Read Warped Online

Authors: Alicia Taylor

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic, #Romance, #Romantic Suspense, #Mystery & Suspense, #Suspense

Warped (19 page)





Sitting on the counter top in the kitchen, I’m watching Damon as he moves things around and puts food in bowls and on plates. He walks past with a bowl of crisps and I reach in and grab a handful, filling my mouth. Damon lets out a chuckle before placing the bowl in my lap.

He bends down and places a kiss on my stomach, “Are you hungry baby?” I smile at how loving he is.

“The baby is fine Damon. It’s me that wants to eat this whole kitchen, and you’re not going to love me when I’m the size of a whale,” I pout.

He lifts his head and stands between my legs. I wrap my legs around his waist and pull him closer, pulling his shirt over his head at the same time. These days I’m one of two things, either hungry or horny, sometimes both.

“Horny, baby?” Damon asks. He smirks at me before I pull his mouth down on mine, sealing our lips together to show him that yes I am horny. His hand plays with the hem of my trousers, tracing the edge, causing goosebumps to rise across my skin. I writhe against him, trying to get better traction where I need it, and trying to deepen the kiss.

I’m just about to put my hand down his trousers when the doorbell rings, interrupting us. I pull away panting and try to get my breathing under control.

“Saved by the bell some would say,” Damon says. He kisses the tip of my nose before helping me down off the counter and pulling his shirt back on. Holding my hand he leads me to the door.

Tonight is our joint Stag & Hen Pyjama party. We were going to go to a spa hotel but I’m not feeling it and want lounge day. Being pregnant I really didn’t want to go out clubbing. We rang to cancel the weekend’s plans and our friends wouldn’t let us get out of it. Now we’re having a PJ party at home with food, drinks, and fun. I’ve been excited all day, but now I’m wishing we said eight pm and not seven.


I open the door and Spencer is standing, holding a crate of beer. He comes inside and places a kiss on my cheek. I smile at him and I'm about to shut the door when I hear a car driving up the drive. It’s Tom and Lacy.

I smile and wave, then wait for them to exit the car. I turn and see Spencer walk into the lounge and pour himself a drink. Damon is standing at my side, his hand is linked in mine, clasping me tightly.

Tom envelops me in a hug when they reach us, and I'm sure I hear Damon growl, making Tom snigger.

“Ella you look amazing,” Lacy says with a smile. She comes and rubs her hand on my bump while kissing me on the cheek.

“So do you. Wow, Lacy have you lost weight? There will be nothing left of you. Must be all the exercise you’re getting,” I say winking at Lacy. Tom looks pleased with himself and it makes me giggle. I bury my face in Damon’s chest as I try to rid myself of the vision of Tom and Lacy burning calories together.

“Well what can I say? When you have had me, everyone else is hard to live up to,” Tom says. Damon chuckles and gives my side a soft squeeze. I know what he’s thinking. I didn’t go back, but there is no reason to be pointing that out.

“Tom, behave,” Lacy says. Tom takes an embarrassed Lacy by the hand, giving it a gentle kiss, before pulling her into the crook of his arm and placing a gentle kiss on her head. I almost fill with tears seeing them like this. They look so happy together. Tom deserves this.

Damon wraps his arms around my stomach rests his head on my shoulder, holding me to him.

“They seem happy together,” he murmurs. “I have to admit seeing Tom in love makes me feel so much better. Now I know he won’t try to get his grubby hands on you again.” I roll my eyes and shake my head at him.

“Damon, there is no chance anyone will ever have their hands on me again. You have ruined me. I am now, and forever will be, yours.” I turn around and face him, and I don't expect the attack on my lips as he pushes me up against the wall and devours my mouth. Damon’s hands are all over my body causing my temperature to rise. It’s only when I hear a cough and a giggle that I remember where we are and that we have guests.

I laugh and pull away from Damon’s luscious lips. Turning my head I am greeted by the three smiling faces of Sofia, Wes and another girl. I've not met her before. She’s familiar, but I’m not sure why.

