Trust In Love (A McCord Family Novel Book 2) (19 page)

"We don't know anybody," Austin said.

"So. Who cares about these people surrounding you other than the wonderful money they are donating to the city. Children programs that need more funding, homeless shelters, rec centers...this money will help out some areas of the city that really need the help. We leave in two days. I know you're missing Sophie. Is that why you're cranky?" Ava asked with a warm smile.

Austin glanced away from her tender look. "Maybe. I just don't feel comfortable here. I know it's for a good cause. Hell, we didn't even pay for our own plates. I don't even wanna know what your dad had to donate to get us in."

"It doesn't matter, Austin." Ava sighed, grabbing Zane's hand. "Please tell me you're at least enjoying this trip a little."

Zane squeezed her hand and lightly kissed her on the lips. "It's been good. Better than I thought it would go. I had fun touring the hot spots around the city. I even felt a little better visiting Jimmy. It's almost like I felt him there with us. I didn't so much enjoy the boat ride to the Statue of Liberty. Never gotten seasick in my life, but that boat ride did hell on my stomach."

"Please. It was probably those burritos we had before we took the ride," Austin said with a chuckle. Zane laughed with him. "My stomach was a little queasy as well."

"That's my boys. I like it better when you're smiling and laughing," Ava said.

"I need another drink. You guys need one?" Austin asked.

"No. We're good," Zane said, speaking for both of them, eyeing the full glass already in Ava's hand.

Austin walked away, heading towards the bar when he veered towards the right to use the bathroom first. He took his time using the facilities, washing his hands, and just stared in the mirror for a while. He didn't want to go back out there. No matter how many times Ava said it, he didn't feel comfortable here or feel like he fit in. All he heard were Cara's words run through his mind. He couldn't help it. What he wouldn't do to see Sophie right now. He missed her more than words could express. These next two days needed to go faster. He enjoyed his time so far, but he was ready to go home. To Sophie.

He left the bathroom and started to walk back into the ballroom when he decided he needed air, not a drink. Just one small breath of fresh air and he would be better. He started to walk down the hallway and turn the corner when he heard someone on the phone just around the corner.

"Look. I want you in front of that house until I get there. Do not let her out of your sight. I want to know who that man is knocking on my Sophie's door. And I will find out. That man will pay and so will my Sophie. She thought she could leave me and run to Minnesota—like I wouldn't find her. Like I wouldn't come after her. She's mine. She'll learn her lesson. I'll be there soon."

Austin inhaled a deep breath and slowly backed up towards the bathroom. That man was talking about Sophie.

His Sophie.

He knew it. He said Sophie and he said Minnesota. What were the odds he was talking about a different Sophie? He couldn't be. Austin's heart started to pound as he pulled his phone out. He needed to know she was okay. That man said a car was outside her house.

He was pulling open his contacts when the man turned the corner. Austin heard his footsteps and glanced up. He suddenly had the urge to slam the man into the wall and beat him to death. He had hurt Sophie. He still wanted to hurt her. Over Austin's dead body would he ever lay another hand on her.

Austin didn't stare, not wanting to draw the man's attention, but he made sure to get a good look before he glanced back to his phone. His hand shook as he scrolled through the contacts looking for Emmett's number. He'd call him first. Emmett hadn't called him yet, so he knew he hadn't checked in on her. He needed to get there now. As soon as the man walked back into the ballroom, Austin hit dial.

"Hey, Austin. Just the man I was gonna call. How's New York going?" Emmett asked.

"You need to get to Sophie's now. There's a car in front of her house and they aren't there for a good reason," Austin said, his voice cracking as he spoke.

"Shit! How the hell did you know?" Emmett asked surprised.

"You see the car?"

"Yeah, it bugged me out. I already checked on Sophie about thirty minutes ago and she's fine. I parked in good view of the car waiting for Ethan to get back to me. I had him run the plates. It's a rental, but the driver...let's see...Tony Delgani. His license indicates he's from New York. I just put two and two together that he was here because of Sophie. I'm already pulling up in front of her house again."

