Two Sirs for Sasha [Club Esoteria 9] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (8 page)

It only took a few strokes with the vibrator and a brush of a single fingertip over her clit before she cried out and came.


* * * *


Tuesday afternoon, Sasha had just stepped out of her after-work shower when a heavy knock sounded at the door. Wrapping a white bath sheet around her body, she hurried to the door to answer it. Peeking through the curtains covering the window, she was not surprised to see Gavin standing there. He looked sinfully delicious in a pair of navy-blue shorts and a white polo with a P&G company logo on the left chest.

“Hello?” she said as she opened the door while tucking the end of the towel in a little more securely. Even though he had seen her naked, the neighbors did not need a peep show.

Gavin dragged his eyes up from where the towel ended at mid-thigh to smile into her eyes. He had to swallow hard before he said, “Good afternoon, sweetheart. I was wondering if you would like to go for a walk with me?”

“I’d like that,” Sasha said. “Would you like to come in while I get dressed?”

“Uh, no, I’d better not. If I do, I might forget I’m not supposed to touch you and Peyton will never forgive me.”

Sasha could not help the giggle that escaped at his honest answer. “So this is your vanilla date?”

“I guess you could say that. Tonight is our night to get to know one another as Gavin and Sasha, not as Sir and sub. But if you stand there much longer wearing just that towel, my best intentions will be shot to hell. Now go get dressed.”

“Yes, Sir.” Sasha giggled again at his intense, almost desperate, expression just before she closed the door in his face.

Hurrying to the bedroom, she mentally sorted through the contents of her closet for something that was sexy enough to make Gavin a little crazy while still appropriate for a walk through town.

After combing her hair and putting on her normal minimal amount of makeup, she opened her closet and flipped through the half dozen dresses there. She decided on a colorfully patterned sundress with a deep V in the front and a hem that fell to just above her knees. She pulled on the black sports bra that she stored on the hanger with the dress. The bra kept her breasts lifted while making the overly daring neckline more appropriate. She decided against wearing panties, vowing to go shopping for sexy panties as soon as she got her next paycheck. Slipping on a pair of comfortable rhinestone-covered flip-flops, she picked up her purse on her way out the door for her second date in two days.

Gavin waited near the bottom of the stairs, but he was not alone. Kate was standing too close and openly flirting. Kate was thin and beautiful, and even after working all day, she looked clean and neat and fresh as a daisy. A hot knife of jealousy sliced through Sasha’s happy feeling, and inferiority rose in her once again.

That was until Gavin saw her. She watched as he stepped around Kate with a muttered, “Excuse me,” and walked straight to her. Taking her hand in his, he laced their fingers together and lifted them to his lips. He kissed and then licked the back of her hand all the while staring deep into her eyes. “Ready to go, pet?”

Forcing herself to maintain eye contact with the gorgeous hunk, she nodded. As they walked to the closest street entrance, she fought an intense urge to turn back and stick her tongue out at her coworker.

“Behave yourself, little one,” Gavin ordered softly. “She doesn’t do a thing for me while you and those amazing curves make me hard enough to pound nails with a single smile.”


“Yes, really. But that is not what today is about. Today we are going to get to know one another without the distraction of sex. That is also why we are going to stay on the streets and not find a private place to make out…or more.”

Sasha could not help but laugh as her pussy gushed at the images he was putting in her head. “Don’t you trust yourself not to make a pass if we go somewhere private?”

“After hearing what you did to Peyton yesterday, I don’t trust myself not to make a pass at you while we are standing in the middle of the street,” Gavin said, his voice deep and growly. “Now talk to me, tell me what your hopes, dreams, and plans for the future are.”

For the next two hours, they walked all over the downtown New Bern area, peering into shop windows and talking. Some of Gavin’s questions were repeats of Peyton’s the day before, but others were completely different. She answered them easily and found he was much more forthcoming with answers to her questions than Peyton was.

As they passed several restaurants, Gavin stopped and looked at her. “Do you have any favorite foods?”

“Not really. I’ll eat anything and don’t have any allergies.”

Gavin nodded and turned to the Country Kitchen, a family restaurant that was on the other side of the street. “Come on, I haven’t had a chicken-fried steak in ages.”

Their conversation continued over dinner. Gavin’s looks grew heated and his questions danced on the line to inappropriate, which began to wind up Sasha’s arousal.

After dinner, they walked back to the bakery and sat on a bench across the street. Gavin dropped his arm around her shoulders in an easy move that sent a shiver of need through her. When he began to trace random patterns on her upper arm, she shifted, her pussy clenching with growing need.

“Have you seen the doctor yet?” he asked softly as they watched the squirrels and birds playing around them.

“I’m going to.”

His hand slid around then under her arm, and his fingertips stroked against the side of her breast. Though his touch was teasing, his voice was deep, serious, and carried the thread of a powerful Dom. “We cannot play again until you get the completed medical form back to Mistress Jenna. Even though we will use condoms, Jenna would have our balls if we tried to bring you back to the club without having your paperwork filled out.”

“Yes, Sir.” Heat surged through her, causing her breath to hitch as both nipples and clit knotted tight with need.

“Good girl. And I have to tell you that I personally cannot wait to slide my cock deep in you,” Gavin lowered his voice and turned his head so his mouth was just inches from her ear. “Are you wet, little lamb?”

“Oh, God, yes, Sir,” she moaned as she crossed her legs, trying to put pressure on her clit.

“And all I can think about is seeing whether or not you’re wearing panties right now. That means it’s time to get you home so I can go home and take a cold shower.”

