Read WickedTakeover Online

Authors: Tina Donahue

WickedTakeover (4 page)

Lauren sighed. “I’ve started to seriously stretch the truth
on my resume. So yeah, it’s not going well.”

“It’ll get better.” She patted Lauren’s knee. “How do you
know Dante would say no? He likes you.”

Lauren wasn’t certain whether to laugh or cry. “He likes

“Well, yeah, that’s true.”

She folded her arms on the desk again and lowered her head.

“That’s not what I meant,” Jasmina said. “You’re a beautiful
woman. He’d be lucky to go out with you.”

“In some alternate universe maybe.”

Jasmina pushed to her feet. “Want me to ask him for you?”

“God no.” Lauren shot up and grabbed the hem of Jasmina’s tank
top before the young woman could think of going anywhere or saying anything.
“We didn’t have this conversation, all right? Dante’s not into me. I’m not into
him. Understand?”

Jasmina smiled. “You’ve really got it bad.”

Lauren dropped her hand and begged, “Please don’t say
anything to him.”

“No way.” Jasmina crossed her heart. “It’s our secret.” She
went to the door then turned back. “That doesn’t mean I agree. If you don’t
make a play for Dante, you might lose out. Those other women will be in there
with him, enjoying themselves, while you’re in here listening, and maybe
watching them on the security camera. Something to think about.”

On that cheery note, she took off, leaving the door open
once more.

Dante’s client was giggling like a preteen now. His rumbling
voice glided down the hall.

She pictured him dribbling a melted Dove bar over the
woman’s body and licking her clean.

Lauren shot out of her chair, closed the door and leaned
against it. The air-conditioning took just that moment to shut off, allowing
other sounds to seep in. These were so low that she had to strain to hear.

Lauren couldn’t take much more of this. She had
to do something other than hiding in here or watching the security feed and
upsetting herself further.


Dante stopped in the hall and turned. Jasmina’s smartphone
was to her ear as she approached, listening to whatever the person on the other
end said.

He’d expected to see Lauren. All afternoon and evening,
Dante had repeatedly caught her watching him. She’d looked both aroused and
uncomfortable, as though she had something to say and didn’t know how to begin.

He would have helped her along, sensing this was more
personal than business, but she kept giving him a panicked smile and rushing
off. Dante had seen more of the back of her today than he had in the last two
weeks, including her ass.

What an ass it was.

A smile tugged the corners of his mouth. She’d finally taken
his advice and relaxed, wearing snug jeans that hugged her succulent figure,
pairing the denim with an embellished blue tee. The sparkles across its
neckline and her boobs glittered nearly as bright as her eyes. The heat in her
expression had been more than amazing, it smoldered.

She was losing control. Good. He’d been sporting a hard-on
for days and was tired of waiting. He might have made a move before now,
suggesting dinner to get things started, but she hadn’t stayed still long
enough for him to do so.

Jasmina reached his side. “Baby, hold on,” she murmured into
the phone then pressed it to her chest. “I’m taking off,” she said to Dante.
“See you tomorrow.”

“Wait.” He leaned close and was about to speak when Van Gogh
shouldered past them.

“Night,” the young man mumbled.

“Have a good one,” Dante called out.

Van Gogh muttered something else and left.

“He have a bad shift?” Dante asked Jasmina.

“Kinda sorta.” She turned her hand back and forth. “One of
the bikers tipped him ten bucks. He was hoping for twenty.”

Dante lowered his voice. “You see Lauren around?”

Jasmina studied him for a moment then brought her phone to
her ear. “Hey, you still there?” She listened for a moment and smiled. “I’m
taking off in a few secs, okay? Hang tight. I’ll be there.” She ended the call.
“Why?” she asked Dante.

Not expecting her response, he shrugged. “Just wondering
where she might be.”


What was that supposed to mean? Knowing women talked, he
leaned close again and spoke quietly. “Do you have any idea what’s going on
with her?”

“Nope.” Jasmina crossed her heart. “Haven’t a clue.” She
grinned. “Lauren’s in the office. Have a
nice night.”

Dante made a face Jasmina didn’t see. She’d already jogged
down the hall to the front door and was slipping out of the building. He turned
to Frank’s office, or rather Lauren’s. She’d closed the door. Bypassing it,
Dante went to the front of the parlor and locked it down but left on the music.
A romantic instrumental with Spanish guitars. Edgy with anticipation and
desire, he strode to her office, reached for the knob then stopped. If Lauren
was in one of her corporate moods, she might not appreciate his intrusion.
Suppressing a sigh, Dante knocked.

