The Hero and the Fat Girl (New Hampshire Bears #3) (22 page)

“Do you like living with your dad?”


“And you like Maxima?”

“Yes, she’s my mom.”

I glance at Maxima, and she’s smiling.

“Well, where’s your real mom?”

Instantly, Arabella puts the blue pencil down and pulls her knees up under her chin. Maxima glances at me, and my stomach drops.

“She’s in Maine.”

“Is that where you used to live?”

Arabella nods.

“Did you like living with your mom?”

“No.” Her answer is simple. “She’s mean.”

“How is she mean? Was she mean to you?”

“Yes. She calls me her paycheck. She only let me eat when I cried and my stomach hurt. She took away all my books and we didn’t do things together. She didn’t help me with my school stuff and sometimes, she would leave me by myself, and I tried not to be scared.”

My rage begins to boil. Maxima grabs my hand and holds tight.

“Why did she take your books away?” Ella is focused on Arabella.

“She said girls don’t need to read, only find a rich man.”

I push my hand through my hair. Rickie is brainwashing my child at the age of eight. Maxima squeezes my hand, and I grind my jaw to keep my mouth shut.

“Do you believe her?”

Arabella shrug. “I don’t know.”

“Does your mom have a rich boyfriend? Is that why she told you about marrying a rich man?”

“Greg isn’t rich like my dad.”

Maxima leans over and whispers. “Who’s Greg?”

I shake my head. Rickie never mentioned a boyfriend, not that she would. But Arabella never brought him up.

“Have she and Greg been together a long time?”

“I guess. He mostly brings the guys over.” Arabella hugs herself tighter.

“Oh God.” Maxima gasps, covering her mouth.

Please God, no, don’t let it be
. I don’t even want to think it.

“What guys, Arabella?” Ella keeps her tone even.

“The ones who go into Mom’s bedroom with her. They stay in there for a long time.”

Maxima and I both breathe a sigh of relief the guys left Arabella alone. I’m not pleased Arabella knows about Rickie’s actions.

“They’re always giving her money,” Arabella continues.

Rickie is prostituting herself? In front of her daughter? I rub my temples. I’m in a fucking nightmare.

“Do the guys come into your room? Or talk to you?”

I hold my breath and stare at my daughter’s profile through a one-way mirror. Maxima’s nails dig into my hand. She’s as nervous as I am.

“No,” Arabella answers.

Both of us almost fall into a puddle of relief.

“Mom tells me to stay in my room.”

“What it like living with your dad and Maxima?” Ella changes the subject.

Arabella drops her legs and picks up her colored pencil again and resumes coloring. It’s like she’s a different kid.


“How’s it fun?”

“They play with me. They read books with me. They’re not mean and they love me.”

“You like living with them?”

“I don’t want to leave, and I know they’re trying to keep me.”

Ella asks her about dance classes and other activities. Soon, the hour is up. Maxima and I walk out to the hallway where Ella and Arabella are waiting.

“Dad, I colored this.” She shows me her picture.

“It’s great, honey.” I hug her, and I don’t ever want to let her go.

“Arabella, do you mind sitting out here for a moment while I talk to your dad and Maxima?” Ella points over to the chairs against the walls.

“Okay.” She smiles.

Maxima and I follow her through another doorway, her actual office.

“Let me give you a quick overview of what I think.” Ella sits in large office chair behind her desk. “Arabella is a sweet girl, but doesn’t act like an eight year old.”

“What do you mean?” I ask.

“She articulates at a younger level. Her sentences are choppy and incomplete. I believe it’s due to her emotional state. She does not like her mother at all. She became very withdrawn, and I’m not convinced she has seen more than she said.”

“How do you know?” I question.

“Arabella said the guys gave her mother cash. How would she know that? Unless she saw it.”

“Oh my God.” Maxima shakes her head.

“What do you think we should do?” I want to make sure my daughter is okay. Her well-being is always my first concern.

“Here’s what I suggest. Keep going to her dance classes and make sure she’s interacting with children her age or older. She said she loves to read and you read to her.” Maxima nods. “Keep with books a grade or two higher than hers and don’t baby talk her. I also think she should come back. Like I said, there may be more she’s not saying.”

“Do you think anything happened to her?” Maxima grips my hand tight as I ask.

“From my experience, I don’t think so, but I do think she has seen sexual activity and maybe more,” Ella tells us bluntly. I like this part of her because I don’t want to beat around the bush.

“I also know there’s a custody battle. Am I right?” Ella questions.


“Okay, I’ll make sure all my notes are typed up, and if you want to use them, just have your attorney contact me.” Ella stands and shakes our hands.

Maxima makes another appointment with the secretary as I stay with Arabella. I want to protect her, save her, and take all the bad memories away from her. But I can’t; however, I will do everything to keep her away from Rickie now.

