When Love Comes Around (Love Conquers All) (5 page)

Fighting to hold back the tears, Starr couldn’t believe Ava was coming at her like this. She of all people knew how much she loved children and wanted to one day be a mom. “Of course I would want to know the father of my child and have him involved in my child’s life. But that may not be possible if I want to have a baby within the next two years. I have to face the fact I’m not getting any younger and the longer I wait to get pregnant the more difficult it may be. And, I don’t even want to think about this endometriosis situation…”

Neither Ava nor Summer had a clue as what to say as her voice trailed off. Emotions were too raw. Ava hadn’t heeded Summer’s warning and now Starr was on the verge of tears suddenly unsure of what she was considering. Earlier, she had been so sure, almost resolved she could go through with having a baby by artificial means. But if Ava felt this way, how would her mom and sister feel?

Needing and wanting to be alone, she decided to end the call. “Look y’all, I’m gonna go now.”

Concerned, Summer wanted to know, “You gonna be all right?”

Starr let out a weary sigh. “I guess so. I just want to be alone. I have a lot to work out right now.”

“Listen, Starr I didn’t mean to upset you.” Ava apologized, suddenly feeling bad for bluntly voicing her opinion. She realized she always pushed further than need be at times. It was a good thing her friends loved her unconditionally.

Hunching her shoulders as if they could see her. “Don’t worry about it. You were only being honest with me.”

Awkward silence filled the phone lines as Starr’s words hung in the air. She sensed her friends were at a loss for words. Wanting to put an end to everyone’s discomfort she, finally ended the conversation. “I’ll talk to you guys later.”

Not waiting for a response, the next sound her friends heard was that of a dial tone.



Chapter 4


Beverly Dawson eagerly waited with gleeful anticipation. Today was her birthday, and she was ready for a celebration. And what a celebration it would be. Beverly had an abundance to be thankful for and to celebrate. God had been good to her for eighty-three years. She was relatively healthy for a woman her age, blessed with two sons who absolutely adored her, and had been fortunate to spend over fifty years with the love of her life, her late husband, Richard Sr.

The day began with the delivery of a beautiful bouquet of gardenias, her favorite flowers from her eldest son, Richard Jr. and his wife, Audrey. Before she could get to the phone to dial their number to thank them, her phone was ringing. Grinning from ear to ear, she gloried in the off-key musical treat of their rendition of happy birthday.

After an hour-long conversation, Beverly ended the call. “I have to get off this phone. I’m going to be late for my date.”

The rest of the morning, she busied herself getting ready. She wanted to look her absolute best. When all her priming and primping was completed, she was pleasingly satisfied with how she looked. Dressed fashionably to the nines in a powder blue Chanel pantsuit, a single strand of pearls gracing her elegant neck, matching earrings adorning her lobes, and a white gardenia in her sparkling silver hair, Beverly Dawson was a classic beauty. Tilting her head to the side and smiling, Beverly admired her reflection.
I look good for an old lady.

As Beverly gently touched the delicate flower, another smile curved her lips as she remembered the first time she wore one in her hair. Richard Dawson, a young, handsome military man had arrived at her parents’ home for their first date. In his hand, he held the prettiest white gardenia she’d ever seen. Beverly fell in love with him that night as he gingerly placed the delicate flower in her shoulder length, dark brown hair.

Caught up in reliving the past, she never heard the unannounced visitor entering through the front door.

Kevin let out a low whistle. Even at her age, he found his mother beautiful. He had often wondered if it was good genes, healthy living, or the fact that his mother didn’t smoke or drink, which kept her looking so youthful. Whatever the secret was, Beverly Dawson didn’t look anywhere near her eighty-three years. Nor did she act like it.

Kevin chuckled as Beverly put her hands on slender hips and did a little cha-cha move. “Watch out now, you might hurt somebody with your fine self.” Kevin teased, winking at his mother.

“Come here boy and give your momma a hug and some sugar.” Beverly lovingly held her arms open to her youngest son. Richard Jr. had been the child of her youth, whereas Kevin had been her miracle baby. After Richard Jr. came along, she and her husband unsuccessfully tried to have other children. Their plan was to have a house full of babies and show them the world as they traveled around the world from army base to army base. Coming to terms that Richard Jr. would be an only child, Beverly became content with nurturing her son and being a good military wife.

At the age of forty-two when she missed three consecutive periods she hadn’t given it much thought. All the women in her family had gone through the
in their early forties. Never in her wildest dreams would she have guessed she might be pregnant. Fifteen years had gone by since she’d last carried a child. An inkling of suspicion toyed with her as she begin to pay closer attention to her body. Suddenly she noticed her breasts were heavier, fuller, and more tender than usual, accompanied by vague waves of nausea that would come at the oddest of times.

The woman nearly fell off the examine table when the doctor informed her she was in family way and not menopause. To Beverly’s delight six months later, a bouncing baby boy, weighing in at nine pounds, three ounces came bursting on the scene.

Obediently, Kevin enveloped his momma in a snug embrace as he leaned down and kissed her on the cheek. Releasing his mother, Kevin pulled out two tickets from the inside pocket of his sport’s jacket. After going to a number of department stores and boutiques, he had yet to find the perfect gift. Rounding the corner onto Walnut Street after his search on Jeweler’s Row came up empty, he proceeded to walk past the Walnut Street Theater. That’s when it him. Broadway!

