Read The Third Wife Online

Authors: Jordan Silver

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica

The Third Wife (2 page)

Chapter 2


I'm about to meet
his daughters for the first time.
and two year olds. I'm not exactly nervous, I like kids after all and for the
most part they liked me. But this was so outside of the realm of what I know. I
was about to meet the children of the man I am about to marry. Their mothers
will be there, the women I am supposed to share him with.

Shit, I said I could
do it. I wanted to do it, wanted him. But at what cost to myself? Well Alana
girl this is no time to punk out. You know what you want just do what you
always did in the past. Go after what you want with both barrels blazing. Don't
weaken and don't let anyone or anything stand in your way. If these bitches
scent any weakness they'd pounce like vultures on carrion. You can deal with
this sharing shit later it can't be an issue now. For all that it was the pink
elephant in the room.

You've always known
it would be part of your future. So what’re you gonna do now huh? You gonna
punk out and run scared? Or are you gonna get what you want outta life and say
fuck everything else? I already knew the answer to that, but I was seriously
going to have to read up on this sharing shit. I hope Cody wasn't some kinda
freak daddy that liked to get it on with all his women at once. I'm not down
with that shit, that's taking sharing way the fuck too far. Mom didn't really
cover that part in her teachings. I'll have to corner her later and find out. I
know for damn sure none of these bitches better never put their hands on me, I
like my fish cooked.



It's my wedding day.
My wedding gown designed by the best French
whose family has been dressing royalty for generations going back centuries, is
stunningly elegant. Its high rounded neckline gave way to a deep drop back of
see through lace with a seed pearl design of the Jackson crest. That was my
little gift for my new husband. I was happy now that I had done that. My hair
was worn up in a loose topknot, with wisps framing my face for added softness.
My makeup enhanced rather than overwhelmed. Beneath the virginal elegance I
wore crotch-less panties in the finest lace with the crest done again in seed
pearls across my ass. What! You didn't think I was going out like that did you?
No way. I'm giving these bitches a run for their money starting tonight.

For the next two
weeks he's mine, all mine. I planned on using the time wisely. I'd already seen
the sour pusses on Arlene and Sharon's faces. They'd even tried curtailing our
honeymoon, arguing that one-week should be enough. Luckily for them Cody had
put his foot down, because I would've blasted those two bitches to hell and
back. How dare they try to tell me how long my honeymoon should be? I see they
were starting their shit already, but I was happy to see Cody didn't give in to
their shit. When it comes to me, and my business they better learn quick to
step the fuck off.

I’d already had to
put Sharon in her place when she tried to run my wedding. Redirecting my
photographer and shit after I told him what I wanted, bitch please. I just
simply dropped a word in Cody's ear. Who then kindly reminded her that it was
my day so she needed to chill. She wasn't too happy but I could give a shit. My
wedding, my fucking rules. I didn't run her day, not even my mother got to have
her way. It was my day.

At least Cody's
mother Margo was a sweetheart. She was helpful and supportive without being
intrusive. Not at all what I was led to believe a mother in law would be. She
let me know in no uncertain terms that if I had any problems settling in that I
was to call on her no matter the issue. And she gave those other two shit for
giving me shit. Don't get me wrong. I'm not here to take a man away from the
family he already made. He has kids with these women, took vows, that's none of
my business. But I have a place here now too. And if they fucked with me
finding my place well then there would be a fight the likes of which the world
has never seen.

I know me I'm an
honest bitch, especially with myself. I'm going to demand a lot of his fucking
time and not just in the bedroom either. It wasn't my job to make his wives
feel secure. That was on him, all I know is I better always feel special, and
like I mattered or somebody was gonna get fucked up.

My dad came to get me when I was all dressed and
ready to go. "Ready baby girl?"

"Yes daddy."

"You look beautiful baby." He had tears in his eyes.

"Dad don't make me cry, mom will kill you if I ruin my

"I know that sweetie. You're going to be okay you know that

"I know dad."

"The Jacksons are good people. I never
would've agreed to this if they weren't. And Cody's a good boy. I've kept tabs
on him from afar all this time. You can come home anytime you understand! I
know I'm going against everything my upbringing taught me, but you're my baby,
my only child. If anyone makes you unhappy you come home." He dried his
eyes and hugged me. My dad.

"Now Alana I don't mean if Cody refuses to
buy you the latest Hermes bag or something like that."

"Very funny dad." I had my own money anyway. If Cody
refused to buy me anything I'd just get it myself. But he'd already told me it
was his pleasure as my husband to provide for all my needs. Apparently he
thinks my trust fund should be saved for any children we might have together.
We'll see, this bitch could shop.




She was stunning.
The most stunning creature I have ever seen in my life, as she looked up into
my eyes on the dance floor.
Our ceremony
had gone off without a hitch. Not that I had expected anything different. I knew
our guests were here to celebrate us. But I couldn't help wishing everyone
would leave so we could head out of here. Until I remembered that we didn't
have to wait for them to leave, since we were leaving soon for the airstrip to
board the jet for our trip to the family island.

" I'm ready to take you away from here.
Will you come with me?" She stopped dancing long enough to nod at me.

"Just let me say goodbye to mom and
dad." I kissed her brow gently before she headed off to say her goodbyes
as I did the same.
"Husband I find
this very unconventional." This was Sharon's greeting when I led my family
into the privacy of our home away from the party to say our goodbyes.
"We've already had this discussion, don't question me again. This is for
Alana, this is all new to her she needs time to get use to this life. These two
weeks are to help settle her before her whole life changes forever. You don't
need to understand why I'm doing what I'm doing but I will say this to both of
you. You will make her feel welcome or I will be very displeased, do I make
myself clear?" They know the deal. As my wives they had a voice yes, but
not when it came to my interactions with my wife.

