Read Velvet Steel Online

Authors: Suzanne Rock

Tags: #contemporary, #erotic romance, #Menage

Velvet Steel (5 page)

“I can see you like Noah’s touch.” Shane moved back the edge of her lacy bra. “I wonder if you’ll like mine as well.”

She felt his hands on her shirt, but instead of clumsy fumbling, deft fingers flicked the rest of the annoying buttons aside. He touched her skin, and energy bolted through her. Raw and powerful, it gripped her body and made her skin tingle. She opened her eyes. Shane made a tsking noise with his mouth.

“You shouldn’t have done that.”

“Done what?”

“Opened your eyes.” He glanced at Noah. “Do you have anything down there that could keep her eyes shut?”

Noah waved his hand. “There is always a bar towel.”

“Yes.” Shane flashed Noah a brilliant smile and reached for the towel. “I knew there was a reason why I liked you.”

Noah’s eyes twinkled as he returned his attention to her thighs. “Just like old times, Shane.”

“Aye, although this time it will be better.” He grabbed the towel and winked at Kitty. “Much better.”

A bar towel? But without sight, she couldn’t monitor their expressions or know what they were doing. Panic shot through her body. She tried to close her thighs, but Noah’s body blocked her. She stared wide-eyed at Shane. “What are you doing?”

Shane folded the towel in his lap. “Distract her, Noah.”

Noah bent his head between her legs. Soon his hot, wet kisses trailed along her right inner thigh. Kitty bit her lower lip and moaned as her mind fogged with desire.

Shane tied the towel in front of her eyes. “Much better.”

“Hey.” She tried to sit up, but the closeness of the men’s bodies held her still.

“Trust us, love,” Noah placed her other knee on his shoulder.

“Don’t talk, just feel.” With the makeshift blindfold secure, Shane returned his attention to her chest.

They were right. These men were there to please her, and she needed to take advantage of that. Kitty decided to stop fighting them and enjoy the moment. It would make winning the challenge that much sweeter.

She tried to relax, but the feel of Shane’s hand undoing her bra was so erotic that it made relaxing impossible. Both men knew where to touch her, knew what she needed to kick her libido into high gear. She arched her back and moaned as her body molded to their hands.

“That’s more like it.” Shane’s heat penetrated her skin as he moved closer. His warm breath brushed against her ear as he spoke. “Without sight, all your other senses are heightened, and all your nerves are more sensitive.”

Kitty gasped as he scraped his teeth along her earlobe.

“That’s it, little kitten. Just let yourself go.” He leaned over her body and covered her lips with his. The kiss started soft, and Kitty loved the feel of Shane’s smooth, firm lips against hers. Nerve endings tingled, and she wiggled with excitement underneath him, wanting to get closer. Then the kiss became harder, more demanding. He tilted his head and deepened the kiss, running his tongue along the side of hers. She opened herself to the new sensations and was swept up by his sexual energy. Kitty kissed him back, and soon they began an intimate dance of give-and-take, each stroke heightening her desire, each caress building the fire in her belly.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and threaded her fingers in his hair. The strands felt thick and smooth, like a luxurious fur. The dull yearning intensified, as if her body were an oven rising to temperature.

“Fuck me,” she whispered against his mouth. “Fuck me now.”

He pulled away and kissed a heated trail along her jaw. “Not yet.”

Everywhere he touched, she burned with longing. Kitty slid her fingers down the back of his neck and traced the corded muscles of his shoulders. She wasn’t used to her orders being denied. Instead of making her angry, it made her hotter. She was able to let go of her frustrations and live in the moment, something she hadn’t been able to do for a very long time. Shane’s deep Irish brogue sent shivers of need sparking through her body. If he had dared to deny her requests outside the limo, she’d have slapped him hard in the face, but the towel over her eyes changed everything. No longer was she the one in charge. She was taking orders instead of giving them.

The knowledge infused her body, making her feel protected and cared for. Kitty was at the mercy of these men. Whatever they wanted to do to her, they could do. She groaned as her desire surged and shook her to the core.

Shane’s muscles rippled beneath her fingers as he kissed his way down her chest. Kitty slid her lower lip between her teeth and imagined all that muscle driving home between her thighs. Would he go first or would Noah? It didn’t matter who satisfied her as long as someone did. Each minute that passed heightened the tension and increased her need. “Stop teasing.”

