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Authors: Daniel Klein

Travels with Epicurus (12 page)


very much appreciate the valuable help of family, friends, and colleagues in putting together this manuscript: my daughter, Samara Klein, who offered me organizational ideas I would not have come up with on my own; my old pal Tom Cathcart, always a better student than I, who spotted mistakes in my reasoning and gently guided me out of them; and my wife, Freke Vuijst, who, in her second language, respectfully improved my syntax and grammar.

As always, Julia Lord, my agent and friend, not only supplied me with good advice, but, even more important to me, encouragement. My editors, Stephen Morrison and Rebecca Hunt, were wise and patient critics through many drafts. I am grateful.

I also appreciate the help of my friend Tician Papachristou, a generous tutor on all things Greek, and the travel companionship of my buddy Billy Hughes, whose photographer's eye often opened my own eyes.

Finally, I am deeply grateful to my Hydriot companions—Tasso, Dimitri, and, of course, Epicurus.

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