She didn’t respond.

He knocked again. Harder this time.


He wondered if she was asleep in there because she’d lost
her home, wherever it was, and was camping out here. He backed away until worry
got the better of him. If she got pissed because he’d barged in, too fucking
bad. He was a big boy and could take it.

He opened the door on an empty room. Even the scent of her
perfume had faded.

She’d left before the others had? Damn. His anticipation
fizzled even as his rod got harder, wanting its due. A warm, snug home within

Not tonight, buddy.

Maybe not any time in the future either.

What in the hell was the matter with Lauren, taking off without
saying good night? It was the team’s fucking routine. Even Van Gogh managed a
grunt or two, no matter his crappy mood or day. She’d been here long enough to
know that. Frowning, Dante closed the door, turned and flinched.

Lauren blinked but didn’t say anything.

“Christ, you surprised me,” he choked out, trying to slow
his galloping heart. “I thought you were in the office.”

She glanced at it. “No.”

Well obviously.

“You’ve locked up?” she asked. Her attention drifted to the
front of the parlor.


She lifted her face to the ceiling. Romantic strains from
the guitars flowed out of the speakers. She swayed to the sounds then stopped
as though she’d realized what she was doing. “The music’s still on.”

He nodded absently. The sparkles on her tee reflected the
overhead light and drizzled faint blue color onto her neck. The bluish tint
matched the delicate veins on her throat, causing her skin to seem even paler,
more fragile. It wouldn’t take much for a kiss to leave a stain there…for a man
to mark her with his passion.

Dante inhaled deeply. Lauren’s scent swirled around him, the
fragrance more pronounced in the narrow hall. Swallowing hard, he met her gaze.
For once, she held his.

Longing, and something else, played across her sweet
features. His shaft stiffened in response. His balls began to hurt. When she
didn’t say anything, Dante wasn’t certain he should. She might shut down and
take off. At last, he murmured, “What?”

Lauren sucked her lower lip.

Adorable didn’t begin to describe how she looked. He
wondered if she was going to ask him out. If that’s what Jasmina had been
alluding to. Dante smiled inwardly at the thought.

Lauren cleared her throat. “I…” She didn’t continue.

Feeling playful, he smiled. “You what?”

“Don’t know how to say this,” she mumbled.

Her uncertainty shifted something within Dante. He had an
overwhelming urge to protect Lauren, hold her close, tell her everything would
be all right. Hell, he was onboard with whatever she wanted. Not that his
sentimental feelings made him any less mischievous. “Want me to help?”

Lauren gave him an odd look then frowned.

He hadn’t expected that. Usually he was damn good at reading
women. Not tonight. “Just say what you want to say,” he coaxed then softened
his voice even more. “I’ll listen.”

She looked doubtful.

“Come on.” He smiled.

Her attention moved to his mouth. Color stained her cheeks
and throat. She swallowed then blurted, “I don’t want you dating any of our

It was a moment before Dante understood what she’d said. His
grin felt stupid. He killed it. “Excuse me?”

Lauren backed away then moved forward as though
reconsidering her retreat. “You’re getting too friendly with the clients. The
female ones,” she added quickly. “There’s too much horsing around. All that
laughing and those giggles.” She rolled her eyes. “They’re not even dressed.
Good god, this isn’t a brothel, it’s a legitimate business.”

Her delicate nostrils flared with her harsh breathing. The
ends of her hair seemed even blonder against her reddened cheeks. She parted her
lips as though she had something else to tell him.

“Go on,” he said quietly.

Lauren hesitated at his mild tone then squared her
shoulders. Dante doubted she knew how that thrust out her chest. If her nipples
got any harder, they’d poke through her stretchy top, possibly killing him with

“I don’t want a lawsuit,” she said. “So your female clients
have to stay fully dressed at all times.”

“While I ink them through their clothes.”

“Of course not.” She glared. “You uncover the part, and only
the part, that needs to be inked.”

“What if that’s their entire body?” He murmured, “Want me to
use a blindfold? On me, not them.”

Her jaw tightened. “You know what I mean. No one’s come in
here yet wanting a full-body tat. If a guy does, you can ink him from the top
of his head to the tips of his toes with my blessing.”

“Lucky me.”

She narrowed her eyes. “I own the place now, so I have to do
what’s right for it.”

“And that would be?”

“What I’ve already said.” She lifted her chin. “You can’t
have half-naked or fully naked women in your station. You can’t date any of
them. Ever.”

“Uh-huh.” She sounded really jealous. That encouraged Dante
to move closer.

