The Red Eye 3 (The Red Eye Erotic Romance Series) (2 page)

“No, Rebecca and I have some news.”

Grayson sighed. “Jesus, Devon. Don’t tell me you got her pregnant. That’s the last thing we need.”

“Hey! Wait a minute!”


Devon and I spoke at the same time, both of us equally outraged at Grayson’s response.

Devon’s face was stone, letting Grayson know he was serious. “You’re out of order.”

Grayson looked at Devon, his expression impossible to read. At last, he shook his head. “All right, Devon. I shouldn’t have said that. You have my apologies if that makes you happy.”

I was far from making me happy, especially since Grayson was still ignoring me, but I knew better than to interfere with the way Devon dealt with his dad. Sometimes you’ve just got to pick your battles. Besides, once Devon and I were married, I would have won the war, so I could bite my tongue. For now.

“Show a bit more respect to my future wife, Dad.” The moment Devon said it, I groaned inwardly. It was the absolute worst way he could have broken the news, and I braced myself for Grayson exploding.

However, instead of the expected angry outburst, Grayson just sat there. He was quiet for so long that I began to wonder whether he’d stopped breathing out of shock.

At last, he finally moved, turning to look at me.

“Well, in that case, I suppose congratulations are in order, Rebecca.”

They were the right words, but the way he said them—in that “meh” tone of voice—told me that he was far from enthused. Devon didn’t seem to notice the frosty edge to his dad’s tone, and he beamed with delight when Grayson extended his hand for me to shake, but I read right through the formalities. I slapped a smile on my face for appearance’s sake.

A handshake instead of a hug? It seemed like such a distancing move, as if he wanted to keep me at arm’s length. Who shakes hands when an engagement is announced? But I accepted his hand, trying not to wince at his purposely tight grip.

“Have you told Mother yet?” Grayson turned his gaze back toward Devon.

“Not yet.” Devon shrugged sheepishly. “I was kind of hoping you could help me with that.”

Grayson tutted and shook his head. “Well, I suppose I could organize a family dinner later this week. Might as well break the news to everyone at once.”

“Thanks, Dad.”

“Right, well, I suppose I’d better draft an email to send out to the company. We’ll need to arrange a press release as well. I’ll arrange for the company photographer to come and see you this afternoon to take a few photos of you to send out. Later this week we’ll arrange a meeting to discuss arrangements and coordinate the media campaign. I’ll make sure you’ve got one of our PR team on hand to help you negotiate the best deal for the wedding photos. Don’t speak to the press until you’ve gone through PR first.”

My head started to whirl at all the warnings and orders he threw at me. I was getting married, but instead of announcing a wedding, it felt as though we were coordinating a military campaign. I wondered if I should look out for incoming enemy fire.

I’d barely been engaged for twenty-four hours and already I wanted to elope.

At last, Devon and Grayson stopped discussing how they could use my wedding to improve Caesar and Krause’s image and arrange for free promotion. Throughout the discussion, I’d sat there silent. After all, I was just the bride. Why should I get a say in my own wedding?

As Devon and I walked to the door, Grayson followed us. “I know I don’t say this often, but I am proud of you, Devon.” It was a rare moment of emotion from the normally reserved and serious lawyer, and I would have thought it was sweet, had he not followed the compliment up by saying, “Even if you and I both know you could have done so much better.”

Devon ushered me out of the door before I could rip Grayson a new one. “Leave it, Rebecca,” he whispered in my ear.

“What do you mean, leave it?” I was feeling beyond upset. “I’m going to be your
, Devon. Am I going to have to spend my entire married life putting up with snide remarks from your father?”

“You’re getting married?”

Both of us spun round to see Rachel clasping her hands together, a look of absolute delight on her face. “Oh, how wonderful! I’ve always said that you two make such a sweet couple. I’m so happy for you both.”

“I wish Grayson shared your enthusiasm,” I muttered, but it was impossible to stay mad in the face of Rachel’s obvious pleasure at the news of our engagement.

She came out from behind her desk and gave me a big hug, before doing the same to Devon. Realizing what she’d done, she suddenly jumped away from him, blushing.