Maxima and I both hold her hands as we head to the car. I try my best not to call Rickie right now and unleash my anger on her.

“Arabella, where would you like to eat?” Maxima asks with a bright smile.

“Nachos.” Arabella throws her hands in the air.

“Nachos it is then.” I drive us to our favorite Mexican restaurant.

Dinner is good, but we’re all a bit on the quiet side. Although, Arabella tries to keep the conversation going.

When we get home, Arabella takes a shower and then they read their chapter. I sit across the hall on our bed, listening to them read together.

Right now, here and now, I vow no one will hurt my wife or daughter.

Chapter Thirteen



It’s been five days since coming home from Arabella’s appointment. Remington contacted the lawyer and gave him an update on everything. Remington hasn’t been himself, and tonight, I’m taking him out. Dacey already said she would watch Arabella.

I want to help him as much as he has helped me. I want my happy Remington back; I miss him.

“Hey,” I call out to Remington, who’s running on the treadmill.

He stops and looks at me. “Yeah?” He is panting hard.

I almost forgot why I came down here as I study his body. He’s shirtless, and all his working out shows. He’s now showing more division in his abs. His shoulders are getting bigger and so are his biceps.

“I want to take you to dinner. Dacey already picked Arabella up.”

“All right.” His tone is cold and harsh as he turns to leave.

“Stop, Remington.” I block his path out of the gym. “Talk to me.”

He puts his hands on his hips and stares at the ground.

“It’s me, Remington. I’m your wife, and we agreed to be there for each other. What’s going on?”

He continues looking at the ground.

“Please,” I beg.

“I’m pissed off,” he confesses.

“Why?” Had I done something?

“I want to call Rickie and cuss her out like I’ve never done before. All I wanted to do was protect my daughter, and I failed. I’m a failure.” He raises his voice, but he’s not yelling at me. He’s just upset and I understand.

“You didn’t fail her then and you aren’t now.”

“Yes, I did. I should have never left her, but I did, and look what happened.”

“But, look at her now. She’s better now and getting the help she needs. You’re saving her now.”

“What if I’m too late?” His voice cracks.

I take his face in my hands. “You aren’t. I’m twenty-nine, and you saved me. You can save anyone at any time. Now, we have to put all our energy in keeping her here and doing everything to protect her.”

“God, I just want to push you against the wall and bury myself in you,” he mumbles against my lips.

“Do it,” I say without a moment’s hesitation.

“Oh, don’t tempt me.” He pulls back. “I don’t want to hurt you.”

“Remington, do you…do you like it rough?” I wondered this before when we were in the shower together.

“No, not rough. But a hard quickie every once in a while isn’t something I’d pass up.” He sounds almost shy.

“Well,” I look away and suddenly get an idea. “Come with me.” I tug him toward the large floor to ceiling mirror on the far side of the gym.

I grab his face and kiss him hard. He pushes me up against the mirror.

“Don’t hold my wrists,” I say, turning around.

“Maxima, stop. You don’t want it this way.” Remington takes about five steps away from me.

“I said I couldn’t because I couldn’t see your face.” I point to the mirror. “I can see you now.”

He shakes his head. “You don’t like hard and fast. I won’t do that to you.” He holds his hands up defensively.

“Sex with you is what I want. I don’t have any experience. What if we do it your way and it’s the best ever?” Now, I’m almost yelling at him.

“You were raped.” He is growling. “I don’t think rough, hard sex is on the top of your list.”

“You’re not raping me, you dumb fuck.” How did we get here? I wanted to make him open up to me, and now, I’m cussing him instead.

We stare at each other, and I can feel the air shift between us. I’m being honest with him. I don’t know anything about sex. Yes, it’s all still so new to me, but with him, I’m not scared. Nervous? Sure. However, I know he won’t hurt me.

Remington’s eyes are hard. Not mean. Hard. They’re full of lust and built-up sexual tension. I feel it, too. We’ve not even touched in five days. It’s the first time I’ve ever felt this way. As if one touch could send me over the sexual cliff.

He moves faster than I can process. He grabs my face and pushes me against the mirror. His mouth and tongue claim me, and I moan loudly. He pins me with his hips, but leaves my arms and hands free. Remington moves away from my lips and spins me around.

“Just keep looking at me.”

Even in the heat of our moment, he still worries about me.

He tugs my maxi-skirt up and slides my thong over. I’m glad I wore this outfit. He bites gently on my earlobe and down my neck. I lay my head back, my palms flat on the mirror. I can still see him. His touches might be a little rougher, but it’s still him. My Remington.

“Spread your legs.”

I do.

“Look at me, Maxima.”

I lift my eyes and connect with his. I can feel him line up with me.

“Are you okay?”

“Please, baby.”

He doesn’t slam into me. I prepared myself for him to. It’s not hard and fast.

“Harder, baby.”

Remington stops for a second and stares at me. I need this as much as he does.