Lauren froze for a moment then stepped back. Dante followed.
Surprise, and what seemed to be irrepressible yearning, passed over her face.
Her ass and shoulders hit the wall. She glanced over to it then back at him.

Dante planted one hand on the wall next to her head. He
leaned close enough to smell her perfume and the shampoo she’d used. Peaches,
he thought. A light female scent that did indescribable things to him. “You
don’t want me screwing any of the customers after hours, is that it?”

She stared at his mouth. “Uh-huh. It’s the new policy.”

“I see.” He edged a bit closer, driven to kiss her beauty
mark, to run his tongue over her lips. His pulse pounded with desire. His body
tensed with need. “Then who exactly would you like me to fuck?”

Lauren stared as if she couldn’t believe he’d asked that.
Her mouth opened then closed. She glanced to the side, her expression pensive
as though she were determining what to say or do.

Dante didn’t move. Hell, he didn’t even breathe.

Lauren turned back to him.

He waited.

On a longing sigh, she ran her fingers through his hair and
brought his mouth down to hers.

Chapter Four


This was beyond foolish, totally stupid and so damn needed,
Lauren didn’t want to consider the consequences.

She pressed closer, craving Dante’s heat, scent and mouth.
His lips were ungodly soft, his cheeks so bristly the stubble scoured her skin,
intensifying his masculinity, heightening everything female about her. For the
first time in her life, Lauren felt dainty. She cupped his head in her hands
and drove her tongue deeper into his mouth.

Growling, Dante not only participated, he fucking claimed her,
slipping his arm around her waist, holding her tight enough that Lauren knew
she wasn’t going anywhere.

Oh hell yeah.
She moaned wantonly. He delivered more
pleasure, his tongue pushing hers aside so his could slip into her mouth. The
scent of coffee lingered on his breath. His skin smelled clean and musky.
Lauren sagged into him.

He got all protective and possessive, tensing his arm to
support her weight. With his free hand, Dante cupped her boob, his passion
matching hers. There wasn’t a bit of hesitation or tenderness, only pure hungry
male as he squeezed the soft swell of her breast then thumbed her nipple,
making the tip so tight it hurt. The ache felt good. Needed. Lauren opened her
mouth even more, her tongue dancing with his. She ground her pussy against his

They made hungry, shameless sounds that fueled their desire,
their kiss going from out of control to beyond anything Lauren had experienced
with another man. She dragged her fingers over his shoulders, down his biceps
then around to his back, greedy to touch as much of him as she could. Dante was
the same, his hands roaming everywhere, not content to settle on one part of

Finally, he pulled his mouth free and lifted his face to the
ceiling. His chest pressed against Lauren’s as he gulped air.

She stared at his Adam’s apple, transfixed at the way it
bobbed with his hard swallow. The shadow of beard on his throat was hotter than
sin. Lauren licked those short dark hairs and suckled his neck.

A lewd noise rumbled from Dante, mingling with the music.
The Spanish guitars were gone, replaced with a sultry Cuban beat that spoke of
tropical nights, fevered kisses and balmy air scented with sex.

Lauren’s ears buzzed. She pressed closer.

Dante whispered something in Spanish that she didn’t understand.
Didn’t matter. His actions spoke volumes.

He cupped her ass and pulled her into his rock-hard cock
that surely demanded a soft, heated pussy. The ends of his hair brushed her
neck as he trailed kisses from her cheek to her temple then to her ear. After
licking her lobe, he snuggled his tongue inside.

A shock of desire tore so ruthlessly through Lauren she
wilted against Dante, wanting every intimate and carnal act that he’d be
willing to share with her.

For now, he concentrated on her throat, suckling it.
Bursts of heat and crazy good sensations had her gasping in pleasure.
Gripping his tee, she twisted the stretchy fabric in her fists, wanting to tear
it from him.

Dante pressed his mouth to her ear and whispered, “You all

Too lost in the moment to speak, Lauren nodded.

“Good.” Far more swiftly than she would have imagined, he
pulled her away from the wall and slung her over his shoulder.

Lauren yelped and gripped his ass for support. His solid
muscles flexed beneath her fingers. She let out a crude, wanting moan.

Despite her weight, Dante strode down the hall easily,
heading toward the backroom. Visions of melting Dove bars filled Lauren’s
brain. She murmured, “What are you doing?”

“Nothing.” He ran his hand over her ass, his thumb on her
cleft. “Yet.”

Her pussy got even wetter. She dropped her head and bit her
lip at the sweet scent of his tee and the fragrance of pure man beneath.