“Oh, I’m so sorry, Devon. I didn’t mean to overstep my bounds.”

“It’s fine, Rachel.” Devon pulled her into a hug to let her know that she hadn’t caused any offence. “I’m glad you’re happy for us. Now, Dad’s composing an announcement for the firm to go out on email later today, but until that gets sent out, Rebecca and I would appreciate it if you keep the news to yourself.”

“Oh, of course, Devon. I’ll be the soul of discretion. I won’t breathe a word.” She mimed zipping her mouth closed and throwing the key away.

“I know that I can always count on you.” Devon smiled that devastating smile of his and Rachel returned to her post behind the reception desk, leaving us to get the elevator back down.

“Why don’t you come back to my office? At least until Dad sends out the email.”

“I’m not sure. I’ve got the files on the Dresden/Kutcher case to go through.” If the truth were told, I really wanted to be on my own to get my temper under control after seeing Grayson, but I couldn’t tell Devon that. Although he was always really supportive of me, I knew that he was also highly loyal to his father, and if it really came down to it, I wasn’t at all sure that he’d choose me over his family. I didn’t want to put him in that position—ever.

“I’m sure the files can wait.” Devon looked at me with that suggestive twinkle in his eye that I never could resist. I caught the look and grinned.

“I’m sure they can,” I said in a teasing tone as I slid my tongue along my bottom lip at just the thought of what was about to happen. I knew by the time he got his rock-hard cock into the tight sheath of my pussy, I would be ready to come, and it would probably take an embarrassingly short amount of time for me to get satisfaction… but that was okay, because Devon definitely wouldn’t stop at just one.


We giggled like school kids breaking the rules. Devon took my hand as the doors to the elevator opened, and pulled me through to his office. “Hold all my calls,” he instructed his secretary, as he ushered me into his room and shut the door behind us. He pulled down the blinds and pushed me up against the door, pulling my sweater over my head. I trembled in the chilly room, covering my nudity. I naughtily wasn’t wearing any underwear. Devon’s eyes lit fires along my naked skin.

Cupping my breasts in his hands, he gazed at them admiringly. “You really do have the best tits I’ve ever seen.”

I laughed. “Oh, Devon. You know how to give a girl the best compliments.”

“Well, it’s true.” He kneaded the fleshy globes with both hands, eliciting soft moans of pleasure as he toyed with my rosy nipples. The way he looked at me was like a jeweler examining an expensive bauble. I blushed under his scrutiny. “I mean, look at them. All pert and welcoming. They fit perfectly into my hands too…” He lightly ran his thumb over my nipples, making them even more erect than they already were.

He leaned forward and took one of them into his mouth, sucking on my breast as his tongue drew circles around my nipple. I threw my head back, spine arching away from the door as I tried to stay quiet as he drove me mad with desire. “Oh God, Devon…”

With a sudden movement, he picked me up, latching his hands under both of my knees as he wedged me between his body and the door. He moved his grip to my waist, and I wrapped my legs around his hips, letting him support me with the weight of his body as he held me against him. I undulated wantonly like a wave washing over him. I could feel the bulge of his cock through his trousers nudging against my saturated kitty, and I desperately wanted him inside me. There was something truly erotic about fucking when we were still half dressed, and the position was just wicked enough for me to look down between our bodies and watch him pounding into me, his trousers pooled around his ankles.

“Devon? Mr. Caesar?”

We both jumped apart at the sound of a knock at the door. I scrambled to get my sweater back on, and threw my bra into a corner of the office where I hoped no one would notice. I smoothed out my clothes, knowing that anyone looking at me would be able to tell exactly what we’d just been doing, and took a seat at Devon’s desk, opposite where he would have been sitting if we’d been discussing business.

Devon pulled the door open. “Yes, Kate? What is it?”

“I’m sorry for interrupting.” Kate blushed bright red, and I knew that she knew exactly what we’d been doing. “But you told me to hold your calls, and I knew that if I rang, you wouldn’t answer the phone, and this
quite important.”

“Fine.” Devon sighed and ran his hand through his hair. “What is it that’s so urgent that you had to speak to me right away?”