His mother hadn’t been to Broadway in years. His parents would take weekend getaways to New York City when he became a teenager. Kevin never minded his parents’ weekend excursions because he was always left in the care of the Stiles’. During those weekends, he and Nick would find all kinds of devilment to get into.

“Happy birthday, Momma.”

Taking the tickets in her hands, she held them to her chest. “Oh, baby…
The Color Purple
on Broadway. Mmm, the last time I saw a play on Broadway your daddy was living.”

Briefly, a sad expression crossed her beautiful features. The last ten years without Richard Sr. at certain times was unbearable. But God was good. Every time she became blue, a ray of sunshine would come shining through in the form of her children, reminding her she still a part of her beloved husband. Although Richard Jr. followed in the footsteps of his father, becoming a three star general and traveling the world, he always made time to call her twice a week. If she didn’t know better, she’d swear her boys orchestrated their schedules. When Richard Jr. wasn’t calling, Kevin was popping up for impromptu visits.

The sad expression wasn’t missed. Concerned, he pressed, “Momma, you all right?”

“Yes, baby. I was just missing your daddy, that’s all.” Lightly patting Kevin on the chest, she smiled up at her son. “You look so much like him. You know he was a ladies man much like yourself.” Winking a bit flirtatiously, Beverly added, “Until I came along and set him straight. Had him hooked the first time he looked into these here dreamy eyes of mine.”

Kevin chuckled as his momma batted her lashes. Hooking his arm through hers, he said, “Come on foxy Momma, your chariot awaits you.”

Leading Beverly to the waiting limo her words danced around in his head.
“You know he was a ladies’ man much like yourself…until I came along and set him straight.”
Kevin wanted to laugh out loud.
Is there a woman out there who can do that? Set me straight?
Kevin pushed the absurd question from his mind. Beverly Dawson was one of a kind. Only she could tame a wild, worldly man like Richard Dawson
. I love you Daddy, but I ain’t going out like you did. Nah, there ain’t a babe out there who can tame me.

After making such a boastful statement to himself,
Kevin frowned. Why was Starr Avery prancing to the forefront of his mind flashing her thousand watt dimpled smile?

Beverly Dawson wore a faint smile as she spied the frown her son wore. He was thinking about what she just said. Richard Jr. had settled down and married twelve years ago. He and his wife Audrey couldn’t have children because of a childhood injury Audrey had suffered. Kevin was her last hope of her becoming a grandmother. All he needed to do was stand still long enough to find a

Beverly shook her head remembering some gal calling herself
had showed up knocking on her door looking for her boy. She was a mess! The child’s skirt was so short, if she had bent over Beverly would’ve seen where the good Lord had spilt her!

Beverly had given Kevin a good tongue-lashing. “You tell that half-naked tail gal to put some clothes on before she come tipping up here at my front door again. Boy, what’s wrong with you? Your father and I didn’t raise you to chase after everything in a skirt. You need to find yourself a nice, decent girl. And not one looking like she’s been walking the streets all night.”

Taking her boy’s hand, Beverly patted it as they headed for the expressway. Her baby would be all right. She and her late husband had raised him well.
It’s only a phase he’s going through dating all these women.
If his best friend Nick could settle down and start a family, there was hope for Kevin. Yes, he would give her what she wanted. Grandbabies.

Patting his hand again, she prayed,
Lord, just bless me with one grandchild to love before I close my eyes







Chapter 5


Her face burned with embarrassment, as she was the center of attention. “Oh my Lawd, my Lawd! Stop that! Stop that right now!” Joan chided the twenty-something male stripper gyrating in front of her to the beat of the music blaring from a boom box. The only thing the muscle bound exotic dancer wore was a silky, red G-string.

Nita Jackson shook her head as she stared narrow-eyed at Ava, Summer, and Starr. Of the three, one of them hired the stripper.
hadn’t done such an awful thing as to hire the almost naked, hip-thrusting youngster. And since she had planned and given the bridal shower for Joan, it had to be one of them. Nita was going to have whoever did this act of debauchery fast little tail in a sling! But which one had done it? They would never snitch out the culprit. Shaking her head again,
Poor Joan looks like she’s ‘bout to have a heart attack!

Everyone erupted into laughter as the barely dressed stripper gyrated in Nita’s direction.

“Boy, don’t you bring your nasty behind over here! Shaking o’va top of me!”

Rolling his eyes, the buff stripper pulled Karen, who had been sitting next to Nita, to her feet. The younger women in the room hooted and hollered as Karen let her hair down and indulged the stripper.

Three hours later the only guests left in the ballroom at the Hilton on City Line Avenue were Joan, Nita, Summer, Ava, Starr, and Karen. The women chatted as they pulled down decorations and stacked gifts near the entrance.

Joan smiled as she stacked the last gift. No longer would she be lonely. She had found love again after so many years, had a family that cared about her and for the first time in years a best friend.

After being betrayed by Alice and Sam all those years ago, she never trusted anyone, especially women. With Summer coming into her life, came Nita’s friendship. Though the two lived miles apart they constantly talked on the phone and even made time to visit one another at least three times a year since meeting.

Coming over to Joan, Nita laid her hand on her shoulder. “Did you have a good time?”

Reaching up to hold the hand on her shoulder, she smiled at her friend. “Yes, thank you for throwing me a bridal shower.” Chuckling she added, “Never thought I’d have one.”

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