"I don't care what she says you do not leave that house until I get there. I'm taking the first flight home," Austin said, his voice getting a little stronger.

"What happened there? How did you know?"

"We're at a charity event. I took a breather and I heard a man talking on the phone. He said things...he'll hurt her if he gets to her. It's him. The man she ran from. I'm about to find Peter and ask him who the hell the guy is."

"Austin, listen to me. I hear the venom in your voice. Keep your cool. I know you want to hurt him, but let Peter and...and whoever the hell has the power to make arrests take care of him. Sophie needs you here, not in a jail cell."

"I will, Emmett. I swear...well, I hope anyway. Just watch your back. He knows you knocked on the door and he didn't like that either. Watch your back, man."

"We'll be fine here. They're having a sleepover. Sounds like fun. Never had a sleepover with girls before," Emmett said laughing.

"A sleepover? Good. Keep her mind happy. Don't let her dwell on this asshole and what he's gonna do. I'll call her and give her a heads up. I have no idea how she'll react. Make it the best damn sleepover she's ever had, Emmett," Austin said forcefully.

"I plan to."

Austin hung up and walked back into the ballroom happy to see Peter by Ava and Zane. As he made his way over to them, he scanned the ballroom, immediately spotting the man from the hallway. He was standing with a group of gentlemen, laughing, drinking, and acting as if he wasn't going to hurt the woman Austin loved.

"Hey, where's your drink?" Ava asked.

Austin ignored her. "Peter, please, don't be obvious about it, but who in the hell is that man over there to our left? Black hair, laughing like a jackass, third from the left in the circle of men."

Peter glanced where Austin described as his brow raised with surprise. "Odd question and quite concerning how angry you sound. I hope you're alright, Austin. But to answer your question, that's Kevin Dittmore. Why?"

"What's going on, Austin?" Ava asked, just as concerned.

"I heard that man talking on his phone. I just talked to Emmett, who confirmed it. There's a car sitting outside of Sophie's house. He sent that car to watch her until he gets there. He's the same man who hurt her," Austin said, glancing over at him, unable to help himself. The urge to walk over there and confront the bastard overwhelmed him.

"Are you sure, Austin? He's a very prominent businessman. He donates to these charity events all the time. Clean record—"

"Pillar of the community. Enough influence to make the police have a blind eye when Sophie needs them the most," Austin interrupted him. "I don't think you need to say anymore, Peter. Maybe that's the reason Sophie wouldn't tell Ava or me who he was because she knew people wouldn't believe her. All I need to do is call her and say his name and I think we'll have our answer."

Before Peter or anyone else could say anything, Austin hit dial on his phone and waited for her to answer.

He laughed when she answered the phone. "Wow, Emmett didn't lie. You are having a sleepover. The music's pretty loud."

"What's a sleepover without loud music?" Sophie asked, laughing with him. She must've heard the strain in his laugh, though. "Is everything okay?"

"Sophie, I don't want to scare you or upset you. I swear it's the last thing I ever want to do. I have a question. It can't be avoided."

"You're scaring me, Austin. What is it? Oh, there's someone at the door."

"Let Deja get it. It's Emmett. Is Kevin Dittmore the man who hurt you?" Austin blurted before he lost his nerve.

He heard her gasp in his ear, silence answering him back. "Sophie?"

"How did butted in where you aren't welcome!"

"That's not true, Sophie. It's not. We're at a charity event right now and I heard him on the phone. He said your name. He threatened you. He has a car parked outside your house, watching you. I just happened upon it. I would never break your trust like that."

He heard her sniffling in the phone. "Please don't cry. I'm coming home. First flight out of here, I'm on it. Emmett's going to stay with you until I get home. Please don't argue about that. I don't trust whoever is outside the house."

"Emmett can stay. I'm scared, Austin. He'll kill me," she whispered.

