Read Token Huntress Online

Authors: Kia Carrington-Russell

Token Huntress (20 page)

              Chase kissed me, his tongue leading mine. We held each other desperately in case either of us slipped out of the other’s grip. I let my weapons drop to the floor, brushing my hands under his leather jacket to feel the warmth of his chest. My hands trailed down his abs, embracing each and every muscle. The lower I got the fiercer my nails dug into his skin as I knew what was soon to come.

              Chase stopped kissing my lips, lifted me, and wrapped my legs around his waist. I fumbled for what I was so desperately after, and that was his belt. Within an instant, Chase had thrown me face-down onto his bed. I clung to one of the posts as he came up behind me, kissing the back of my neck, which sent shivers down my entire body. He made me feel as if I were flooding with warm energy, like we were radiating together. I couldn’t handle his sweetness, I wanted more. I wanted to see his savageness and I wanted him to fill me with that hunger. Reading my mind, he tore the back of my dress open in a clean sweep. Slowly he began kissing down my back.

At each kiss my nails clung deeper into the wooden post, until I could no longer be teased. I turned to face him, and one of my torn sleeves slid over my shoulder to reveal my breast. He looked at me lustfully, licking over his lips as he stared at my exposed body. He took my lips again, more hungrily, tugging on the bottom of my lip as we parted. I tried to fumble for his jeans, feeling the heat radiate from him. He took my hands, gathering them above my head and pinning them to the post. He kissed my lips fiercely again, his fangs accidently sliding out and nipping my lip. He pulled back for a moment. His lustful expression had turned to worry.

              My body overflowed and I needed to relieve myself of such heat. I needed to be with Chase. He was staring at my exposed neck, and I nodded my permission. His beautiful gray eyes went hungry as he kissed my lips again before biting into my neck. The feeling was both terrifying and erotic at the same time. In a sense I felt even further connected to Chase. It was another way of being able to be with him. He arched his head back, embracing the taste of my blood, before wiping his mouth on his jacket. I so desperately wanted to clutch for him again but as he had me pinned I was unable to. It felt like teasing, which only made me wetter. I needed him inside of me.

              His hand slid over my dress, ripping the front of it apart. He kissed down my neck, creating a moan that rumbled from the core of my stomach. His lips brushed over my nipples, kissing me gently on both as he lifted me higher on the bed. I loved the pain it caused when he pushed me back against the post.

              He looked at me hungrily before kissing me again. He whispered into my ear, his words warm. “You are so beautiful, Esmore,” he growled.

              I kissed his neck, not wanting to suffer under his torment any longer. I wriggled my hands beneath his jacket, fiercely taking it off and throwing it away. The mere pleasure I had in touching his shoulder blades forced another moan from my lips. I clutched for his belt, sliding it off quickly and unzipping his pants, desperately trying to grab a hold of his hard shaft. My fingers brushed the tip of it and I was pleased by the size.

He held my hand firmly for a moment, looking at me fiercely, wildly even. “Esmore, what is mine will be yours, and yours mine.” I kissed his lips to confirm that I knew. Chase was something that I would agree to for the rest of my life. For better or for worse, I only cared for this moment right now. My hands went through his hair wildly.

He shredded my underwear and lifted me over him. I kissed him again fiercely as I slid over him, accepting his enormity. At first it hurt, but as he slowly began pulling me further onto him, I became intoxicated by him. Kissing his neck fiercely, our speed heightened. Moans tore from my mouth. I had never felt anything so fulfilling. I pushed him down, wanting to explore his full length on my own. I went down harder on him, causing me to moan louder. Chase could not handle that and with speed he swept me from the bed and had me on the desk.

              Every time he thrust into me I moaned louder and louder, almost ready to peak. I could not handle his speed or might much longer, yet I only wanted more. I clung to his shoulder blades desperately, my nails etching into his skin. I couldn’t hold such pressure within me anymore, and I moaned loudly at the release he forced out of me, at the same time he did. Breathing heavily over my shoulder for a moment, he kissed my neck gently, lovingly. The wood creaked beneath us and we both awkwardly fell onto the floor as the desk snapped and shattered. I fell on top of him awkwardly. We both looked at one another in surprise and then began laughing at once.

              I moved on top of him, my chest pressed to his as I played with one of his hands, staring at it in thought. I felt different after being with him. After all my resistance, I was right to be with Chase. I could now understand being his familiar. Chase combed through my sweaty hair, pushing it aside from my face. We just lay their contentedly, enjoying being with one another.

              “I understand now,” I said. I could feel him smiling as his breath got hotter on my face.

              “I will be yours forever, Esmore.”


hen I awoke still on top of Chase, I found we were lightly swaying. I realized then that we were in the hammock and Chase was lightly pushing us away from his collection of bobble-head dolls. He had covered us both with his beige silky sheets. I smiled as I remembered what we had shared.