“Your grandmother’s on the phone. She says that she has to speak to you right now. She wouldn’t take no for an answer. I’m so sorry to have to break up your meeting, but you know what she’s like, and she was threatening to report me to your father. After what happened the last time…”

“It’s all right, Kate. I understand. Put her through.”

“Right away, Devon.”

Kate glanced at me before scurrying back to her desk. I didn’t know whose cheeks were more red—hers or mine. It wasn’t just the news about my engagement that was going to be all over the firm before the day was out.

The phone rang once and Devon snatched it up. “Thanks, Kate.” There was a pause, and I could hear the muted tones of his grandmother speaking. She did
sound happy.

“That’s right, Grandma. Rebecca and I are engaged to be married.”

She spoke again, and from what little I could make out, I knew that I was going to face an uphill battle if I was going to get her to accept me into the family.

“I’m sorry we didn’t tell you first. I figured that I ought to let Dad know, and once Rebecca said yes, I was too excited to wait. I promise that when we start a family, you’ll be the first to know.”

I winced, knowing that this was the last thing he should be saying, but the grin on Devon’s face said that he knew exactly what he was doing. “All right. We’ll come round to see you for dinner tonight. How does eight o’clock sound?”

When he hung up, he was grinning like the Cheshire Cat.

“I can’t believe you just said all that! And what was that about children? Devon, we haven’t even discussed whether we’re going to have children, so why did you tell your grandmother you’d tell her as soon as I got pregnant?”

Devon got up and came to stand behind me and massage my shoulders. “Of course we’re going to have children. Four of them. Two girls and two boys called Melissa, Melanie, Michael, and Marcus.”

“Four? With
names?” I was about to get really angry with Devon when I realized that he was just joking. “Okay, you got me. I thought you were being serious for a moment.”

Devon laughed. “Look, I’m just happy you agreed to marry me. I figure that kids will come when the time is right. I just wanted to say something to calm Ida down. She always hates it when she feels like she’s the last to know about something.

“Anyway, I would have thought that you’d be more worried about the fact that we’ve got to have dinner with my family tonight.”

I gulped. “I was trying not to think about that. Thanks for reminding me.”

“It’ll be fine. Tell you what. Why don’t you take the afternoon off and go and buy yourself something new to wear? I’m sure the perfect engagement dress is out there. You can charge it back to the company.”

“Don’t you want me around for when your dad sends out the announcement?”

Devon shook his head. “Not unless you want to be. Besides, knowing him, he’ll probably wait to send it out until he’s been able to arrange a press conference. Kill two birds with one stone, you know—let the media know what’s happening before one of the staff lets them know.”

“That makes sense.” I swung around in my chair so that I was facing him. “Of course, there’s still the fact that we were so rudely interrupted. You know how moody I can be when I haven’t had a good, hard fucking.”

Devon started to unbutton his pants. “Well, I’d hate to disappoint…”


Devon passed me my panties, and I pulled them on as he got dressed again.

“Are you sure you’re okay about my taking the afternoon off?” I still wasn’t sure that I should be leaving the firm when news of our engagement was about to break.

“Absolutely. In fact, make sure you buy a dress for the press conference Dad will be arranging so that you look amazing in all the papers.”

“If you say so.”

He kissed me quickly. “I do. Now I’m going to go to the company showers. I would ask you to join me, but we ought to maintain
semblance of appropriate behavior in the office.”

I laughed. “Poor old Kate. It would probably be the final straw for her if she knew about how many rooms in this building we’ve made love in.”

Devon walked me over to the elevator and pressed buttons to go up, so he could head to the corporate gym, and down, so I could get in some retail therapy before my world went nuts.

As the doors opened for a downward elevator, they revealed Rick, my ex-husband.

“Devon! Just the man I wanted to see.”

“Give me a minute, Rick, okay?”


Rick moved to the side so that Devon could say goodbye to me, but I was conscious of his gaze on my body, and it sent shivers down my spine. If it were up to me, I’d make sure that Rick was transferred to one of our overseas offices, maybe in Outer Mongolia—and if we didn’t have an office there, then I’d put him in charge of setting one up. Anything to get him as far away from me as possible. I’d had enough of that man to last me a lifetime.

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