Read The Three Furies (Erec Rex) Online

Authors: Kaza Kingsley

Tags: #Fantasy, #Fiction, #General, #Action & Adventure - General, #Children's Books, #Action & Adventure, #Juvenile Fiction, #Fantasy & Magic, #Dragons, #Mythical, #Animals, #Ages 9-12 Fiction, #Children: Grades 4-6, #Social Issues, #New Experience, #Social Issues - New Experience, #Science Fiction; Fantasy; Magic

The Three Furies (Erec Rex) (13 page)


their cuffs onto a steel bar that was part of an uncorking shelf. "I'm sorry to leave you guys here. I really wouldn't do this normally. Just can't take any risks today. I promise I'll be back soon, get you two on your way." He waved apologetically and ran out. The heavy steel door slammed behind him.

"Oh, my." Jam looked around, distraught. "This is a bit of a problem."

"I hope he does come back." It occurred to Erec that if something happened to Mike, nobody else would know that they were locked down there. At least they had one hand free each, so they could use the serving platter and not starve to death. But they didn't have time to waste.

Jam leaned against the counter that they were stuck to. "I'm sorry, young sir. I am usually prepared for anything. I should have been ready with an excuse to get us out of this mess."

Typical Jam, Erec thought. Taking responsibility for everything that went wrong, and no credit for things that he did right. "No, there was nothing you could have done. I got us into this mess. I should have come back to Alypium sooner." He wanted to kick himself.

"What should we do?" Erec could see no way to break free. "Did you bring a remote control?"

Jam, whose magical gift was always to be prepared with everything, produced a magical remote filled with buttons. He handed it to Erec with a doubtful look on his face. "Can you use it, sir?"

Erec looked at the buttons. "I wish. The only thing I know how to do is move things, and I haven't done that forever. I'd be surprised if I could move a feather." He glanced down. "I guess I can try to move our handcuffs."

"No, no." Jam whisked the remote back. "Sorry, young sir. We could lose our hands that way. I think something other than moving things would be in order. Maybe melting the metal."


"Can you do it, Jam?"

"I wish. I've no idea how to use one of these. I would like to learn someday." He turned the remote over in his hand. "I think we're stuck here, sir."

An hour ticked by, according to Jam's watch, but it felt more like ten. All Erec could think about was Bethany: the way she was when he saw her last, and the way she looked now. The good times, and now. The kiss . . . and now. His best friend was gone.

Finally there was a shuffle at the door and Mike walked in. He unlocked their handcuffs without speaking. Erec noticed he looked pale and shaken.

"You said your name is Erec Rex?" Mike glanced at him with a new respect. "And you're a butler." He looked Jam over as if this was not obvious. "I suppose you two came to the right place, then. Mr. Danen wants to meet you two."

"What happened?" Erec said. "Did you tell him we were here?"

"Uh, no. You think I would've bothered Mr. Danen about two strangers on the property? Something . . . funny went on. We got a surprise visit from a friend. The Shadow Prince."



REC JOLTED BACKWARD against the chain of his handcuffs. He could not believe his ears. What else could go wrong? "Baskania's here?" No wonder Danen Nomad wanted him. They were going to hand him over to his enemy. Then he would be a prisoner too, before he even had the chance to explain that Danen had to use his magnet on Bethany. "No!" He scrambled out of reach. "You can't do
this. Don't turn us in to him. People will die. I have to see Danen in private."

"Whoa, kid." Mike looked over the counter. "Baskania's gone. He might come back, but you're safe here for now. In fact, if Baskania hadn't shown up looking for you here, you wouldn't be getting to see Mr. Danen at all. So calm down, okay?"

Erec's breathing calmed down a bit, but he still wasn't sure if he could trust Mike. Why was Baskania here looking for him? How did he know?

"Bill," Jam said breathlessly. "He knew where we were going."

Then it all clicked. Bill from Magnet Mountain knew they were coming to Cinnalim to find Danen Nomad. He must have called the Green House to report having seen Erec Rex. Of course he'd have told them where Erec was headed.

Erec's head dropped to his chest. He should have realized this might happen. Coming here after talking to Bill was a huge risk. He was lucky that he and Jam weren't with Danen when Baskania appeared.

"Does Baskania . . . know we're here?"

"Nah. Danen's not the type to help that guy. I mean, he treats the man nice, you know. The Shadow Prince has a lot of power, and it's best to be on his good side. But he's a real jerk. We don't like him a lot around here."