I've never treated
them unfairly but I understood their angst somewhat. They were threatened by
her differences. She was nothing like they were, being raised outside our life.
I was secretly very pleased by this but wouldn’t dare let on. They both hung
their heads and nodded. I'm not completely ignorant to the ways of women. I
understood their little power trips and their fight for place. But I will not
allow them to hurt her in anyway neither will I allow her to hurt them. It was
up to me to see that they each got what they needed from this way of life. But
if they started with jealousy and strife they were doomed, we all were. I
couldn't allow that.

I hope I'm man
enough to do this right. There had been no real problems with these two but
this was the only way they knew. My Alana on the other hand was different in so
many ways. Not the least of which was the way I felt for her. I knew it would
only be a matter of time before they realized this new truth, but I would do
everything in my power to ease the sting. My only fear was that she would bear
the brunt of their anger because of my dilemma. It's not her fault that I
didn't feel the same for them as I did her. Although I did love both my wives
in my own way, our unions weren't usually about love matches. When it did
happen as it has with Alana and I it was almost a miracle, just as it had been
with my own parents.

My mother herself
was a third wife. Chosen because she’d caught my
eye after he’d been married to his first two wives, both of who’d been chosen
for him. Wasn't it lucky for me then that I had found the same with my last
wife who had also been chosen for me? Why shouldn't I have that? I have no
intention of slighting Arlene or Sharon, or our children. But I already knew,
Alana was my heart. I will look deep within myself and find the strength to
make this work the best for everyone.


I kissed my family
goodbye and went in search of my beauty. I found her saying goodbye to her
father who seemed to be having a hard time letting her go until my mom and dad
went over, and spoke softly to him. She had tears in her eyes as she came into
my arms. She'd changed into a short blue silk dress, our bags were already in
the car and the driver was waiting. "Are you ready to start your life with
me Mrs. Jackson?"

"Yes." She
seemed so happy in that moment. I hope it would always be so. That the smile
which now graced her beautiful face would always shine. We left to the cheers
of our family and friends, our hands clasped tightly together. She’s my wife
now. Mine to love and to shower with love as I wished. The next two weeks are
going to be spectacular, I'd see to it. I’ll spend that time marking her so
that she’d never want to leave me, no matter the reasons.

Chapter 3


The ride to the
airstrip was made in silence, though he held onto my hand the whole way. I felt
the tension slowly leave me as we got farther away from my new home. No other
wives, no gossiping community whispering behind their hands; just me and my man
alone for two whole weeks. I wasn't even worried about losing my virginity.
Hey, it had to happen some day right? I just hope he was good at this shit.
Because seriously, I can't see spending the rest of my life with a limp dick
motherfucker and having to share too. What's in it for me?

He squeezed my hand when we arrived at the jet.
I just followed him up the stairs as someone else brought our luggage on board.
He led me to my seat right next to his and took my shoes off. Damn and I
thought dad’s gulf stream was the shit. Talk about palace on wheels.

"It's a bit of a flight so just
relax." He rubbed my feet then kissed my brow. He was being so sweet I
wanted to jump him. And he looked so fucking hot in his silk sweater and jeans
damn. Mom never told me that they grew them like this here. I mean my parents
are gorgeous that’s where a bitch gets her looks. But I
had an image of an over grown farm boy in my head. Instead I get something that
would make Hollywood stand up and take notice. I can't wait to get on that.
Kitty was ready to pounce. I think she had her hackles raised because it was
taking too long. I could tell she was gonna be a problem, I'll try to control
her, but we'll see.

When he finally took
his seat next to mine after checking that everything was right for our flight,
he drew my feet into his lap and started rubbing my arches. Shit that's one of
my spots. "Umm." I arched in my chair while admonishing kitty to calm
the fuck down. I wanted a nice big bed to roll around in my first time. On the
way back, fuck yeah I'll do him on the plane. He was smiling very cockily at me
when I finally reopened my eyes. Yeah okay! Smile now big boy but you better be
able to deliver. Kitty is a mean bitch she’d tell you if shit ain’t right.

"How are you feeling Alana, you

"Not really, should I be?" I smirked
at him. He was so hot, with that crazy as fuck sable colored hair that worked
on him somehow and those silver grey eyes, damn. And the way he looked at me
with those eyes, like there was no one else, I needed that. I felt a slight
pang of nervousness after all. What if he stops looking at me like that? In the
last two days while we were getting to know each other I’d noticed the way he
looked at me. The way his eyes followed me across the room. Will it always be
that way or would it change with time? I tried to keep an upbeat attitude
though; no point in borrowing trouble now was there?

"No you shouldn't be, I just want you to
relax and enjoy this. It's all about you wife."

"No husband, it's all about us, I want you
to relax and enjoy too." I bit my lip I noticed that whenever I did that
he became fixated. It was hot as fuck to watch. His Adam's apple bobbed as he
watched me, his hand slid up my leg to the hem of my skirt just above my knee.
Higher, higher, I was secretly pleading with him for a little hand action. He
just teased behind my knees as he smiled knowingly at me.

"All in due time my little
wildflower." He leant over to brush his lips over mine.

"Is that my new name?" I teased his palm with my toes.

"It's how I see you, wild and untamed, and extraordinarily

Ooh, kitty liked that, yes she did. Me, I was
blushing like a little girl. I think for the first time since we met, I really
was looking forward to spending the rest of my life with this person.

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