I push Damon away, and he moves so he’s hidden behind me, hiding his arousal. Wes lets out a bellowing laugh as I feel Damon trying, with not much success, to discreetly adjust himself and giving himself away in the process.

“Having a problem there Damon? Should we leave and give you guys a few... seconds to finish what you started?” I roll my eyes at Wes before leaning in to give him a kiss on the cheek. He returns my kiss then stops and looks at my stomach for a second, I'm not sure but I'm think I see longing in his eyes as he leans into Sofia and kisses her head. I watch as tears fill her eyes a little before she turns and pulls me into a hug. When I move out of her embrace I hold her at arm’s length.

“You okay Sofe?” I ask her softly. She nods her head, giving me a small smile that screams I can’t talk about it, and then I remember there is another person standing with them. I turn my attention to the pretty girl next to Sofia. She looks to be about the same age as me, and she is devastatingly stunning.

Her hair is fire engine red and hangs in ringlets all the way down her back, and she is tiny, really petite. Damon was chatting to her while I was speaking to Wes and Sofia. She looks up at me and catches me staring, and gives me a gentle smile as I move to Damon's side.

He pulls me into the crook of his arm, and kisses my temple, before turning his attention to Wes. I look at Sofia who is being hugged tightly by Wes. I need to check she is okay later. I saw raw pain in her eyes, and I need to make sure she’s alright. 

“Ella, this is Faith, Sofia's baby sister.” I smile at Faith before saying hello. She smiles awkwardly back, says hello, and then moves to her sister. Damon invites them in. I turn to him as all three make their way into the lounge, and pull him into a deep kiss. After I’ve had my fill I pull away and walk towards the lounge. Damon slaps my arse and growls, making me giggle.

When Faith reaches the lounge, she freezes. I crane my neck and see Spencer standing at the bar with his glass frozen in mid air, with a stunned expression on his face. All colour has drained out of his skin. It’s as if he has seen a ghost.

I look at Damon, who just shrugs his shoulders at me, not knowing what is going on any more than I do. I'm going to make it my mission tonight to find out what the story is with Faith and Spencer.


Walking into the kitchen, I go to the drawer and grab some takeout menus. When I walk back into the living room it feels as if the atmosphere could be cut with a knife. Spencer is staring anywhere but at Faith, Sofia is sitting on Wes’ lap, and I'm not sure if Tom and Lacy have come up for air since they have arrived. I love those guys but seriously, get a room!

I place the menus on the table and go and sit on Damon's lap. He gently rubs my stomach but I can’t take the awkward silence anymore. Jumping to my feet I walk to the CD player, staring at it for what feels like forever, before I sigh in frustration. How the hell do I turn the stupid thing on?

I run my hands all over the thing and I’m just about to throw a mini hissy fit at the thing when Damon picks up a remote and hits the on button. The doors open by themselves and a little Ipod dock comes out. I scroll through the menu, trying to find the right song to pick up the mood, and snigger to myself at some of Damon's song choices. I thought my taste was bad but fuck me, his are atrocious. I find a power ballad album and stop when I find
Don’t Stop Believing by Journey
, and hit play.

Messing about, I pick up my bottle of juice and pretend to use it as a microphone. I dance over to Sofia and grab her hand, making her join my karaoke session. She lets out a laugh but stands and joins me in my wiggles.

Faith jumps to her feet and picks up Spencer’s beer bottle, plucking it straight out of his hand. Lacy moves her mouth from Tom's lips for a second, and for a moment I see her consider what she wants to do more, kiss or dance, but the groove gets the better of her and she jumps off Tom's lap and joins us as we continue to howl out the lyrics.

The guys are doubled over laughing at us. We must look like lunatics dressed in our pyjamas but I don’t care, it’s so much fun.  When the song finishes,
Like a Virgin by Madonna
comes on and I'm doubled over laughing so sit down on the stool next to Spencer. I love this song, but with my baby bump I can hardly act like the song is about me.

Faith starts strutting around the room and stops directly in front of Spence. His whole body goes rigid as everyone watches her performance. When it gets to the chorus I'm almost crying with hysterics. Spence tries to not let it show how much Faith is affecting him, but we may as well not even be here. If it wasn’t clear before, it is now. Faith wants him as much as he wants her.  I wonder why he has never done anything about it.