"Couldn't Baskania have read his mind and seen that we were down here?"

"Yeah, he could have," Mike said. "If Mr. Danen had known anything about you two then. I didn't tell him a word until the Shadow Prince was gone." He chuckled. "Of course I'd have never believed that you were really Erec Rex until Baskania showed up out of the blue looking for you 'and a butler.' But then I thought I should keep my mouth shut. It would be best not to burden Danen with that


information yet. Baskania wasn't going to read
mind; I'm just one of the hundred people milling around here."

"Thanks, Mike." Erec looked at him with new appreciation. "You saved our lives."

"Eh, it's in the job description." He shrugged. "We better get you two in to Mr. Danen and then on your way before the Shadow Prince decides to pay another visit."

Jam looked around suspiciously. "Isn't he going to keep an eye out for us here?"

The thought made Erec shudder. In Baskania's case that was literally what he might do. He had taken the eyes of many of his followers and used them to see out of their remaining eyes, whenever he wanted. If one of Baskania's henchmen did see Erec, it would be the same as Baskania seeing Erec himself.

"No. You're safe now," Mike said. "Zeke and I keep tabs on everyone on this property. They're all our staff and guests who have been here quite a while. But the Shadow Prince
want to send one of his men here to keep a watch if he doesn't hear back from us soon. He trusts Mr. Danen, I think, to let him know if you show up. Big egos like that expect that people will do as they say." He laughed. "Like Mr. Danen takes orders." He led them out through hallways in the basement, and then up steps to an immense white room with pillars that stretched to a soaring ceiling.

Party music blared through the room. People from wall to wall were laughing, playing cards, and talking. Erec was immediately struck by how beautiful and intense the crowd was. He searched for Danen Nomad, but quickly realized he had no clue what the man looked like. A tall woman with long straight blond hair did look familiar, though. She had to be Meg Lorent, a wildly famous movie actress from America. And not far from her was a short, bouncy, dark-haired young woman with a turned-up nose. It was Sophie


Tacket, who had just won the Academy Awards for her latest movie. Erec would know her anywhere.

Mike led them through the crowds to a tall chair set up from a pedestal in the center of the room. The cushions sewn onto its back, seat, and arms were an odd forest green and dirty white, but their pattern caught Erec's eye. Not until he was right in front of it did he realize that they were made of money stitched together. Thousand-dollar bills.

"Like it?" A tall man with dark brown hair plopped onto the seat. "Go ahead. You can touch it. They're stuffed with hundreds. But this is my real gem." He pointed at the headrest on the chair. "These are the good ones. Five-hundred-dollar bills with McKinley on them. Five-thousand-dollar bills with James Madison. And look here, front and center." He pointed at a black-colored bill with GOLD CERTIFICATE printed on it, in a denomination that seemed too high to be real. "Yup. It's a hundred-thousand-dollar bill with Woodrow Wilson on it. These are rare, kid. None have been printed since 1945. Here's the back." He pointed at an orange bill sewn right above it, with ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS printed on it.

The man, who Erec supposed must be Danen Nomad, snuggled against the headrest cushion. "Best to enjoy the good things in life, right? Live well. That's my motto."

A dozen animals raced through the room between people's legs, and all of them jumped up onto Danen's lap. He laughed, nuzzled one of the dogs, shoved away a rabbit who was doggedly trying to climb up to his face, and petted a cat all at the same time. Everything about Danen seemed strange and remarkable. Erec noticed the man's shirt was odd. He leaned closer without meaning to.

"Yeah." Danen fingered his collar. "This one's sewn from Euros. But you should see my underwear. . . ."

"Uh, no thanks." Erec stepped away.


Danen chuckled. "I'm sorry. I get a little carried away. I'll send you guys with a bunch of this stuff if you like. Wear it and impress your friends."

Erec could not help but like the man. "Mr. Nomad? We need your help. Is it true that you have some kind of people magnet?"

Danen's eyes widened and then he burst out in side-splitting laughter. "Do I have a magnet? A person magnet?" His face reddened and his eyes watered, and it seemed like he would never catch his breath. Danen poked a man lounging nearby and said, laughing, "This kid wants to know if I have a person magnet."

The man chuckled in response, raising his eyebrows at Erec. "How did he get in here?"