“Oh, little kitten, we haven’t even begun to tease.” Shane scraped his teeth against her nipple, and she cried out as a sharp spark of pain swept through her. She wiggled, trying to get away, but the men held her still until the pain subsided and pleasure took its place.

Noah ran his tongue around the rim of her opening. “I thought you told her to relax.”

“I did.” Shane flicked his tongue over her sensitive nipple. “It seems our little kitten has a rebellious side.” He nipped her sensitive tip, causing her to moan. “She also appears to like a little pain with her pleasure.”

“Good to know.” Noah licked another line along her slit.

Shane shifted beside her. “Relax, lass.”

It was an order. She wanted to deny him, but Kitty found her body already responding to the sweet Irish brogue. Shane bent over her torso and licked her taut nipple, soothing the spot where he’d nipped. Kitty moaned and arched her back as he flicked the tip with his tongue. Slowly her panic subsided and her arousal returned.

Then he nipped her again. It wasn’t hard, not really, but she was so sensitive he might as well have used a knife against her skin. She gasped as pain exploded across her breast, the flash so instantaneous and complete that she was left breathless.

Then the pleasure began. It started small, just a little vibration spiraling out from her nipple and darting along her skin. Shane caressed the sensitive area with his tongue, and another vibration, this one much stronger, charged through her muscles.

“I think she’s ready, Noah.”

Noah parted her thighs wider. “Are you sure, Shane?”

A whisper of cool air rushed over her nipple as Shane lifted his head. “See for yourself.”

Noah shifted her left leg off his shoulder. “Hold this.” Noah’s voice cascaded through her as he wrapped her fingers around her leg. “Lift it high.”

She did as she was told, raising her leg almost to her shoulder. Shane’s chuckle filled the limo.

“Good girl.” He shifted away from her body, leaving her feeling cold and alone.

They repeated the motions with her right leg until Kitty was leaning back on the seat, blindfolded, holding her legs high in the air. The position exposed her pussy to both men, and she couldn’t help but feel a little nervous. What were they thinking? Did they like what they saw? She felt vulnerable, helpless. There was a part of her, deep down, that wanted to please these men just as much as she wanted to be pleased by them.

“Beautiful, isn’t it?” Shane asked.

“Yes, but…”

She felt a finger slide over her opening, the tip just barely touching the inside of her body. Her pussy clenched as need roared through her system.

“I think you might be losing your touch. She’s barely aroused,” Noah said.

“What? That’s impossible.” Shane’s warm body curled up next to hers. “Did I disappoint you, lass?”

Disappoint her? She hadn’t felt this turned on in ages. She shook her head.

“Good.” He reached under her arm and cupped her left breast in his palm. “Because I’d become rather upset if my attentions weren’t appreciated.” He slid a finger along her cheek. “I’d probably have to punish you.”

“Punish me?” She’d heard rumors about women who liked rough play in the bedroom. At the time, she’d thought it was odd, but after the sample of pain and pleasure she’d received from the men, she understood the appeal.

Shane pinched her nipple, then rolled it between his fingers. “After seeing your response to Noah at the club, I had a feeling you liked a healthy dose of pain with your pleasure. It’s nice to know my suspicions were right.”

“I don’t like—”

“Don’t lie, kitten.” He pinched her again, and pain once again numbed her mind. Her lower abdomen clenched, and her pussy wept. She longed to ease the growing ache between her legs, but she didn’t dare. If she moved, they might stop, and she wasn’t quite ready for that yet. She was curious. What would they do next?

A dull buzzing sound filled the cabin. “Let me give it a try,” Noah said.


Kitty recognized the sound. She had heard it many times before during the workday in the privacy of the limo between appointments. It was the dildo Shane had retrieved earlier from the bar.

Noah chuckled. “Allow me.”

“But she tastes so sweet.” Shane bent over her chest. Before Kitty could speak, he took her nipple into his mouth. She moaned as sensations cascaded through her like a little white ball in a pinball machine.

“Play fair, Shane.”

Shane lifted his head and blew against her skin. “Ah hell, very well. If I must.”

