Read Werewolf U Online

Authors: Brenna Lyons

Tags: #paranormal menage erotic romance

Werewolf U (16 page)

"Do you remember the old stories Rain Cloud told?"

"My grandmother had stories for every occasion."

"Do you remember the story of the Wolf-Brother?" Sebastian pressed him.

"Talking wolves who befriended our ancestors. There were several variations, but the wolves were always supposed to be loyal, wise, and vicious." He sighed. "Look. I don't know where you're going with—"

Sebastian performed a partial shift, allowing his head and hands to take on wolf form. Liam stared at him, his breathing going ragged.

When he'd returned to normal, Sebastian stood and offered his hand. "Come with me. There is a lot we need to discuss."

Liam looked toward Samara, seemingly too shocked to form words.

"It's okay, Dad. Consider yourself Wolf-Brother. You're not the one he'll be vicious to."

"If he was, he would have to answer to us," James added.

Jason finished with the usual threat. "What upsets our mate upsets us."

"Okay." He pushed to his feet, still a little pale and unsteady. "See you at dinner?"

Samara smiled. "Or earlier, if you two are done talking that soon." It was unlikely, but it was possible.

They disappeared up the stairs together.

She watched them go, nervous but oddly relieved.
I don't have to tell him.
"Sebastian did this so I would stop stressing. Didn't he?"

James and Jason started laughing, and Marietta joined in.

"You could have told me," she groused.


* * * *


Sebastian laughed heartily and refilled Liam's drink. "She was a piece of work."

"Still is." Liam swallowed a mouthful of the whiskey. "She's
trying to argue the divorce settlement."

"What would it take to settle it?"

His smile disappeared. "No. I can't take your money."

"The way I see it, I am at least partially responsible for what you're facing now. It's only right that I make amends for it." Sebastian had been considering how to do that for weeks, and there were few options a proud male like Liam Tyler would accept from him.

Liam seemed to weigh that argument. Before he could form an answer, someone knocked on the office door.

"Yes?" Sebastian called out.

"There is
here to see you, Sebastian."

"Someone I won't want to see," he whispered under his breath. "I am busy right now, Roberto."

"I know, sir, but… Oh, hell." He opened the door and shot Sebastian a look of misery. "For Samara's sake, this visitor is best dealt with and dismissed quickly," he imparted.

"Marcus?" Surely, he hadn't brought Christiana with him.

"No. Mrs. Florence O'Connor-Tyler."

Sebastian's stomach churned, and he fought not to bring the whiskey back up. "I see." He looked at Liam, noting the tightening of his jaw. "Show her in."

Liam started to stand. "Maybe I should—"

"If you don't mind, I would rather have a witness when I send her packing."

He settled back in the chair and drained his glass. "It would be a pleasure." There was a bitter edge to his tone.

While they waited, Sebastian refreshed both their drinks. He wasn't sure about Liam, but Sebastian was honest enough to admit he needed the fortification.

Florence didn't wait for Roberto to announce her. She pushed the servant away and breezed through the door. If she was surprised to see Liam, she gave no outward sign of it.

"I should probably warn you that my attorney has been trying to reach you, Liam." She smiled sweetly.

"I don't exist to fulfill your attorney's whims…or yours," he replied. Liam took a sip of the whiskey, and the first volley was over.

"This would move so much faster if you just—"

"You came for a reason, Florence?" Sebastian interrupted her.

Liam was, first and foremost, a guest in his house. He wouldn't allow this badgering to continue.

She searched out Roberto, standing where she'd left him.

Most probably waiting for my word to throw her out.

"What about some refreshments?" She didn't so much as suggest it as she deigned to order Sebastian's servant to do her bidding.

Roberto raised an eyebrow at that.

Sebastian swirled his drink. "No, thank you," he answered. "We're going to have dinner soon. Roberto, would you see to that, please?"

Florence shot a look of disbelief his way, and Roberto closed the door with a smile and a bobbing throat that said he would be laughing before he reached the kitchen.

