Read The Virginity Mission Online

Authors: Cate Ellink

The Virginity Mission (11 page)

“Our boudoir.” He points into the back of the vehicle where he's created a makeshift bed with his sleeping bag and a blanket. The tarps are down, so it's dark and cosy, effectively creating a private room for our pleasure. With not much to work with, and not a lot of time, he's done well.

“Nice.” He's taken so much time and care. It's unexpected and warms my heart.
so much more than I expected, so much more than I wanted and everything I need.

We kiss and try to wriggle backwards at the same time, which isn't easy. I keep laughing as I bump into his nose and get caught in blankets. We hardly move at all and we break our kiss because I'm laughing too hard.

“It'd be easier to strip first and then climb in.” I don't know where this piece of sanity comes from but my mouth spurts it out.

“You'll glow in the moonlight and attract attention.”

Good point. My laughing is already enough of a risk. I'm trying to smother it but my nerves aren't helping.

We shed our clothes just inside the back of the vehicle, struggling in the tiny cramped space. My arms, fingers, legs and toes poke Jason so many times I've stopped apologising. Why am I complaining? It's our space, our time alone and I'm going to enjoy every second.

Finally naked, I move into our room, crawling over the makeshift mattress. Jason's behind me. I can feel his breath and the warmth from his body against my flank. When I turn around his looming darkness is right there, surrounding me and I've never felt as safe. My hands splay across his chest. Fingers flexing into those rounded pectoral muscles. One day I'll explore him in light but for now, darkness enhances my senses which makes touching him all the more enjoyable. His body is hard and soft at once, making my fingertips tingle. His skin soft, hair harsh, muscles tight. A myriad of textures making me wet and wanting.

Then my brain freezes.
One day I'll explore him in the light?
What was I thinking? Don't think. Don't spoil it. Live for now.

He strokes me. Kisses me. Pinches, teases, nips, licks and sucks me. I'm on a rollercoaster of emotion that keeps climbing higher. I'm not sure what to do. I'm overwhelmed. One minute I'm thinking, then next there's nothing but him. I thought it'd be easier tonight but it's more intense. I arch, grasp hold of him, pull myself against him, away from him. I bask in his touch and I leap from it. I'm insane with sensation.

“You have to promise me one thing.” He waits until I nod against his cheek. “Don't touch my cock or this won't last.”

“I don't want it to last, I want it to happen.”

He chuckles before nipping my earlobe which shoots a crazy sharp buzz through my whole body. “You want it to last, trust me.”

I nod.

His fingers stroke down my stomach, making my breath catch. They slide further, right across the ends of my pubic hair. Every hair straightens and the flesh beneath screams to be touched.
It's the only word that comes to my head while shudders wrack my body.

He takes his time, stroking down my thigh, across my hair again, down the other thigh. God, I'm in agony. My pussy screams for his touch. I beg but he refuses, chuckling while his hands push my legs apart. His lips follow his hands, nipping and lapping across my stomach. I don't think I can breathe at all. He's not going to…oh god, what if he does?

His tongue slides from the point of my hip bone to my inner thigh and I almost careen up into his face. I've never felt anything like it. His mouth is on my right thigh but his warm breath is causing my cunt and clit to clench. The wet heat between my thighs must be almost suffocating him but he doesn't seem affected. Slowly, calmly, as if he's doing the most ordinary thing in the world, his mouth causes chaos along my thigh, behind my knee, over my knee bones, and down my calf. At the largest part of my calf muscle, he sucks against my flesh before his tongue slides to the back of my ankle. He nips against the thin bone there before kissing over the top of my feet. I think I'm going to dissolve into laughter. His hands on my feet are making me squirm.

“Not my feet.” I bite out the words between panicked laughter. I can't handle my feet being touched.

He doesn't stop. He firmly grasps the soles of my feet in his hands and holds tight. My body calms. The crazy sensations in my feet still. My ragged panting slows to sane breaths.

