Waves of Change (World Above Water, Book 1) (5 page)

The light wind blowing in her face was like a cool caress, and she closed her eyes for a brief moment and tried to turn off her thoughts. “It’s beautiful out here tonight.”

“Mm-hmm.” Daniel nodded in agreement before he pulled her hand from the crook of his elbow. They both stood still while he took off his blazer, and when he held it up, she smiled and allowed him to drape it over her shoulders.


“No problem. The breeze is a little chilly tonight.”

The scent of his cologne danced around her nostrils, and she found herself fighting the urge to pull the collar to her nose and sniff. It was a clean fragrance with a soapy undertone she liked a lot. When she returned her hand to the bend of his elbow, he pulled his arm closer to his body, and the backs of her fingers rubbed against his side. She could feel the muscles beneath the skin, firm and toned, but not massive.
He works out.

There was an unexpected comfort she felt in his presence, and as she realized it, panic began to surface.
You don’t know him. You never do things like this. Just go home and go back to your reality. You don’t have time for anything else in your life right now, and you know it. No one is going to put up with your schedule, and it’s not fair to you or him to even pretend this could work out. No matter what you are feeling, let it go and focus on what’s important.
Despite the logical rationalizations and demands of her inner voice, she still felt something she couldn’t deny, a feeling she couldn’t explain, a pull well beyond mere attraction.
Can I really make room for something like this in my life?
Disappointment filled her as she gave in to her analytical nature; she took in a long breath through her nose and blew it out with a bit of force before she squeezed his arm. The light pressure stopped him in his tracks, and he turned to face her. “Daniel, I think…”

“You’re probably tired; let me walk you to your car.” The smile on his face rivaled the moon in its brightness, and as she watched him, she found it harder and harder to say what she was thinking.
I’m thinking, not feeling. I always think through things. Why does he make it so hard to think?

A stronger gust of wind blew, and she shielded the side of her face with her hand to keep stray strands of hair out of her eyes. The warmth of his hand over hers as he smoothed her hair back behind her ear was unexpected. When he pulled his hand back, his fingers brushed over her cheek, and she felt her muscles stiffen. She felt a sensation similar to millions of tiny bubbles bursting inside her, and even all over her skin. It was like nothing she’d felt before, but before she could attempt to process it, the feeling morphed into a firing of nerves that stimulated her entire being, and she felt her body heat up.
This isn’t how things go in my life. This isn’t normal.

Instinct moved her closer to him, and as she stared into his green eyes, she watched his pupils dilate wider than what was normal for the lighting conditions. She didn’t speak as she took his hand, but she was aware the warmth inside her continued to grow, and as it increased, she began to feel a pulsing sensation deep within. It was then she placed a mental muzzle on her voice of doubt and shoved it down an imaginary flight of stairs.
To hell with what you think is normal. I’m done thinking.

Chapter 6

Spending time with Alicia was more than Daniel could have dreamed of. As he stood with her at the lake, he moved closer so their faces were inches apart. When she took his hand, he felt his water reach out to her, and as they stood so close together, he felt it even more. Millions of words cycled through his head as his brain made an attempt to verbalize his feelings.
There aren’t any words for this. I need to show her.
A quick turn of his wrist allowed him to take her hand, and he lifted it in a slow arc before he placed her palm over his heart. His free hand cupped the side of her face and tilted her head up while he brought his down.

The moment their lips made contact, he closed his eyes. Waves of sensation passed from her mouth through his body, and for a moment he was almost too stunned to move. His water rippled, but only for a few heartbeats before his full attention returned to his
. Small, tender kisses began to deepen, with each press of their lips lasting longer than the one before, until they remained in unbroken contact.

The kiss sparked a fire inside him, and when he parted her lips with his tongue, she flicked her own against his in return. The contact forced him to inhale a sharp breath and pull her closer. The feel of her soft lips, the cooling burn of the after-dinner mint she’d eaten, and the pull of his
were causing him to lose himself.

