Trust In Love (A McCord Family Novel Book 2) (9 page)

Officer Adams shuffled his feet at her berating look. "I didn't know she was his neighbor and Malley is waiting by the back door. We secured the scene, nobody else was inside. It was reasonably assumed she did it."

"Did you even ask her about anything?" Ava asked.

"," Officer Adams said.

"What the hell are you waiting for? Take them off," Austin said.

"I can't. Because the dog won't let me get near her and I didn't want to shoot your dog, Austin. I tried putting her in the patrol vehicle and he started snarling and growling at me. I barely got the handcuffs on before he almost attacked me," Officer Adams replied.

"Give me the key," Austin demanded as he held out his hand. Officer Adams grabbed his key, handing it to Austin, who immediately went behind Sophie, bending down and unlocked the handcuffs. Ava gave Officer Adams another irritating glare as Austin took care of Sophie. He took that as a sign to leave them alone and walked to the back of the house where Officer Malley stood securing the back door.

"I'm so sorry, Sophie. Are you okay?" Austin asked as he sat next to her on the curb after he had taken the cuffs off.


Sophie wiped her cheeks, trying to control the tears, but it was hard. So many scenarios had played through her mind, so many memories had flashed through her like a horrible movie reel that would never end. Just a horrible nightmare, one she thought she would never make it out of.

She couldn't look at him. The embarrassment, the horror that he would believe she could do such a thing, made her tremor deep inside. She started rubbing her wrists in a frenzy, the suffocating feeling that she still had her hands bound, drowning out everything around her.

"Sophie? Please, I'm sorry. Are you okay? Why were you by my house?" Austin asked gently.

"So you do think I did it? Why take the cuffs off?" Sophie whispered.

"What? No, I don't think that. I would never think that. But someone broke in and you were on my porch. Geez, Sophie, don't you realize what could've happened? You could've been hurt by the intruder. That scares me so much you have no idea," Austin said roughly.

Ava bent down in front of them. "Hi, Sophie. I'm Ava, Austin's sister-in-law. I also happen to work in the crime lab here in St. Joe. I need to go check the house, but did you see anything? I'm assuming since you were near the house that you were checking something out. Austin has a right to worry that you could have gotten hurt. Did you hear something?"

Sophie slowly turned her eyes to Ava, seeing compassion and concern. Sophie couldn't believe she worked for the police. She had never seen such emotion from anyone associated with the police. "I heard the noise, too. I wasn't sure what it was and went outside to look. I didn't notice anything until I got to the back door. I knew you weren't home, but I saw Axel in the kitchen. He wouldn't come at first when I called his name, so I had to go inside to get him. I didn't think about anyone being inside the house. I was just worried about Axel. I thought maybe he got hurt because he was sitting by the table and wouldn't move. When I got closer to him, I saw his paw was bleeding and he couldn't walk. Maybe he cut himself on the glass, I don't know. Before I went in, I thought I saw someone running in the woods behind our houses. I'm not sure."

Austin reached for Axel and lifted his paw where a few drops of blood fell down. "Hey, buddy, we'll get that taken care of. Good job boy, taking care of Sophie."

"I thought he was at the farm," Ava asked, her facial expression giving the impression the wheels were turning in her mind.

"He was. I take him every morning with me. I was busy in the barn. I guess the little rascal took it into his mind to come home without me. Maybe he knew Sophie would need him," Austin said, glancing at Sophie.

She still couldn't look at him.

"Hmm. Dogs do sense things. He probably did, even though it's a long walk. Are you okay, Sophie? You never answered Austin. And did you happen to see any distinctive features of the person you saw running?" Ava asked.

Sophie wiped her cheeks again, sniffling lightly as she glanced at Ava. "I'm fine. I'm just a little shaken from having handcuffs on. It's a very unpleasant experience. I didn't see much. It was a man, I think. He looked younger, maybe in his twenties, and he had a red hoodie over his head. I couldn't see his face well because of that. That's it."