If she's hoping for me to extend her a guest's welcome, she's in for a rude awakening.
"You came here for something?" He reminded her of the question, hoping to spur her on to what he suspected was her aim.

She sauntered across the room. "I thought we might discuss the past. I made mistakes, Sebastian. I know that. I want to make up for lost time and past hurts. I really do." Her expression might be mistaken for earnest concern by someone who didn't know her.

I know her better.

Liam snorted and took another sip of the whiskey.

Sebastian joined him.
I'll need it, for what I'm going to do next.
"Mistakes? I think it all worked out for the best."

That seemed to confuse her. "If you're concerned about the…unpleasantness about my divorce from Liam, I'll drop that. I swear. I won't take a dime, and we'll be divorced in no time."

"Not a dime. Except what the local laws claim you're due, of course," Sebastian guessed.

That was quite a bit, considering the pair had been married for two decades.

, but I can't help that. It's the law."

Sebastian met Liam's eyes, noting the other man's red-faced, tight-lipped fury.

I can make this right.
"Liam and I were just talking about this, as a matter of fact." He waved off the other man's attempt to protest. "I was just telling Liam about my stateside attorney. I'm sure he could iron out some of these difficulties."

Liam hid his smile behind the whiskey glass, his eyes twinkling in seeming amusement.

Florence's look of horror was short-lived. She pasted on a sickening smile. "Well, that's
. I'm so glad it will be over…and amicably."

"If that was all—"

"Of course not. I told you, I want to discuss our past. I should have done what was right, Sebastian. I've hurt you, and—"

"I hold no grudges. You can leave with a clean conscience."
Not nearly, but if it gets her out of the house, I'll tell her all is forgiven.

"But… You said we're mates." Florence affected a look of supreme hurt that shredded him.

It has to be done. I've known for the last decade and a half this was necessary.
"We are, but, amazingly enough, I have learned very well how to live without a mate during the long years we have been apart. I take lovers on occasion. I have no one to answer to. I find myself in no need of you, Florence."

Liam raised his glass to Sebastian. "Sounds like a good life, my friend."

Tears pooled in Florence's eyes.

Crocodile tears. Don't let her fool you.
Words stuck in his throat.

you!" She sobbed. "You said…"

"A lot of things. As did you. It turns out neither of us could be trusted, in the end."
You could have trusted me. Had you not turned on me, you would never have had to question my sincerity.

"Always a wolf." Liam laughed.

Sebastian nodded, struck by the sad truth of it.

Her eyes narrowed. "And what if I leave here and tell everyone about you? About this place?"

Not to be trusted. I knew she couldn't be.
Sebastian drained his glass and set it on the table between them. "Let's be honest with each other, Florence. You don't want me or a place in my life."

She opened her mouth to protest.

"You want money."

She didn't deny it.

"Fine. I'll tell you what… Roberto!" He knew the servant hadn't gone far.
Probably just far enough to warn James and Jason to keep Samara away from anywhere Florence might be. He would have sent word to the kitchen about any dinner preparations.

The door opened and the servant popped his head in.

"Bring me my check book, would you please?"

He dipped his head and disappeared. Roberto was back a moment later with the leather-bound book and Sebastian's father's fountain pen.

The sight of it choked Sebastian up a bit. This was the pen they used when issuing an order that might result in deaths.
Yet again, Roberto proves he knows my mind well.

He whipped the book open on his lap and started writing. "I'm going to give you money. Quite a bit of money, Florence. In exchange, you are going to accept the bare minimum the law allows you in your divorce proceedings, you are going to leave here and never return, you are never going to attempt to contact me or Samara again, and… Not that I believe anyone would pay attention to your mad ramblings about wolves, but you will
mention it to anyone. Am I understood?"

"We'll see."

Sebastian wrote the check for two million dollars and signed it with a flourish.
It's probably a good thing that she doesn't know I have ten times that amount in cash in the bank, plus securities, business holdings, and personal holdings.
He held the check out to her, the back to Liam, so he couldn't see what the payoff amount was.