The sound of her light moan and the way she wrapped her arm around his waist spurred him on. He slid his hand from her face to the back of her head and held her as she all but pushed him into oblivion. The sounds of her gentle mewls sent waves of desire rippling through him, and he groaned into her mouth, completely unconcerned about the scene they might be making.

The close contact and the kiss sent more of Alicia’s thoughts into his head. He could feel her heart racing and the effects and sensations the kiss produced in her. After searching her water, he found no memories or experiences as intimate as this. Enki-ak-si lilu
. She’s never been with anyone else.

It took a great deal of effort, but Daniel broke the kiss and looked at Alicia’s face, leaning forward until their foreheads touched. “You’ve had a long day, and I’m sure you need some rest. Let me walk you to your car. I can follow you home to make sure you get there safely.” Finding his
was amazing, but learning that she was a virgin made him shift gears.
I can’t move too fast. The first time has to be special.

“All right.” The look on her face was a mixture of uncertainty and happiness, and she smiled as she took his arm.

They walked the half mile back to Alicia’s car and continued engaging in light conversation. When they arrived at the parking lot, he seated Alicia in her car and then returned to his. When he was behind her, he flashed his lights and followed her as she drove to her house.

Daniel appraised her home with admiration. It was large for one person, but well maintained. A long driveway wove through a manicured lawn. Hedges lined the border on the left side of the property, and there were rose bushes on the right side of the house before the garage.

He watched as one of the garage doors opened and Alicia pulled forward. She got out of the car and held up her index finger, indicating she wanted him to wait. The garage door closed behind her, and he watched as he saw a light turn on in what he thought was the kitchen. Soon Alicia was coming out of a door on the side of the house, and when she approached his car, Daniel cut the engine and got out.

“I had a wonderful time tonight, Daniel. Thank you.”

“The evening was beautiful, perfect even, and it had nothing to do with the weather.”

Alicia blushed and cast her eyes to the decorative pavers of her driveway.

Daniel lifted her chin and forced her eyes to meet his. “Why did you look away? Hasn’t anyone ever told you how amazing you are?”

“It’s just… Well, I’m not used to this sort of thing. I mean, growing up the way I did, there wasn’t a lot of time for things like this. I guess what I’m trying to say is, I’m out of my element.”

Hearing her stumble over her words only served to endear her to him. A smile spread his lips, and he used his thumb to rub a small arc on her chin. “I’ve never met anyone like you, Alicia. So, I’m out of my element too. Why don’t we figure all this new stuff out together?”

After a brief nod, she smiled and wrapped her arms around him.

Daniel kissed her forehead and held her close. After a little more than a minute of holding her, he pulled away with reluctance and walked her to her door. “May I call you tomorrow?”

“I’d like that.” Alicia’s reply was filled with regret; he could feel it when he touched her arm to help her up the steps. When she broke their contact, she slipped out of his jacket and handed it back to him. “Good night, Daniel. Drive safely.”

“I will. Sleep well, Alicia.” He held his place and watched as she smiled and closed the door before he turned back to his car and pulled out of the driveway. The smile on his face was larger than any he’d ever worn, and he replayed the evening with her. A small sound broke into his thoughts, and he realized it was his phone ringing. He pressed a button on the dashboard and answered on speaker. “Hello?”

“Hi, Daniel, it’s Alicia. I was thinking, since you were so nice and walked me to my door, if you didn’t mind, I could chat with you until you got home. You know, to make sure you got there safely.”

Daniel’s smile grew even larger, if such a thing was possible. He imagined anyone who saw him would think he was doing his version of The Joker.
I could talk to her all night.

* * * *

In the midst of the chambers of King Davidus, leader of the Ver-Rist Tokos nation, Grant Sullivan kneeled and bowed his head in reverence to his sovereign. “I am here, Your Highness. You summoned me?”