"Why didn't you try telling Officer Adams this?" Ava asked.

Sophie looked her squarely in the eye and said with a venom-laced tone, "Because the last time I tried telling an officer something they didn't believe me. They threatened to arrest me and I didn't really expect much from him either since he already had handcuffs on me. I don't expect anything from any cop because they don't help people. If Austin didn't know me I'm positive I would still be in handcuffs. I think you know I don't have a key to his house. I'm not sure why you said that."

"When I'm angry I blurt things out, but maybe you should have a key." Ava shrugged as if it didn't matter what she said earlier.

"You and Austin are good friends. I was just as upset seeing you handcuffed as he was. I can tell just by looking in your eyes that you have a kind soul. I can tell by looking into Austin's eyes that he cares about you. I'm sorry that you were ever in a position where you needed a cop and they let you down. I'm a cop's daughter. I've grown up around cops, worked with them, basically am one. There are bad one's out there and I won't deny that. You have to think of the true gems that shine through. They aren't all bad. Don't make one bad experience—scratch that—two bad experiences give you a bad impression," Ava said, grabbing Austin's hand. "Jimmy, Austin's brother, was one of those true gems. Best damn cop I knew. He did it because he wanted to help people and put the bad guys away. He was a good man, a good cop, and I suppose he learned it all from his brothers."

"Oh geez, Ava, please don't you cry, too. I can't handle two women crying on me," Austin pleaded as the tears started to roll down her cheeks.

"It's hormones, Austin. I'm pregnant. And I miss him. Zane's cranky anytime I bring up New York and it's hard because I miss him. I don't like that Sophie feels this way and that's not right either. She's your friend, which makes her my friend. We all hurt together. That's the way this family operates. Moments like this I need Jimmy," Ava said, taking her hand back and rubbing her cheeks dry. "I need to process the scene. I'll be back."

"Maybe someone else should do it. I worry—"

"Knock it off, Austin. It's my job. I can handle a simple crime scene. I liked to hang out sometime, Sophie. But if you don't want to, that's okay, too," Ava said, giving a friendly smile and abruptly walked away.

"We should look at Axel's paw. Clean it up. Can we do it in your house?" Austin asked tentatively.

Sophie nodded. He reached over to help her up, but she shied away from him. He sighed quietly and gently picked up Axel. "Come on, buddy. Let's look at that paw."

They walked into her house, making their way to the kitchen where Austin set him gently on the counter. Sophie stood near them, wanting to comfort Axel, yet nervous to be around Austin with no one else around. She had come to trust he wouldn't hurt her, but being near him always played hell with her nerves.

Austin looked at his paw, then turned the water on, finding the right temperature. "Do you have a towel you don't mind getting dirty? I'd like to wrap his paw. It's not bleeding too badly, but just in case when he steps on it."

Sophie nodded, reaching into the drawer near the sink, grabbing a towel, not really caring what one she chose.


Austin smiled softly at her as he gently wrapped Axel's paw after cleaning it. He picked him up and set him on the floor where Axel quickly sat down next to Sophie's feet.

"I'm glad you're okay. You shouldn't have checked that noise out or went inside my house. You could've gotten hurt. I'd go nuts if you got hurt, Sophie," Austin said, waiting for her to look his way.

More words sat on the tip of his tongue, words that would probably make her go screaming from the kitchen in shock. Hell, the urge to pull her into his arms would probably make her go running from the kitchen. He steeled his emotions in a silent deep breath to tamper down any urge that riddled his body. Hard didn't begin to describe the intensity it took to do that.

"Axel was inside. I was worried about him. I really didn't do it. I swear it wasn't me who broke in."

He swore softly as he grabbed her hands. She jerked slightly at the touch, but he had to make her see. Make her feel what he felt.

"Listen to me, Sophie. I never once thought it was you. I still don't. I want to know everything about you, especially what happened to make you dislike and not trust cops. But I know you won't share it with me. I care about you. You're my friend and I wish you would trust me more than you do. I feel you shaking as I hold your hands. Can't you feel mine shaking right with you? That's me worried about you."