              I wanted to argue with being claimed as his familiar, but I couldn’t. Everything had changed, so much so it scared me. But, resting with Chase, I was at peace. It was like he once said, our souls did feel familiar. It was as if we had swung on this very same hammock lifetimes ago together. My instinct was now to fight anything that threatened our togetherness. It was not about losing my freedom, but in finding my freedom through Chase.

              He was gently pushing back my golden hair, looking at it contentedly. I looked into his beautiful gray eyes before kissing his smooth chest.
This chest will be mine forever, every inch is mine.

I was distracted by one of the bobble-head dolls.
They are so creepy.

              They are not, they’re cool,
Chase’s voice interrupted in my mind. I looked up at him, baffled.

Can I communicate to you now from my mind?
I felt stupid for asking, he had mentioned that his gift would become my own, but still it was the oddest of sensations. It was like a pool of whispers, and I could hear Chase’s voice over all the rest, which made no sense to me. I wondered if they were the voices and thoughts of all the other vampires and humans who dwelled within the Council.

He smiled at me.
You will be able to use it better soon, but yes, my love.
When he called me ‘my love,’ I shuddered with warmth and happiness.
You will soon learn how to manipulate people’s minds, and soon you can even start reaching people in their dreams. I can teach it all to you.
He swept his hand through my fringe again.
You are so beautiful.

Never was I vain, nor did I care much for my appearance, but when Chase said it, I welcomed the compliment.
But not as beautiful as you, right?
I asked with a wicked smile. He arched an eyebrow in challenge, pinching at the sides of my ribs and trying to tickle me.

              There was a huge bang on the door and I jumped with fright. I was so absorbed I hadn’t even been cautious of my surroundings.

              “Bring your human out, Chase!” the vampire bellowed. It was the vampire who had attacked me only nights before, Gardar. Chase threw me a look. He didn’t even need to ask me what I had done.

You gave them a way to escape,
Chase projected into my mind.

I couldn’t just leave them there,
I answered, pain shredding through me at his disappointed tone.

              “Get some clothes on,” he said, gently lifting me. I wrapped the sheet around me, watching as he got out of the hammock naked. He walked toward his closet, his behind so desirable. His muscles lightly rolled beneath his skin as he walked. Never had I noticed how toned every inch of him was. Feeling my gaze, he shot me a devilish stare, raising a suggestive brow. I smiled, only wanting the same that he did in that very instant. I pooled over with heat for him once more. But the enticement was broken when the banging continued at the door.

              “Don’t make me break this door in!” Gardar raged.

              “I’ll be two seconds. My heavens, calm yourself!” Chase bellowed. We both looked at the heap of clothes on the ground. They were shredded into bits.

I gave him a sheepish smile. “I suppose you only brought me one garment?” I asked, pulling the sheet higher up my chest.

He gave me a half smile, gesturing for me to come to his wardrobe. “I guess it can’t be helped then, you will have to wear something of mine.”

              Unfortunately Chase’s clothing didn’t exactly fit me. He presented me one of his white buttoned shirts and a long leather jacket, so most of my legs were covered. He tightened the leather jacket around me so tightly it took my breath away, then gave me a wicked smile. The temptation was far too great and I had to bite my lip to discourage myself from grabbing him as he stood naked in front of me.

              Another bang forced us to move. Luckily my leather boots were undamaged and I tied them up easily. Already Chase had pulled on jeans, a belt, and a leather jacket. I went to grab for my weapons but he gave me a warning glance that motioned for me not to.
Whatever has happened, you cannot go in armed. Let me do the talking and remember, we were here all night. Don’t worry about me. Fier will most likely threaten me. But don’t worry about that, I can take care of myself,
he explained.

              Before I could show my obvious discomfort with this, Chase opened the door. The barbaric vampire looked at me uneasily. Chase grabbed his cheeks to refocus his eyes onto him. “You look at me only,” he growled, deterring the vampire’s lingering eyes. Although I knew he could not remember attacking me, it seemed the same interest danced in his eyes.

              “Fier wants to see you both. By the sound of it, your human is as good as dead. Familiar or not,” he smirked with a very hungry smile, his fangs slipping out. Chase threw him into the hall. He came back at Chase just as quickly. Both of them grabbed one another’s throat in a tight hold. I looked at my Barnett bow and sword, which was in the center of the room.

Don’t! You are only supposed to be human,
Chase raised his voice in my mind.

              “The fact that you are Fier’s second-in-charge and your mummy was his familiar doesn’t mean much to me. Fier’s pissed, man. He knows your human let our hunters escape. They killed eight of our kind. That’s on you,” the vampire finished, smiling maliciously. He released his hand on Chase, who did the same, straightening out his coat. The vampire sneered at me and then stalked through the hall.

              “Come along, Esmore. I will protect you,” Chase promised. I would not rely on his protection, but I took his hand anyway. I had to keep up the pretense that I was only a human or it would put Chase in danger as well.

              Chase led me somewhat anxiously through the halls, though on the outside he looked perfectly calm. As I hovered my mind over his I could feel that his was darting between possible outcomes. I had put him in this position, but they didn’t know it was me who had let them out. I reminded him of this internally as we paced through the hallways.