They used the narrow alleyway next to the bakery to get to the parking lot behind the building. At the bottom of the stairs, Gavin stopped her and pulled her into his arms. After giving her a long, deep kiss that lasted several minutes and aroused her even further, he released her. He waited until she stopped swaying before stepping back.

“We will see you Friday night, nine o’clock at the club,” he said in his Dom voice. She nodded, still recovering from the kiss. Turning her to face the stairs, he patted her ass to encourage her to move. “Get some sleep. And get that paperwork filled out.”

“Yes, Sir,” she said as she started up the stairs.

“Lift it, little lamb. Show me,” Gavin ordered softly when she reached the fifth step.

Knowing what he wanted, she reached down and lifted the back of her dress. A gasp behind her assured her that he had seen that she was, indeed, naked from the waist down.

Gavin waited until she had opened her apartment door before saying, “Oh, and Sasha, you will not come again until we are together at the club Friday night.”

She whined softly, already wound up and needy. As she entered her apartment, she realized that she was coming to love both her Sirs and hoped they would never demand she choose between them.

Chapter 10


Late Thursday afternoon, she parked the delivery van with a weary sigh. She had just finished making the day’s deliveries to the restaurants they supplied with fresh baked rolls and cakes. Her heart was breaking because her father had kept her so busy the past two days she had not been able to get to a general care clinic to have her paperwork for the club filled out. She would have to get in touch with her Sirs and let them know she would not be there the next night.

Antony waiting on the steps to her apartment surprised her. Warily she climbed from the driver’s seat.

“Finally,” he said, standing and following her to the back of the van. “I wasn’t sure you’d ever get back.”

“What’s up?” she asked as she opened the door and lifted the rolling rack out. After setting it on the ground, she picked up the extra trays and set them on top of the rack. Their contract with the restaurants was that the trays would be returned washed and ready to be refilled with their next deliveries. “You could have waited inside for me.”

“And have Kevin put me to work? No, thanks. I’m fine out here.” Antony shivered at the thought of working in the bakery kitchen.

“Why are you here?”

Antony avoided his half brother like a cat stayed away from water. Though his mother had married her father’s father, the two brothers were so different in age and temperament they could not be in the same room without an argument erupting.

Sasha rolled the rack up the driveway toward the back door. Antony opened the door for her, but did not follow her inside. He waited until she had put the equipment away before rejoining him just outside the back door.

“I’ve been sent to escort you to the doctor’s office for your medical clearance. How soon can you get away?”

Sasha blinked but decided that, as with most things instigated by Antony, it was better to just hang on tight and enjoy the ride. But how did he know she had yet to follow Gavin and Peyton’s instructions and see the doctor for her medical clearance? “Let me tell Dad I’m leaving.”

“Okay, I’ll wait here. But hurry up,” Antony urged, making Sasha question what the big rush was all about. She did not have an appointment for the blood work and physical required for the club’s paperwork, and at this time in the afternoon, it might take until midnight to be seen at a walk-in-only clinic.

Sasha returned to the kitchen. After checking in with her father, who having finally gotten over his mood, ordered her to get some rest, she clocked out.

Pulling off her apron, she tossed it on the washing machine and checked her pockets for her apartment keys and wallet. Walking out to the parking lot, she looked at her uncle. “Okay, I’m free for the rest of the afternoon. Now what’s going on?”

Antony did not answer. He took her arm and hustled her to his truck. As soon as they were both seat belted in, he started the truck and headed across town. When he drove past the medical office district with several urgent-care clinics, Sasha knew something was up.

“Where are we going?” she finally demanded when he remained silent.

“I told you. I’m to escort you to the doctor’s office.”


“Because my Mistress ordered me to,” he answered as if that should explain everything.

“Why would she do that?” Sasha asked, shifting in her seat to face him.

She needed more information. Though she was submissive by nature, she was also inquisitive and curious about everything.

“Maybe because a certain pair of Doms called her an hour ago and after hearing you had not returned your medical clearance, they asked if she could not help. It seems a couple gentlemen are rather eager to have you added to the club’s membership.”

“Oh?” Sasha’s heart jumped and began to pound with excitement. Her entire mound throbbed, and she had to shift in her seat to a more comfortable position where her pussy lips were not pressed so tightly against her throbbing clit.

Antony glanced at her and raised an eyebrow. “Yeah, like you weren’t expecting that,” he said, disbelief evident in his voice.

“So where are you taking me?”

“We’re going to see the doctor,” Antony repeated, sounding like his patience was nearing an end. “So, how is the catering business going?”

Sasha allowed the change of subject, and they chatted about her fledgling business the rest of the way to their destination. When Antony pulled into a parking lot, she frowned. The parking lot was empty except for an expensive sedan and two pickups that looked vaguely familiar.

Turning to Antony, she said, “This is a pediatrician’s office. What are we doing here?”

“Merlin is a member of the club. He agreed to do your physical and rush the blood work through,” Antony said as he parked.

Once they climbed out of the truck, Antony took her hand and led her to the building’s side entrance. He knocked loud enough that Sasha wondered if he had hurt his knuckles against the metal door. Endless seconds later, the door opened, and a nice-looking, dark-haired man nodded in silent greeting to Antony.

Her uncle released her arm and with a hand in the middle of her back, pushed her forward when she did not make a move. She stepped inside and found herself standing in a bright and colorful hallway. When the door closed behind her, she looked over her shoulder and found herself alone with the stranger.

“Antony had to get back to the club,” the stranger said as he stepped past her and led the way down the hall. “I’m Merlin Gates. This is my office, and I am a member of Club Esoteria. The clinic has closed for the today, so there’s no chance of running into any sick itty bitties.” He stopped and motioned her ahead of him into a room at the far end of the hall.

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