Read The Englor Affair Online

Authors: J.L. Langley

Tags: #Red Hots!, #Gay-Lesbian Romance

The Englor Affair (41 page)

For a while, the only sounds were their panting breaths and the faint squeak of the mattress with the movement of Sam’s arm. Excitement spiraled tight in Sam’s belly.

There was something deliciously illicit about lying mostly dressed under the covers, humping against Bo’s ass while he jerked Bo off.

Bo’s breath hitched. His prick pulsed against Sam’s palm. “Oh fuck. Sam. Close.”

“That’s it,” Sam breathed, his fingers flying over Bo’s cock. “Come in my hand.”

Talk about a compromising situation!

My Fair Captain

© 2007 J.L. Langley

A storm of political intrigue, murderous mayhem and sexual hungers is brewing on planet Regelence.

Swarthy Intergalactic Navy Captain Nathaniel Hawkins ran from a past he had no intention of ever reliving. But when his Admiral asks him to use his peerage, as an earl and the heir to a dukedom, to investigate a missing weapons stash, he’s forced to do just that. As if being undercover on a Regency planet where the young men are supposed to remain pure until marriage isn’t bad enough, Nate finds himself attracted to the king’s unmarried son.

All Prince Aiden Townsend has ever wanted was to be an artist. He has no interest in a marriage of political fortune or becoming a societal paragon. Until he lands in the arms of the mysterious Earl of Deverell. One look at Nate’s handsome face has Aiden reconsidering his future. Not only does Nate make a virile subject for Aiden’s art, but the great war hero awakens feelings in Aiden he has never felt, feelings he can’t ignore.

After a momentous dance at a season ball, Aiden and Nate find themselves exchanging important information and working closely together. They have to fight their growing attraction long enough to find out who stole the weapons and keep themselves from a compromising situation and certain scandal.

Warning, this title contains the following: explicit sex, graphic language, violence,
hot nekkid man-love.

Enjoy the following excerpt for
My Fair Captain: The window to Nate’s left shattered.

Nate hit the ground, landing flat on his stomach. A white polo ball rolled across the wood floor and onto the rug, coming to a stop inches in front of Nate’s face.
He picked up the ball, got to his feet and crossed to the broken window.

“Hello there.” A young man with wide shoulders and a friendly smile waved from atop a sorrel horse. “Sorry about that. I didn’t hit you, did I?”

Nate shook his head. “No, you didn’t hit me.” He held up the ball. “Would you like this back?”

“Yes, please. Are you the earl?” the horseman asked.

“Yes, and who might you be?” Nate tossed the ball out.

“I’m Prince Colton. Pleasure to meet you, milord.” He tipped his head and heeled his mount off toward the ball.

The second to youngest prince. Judging from the looks of him and the similarity to the other two gentlemen Nate had seen since his arrival, he realized they were probably siblings. Good Galaxy, the royal family was a handful. He was starting to get a suspicion as to why Jeffers was shut down.

Stepping away from the window, a rustling sound made Nate stop mid-stride. Leaves rained down and a grunt came from above. “Bloody black hole and imploding stars,” a soft masculine voice hissed.

Way up in the tree closest to the window, a boy balanced precariously on a thin tree limb. He reached toward a flat computer screen of some sort that had snagged on an adjacent branch. At his unbalanced angle a fall seemed imminent. Likely a shout to be careful would bring the teen plummeting to the ground, so Nate raced to a set of French doors on his left. Hurrying outside, he got to the base of the tree just as the branch the kid balanced on snapped.

“Whoa.” The boy wobbled and fell against the limb holding the computer, knocking the device loose. “Dust!”

The flat screen clipped only one bough before falling free. Nate caught it before it hit the ground.

The young man gasped, his gaze meeting Nate’s.

Nate started. The boy—no, that wasn’t right, he was young, yes, but not a lad—was absolutely gorgeous. Nate stared into the big gray eyes, mesmerized. The man was simply beautiful. He had a small frame that had, at first, deluded Nate into thinking him a

child. A mass of ebony curls surrounded a handsome face, and a full bottom lip was caught between even white teeth.

“Uh, thanks. I, uh— Whoa.” The man’s booted feet slid off the tree, leaving him dangling from his hands ten feet in the air.

Nate set the computer screen down and held his arms out. “I’ve got you. Drop.”



“Okay. Please don’t miss.” The man let go with a reluctant whimper.

The negligible weight landed in Nate’s outstretched arms. He bent his knee slightly to keep from jarring the young man. Nate glanced at the handsome face and his gut clenched. Up close the man’s eyes were the color of molten steel. He had flawless ivory skin and full lips. The heat of his body pressed against Nate’s chest made his cock stir.

The man was slim and not very tall, but he had broad shoulders that spoke of nice muscles under the well-tailored clothes. What he wouldn’t give to see this slim body completely bare of clothing and those pretty lips wrapped around his hard cock. Closing his eyes, Nate concentrated on getting his pulse back to normal. He was here on a mission, not to get involved. Besides, this was most likely his hosts’ offspring.

He opened his eyes in time to see a pink tongue dart out and wet the beguiling lips.

Nate’s cock—fully erect now—strained against the placket of his pantaloons.

The man’s gaze roamed over Nate’s face as long, elegant fingers came up to trace his beard. “Who are you?” he asked in a seductive whisper.

Nate hadn’t even realized he’d leaned forward until the smaller man jerked, nearly spilling himself out of Nate’s arms. Setting the man on his feet, Nate watched him straighten his waistcoat. When he brushed off his trousers, he seemed to realize he had a problem.

Good, the young lord
wasn’t unaffected, just surprised. Not, of course, that it mattered. Nate wasn’t interested.
Yeah, right.
He bowed. “Nathaniel Hawkins, Earl of Deverell.”

The younger man’s gray eyes shot wide and he hastily tried to hide his obvious erection. He squirmed before spotting his computer. Picking up the screen, he held it in

front of his groin and met Nate’s gaze. His enticing mouth formed an “O”, followed by an inhalation of air, then the man blinked and shook his head as if to clear it. “Thank you for rescuing me, milord. I, uh, got my screen caught on the way up.”

Nate was about to ask the man’s name and why he was in the tree in the first place when an older version of the young man appeared in the window. “What in stars happened to the window? Aiden?”

The younger man, Aiden, frowned. He darted his gaze to Nate and gave a barely perceptible shake of his head. “I didn’t do it, Cony. I was trying to get a different perspective on the garden.” Aiden glanced back at Nate, his eyes pleading, and bowed.

“Thank you again, milord.”

Before Nate could respond the vision bounded off toward the back of the castle. How odd. Apparently the imp didn’t want Nate to mention his fall from the tree. Or did he not want Nate to mention who broke the window?

“Lord Deverell?”

Nate dragged his attention from Aiden’s retreating backside and turned toward the window. “Lord Raleigh?”

Raleigh smiled. “Yes, please come inside. You wouldn’t happen to know what became of the window, would you?”

Samhain Publishing, Ltd.

It’s all about the story…









Red Hots!


Science Fiction


Young Adult

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