"It's not easy trusting. I've given it so many times just for it to be broken once again," Sophie said quietly, almost in a whisper.

"I may make you mad, I may drive you nuts, but I will never break your trust. Just give me a small chance. Hang out with me a little more. You don't have to share anything you don't want to. Axel enjoys your company and misses you. If not for me, at least for him."

"You're using Axel to get me to hang out with you," she said, finally glancing at him, shyly smiling back when she saw his sweet grin.

"I guess I am."

"Hanging out means what exactly?"

"I don't know. Watching a movie, baseball, or something boring on TV. I know you said you don't like baseball, but I think I can convince you otherwise. I need another supporting Twins fan because Ava's a diehard Yankees fan and I need help bantering back with her. Or we can take Axel for a walk. Or you could come out to the farm. I'd love to show you around. Maybe we could go horseback riding," he replied, suddenly hoping against all hope she agreed.

His uncertainty where to proceed with her vanished when he saw her sitting so lonely on the curb. The clarity of it all hit him so hard he almost staggered to the ground getting out of his truck. He was ready to take a chance on love, to see if he could have what his brother has. What did Zane say that one morning to him...
companionship, love, a deep relationship with a magical woman
...that's what he wanted a chance at. He was just hoping she would give him the chance.

"Maybe I should leave Axel with you during the day. I don't like it that he walked home like he did today. He could've gotten hurt or lost."

"But he's your dog."

"I don't know about that. When I first saw him, he was on your front porch. I think that kind of makes him both of ours. He clearly loves you because he's very protective of you. I think he'd like it."

"Okay," she replied, glancing at their hands, as he had started to lightly rub his thumb on her palm.

"Okay on Axel and hanging out with me? Or just okay on Axel?" Austin asked nervously.

She tilted her eyes back up to his. "On both."

Austin smiled wide as happiness flowed through his body, among other things. He should let her go, but the feel of her soft hands was making him come undone. She wasn't pulling away and he wanted to enjoy her nearness as much as he could. He imagined he might not get it as often as he wanted, not without patience and time. "You have no idea how happy that makes me…and Axel."

Sophie was about to respond when they heard a booming knock on the door. "I'll get it. You hang out with Axel and baby him. He'll soak it up and he deserves it. It's either Ava or another officer," Austin said, as he finally let go of her hands. Sophie nodded as he winked at her and then walked out of the kitchen.


"You're threatening to arrest me for a false report? I didn't do this to myself," Sophie exclaimed as she held her arm out, showing the bruise that was darkening more as each minute ticked by.

"That isn't what Mr. Dittmore said, Ma'am. He said you've had some mental issues in the past and tend to hurt yourself sometimes. He's worried about you. Perhaps a psyche eval would be good for you. We can't make you, but we can help you get there if you like," the officer said in a soothing tone. To Sophie's ears, it came out more as an insolent tone.

She couldn't believe this was happening. Kevin had grabbed her, squeezing her hard and bruised her arm. He even shoved her against the wall. Several times in fact, but she had no marks to prove that. She waited until he left to call the police, but apparently, it hadn't mattered. He came home before they arrived, giving his side of the story—which was her harming herself. She had mental issues. They were right in a sense. She couldn't believe she was still with Kevin or that she allowed him to treat her this way. She was weak. She had nowhere else to go and Kevin knew that.

"That's not true. I didn't hurt myself. He—"

"Ma'am, I suggest you not further implicate yourself in that false report. I don't want to arrest you because Mr. Dittmore asked us not to," the officer interrupted her, holding his hand up in her face, making her step back from a potential slap. She almost laughed aloud at the absurdity of an officer slapping her. A natural reaction to step back when a hand came towards her. What did that tell her? What did that tell the officer? Apparently nothing, because he didn't believe her, didn't see the fear, the horror she lived with.

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