His steps slowed when he reached his workstation. He carried
her inside, kicked the door closed then set Lauren on her feet.

Unsteady, she staggered back. Dante gripped her wrist to
keep her from falling.

She stared at him. He stared at her. This was really
happening. The thought was so welcome and outrageous the room lurched.

Dizzy, Lauren lowered her face.

Dante threw the lock on the door then stroked her wrist.
“You’re sure you’re okay.”

She’d never be that way again, not after knowing him.
Thankfully, she’d have some dynamite memories once this was over, which it
would be. Lying, Lauren nodded.

Dante released her wrist.

She felt the loss of his touch and heat immediately, wanting
it back. Lifting her chin, Lauren spoke in the firmest voice she could muster.
“I’m ready for anything.”

Bring. It. On.

“Oh yeah?” His smile turned wolfish. “Get naked.”

A rush of heat hit Lauren with the force of a slap. She
sensed her face and throat had flushed scarlet.

Dante didn’t seem moved or deterred by her blush. Leaning
toward her, he murmured, “Now.”

She tried to swallow but couldn’t. All the spit in her mouth
had dried up. With his arms crossed over his chest, Dante propped one shoulder
against the door and waited for what Lauren guessed was her coming striptease.

Painfully aware of her physical shortcomings, she offered a
better suggestion. “We’ll undress together.” Couldn’t take him long. He wore
nothing except a tee, jeans, possibly briefs and sandals. His long toes were as
incredible as the rest of him.

“Uh-uh.” He raked his gaze down her, loitering on her boobs
and mound. “In here—in this—you’re no longer the boss. I am. I demand. You
obey. If you’re bad, and I’m sure you will be, I’ll have to discipline you.”

Her legs went watery. “Huh?”

“Don’t tell me your boyfriends have never punished you.”

Lauren hadn’t dated that many guys. The ones she had never
wanted her as Dante seemed to. For some reason, he desired her tonight.
Possibly only tonight. “Not a one.”

“So you’re a virgin at that.” He smiled lazily. “Trust me,
it’s fun.”

Lauren had no doubt of that. For two weeks, she’d fantasized
about him spanking her. Still, she didn’t want to come off as too easy. Hell,
she wanted to play with him as he was with her. “If I say no?”

He studied her closely. Shameless lust flared in his eyes,
revealing his naked need. Beneath it was a flash of mischief, which added to
his irresistible charm.

The Cuban piece ended. Muted trumpets replaced it, the
throaty strains encouraging base pleasure.

Dante’s eyes and complexion darkened with desire. He stepped
away from the door and spoke with authority. “Say no then. I want to hear it.”

Lauren struggled not to shiver with delight. She arched one
brow, feigning confidence.

Dante’s expression said he knew better and that he’d won
this battle. He crowded her as he’d done in the hall. This time Lauren didn’t
step back. She couldn’t move, breathe, think.

“New policy,” he said, taunting her with what she’d blurted
to him earlier. “When we’re alone, you’re mine to use, pleasure and discipline
as I want. You’ll always be available for me and fucking wet or there will be
hell to pay.”

He cupped her mound.

She shot to her toes with his brash touch. Her pussy was
practically dripping.

He knew. She saw it on his face, the way he stroked the
denim covering her cunt.

“Agreed?” he murmured.

She gasped, “Hell yeah.”

Smiling, Dante dropped his hand and stepped back. “Strip.
Now. Slowly, so I can take all of you in.”

Uh-uh. Lauren was horny, not crazy. “Or what?” she goaded
him. “You’ll tear off my clothes?”

Dante shook his head. The ends of his hair skimmed his
shoulders. “I’ll paddle you later for disobeying me. Right now, I intend to
watch.” He hitched his thumbs in the front pockets of his jeans. “Go on. I want
you to strip no matter how long it takes. I have all night.”

Lauren cheeks were so hot they stung. She didn’t know how to
begin or if she could go through with this. It was one thing to have him
ripping away her tee, jeans and underwear. The frenzy would keep his attention
on the prize, which was his cock snuggled within her cunt.

It was another matter to have him scrutinizing her nudity.
She wasn’t built like Jasmina or a high-fashion model. She actually had hips,
thighs and an ass. An ancient culture might have worshipped her voluptuous
figure. In this sorry one, she’d always been the plump girl.

That Dante seemed to want. For the moment.

Go on, do it. This may be your last chance. Tomorrow,
everything could change.

Cold, hard reality got Lauren moving. She toed off her
sneakers then kicked them aside.