Kitty’s whole body stiffened as a sense of urgency overcame her. The pinching and teasing had made her nipples extra sensitive, and the warm air of Shane’s breath felt like fire against her skin.

“Spread your legs wider.” It was Noah’s voice, not Shane’s, that gave commands now. She did as she was told, stretching her legs apart to their physical limit.

“Flexible,” Shane observed.

She opened her mouth to retort, but then Noah’s warm body curled over hers. The stiff dress shirt scraped against her nipples, causing her to gasp. He held the vibrator next to her ear. The hum penetrated her thoughts and made her hyperaware of her helpless situation.

“How often do you use one of these?” Noah’s breath smelled like mint with a hint of masculinity. It made Kitty want to rub herself all over him like a cat in heat.

She licked her lips, remembering the last time she had inserted the pink instrument into her body.

“How often?” Noah’s voice sounded harder, more demanding. Her muscles turned to water, and her grip slipped on her legs. She struggled to get a better hold.

“At least once a day, to take the edge off.”

“Interesting.” His body heat left her as he leaned back in the seat. The hum of the vibrator faded as it moved away. “I wonder how you use it. Like this?” He ran the smooth side of the instrument along the side of her neck. It was surprisingly warm. He had set it on the lowest setting, and the movements against her skin made her stomach knot with anticipation. “Or like this?” He trailed the vibrator down her chest and inched the tip between her breasts. Her nipples hardened as desire rolled through her body.

“She likes it, Noah.”

“I know.” The words were tender, and Kitty’s heart tightened.

“Turn it up,” Shane ordered.

Noah flicked his hand, and the vibrations against her skin intensified. She gasped as he rolled it under the curve of her breast.

“I wonder if she has ever used it like this?” He traced the outside curve, then slowly drew a line toward her nipple.

Kitty locked her jaw in anticipation. The dildo was just a functional tool, something to use when the men she met at Taboo disappointed her or to satisfy her sexual appetite between work appointments. Never had she ever considered it foreplay. The dildo circled her nipple, each teasing rotation making the tip harden just a little more. The yearning grew, and tears of frustration stung her eyes.

“Please,” she whispered.

Noah’s soft chuckle filled her ears. “Are we begging? My, my, Shane. This is something I didn’t expect.” He leaned in close to her ear once more. He felt warm, much warmer than Shane.

“That’s it, sweetheart. Let yourself go.” He ran his tongue around the outer rim of her ear. The hot, wet caress stirred her libido and made her shiver.

“Please.” She enjoyed being at the mercy of these men. Here in this limo, she didn’t have to think, she didn’t have to make decisions that would affect the fate of others, and she didn’t have to please anyone. These two were working together to please
. It was a heady feeling, and she found she wanted to please them in return. She wanted to serve, to bring them to the brink just as they did her. The feelings surprised her. She had never felt this way about any of the other men she had been with. It felt right somehow, as if this was how she was supposed to feel.

Perhaps Shane had been correct earlier when he’d said she had been with the wrong men. No one had ever made her feel this way before, and Kitty discovered it suited her. She moistened her lips as the dildo ran another circle around her nipple.

“Ah, look how beautifully it peaks, Shane.”


Kitty heard a shifting next to her in the limo seat, and then Shane’s warm breath rushed past her ear. She could tell it was him by his spicy male scent. “Our little pussycat likes to play.”

“Indeed she does.” Noah slipped the edge of the dildo over her nipple. The vibrations teased her sensitive tip and sent a shiver of excitement over her skin.

“I need…”

“Oh, we know what you need, love.” Noah repeated the torture on the other breast, the slow and erotic tease making her desire rise to painful levels. “We know exactly what you need.”

Chapter Three

Kitty gasped. Desire, excitement, eagerness, and yes, even a hint of nervousness collided inside her and numbed her mind. When they began to fade, she turned her head to the side where she sensed Shane would be.

“If you know what I need, then give it to me already.”

The men’s chuckles filled the limo like a chorus. “No, lass. Getting there is half the fun.” Shane’s Irish brogue made her womb tense with anticipation.

“Most of the fun, I’d say.” Noah trailed the dildo down her body, edging toward her wet and aching center. Kitty’s grip on her legs relaxed as a deep longing rocked her core. “Oh no, not yet. I don’t think we gave you permission to let go. Did you, Shane?”

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