And he knows it.

“Well, fuck,” he grumbles and then grabs my shoulder with one hand, the other on my hip.

He pounds right into me, and it takes my breath away. He’s hitting the exact spot I need him too.

“Damn, this isn’t going to last long.” Remington continues his pace.

“I’m not either.” The tension in my body builds, and I push back on hm. I stare in the mirror; his dark brown eyes are on me. I moan loudly, my knees going weak as the orgasm hits me. Remington pounds into me, and I feel his release inside me.

He pulls out of me, but then pulls me down to the floor with him, hugging me to his body.

“Feel better?” I rest my chin on his pec.

“Are you okay?” The concern in his tone is clear.

“Answer me first.”

“I do.” He smirks.

“I’m fine.”

“I like when you take charge,” he says with a chuckle.

“It doesn’t happen often, but you were being hard-headed.”

He nods. “I just want her life to be perfect.”

“I understand, but you have to focus on the here and now.” I giggle. “I suddenly sound like Caryn.”

“It’s sound advice.”

“Listen.” I sit up on my knees and lean over him. “You’re my hero, and you’re Arabella’s. Now, it’s time to make sure we keep her. Here at home, with us.”



Caryn’s smiling as I tell her all that’s happened since our last visit. She’s actually been quiet, but smiling.

“Maxima, I can’t believe what I’m hearing. I never thought you would get this far, this fast.”

“I know.” I happily sigh. “It’s all Remington. When I first moved into the house, and then after him coming clean with me, I never imagined this is where I would end up.”

“How do you feel?”

“Human. Alive. Happy. Peaceful.”

Caryn’s smile grows bigger. “I’m so happy for you.”

“Me too.” My emotions are everywhere, and they’re all good ones.

We chat for a little more, mainly about my job. I’ve been so used to being on investment banker, I didn’t think I could be anything else. Now, I consider myself a personal financial adviser. It’s different, but I’m happy.

When I leave Caryn’s office, I feel lighter. It’s been over a week since Remington and I had sex in the gym. The old Remington is back. He told me his dad is helping with getting Rickie’s background info. He’s also calling his attorney almost daily to make sure we’re not missing anything.

I promised Meadow and Harlow lunch today. Remington is home with Arabella, and she has dance class tonight. We contacted Cabel to have Leia hang out with Arabella more. I also ordered some more advanced books too. This way, we can help Arabella move forward.

“Hi, ladies.” I slide in next Meadow “Why are we at a bar during lunch time?”

“Because I want wings and beer,” Harlow says bluntly. “Now, tell us what’s going on with you, Mrs. Rosin.”

My heart flutters when she calls me by my married name. I’m not used to it yet. It seems like just yesterday I can home drunk and had sex with Remington, but it’s been eight weeks. So much has happened and all for the good.

“Yeah, you’ve forgotten us since you became a married woman,” Meadow adds, bumping my shoulder.

“I’m sorry,” I tell them both, and after the waitress takes out orders, I launch into everything that’s been going on at home. They’re my best friends, and I trust them. Some things shock them, and some not so much.

Harlow, of course, is the first to jump in on the sex advice. Of the three of us, she’s
experienced in the department of sexual activities. And, yes, she’s very out spoken, but her intentions are in the right place. Even if I blush at some of the things she says.

“You need to have sex outside or maybe the car.” She bites into one of her wings.

“No, she doesn’t.” Meadow and I share a huge plate of nachos. “Enjoy sex, but don’t be adventurous if you’re not.”

“That’s the issue; I don’t know if I am or not.” I go to take a sip of my beer, but it smells bad, and I put it down. “He treats me with kid gloves.”

“Maxima,” Meadow says my name firmly. “Considering your past, he’s thinking of you. He doesn’t want you to have a panic attack in the middle of sex.”

“I know and I love him for it.”

“Then just have fun,” Harlow says between bites.

They’re right. I’m going to have fun for once in my life.



I laugh and then run around the playhouse as Arabella and Leia chase me with their water guns. I turn and squirt my gun, catching Leia in the legs and then I run over to the other side of the yard.

Arabella squeals with laughter as she hits me in the back, right before Leia sprays her. We continue to go round and round until we hear my name called.

“Dad!” Leia runs over to Cabel and Arabella toward Remington.

“What’s going on here?” Cabel chuckles as Leia hugs him. He doesn’t seem to mind she got him wet.

“Maxima bought us water guns,” Leia says.

“It’s been great,” Arabella adds.

“I’m glad you had fun.” Cabel smiles.

I grab a towel for us all, and we head inside to change into dry clothes. When I come back downstairs, Cabel and Remington are in the kitchen talking. The New Hampshire Bears’ Fan Convention is tomorrow. The entire team is coming back. Remington already got tickets for Arabella and me. His parents will be here tonight as well, to go with us.

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