Read The Wonder of Your Love (A Land of Canaan Novel) Online

Authors: Beth Wiseman

Tags: #ebook, #book

The Wonder of Your Love (A Land of Canaan Novel) (5 page)

Eli smiled at Katie Ann, whose jaw hung low.

“How did you know to do that?” Her eyes held a glint of wonder.

Eli was surprised at how nice it felt to hold a newborn. He thought about his son’s wife, Laura Jane, who would be delivering next month. It would be nice to have another baby around. On a part-time basis, of course.

He handed Jonas to his mother, then shrugged. “A little something I learned when my daughter Maureen was that age. She struggled with a gassy tummy too.” He swallowed, recalling the hardship of losing his wife while she was delivering Maureen.

Katie Ann cuddled her child in her arms, smiling down at the little one. After a few moments, she looked at Eli. Her eyes grew sharp and assessing, and with what seemed like resistance, she thanked him.

“You’re welcome. Does he get fussy like that a lot?”

. He does.”

Eli stood up and rubbed his hands together. “Rub some baby oil in your hands like this, until it gets warm. Then do what I just did with your palm against the baby’s bare skin.” He grinned. “Works every time.”

Katie Ann stiffened. “I should have known that, I suppose.” She pressed her lips together as she stood up, and Eli wished he hadn’t boasted.

“You learn these things with experience.” He smiled again, but she did not. Eli reprimanded himself for being prideful, but there was no denying that experience played a big hand when he’d raised his children, and sometimes he
proud of what he’d accomplished on his own. Jake and Hannah were already six- and five-years-old when Sarah died, but he still had a three-year-old, two-year-old, one-year-old, and baby Maureen to raise.

“I should get back to the wedding.” She placed the baby up on her shoulder. “

“You’re welcome.” He wasn’t sure he was winning any points with this woman. No matter, he decided. He waited a minute, then rejoined the service.

at her eyes when Emily and David took their vows. She couldn’t think of a couple more deserving of such happiness, and she knew that everyone in the room was thinking the same. They might be young, but they had both lived through much. David had nearly died six years earlier, his life saved only through a kidney transplant. And before Emily’s family moved from Middlefield to Canaan last year, Emily had suffered a rape and had to endure the trial of her assailant.

Katie Ann was glad that they had fallen in love and had each other to lean on.
Be good to each other
, she said silently.

Ivan’s faced flashed in her mind’s eye, and memories of their own wedding danced in her head. She never would have imagined that he would run off with another woman, leaving her to raise a baby on her own. A baby he didn’t even know about. She dabbed at another tear before it made its way down her cheek. Again she wondered if she’d been fair to her husband by not telling him she was pregnant. As the bishop blessed the union, Katie Ann wondered if visions of her life with Ivan would ever stop haunting her. She had believed that her marriage was sacred, a union blessed by God. Where had it gone wrong?

She bowed her head along with the rest of the congregation, but her communion with God was as it had been for the past several months—limited. Something had gone amiss after Ivan left her, and she was struggling to get it back. She missed God. The way it used to be. And no matter what the circumstances of their separation, she missed Ivan.

“Amen!” Martha said loudly beside her.

Katie Ann gently elbowed her friend.

“Don’t nudge me, Katie Ann.” Martha raised her brows. “You know how these long services hurt my back. Thank goodness you people have added some chairs to your worship services. I don’t know who started that whole backless bench thing, but it’s ridiculous.” She pointed a few rows in front of them. “Look at poor Lillian up there on the front row. She’s half my age, but I watched the poor girl rubbing her back on and off throughout the service. I say you should ban all those backless benches.”

Katie Ann sighed as she and Martha stood up. “Time to serve the bridal party.” She glanced down at Jonas, who was sleeping soundly in his baby carrier.

“How’d you get him to stop screaming earlier?” Martha now nudged Katie Ann. “I saw the Detweiler fella follow you out of the room. What was that about?”

“Keep your voice down,” Katie Ann whispered as she picked up the baby carrier. They followed some of the other women toward the kitchen. “As you pointed out, he’s raised six children, so he was helping me with Jonas.”

“Now that’s a good man, I tell ya.” Martha grinned. “You need to get to know him.”

“We talked about this. I’m in mourning.” Katie Ann frowned in Martha’s direction. “Besides, the man is a bit . . . prideful.”

“With his good looks, he’s got plenty to be proud of.” Martha cackled.

“That is not our way, Martha, and you know it.” Katie Ann moved toward the stairs. “I’m going to go lay Jonas down in Vera’s room.”

“Did you bring the baby monitor?”

. Tell Vera I’ll be back to help serve in just a minute.”

Martha rubbed her hands together. “Can’t wait to dig into that creamed celery.”

Katie Ann wound her way around the others in the room and went upstairs. After she had Jonas settled in the playpen in Vera’s room, she quietly made her way back down.

Martha was busily chatting with Eli in the living room. They both looked up at her, and Katie Ann could tell that Martha was up to no good.



Middlefield, and she listened intently as he told her about his children and grandchildren. He was certainly qualified to take care of little Jonas, so she mentally checked that off her list.

