiber of my being.

We both turned towards the door when it opened. The man who had blasted the icy water on me in the shower walked in. His eyes moved from me to Maria then back again. He placed two bottles of water on the floor, then a bowl containing what looked like soup, with steam curling from it. My stomach rumbled loudly when the delicious aroma made its way up my nose. I cringed when the man smirked at me, his thin pale lips pulling even narrower with his cruel smug smile. “Well, eat this time.”

I didn’t answer him, just watched as he walked over to Maria. He slid his palm over her cheek affectionately. She smiled up at him, her eyes wide and idolizing. “You’re such a good girl.” He held a piece of bread between his fingers in front of her. She smiled softer and then curled her fingers around his and took the bread.

“Thank you.”

He nodded then turned to me. A scowl covered his face as his eyes roamed over the blanket covering my body. The disdain on his face caused me to lower my eyes, self-disgust transferring from him to me. “You either eat…” I jumped when he appeared before me with the bowl in his hands. “…or I’ll shove the fucking stuff down your throat.”

I nodded but kept my eyes fixed on my lap. He pushed the bowl closer and I reached out for it. He pulled it back, taunting me and laughing when I reached again and he took a step back. He bent forward and placed the bowl on the floor. I frowned, not understanding why he had told me to eat then moved the food out of my way.

“Eat!” I looked up at him. He scoffed and lifted a brow. “Eat!” he repeated slowly as though I was dense and couldn’t understand him.

I shuffled across the bed and stretched my arm to pick it up. His foot kicked at my arm and I yelped, snatching it back to cradle the pain. “The bowl doesn’t move.”

I swallowed back the bile when I figured out what he wanted. My gaze flicked to Maria. She smiled faintly as she chewed on a piece of bread she had dipped into her own bowl and nodded encouragingly.

He huffed when I remained still and tapped at the bowl with his foot, reminding me, baiting me. I shuffled forward slowly and slid to the floor. My belly groaned again. I was so damn hungry, my stomach muscles twisted in pain with just the scent of food. My mouth watered as I crawled closer.

When I made it to the bowl I looked up at him for the spoon. He stared at me and shrugged. It was then I understood I wouldn’t be getting a spoon, that if I wanted to eat, I would eat like a dog. My gaze drifted once more to Maria as she sat on her bed, dipping her spoon into the soup and bringing it hungrily to her mouth.

The soup had cooled when I ran my tongue across the top of the watery broth. I curled my tongue, desperately trying to create a makeshift spoon but it was so hard. The liquid was too watery and all I managed was to wet my tongue, yet I was so hungry, I carried on. I found if I lapped faster, I was able to get more into my mouth. The chunks were easier, my teeth clamping around each morsel so I could take it in and chew.

The man laughed as the broth trickled over my cheek, crusting immediately in my freshly washed hair. Hatred conflicted with the food in my stomach, bringing with it a need to vomit, but my heart told me to carry on, to feed myself.

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