"Listen closely, Sophie. I will not let anyone hurt you. I'll kill him first. He won't hurt you again. I'll make sure of it. I'll be home soon," Austin said, hating to hang up with her. He needed to be home now. He certainly didn't want to blurt anything else out that would frighten or upset her. "Everything will be fine. See you soon, Sophie."

"Okay. Goodbye, Austin," Sophie whispered.

"I told you it was him. She immediately started crying. If you only heard the fear in her voice. I need to be there. I need to go home," Austin said, giving another quick glance at Kevin.

"Don't go killing anyone, Austin. We'll all keep her safe. I'm sorry for questioning you and doubting you," Peter said, glancing over at Kevin again. "I'm just shocked. Now I know and I will find what officers helped him and take care of it. When you guys told me about Sophie a few days ago, you didn't give me much information. I need to know what they exactly did wrong. Can you get the exact story from Sophie?"

"Yes, but when I get home. I need to be with her...not over the phone. I gotta go—"

"We'll all go home. Ava can call Chief Tanner and update him on the situation. If this Kevin Dipshit thinks he can waltz into our hometown and hurt one of us, he's got another thing coming," Zane said, clapping a hand on Austin's shoulder.

"Dipshit?" Ava asked, raising an eyebrow as a grin formed on her lips.

"Seems fitting, sweetheart." Zane grinned, squeezing Austin's shoulder in encouragement as the anger rippled throughout his entire body.

"Sophie's in good hands here. Let's go back to Dad's and pack. Austin, you get us a flight and I'll call Chief Tanner. First thing we'll do is take care of the car in front of her house," Ava said with a smile.

"Let's go. I need to see Sophie. I need to see she's okay with my own eyes," Austin said, leading the way out, not daring a glance at Kevin again. He knew if he did, he would march over there and start beating the shit out of him. It took all his restraint, all his willpower not to walk that way. It also helped that his brother kept a hand on his shoulder the whole way out. It grounded him more than anything else could have.


Deja swung the door open, glad she held it firmly. The impact of his look caught her off guard, but she managed to seal it up quickly. "Emmett? Sophie's okay, you know. And here I thought you were starting to trust me."

"I do. It's the car a few houses down I don't trust. Don't go looking and making it obvious. Consider me a new member of the sleepover because I'm staying the night," Emmett said, with a sly grin.

He said not to make it obvious, but Deja couldn't help trying to catch a glance. Her and her brother used to play many games when they were younger. Spy, as they called it, happened to be one of them. She managed a quick glance without giving it away.

"What's going on? Full details, E-man. I'm not afraid to beat them out of you either," she said with a hard glare in her eyes.

"E-man?" Emmett asked, confused, looking around the porch as if someone else was with them.

"Nickname for you. Do you like it?" Deja gave him a quick smile, then brought the hard glare back to her eyes. "Start answering my questions. Does that car have something to do with Sophie?"

"Yeah. I had my brother run the plates. It's a rental car with the guy sitting in it from New York. Talked to Austin as well. The man who hurt Sophie...he found her. The dude in the car has eyes on her until that bastard gets here. Sophie isn't getting hurt on my watch. I promised Austin I'd keep her safe and that's what I'm gonna do. He's on his way home now, trying to get the next flight out of New York. I'm coming to this sleepover whether you like it or not." Emmett's last statement left no room for argument. "And give me a while before I decide whether I like my nickname. Plus, gives me time to think of one for you."

Deja smiled, stepped further inside of the house, giving Emmett the permission to enter. She started to walk away and then turned around as he shut the door. "I'll be right back. Lock the door, E-man. Of course, you probably know that, smart guy you are."


Emmett chuckled as he watched her walk away into the kitchen. He locked the door, glanced around the area until his eyes landed on Sophie sitting in the living room on the couch. He slipped his shoes off and walked over to her, taking his steps slowly. He didn't want to scare her by sitting next to her on the couch, but he also didn't want to stand over her while he tried talking to her. Next best thing he figured was to have a seat on the bed of blankets sprawled on the floor.

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