The rubber soles made brief tapping sounds but didn’t pull
Dante’s attention from her nipples that were so erect they were beginning to
feel uncomfortable yet also good. She lifted the hem of her tee.

“No,” he said huskily. “Lose the jeans first. And your

He wasn’t going to make this easy. Lauren really liked him
for that and giving her the kind of night she’d never have again. Her hands
trembled with tension and excitement. She slipped her jeans button through its
slot and lowered her fly. The rasp of the metal sounded loud even with the
trumpets wailing away in the instrumental.

With as much poise as she could manage, Lauren pushed her
jeans past her hips to her knees. The garment fell with a soft whoosh to her

On a faint moan of embarrassment, she regarded Dante.

His long fingers tapped the tops of his thighs as he studied
her partial nudity. He didn’t frown or show any sign of disappointment as she’d
feared. If anything, the bulge between his legs seemed to have grown bigger and
harder. Goose pimples rose on her skin. Lauren was so wet, she could feel the
cold breath of the air conditioner through her panties.

“Go on,” he ordered.

More confident now, she braced herself against the
convertible chair he’d used to ink those naked babes. The furniture was still
in a full reclining position, long and wide enough to use as a bed. Him on top
of her and inside.

Breathless with need, Lauren stepped out of her jeans and
pushed them aside with her foot. She ran her fingertips over the lace waistband
of her panties. Thankfully, she’d worn a nice pair today. A bikini cut in pale
blue, pretty and feminine.

Dante’s impatient expression said he wanted to see skin, the
delicate curls between her legs, his first glance at her juicy cleft.

Lauren tried to swallow and couldn’t. She eased her panties
down, coaxing them past her knees to her ankles then lost her nerve and
remained crouched over.

Dante allowed only a few seconds to pass before he cleared
his throat.

Gathering strength, Lauren straightened and presented
herself to him.

His lips parted. He stared at her dark-blonde curls, damp
with arousal, the same as her panties, the crotch wet with her readiness for
him…every fucking thing he wanted to do.

Wearing the expression of a man possessed, Dante moved
closer as Lauren stepped out of her panties. He grabbed them immediately and
held the delicate fabric to his nose, inhaling deeply of her scent.

Her heart turned over at his pleased smile, how intimate
he’d made the moment. Liking her fragrance. Desiring her.

Without further direction, Lauren pulled off her tee and
tossed it. Dante looked over, watching her top sail to one of the chairs. She
unhooked her bra, hesitated for a moment, then went for broke and pulled the
damn thing off and dropped it at her feet. Her nipples constricted even more at
the rush of cool air pouring from the ceiling vent. Nude except for her scant
makeup and socks, Lauren faced Dante, wanting his full approval, still warning
herself not to hope for it.

His face lit up with his broad grin. “Damn, you’re awesome.
More beautiful than I’d imagined.”

She stared. He’d actually fantasized about her? Stunned,
Lauren spoke without thinking, “You like big women?”

Dante’s smile turned into a quick frown. “What are you
talking about? You’re not big. You’re just right.”

“Are you kidding?”

“Quiet,” he ordered. “Leave on the socks. I like them.”

She stopped easing off the right one and straightened again.

“Face the mirror,” he said.

Lauren looked over even as she avoided her reflection. No
matter what he’d said, she wasn’t that brave yet. The mirror took up most of
the wall. When it was in an upright position, the chair swiveled toward the
glass, allowing the ladies to see the magic Dante created as he inked their
breasts, tummies or legs. If they’d requested a tat on their asses or back,
they were out of luck as far as a good view went. However, when it came to him
touching them…

“Where do you intend to be?” Lauren said then asked,

“Nope.” He went to her. With his hands on her naked
shoulders, he turned Lauren around so she could see her full-frontal nudity. A
flash of it registered before she watched his hands snaking down her chest to
cover her boobs. A thrum of pleasure rolled through her.

With his mouth on her ear, Dante murmured, “This is where
I’ll be.”

Lauren’s breath rushed out on an appreciative sigh. She
relaxed against him, her face lifted, eyes closed.

He stopped thumbing her nipples. “Look at yourself…watch
what I’m doing to you.”

She pulled in her shoulders. “I can’t.”

“Why not?”

Lauren couldn’t admit to how bad she thought she looked. Her
lack of confidence in her appearance was too personal and humiliating. A
reaction drummed into her from countless insults as she’d grown up. “Because I
don’t want to.”

“Not good enough,” he murmured. “You’ll look or you don’t
get this.” He ran his hand over the curve of her belly to her curls and lower.
Lightly, he stroked her cleft, slippery with arousal.

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