Danen quieted down and coughed a few times. "Never mind." He waved the man away and leaned toward Erec. "Yeah, I have a magnet. How else do you think I get all this money? People love me. The richest families in the world are my best friends. They insist on giving me more than I ever wanted. How else would I get the best and the brightest to hang out with me all the time? My parties here are wild." He cleared his throat. "See her over there?" Danen pointed to a slender woman in a long purple gown and a tiara. "It's Princess Vicki. She faked her own death in order to live here with me. That's how strong my magnet is. A lot of others have done that too." He waved around the room, pointing at Nobel Prize laureates and famous artists.

Erec was glad the magnet was that strong. It would have to be in order to help pull Bethany away from Baskania's Draw. "I guess you know who I am. Thanks for talking to me, and for not handing us over to Baskania."

Danen nodded. "Anytime. That guy is trouble. I've never liked him. Of course, with all my famous guests and money he feels he has to make me a friend, I guess. So, what can I do for you?"


"Could you use your magnet on a friend of mine? She's trapped, and the Fates told me you were the only one who could help her."

Danen paused, lips pursed. "I don't know, kid. It's not that I don't want to help you. But I have to have a policy. Word spreads, you know. If I do a favor for one person, soon the whole world is begging me nonstop to bring their lost loves back, find the guys who owe them money. I'd get no peace." He thought a moment. "But you are Erec Rex, though. King Piter's son. And the Fates sent you here, you say?" After going back and forth a while between scratching his head and rubbing his chin, he said, "Well, okay. I guess just this time I can make an exception."

A grin broke over Erec's face. "Thank you! Her name is Bethany Cleary. And she's being held prisoner by Baskania in one of his fortresses--"

Danen went pale and held a hand up. "Whoa. Wait just a minute, young man. Did you say she's a prisoner of Baskania's? Because that changes the picture. I mean, I may not like him, but I'm not stupid enough to go completely against him like that. He'll take this magnet off me in a heartbeat. And then what would I do? Of course, after he's through with me I'd be lucky to even be alive, let alone worry about the magnet." He crossed his arms resolutely. "I'm sorry. I can't help you. You better get going before he comes back here looking for you."

Erec and Jam exchanged shocked looks. "But wait!" Erec grabbed Danen's arm. "You have to help us. If you don't, she's going to
. The Fates said you were our only hope." Danen did not look convinced.

"Please, kind sir." Jam clasped his white gloved hands together. "This is the request of a future king. He would not come to you for this unless he had to. Don't let Baskania win."

Danen slapped himself on the forehead. "Stop. Enough!" He sighed. "I don't know. If anyone,
, finds out about this I'll be dead. You understand me? I can't believe I'm even thinking about


this." Danen grabbed Erec's shirt. "If I use the magnet on this girl, you have to understand that she's going to do anything she can to get out of where she is and come to me. Anything. That could kill her too. It might make her do something stupid."

"I doubt she'll get too far," Erec said. "Baskania put a Draw on her to keep her there."

Danen's mouth hung open. "A Draw? From the three Furies? How did he get that? And . . . you want me to turn the magnet on her too? What do you want to do, rip the poor girl in half?"

"No. Please listen. I know it's dangerous, but it's the only way. The Fates told us that you have to use your magnet on her, then I have to draw my next quest from Al's Well, and then I can find her and give her some dragon blood to break the Draw. It's the only way."

"Kind sir, if Baskania was to find out that you did this, could you simply tell him you were trying to help locate Bethany for him? That you heard he wanted to find her?"

"Oh, yeah. Right. Like he's going to buy that. He reads minds, remember? If this backfires, which it might, I'll be dead, you'll both be dead, and your girlfriend will be dead." Danen's face sank. "Ugh. Problem. Baskania will send someone back here soon. I doubt he'll come himself again, but if he does, he's going to know about all of this when he sees me next. I'm guessing he'll read my mind." He hung his head in his hands. "I'm going to have to turn you both in. . . ." He looked Erec over warily. "I'm sorry. It's all I can do. Unless you both were to hold me at knifepoint, or if I was in danger and
to do what you said." Danen stared at them, as if waiting for them to take the hint.

Jam was searching his many-pocketed vest. He was prepared for almost anything, Erec thought. Could he be carrying a weapon?

In a moment Jam shakily held a pocket knife before him. He looked far more afraid of it than Danen was, but he still held it,

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