              We walked past the water fountain and turned right, then walked toward the large wooden doors where Fier often gathered his men. The doors were already open; they were waiting for our arrival. Chase tightened his grip on me as we entered. Fier was pacing the room. At our entrance he savagely swung around, holding his finger up. His blonde hair was messy and his eyes were wild. The first few buttons were undone on his silky white shirt. He motioned for the other guards to surround us in a complete circle. His fangs were savage as he spoke, spit flying. “You dare betray me, after my father took your sorry life in and protected you… after pledging your loyalty to me?” Fier demanded of Chase.

Chase was unflinching. He stood there looking intimidating, like a hard statue. He swept his gaze over the numbers surrounding us. There must have been one hundred vampires here, easily. Is this how they convicted their vampires? Were these witnesses or warriors? Looking at the ones closest to me I knew I could disarm them quickly in hand-to-hand combat.

              “Fier, would you like to state what this is about? And why so many vampires? Have you convicted me of an unknown crime already?” Chase asked. His deep, threatening voice caused the other vampires to shift uncomfortably. Although Chase was not the oldest vampire here, they feared him. And much to our advantage, they did not know I was a huntress.

              Fier pulled a shining object out of his back pocket. To my disbelief it was one of the daggers I had given Dillian. They must have dropped one and that was the evidence. Chase heard my thoughts and he tightened his grip on my hand. He now completely understood what I had done.

              “The person to have signed this out of the weapons room was you. So it was one of two options: it was either you or that damn human you hold so dearly.” Fier looked like a creature with rabies; he was almost frothing at the mouth in rage. The frown marks in his face cut deep into his skin. Wind began to stir in the room, causing objects to creak. Fier’s anger was manifesting through his gift.

              “Kill all the humans!” Fier announced harshly. There were a few mumbles amongst the vampires. “If my men’s loyalty has begun to falter because of some humans, then we will be rid of them all. You will all find new ones. They are only meals!” Fier roared. The wind began to surround us and vampires pushed together, frightened.

              “It wasn’t them!” a faint voice tried to shout over the loud howls of the wind. Suddenly it stopped as vampires pushed aside for Whitney to wheel herself in. She gave me a small smile.

What are you doing?
I asked her in my mind.

I hadn’t even known I had done it until I could feel the sensation of her mind receiving me. I thought I could only share my gift with Chase. But then I considered when James and Dillian were captured. With silent words Dillian had requested that Chase take James from the room. So Chase’s mind manipulation could allow for conversations with others as well, I discovered.

Whitney looked at me warily, though she did not seem surprised that I could now speak to her in such a way.
My death is nearing and I am okay with this. I know you saw the blood yesterday that I coughed into my handkerchief. I am very close to my death… my body is now shutting down. I feel as if I only have days left,
she murmured.
Tythian and I cannot live together forever and it pains me to leave him. Right now he is on a raid, and when he returns he will be furious. But if I can help save many people’s lives, then I will. I knew it would come to this.

“What do you mean, you weakling?” Fier spat at her angrily. Chase held me firmly as I stepped forward.

I am okay with this, Esmore,
Whitney said to me, as if she knew what was about to come
. After I have gone, please talk to Tythain. I fear that with no one to talk to, he will forsake his own sanity.

              “Kill all three!” Fier roared.

I couldn’t reach Whitney in time, but as I stumbled forward, Chase covered my back as vampires began to run for us. Fier was in front of Whitney, and with one clean slice, he slit her throat with the very same dagger. Gasping for breath and choking began, but Whitney did not look at me. My mind brushed over hers. I could feel the shadows of death reach for her. And yet a smile still pressed on her lips. Her pain was not for long, but I suffered it with her.

              Admiring his work, Fier looked from Whitney to me with cold eyes. The movement around us seemed to blur. I roared with hatred and pain, swept over with guilt. Whitney’s death was now on my hands as well.

              One vampire came at me with a large wooden stick. On the end of it was a sphere. I grabbed it, flipping myself over her stick and over her back. Behind her I breathed heavily, surprising her with my speed, and snapping her neck. I claimed her weapon as mine and pierced her chest with it from behind before her neck could heal.

              “Hunter!” a vampire roared amongst them all. Suddenly all their attention was now on me. I sliced through the first two, cutting their throats open. I didn’t have a clear opening to pierce their hearts, with so many enemies in such a confined space. I could kill the ones who gave me an opening, but for now I had to severely injure and cut down as many as I could to drop their numbers before they healed and revived into masses. I would have to kill them one by one.

Two jumped from the forefront of the group. I slid under them, slicing at their ankles before they dropped. I swung my blade around in time, thrusting the blade across a vampire’s eye who had tried to attack me from behind. I pierced the vampire in front of me through the chest, jumping into him as he keeled over and took me with him. I took the motion, flipping over his corpse and jumping onto a vampire’s shoulders. I placed both of my hands on the ground, throwing the vampire’s weight over me and into an oncoming four vampires.

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