“Can you handle this?” He sounds like he's laughing and then his head dips and wet heat surrounds my big toe. His lips close on it and he sucks.
Fuck! No.
Before I can say a thing, his mouth pops from my big toe and he sucks the next. I can't squirm because it's not exactly ticklish but the sensation is overwhelming. My feet are hot and held tightly. Cold air whips across my wet toes. Then moist heat floods the next toe he sucks. I've died and gone to heaven. My brain has ceased functioning while he attends to my feet.

His mouth makes its way lazily up my left leg. Teasing the calf muscle, nibbling against my knee, then his tongue slips along my inner thigh. I can hardly move but my back arches as he reaches my groin. His tongue slips from my groin to the point of my left hip bone. I can almost think again.

But not for long. That wicked, well-travelled tongue laps across the base of my stomach. I'm sure there's nothing more for him to taste. But he has other ideas. He grasps the back of my thighs and lifts my hips slightly. Moving his hands to beneath my butt, he supports me, while I've turned to liquid mush.

He's going to do it.

His gaze locks to mine and slowly, he lowers his head towards my soaking pussy. He looks like he's ready to enjoy a feast. I don't know what to think, or feel. My focus is on his eyes, his lips. His lips are so close I can feel them brush against my wet throbbing nether lips. I gasp, just as he plunders.

prepared me for this.

A scream rips from my throat and I bite down on my forearm. I know I can't scream or it will draw people here. My brain must be working. But dear god in heaven, I've never felt anything like this. It's mind-numbingly fantastic but my brain's saying he shouldn't be down there. I squirm and rock beneath him. Unsure if I want to pull away or push into his face. I love it but it's overwhelming.

His mouth seems to suck, lick and probe everywhere at once. My body is a quivering mass of need. And then something happens. His mouth locks tight to my clit and a burning throb threatens to overwhelm me. I fight hard against it but it sweeps me away. I'm tumbling, spinning, out of control. I've arched into him and he's holding me tightly. I let myself be swept away.

Dark and dizzying.

Colours shooting wildly past.

Gasping for breath.

Filled with an incredible sense of wonder, I drift back down to his arms. They're secure around me and I'm caught safely. My eyes are so heavy they can't open. My mouth is open instead, swallowing air. My scent is rich and musky on the salty tang of the air.

Just as I feel as if I'm recovering, he slides his fingers across my cunt. One hard pass that has juices flowing as my greedy lips clench in need. How can I need more? I moan and he captures it between his lips, sucking my mouth. It's me on my mouth and I almost jerk away in horror but then I taste him beneath, his dark powerful taste and I melt into the kiss, held tightly against his chest as his arms come around my back.

I'm against his body, my legs parted, kneeling on our makeshift bed. My mind is working again and then his fingers slip between my wet folds. My thighs clench around them but his fingers don't stop. He strokes back and forth, stoking embers to flames and I'm on fire again. His hand is different to his mouth, harder, more insistent and stronger. I try to close my thighs but his hand holds them apart. When I think it can't get any better, he pushes a finger inside me. I pant as shock, pain and desire overwhelms me. He takes his time, holds his finger still until my breath catches and then he begins to stroke. I writhe with pleasure as he impales and releases. Surely I'm at the peak of the rollercoaster. Nothing can feel better than this.


His thumb rolls against my clit and I leap into him. My body almost bursting from his touch. He slides a second finger inside me and I can't believe there are more peaks on this ride. His fingers thrust into and out of me, stretching me wide. The pleasure's so intense, tears prickle my eyes. He thrusts deep inside again and the tears vanish. God, it's the best ride of my life. I hang onto his shoulders like they're all that's keeping me alive. I thrust my hips in time to his hand and clench internal muscles to hold his fingers inside me.

His lips brush against my ear. “Mac, there's no way to do this without hurting.”

“I know.” I give him my best smile. I don't want him worrying about me. If sex is as good as what he's shown me so far, it won't hurt much. No wonder Mardi goes back for more even when she gets hurt.

My hand slips over his stomach and stops at his groin. A growl begins in his chest. The hum vibrates through my hand. I stroke my fingers back and forth across his stomach, not quite touching his cock but desperately wanting to.

His thumb scrapes across my clit and I leap, grabbing his shoulders again as I hold on, trying to remain on earth.