When the song finishes we all stare, speechless at the performance we just witnessed, and Spencer turns bright red and walks out of the room.  Damon stands to go after him but I shake my head and follow him to the kitchen myself instead.

Spencer needs some female advice.

“Spence, are you okay?” I ask. He nods his head while grabbing a glass of water, but doesn’t turn and look at me, so I pull up a seat.

“So, what’s the story with Faith?” I question. He turns around and faces me and a sad look crosses his face.

“There’s no story Ella, we’re just friends,” he says softly.

“But you want more?” He nods his head. He looks so sad, and I’ve never seen Spencer this vulnerable before. How did I never realise Spencer felt like this about someone?

“It doesn’t matter though Els, she won’t give me the time of day. At first I stayed away because she was too young and innocent, and I knew I didn’t deserve her. We have been friends for years, and I knew if I went there I would fuck it up and lose her altogether, so I stayed away. That was when I got my reputation as a ladies’ man. Apparently I will fuck anything with a pulse,” he says bitterly.

“Don’t you?” I ask softly.

“It’s not true Ella. Half the women I’m seen with don’t even get a kiss, let alone a fuck. There has always been something about her, and she drives me fucking crazy. I can’t breathe when she is near me. You saw what I'm like. I can’t even string two fucking words together.” Shaking my head I can’t believe how wrong Spencer has got this.

“Spence, that girl in there is crazy about you,” I tell him slowly, hoping he’s actually listening to what I’m saying. “That dance was a statement, Spence. She wants you, and I think she wants you to see she isn’t a sweet innocent girl any more, she is a beautiful woman. If you don’t get your head out your arse, someone else will claim her.” Spencer lets out a growl at my statement, making me smirk.

“No fucker is going to touch her. She is mine, she belongs with me.” I nod my head in agreement and I’m about to say this when a flash of red catches my eye. I turn my head I see Faith standing in the doorway, watching us. I take that as my cue to leave. I stand and kiss Spencer on the cheek, before I walk out and back into the lounge, giving Faith a warm smile as I pass her.


We are still messing around when a knock sounds on the door. Everyone is sitting around playing cards and drinking, so I stand up to answer it. It’s the delivery guy. We all chose Chinese in the end. Grabbing my purse I rifle through it to get the cash, and just as I'm about to hand it over Damon walks out holding out a wad of notes and hands it to the delivery guy. I'm sure he just gave him a huge tip. He takes the bags from me and heads into the living room, as I head to the kitchen to grab plates and cutlery.

Opening the door I stop in my tracks, and squeal as I cover my eyes. There, going at it on my kitchen counter, are Spencer and Faith. Spencer’s trousers are around his ankles and Faith's legs are wrapped around his waist.

It only takes a split second for the image of Spencer plunging into Faith on my kitchen counter to be forever imprinted on my brain.

“Oh my god, Spence. I said talk to her, not fuck her where I prepare and eat food,” I whine. It’s not like that counter hasn’t been used plenty of times for sexual activities before but it was Damon and me, not Damon’s brother. I have to see him a lot more than I do Faith. I’ll never be able to look him in the eyes again. I back out of the kitchen and walk back into the living room, trying to shake that image from my head.

“Where's the plates Els?” Tom asks as everyone stops and looks at me. I don’t know how to tell them that I just caught Spencer fucking Sofia's sister in the kitchen, and I'm saved when Damon walks through the door holding the plates and cutlery, a grin firmly in place.

I roll my eyes at him and sit down quietly not saying a word. Who am I to interfere? Amusement shines in Damon’s eyes, making me giggle. Our laughter fills the room, causing the others to wonder what in the world is happening.

Grabbing the plate of food Damon passes me, I tuck in, trying to rid the image of Spencer's arse from my mind, with a smile still on my face.

“How did you get everything from the kitchen without interrupting?” I ask Damon when he sits beside me. Leaning forward, he kisses my nose.

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