“And what kind of work did you say you do?” Martha batted her lashes at him. If only she were a little younger, she’d convert and snag this fine Amish man for herself.

“I worked construction for many years—and farmed, of course. But right now I’m just farming.”

A hard worker. Good. Katie Ann stayed busy, and like most of her people, she believed in hard work and love of the land. “How long will you be staying in Canaan?”

“I’m not sure.” He smiled, and Martha decided she was going to slap Katie Ann upside the head if she didn’t latch onto this handsome fellow.

“I’ve never been here before,” he added. “Since I was raising six children on my own, there was no time for travel. I guess you could say that this is like a vacation for me. Vera and Elam told me to stay as long as I like, but I don’t want to wear out my welcome. And my son, Jake, is tending to my farm. I don’t want to burden him for too long.”

The wheels in Martha’s head were spinning at full capacity when she saw Katie Ann heading her way. Katie Ann was so suspicious of men now, Martha feared she’d never give this nice man a chance. “Vera needs you, Katie Ann,” she said quickly and waved her away.

Katie Ann hesitated but then headed toward the kitchen.

“She’s like my daughter,” Martha said as she raised her chin. “And that little one is like my grandson. I figure he’ll call me Granny when he gets older.” She sighed. “But I won’t always be around to take care of Katie Ann and Jonas. I have my own life to lead, don’tcha know?”

He nodded, and Martha decided she’d better not travel along that road just yet. She didn’t want the guy to feel pressured. He’d fall in love with Katie Ann on his own, and the rest would come together.

“I’m making chicken lasagna Saturday night at Katie Ann’s house. You should come for supper.” Martha grinned. “I’m not much of a cook, but Katie Ann has taught me how to whip up a few things, so every Saturday I cook for her. Easier for me to bring supper to her house so she doesn’t have to get the baby out in the weather.”

“I, uh . . . should you check with Katie Ann first?”

Has manners too. He’s too good to be true
. Martha waved her hand. “Nah, she’ll be fine with it. Seven o’clock?” She raised one palm toward him. “I know your people normally eat at five o’clock, but my stomach isn’t on that schedule.” She lifted one brow and waited.

. Seven o’clock then.”

“Wunderbaar gut!”
Martha slapped him on the arm and went to help the ladies in the kitchen.

woman walk away, and grinned. Only tourists said
wunderbaar gut
. The Amish folks poked fun at it.

Martha was a character, though, and she was certainly playing the matchmaker. But Eli didn’t mind playing along. Katie Ann was sure pretty, and he loved lasagna.

He stroked his beard as he walked out the door to join some of the men on the porch. He was already looking forward to Saturday night.

Jonas in an extra blanket before she eased him out of his car seat in the back of Martha’s car. “I’m glad you wanted to come home early. I’m so tired.”

“Bundle that little one up good.” Martha looked over her shoulder from the driver’s seat.

Katie Ann shut the back door, then leaned in the front window on the passenger side. “
again for driving. See you tomorrow?”

“No. I have a doctor’s appointment in town.”

Katie Ann’s chest tightened. “What for?”

“Don’t look so worried. Routine tests. But it’s gonna take most of the day, so I won’t see you until Saturday.”

Katie Ann nodded.

“I’m bringing lasagna, a nice salad, and garlic bread.”

Katie Ann grinned. “
, that sounds very fancy.”

“That’s ’cause company is coming.”

Katie Ann squinted her eyes. “Who might that be?”

“That nice Eli Detweiler is coming for supper.” Martha held up a crooked finger before Katie Ann could speak. “And don’t you dare be mad. He is a fine man, and it wouldn’t hurt you to get to know him.”

“Martha! You shouldn’t have done that. You know how I feel about dating. I’m still in mourning.”

Martha rolled her eyes. “Well, I’ll give you until Saturday night to get done with mourning that scoundrel husband of yours.”

Katie Ann’s eyes started to tear. She knew that Martha loved her, but she still couldn’t stand it when Martha talked badly about Ivan. Only
could talk badly about him. “I’ve told you before how upsetting it is to me when you talk like that. I loved Ivan, and—”

“Okay,” Martha said loudly. “I’ll try to do better. Now get that baby out of this cool air.”

Katie Ann narrowed her brows. “I know what you’re doing, and you should not have invited Eli for supper. I can tell by our short interaction that we are nothing alike. He is . . . I don’t know . . . so . . .”

, Katie Ann. That’s the word you’re looking for. The man smiles a lot. Something you should do more of.”

Martha rolled up the window, and Katie Ann watched her pull away. She pulled Jonas closer to her and walked up the steps to her house.
Martha’s wrong. I am happy

After she fed the baby and tucked him into his crib, she ran a bath and climbed into the tub. As she sat in the warm water, she leaned her head back and cried. She’d waited to have a baby and a real family her entire life. She only had half the equation. Even though she loved Martha, it wasn’t the same. She missed Ivan with all her heart.
Why, Lord, did You take him from me? And why did Lucy Turner have him when You decided to call him home?

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