He grabs a condom and tears it open with his teeth. Slipping the rubber from the packet, he holds it up, catches the end and slides it over his rigid length.
I want to be able to do that. I want to be able to run my hand down his shaft, holding it tightly.
Maybe later.

He eases me on to the makeshift bed and follows me down, locking his lips on mine. I grab those perfect shoulders and arch into him. I want him to enjoy this too. I don't want him worrying about me. He deepens our kiss and my legs part to make way for him. His cock strokes down my stomach, across my pubic hair, over my clit and to my waiting cunt. Dear lord, it's better than his mouth or hands.

He breaks our kiss and looks intently at me. “Are you sure?”

“Yes.” No hesitation.

I look along my body and silhouetted in the moonlight is his beautiful swollen cock, peeping from his hand. He presses the head against my heated flesh. It's like a glove drifting across my skin. Then the steely strength presses against me. “Ready?”

If I want to stop he's given me heaps of time but there's no way I'm stopping.

“More than ready.” I've been waiting my whole life.

He holds my hips up like he did for his mouth but this time he aligns them with his jutting cock. I can't take my eyes from it. So proud. Standing there, ready for me, ready to fill me. His fingers slip across my clit and over my cunt. I arch and thrust against his hand. Then his hips rock forwards and his cock pushes into me. At first I feel a fullness, then he presses in further and
I bite down on the yelp that tries to escape my lips. I didn't know it was going to hurt that bad. I'm torn in two. I want to pull away and forget it but he kisses me hard and the distraction works. Juices flood my aching cunt as his cock moves the tiniest bit. I arch into him. I don't want him hating this. I need to forget about the discomfort of my straining cunt. I work on this kiss, my tongue duelling with his, stroke for stroke. His taste is erotic ambrosia in my mouth. While I moan my pleasure, my hips lift instinctively. His cock thrusts further inside. Bursting pain floods me. He catches my cry in his lips and strokes my sides until I relax beneath him.

“It's over now. The rest will be pleasure.” He presses tiny kisses to my face, like he's apologising for my hurt.

I have trouble believing there's no more pain. I nod, not trusting myself to speak. How can there be pleasure after I've been ripped open? I'm backing out of this. My body is already stiffening in his arms, ready to take flight.

He kisses me softly, with so much care. I can't help but relax a little. He nips gently at my bottom lip before soothing the tiny nip with the sweep of his tongue. His taste fills me. I forget about escaping and run my tongue across my lip behind his. He nips again and sweeps his tongue across my swollen lip. I feel his cock move inside me and stiffen. Three quick nips and sweeps and I've forgotten about his cock. My tongue meets his in the sweep. Open mouthed, we kiss until he's stoked my doused passion. I'm soft and liquid in his arms. He works this kiss, touching me until my passion flames. His fingers tweak my nipples, his hands squeeze my breasts. The pain's forgotten. I arch my hips and his cock takes my cue. Slowly he pulls out of me and it's like I'm losing part of myself. Before he has completely left me, he surges back inside. He's right, it doesn't hurt. It is all pleasure. My body responds to his masterful play. I answer each touch, respond to each movement, arch at each thrust and revel in the marvellous fullness.

It's so much better than I imagined. Being filled with his cock makes him a part of me. We move in a synchronicity that reaches my very soul. I'm his and he's mine. No one told me it was like that.

I pant as sensation drives into me. I grab and claw at his shoulders. I lock my ankles behind him, heels pressing into his buttocks. I scream into his mouth as I burst into a shattered kaleidoscope of colour and sound. Each breath thrusts down his throat as I come. He holds me tight as if he'll never let me go. He nurses me as I soar and cushions me as I fall, just as he did earlier when I wasn't entirely sure what was happening.

He holds me tight against him. To my horror I'm shuddering and sobbing in the aftermath. I don't know why I'm crying, but I'm crying like my heart is broken. I sob great tears that wash over his shoulder. It's like something has torn inside me and a dam has broken. He doesn't make a sound. He holds me tight. The comfort of his arms and the soothing touch of his hand stroking my back calms me. The storm passes, the tears dry and my breath returns to something resembling normal. I've never been so embarrassed in my life. I don't cry in front of people and never in floods like that.

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