Florence's eyes widened and she took the check from his hands. "I think we understand each other, Sebastian." She folded it and started to place it in her purse.

"I think you need to understand one thing more."

"Which is?" She challenged him, taunting him with her belief that there was nothing Sebastian would or could do to her.

"With a word, I could have you killed before you left this campus. I can do so later, if you cross me. I am a wolf, Florence, and you have twice threatened me and mine. I do not suggest you try that a third time."

Her face paled, but she pasted on a slightly wobbly smile. "We understand each other, Sebastian." She turned to leave.

"My plane will take you home today." The last thing he wanted was for Samara to run into her mother in town.

"Trying to get rid of me?"


Florence didn't respond to that. She left, and Roberto hurried to see her on her way.

When they were alone, Liam took another sip. "How much did you—"

"She's a cheap bitch. Can we leave it at that?"

The human howled in laughter. He refilled Sebastian's glass and raised his own. "I'll drink to that."

A laugh bubbled up from Sebastian's chest and burst free. "To freedom."


They drank together until Roberto announced dinner was ready.

Our daughter is waiting for us…my den brother and I.

The Ancient Rites

Eva and Brand


Note from Brenna:
Eva and Brand really wanted to get their two cents in, but the scene just didn't fit into the book. Still, not one to deny them their chance to tell a story, I decided to let the readers see their mating.


Eva held to Brand's shoulders, her heart hammering when he turned away from her rooms and toward his. As if she'd spoken aloud, he replied to her unease.

"Tell me, Eva. Are you intact?" The rising musk said he suspected the answer and was enflamed by it.

"Yes. I am."
But I won't be for long. Brand favors the ancient rites. I'll be full of his cock in short order.

"Then you will shed your blood on my bed, as the ancient rites decree." He slowed a bit. "That doesn't frighten you. Does it?"

"No. You don't frighten me." She'd done nothing but fantasize and dream about him since she'd sighted him at Samara's challenge match.

"If you wish to return to your alpha level room, with me, after I breach you, I will happily seduce you wherever you wish to lay your head."

In your lap.
The thought of it had her weeping sex fluids down her thighs.

He took a deep breath and his eyes shifted. "Such a sexy little thing you are. And all mine."

His voice alone raised her nipples against her blouse. He noticed and a rumble of satisfaction escaped his lips.

"Yes. All yours." She wondered how large his cock was. Eva had heard rumors that Brand was long and thick, and she hoped they were true.

Brand opened a door and stepped through.

A soft "oh" of surprise came from the far reaches of the room, and Eva stiffened.

Most likely his servant.

"Leave us." Brand barked the order out in a tone few wolves would ignore.

The sound of skittering feet was punctuated by a door slamming.

Brand kicked the door behind them shut and settled Eva on her feet. His eyes were hard in challenge, his muscles strung tight.

Some foreign corner of her mind urged her to run, but Eva stiffened her spine and raised her chin instead. He didn't smile in reply, though her response probably pleased him.

Instead, Brand dragged the shirt off over his head and let it drop to the floor. While she was busy taking in every millimeter of flesh he presented, he went to work on his pants. Brand went from half-dressed to nude in what seemed like the blink of an eye.

Then his mouth was covering hers, his tongue parting her lips in a kiss that made her heart falter a beat or three. Eva wrapped her arms around his shoulders, her fingers tangling in his hair.

Night Mother, this is good.

He unhooked and unzipped her long skirt and pushed it over her hips, leaving her nude, save her blouse and shoes. One large hand closed over a globe of her ass, and he tested her readiness for him with a thick fingertip.

Eva gasped and arched toward him, her knees trembling at the feeling of his cock teasing at her ribs.

He's so big, so strong.

"No panties?" he questioned.

Eva fought to order her thoughts. "I heard males following the ancient rites often destroyed clothing in their haste to have a female beneath them."

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