He didn’t kneel on the ground; instead, the floor of the throne room was filled with water, and those who sought an audience with the king had to manipulate it to keep themselves from sinking. From his position, Grant could see the base of his leader’s throne. Davidus had morphed water from the floor to create an elaborate seat for himself, and several species of fish swam through the large, watery chair.

There was water everywhere in the room: inside large glass containers, displayed as art formations, and even floating in the air in the shape of clouds. There were several advisors nearby who manipulated the water to change the artwork at will. The water they levitated between their hands vibrated as they received reports from operatives in the field.

“Grant, I have a mission I believe will benefit from your unique talents.” His sovereign manipulated a globe of water next to his head and listened in to the information his advisors shared.

Grant lifted his eyes, but not his head. “Anything, Your Highness.”

“We need this woman. She has been able to elude us for years, and I believe she could be the key to our victory over the Pa lel.” Davidus displayed an image of Alicia Lewis directly into Grant’s mind through his water. The picture was from a newspaper article, but it was clear, embedded into his memory by his king.

“Shall I bring her to you, Your Highness?” The image of her pleased him, and Grant grinned as he pictured his enjoyment of this assignment on multiple levels.

“No, not yet. What we need from her is in that advanced brain of hers. We’ve never gotten close enough to read her, but I have arranged everything for you. Use this frozen data to brief yourself.” The king placed a small ice cube into the palm of Grant’s hand, and sat back and waited while he melted it and absorbed the liquid into his skin. “Your job is to obtain the information we need under any circumstances.”

“It shall be as you say, Your Highness.”

“Much clings to your success, Grant. You were selected because of your ability to influence human females. Do whatever it takes. Do not fail me.”

Grant smiled as lascivious thoughts danced through his head. “As you command, Your Highness. I will get started on the preparations right away. It may take a few weeks to get things set up, but I am confident I will be able to secure what you need.”

* * * *

Early morning found Daniel waking with a smile. Excitement still coursed through his veins as he stood up and stretched. When his gaze rested on the glass of water on his nightstand, he dipped his fingers inside and called out to his friend. “Chris?”

To his surprise, there was no response, so he projected louder. “Chris?”

Tai ikamu
, Daniel, it’s early.” He could sense Chris wanted to take his hand out of the water, but he also sensed his desire to curse him out for a while longer.

“Chris, it’s important.” He shook his head as he thought about the words of his native tongue.
Anyone can say “shit,” but “
tai ikamu
” has just the right amount of force behind it.

“Fine. What is it?”

Daniel chuckled as he sensed the irritation in Chris’ thoughts, and he took the opportunity to rile him up a little more. “You’re still grumpy in the morning. Guess some things will never change.”

“Daniel, if you don’t tell me why we’re having this conversation this early, more things will change, like your appearance, your ability to eat solid food, your ability to use both eyes—”

“All right, all right. Calm down, Chris.
deliver us…”


“Right. Alicia and I were talking last night and—”

“You went out with her?” All of Chris’ early morning grogginess seemed to evaporate, and his shock was transmitted in the form of ripples in the water around Daniel’s fingers.

“Yes, we went out for dinner. I called her after her surgery. So we were talking and—”

“You went out with her?”

“I think we already covered that part. Now if I may continue—”

“Why didn’t you tell me? What happened? How did it go? Was she everything you thought? Did you sleep with her? Is she pregnant?” He could feel Chris’ remaining fatigue disappear, replaced by curiosity and the need to question him like a suspect.



“Seriously, take a breath. You sound like Alanna.” Daniel leaned his back against his wooden headboard and laughed. He had never heard Chris so anxious before, and it was quite the spectacle.

“Hey, leave my sister out of this.” The mention of his sister’s name sobered Chris, but only slightly.

“Well, you do. Now may I finish?” He was about to send more of his thoughts when Chris chimed in.

“No. I want to know what happened.”


Oh, because you’re
my best friend, and I have never seen you stare at a woman the way you stared at her and oh, what else, let’s see… She’s your
, you rat bastard.” Chris sent Daniel an image of him punching him in the shoulder.

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