Wild Fire (The Fairy Tale Match Series) (11 page)

His nostrils flared as he grabbed
hold of her arms and hauled her against him. He glared down into her startled
eyes, giving her a slight shake. “You will not have anything to do with him or
you’ll pack your bags and get out!”

“Let go of me this instant!” Laura
ground out as she pushed against his solid chest. “You’re nothing but a big
bully. You think you can just push your weight around and everyone has to
follow your orders. You have to control everything, don’t you?”

“Not everything, but in this I won’t
be disobeyed. Dan Walker is not welcome here. Not now, not ever!”

“I didn’t bring him here. I spoke to
him in a free public place! So I ask you why I should stop speaking to him if I
see him in public. As long as I don’t bring him here, what’s the problem?”

“So you admit to seeing him?” Jake
glared at her.

“That’s not what I meant!” Laura
shouted back.

Jake wasn’t listening to her. He
pulled her closer to him, so his breath fanned across her face, his lips
tantalisingly close to hers. “Tell me Laura, does he make you feel the same way
I do?” His eyes lowered to her mouth, making her heart beat faster in her chest
with excitement. Her eyes glazed over in desire as he drew closer to her.

“Does he cause the same wild fire
that happens when we kiss?” He didn’t wait for a reply. His mouth crashed onto
hers, kissing the breath right out of her. He drew her body flush up against
him, wrapping her legs around his waist, as he lifted her so she was seated on
the counter, knocking the vegetables she’d been preparing to the floor. His
fingers plunged into her hair, loosening it from the bun that held it. He
angled her head so he could deepen the kiss, his tongue thrusting into her
warmth, plundering her mouth and her senses.

Her arms wrapped around him as she
kissed him back with everything she had. She could feel his solid strength
under her hands as she stroked the muscles on his back. She wanted more, needed
more. She moaned deep in her throat, her blood fired hotter at his answering

His hand glided up her side and
cupped her breast, teasing her nipple to an excited point. She groaned again,
pushing her body closer to his touch, feeling his arousal at her aching core.
She rubbed herself against him, driven wild by her need for him. Her hands
pulled his shirt frantically from his jeans, running her fingers up his hot
skin, kneading the muscles at his shoulders. She began pulling at the buttons,
wanting to feel his skin against hers, when he suddenly pulled back breaking
her hold on him and breathing hard. Laura nearly fell from the counter at the
loss of his support. She felt dazed and confused. Why did he constantly set her
body on fire, then turn off like he was a tap? How could he keep doing this to

He moved away from her, turning his
back to her, taking deep shuddering breaths. “That shouldn’t have happened

“But it did. It means something Jake.
You can’t deny it!” Her frustration bubbled over, making her tone harsh.

He glanced round at her, then
instantly wished he hadn’t. She sat before him, the most beautiful sight he’d
ever seen. Her hair scattered around her shoulders, her lips looking swollen
with his kisses. Her eyes were still glazed with passion, her clothes mussed.
She looked sexy as hell. He closed his eyes, but it was too late. Her image was
burned on his brain.

He hadn’t meant for this to happen
again. He’d simply wanted to confront her over what he’d seen in town. He’d
felt sick to his stomach at the sight of her with Dan, talking with him so
sweetly, smiling at him with such warmth. He hadn’t been able to hear what they
were saying but he could imagine. He’d almost walked up to them to confront
them, but realised he couldn’t. He in no way wanted to connect with Dan.

So he’d waited to catch her alone at
the house. Instead of the calm questioning he’d planned on with the firm
insistence she have nothing to do with Dan, he’d lost his head. He didn’t want
to admit he was jealous, but couldn’t quite push the notion out completely.
He’d been driven by the mad urge to brand her in some way so that she wouldn’t
involve herself with Dan or Walter.

But the kiss had been a mistake. It
had nearly consumed him. He should have known that he would be unable to stop
at one simple kiss this time. She was weaving her way into his blood, into his
heartbeat. It scared the hell out of him that he couldn’t keep control of
himself around her. Maybe he should use her association with Dan to get her out
of the house.

In his heart though, he knew it was
too late for that. She’d already branded him. He knew he’d end up seeking her
out wherever she went. Sighing deeply, he ran his hand through his hair,
wishing he’d never gone into town that morning. Some things were best left in

He heard her get down from the
counter, her soft steps approaching him. Her hand gently touched his back. He
stiffened. Her touch causing his body to harden again. He caught his breath,
trying to will his arousal away without much success.

“We have to talk about this Jake,” Laura

“There is nothing to talk about.”
Jake wanted to get as far away from her as he could. He began to walk towards
the kitchen door, but Laura darted round him to block his exit.

“Oh no you don’t! Stop running away.”
She placed her hands on her hips, her body in a battle stance. He almost
smiled. It would take very little to pick her up and move her. “There is
something between us, Jake Carter. Can you deny it?”

“Just stay away from Dan!” He crossed
his arms over his chest, unwilling to discuss the mad passion they seemed to
have for each other.

“Why Jake? Truly, he seems like a
mixed up, unhappy man. Can’t you let whatever happened go? Do you have to make
him suffer every day of his life for something he clearly regrets, whatever it
is?” Laura tried to plead with him. She didn’t believe Jake was an unreasonable
or unkind man, even if he did sometimes resort to throwing insults at her when
he got angry.

Jake’s face hardened again, his eyes
turning dark with his resurfacing anger. “Why should he get to leave it all
behind?” he snarled, bitterness colouring his words. “I have to see the
reminder of his actions every day in the mirror!” His hand rose to indicate his
scar. Laura gasped at the meaning of his words, her eyes filling with tears.

“Jake, no! Are you saying Dan is
responsible for your scar?” she whispered brokenly.

“You bet your big green eyes he is.”
Jake gently pushed her away from the door. Still stunned, she didn’t resist
him. He opened it, turning back to look at her distraught face. “And that’s
just one reason why I’ll never forgive him.” He walked out, leaving Laura dazed
and empty.


Laura sat in one of the porch chairs
gazing out at the lush countryside around her, but she didn’t really see much.
Her mind was turned inwards on the events of that afternoon. She had somehow
let Jake walk away from her again, without dealing with the very real
connection they had between them. He’d managed to turn the conversation back on
to Dan and avoid the soul stealing kiss they’d shared…….again!

And then there was his revelation.
Dan was the culprit behind Jake’s scar. The question was whether Dan had meant
to do it or had it been an accident. She wished Jake or someone would tell her.
It was like trying to do a jigsaw puzzle without all the pieces or the box to
show you what the end picture was. She had no idea what to make of it all.

She heard her name being shouted and
glanced up, burying the groan of dismay as she saw Walter heading her way. He
ambled up on to the porch, smiling his ever charming smile at her.

“Do you mind if I sit?” he asked.

“Of course not.” Laura wished she
could say she did mind and would he please go away so she could think, but she
simply couldn’t be that rude. Walter moved a chair so he was seated opposite
her. He leaned forward, resting his arms on his legs.

“How are you today? I’ve been round a
few times to check on you after the incident with Daisy, but you’ve been out each
time I came.”

“I’m fine Walter, thank you.” Laura
felt guilty about wanting him to leave. He seemed so earnest in his concern for
her wellbeing.

“Laura, can I talk with you about
something?” Walter looked uncomfortable. It wasn’t something she’d ever thought
to see with the over confident man.

“Of course. What is it?”

“It’s rather awkward, I’m afraid.”
Walter looked down at the floor, flushing a deep red. “I wouldn’t want you to
think I was prying or overstepping the mark, but we are friends are we not?” He
looked at her.

Laura nodded and indicated for him to
continue. “Well, the thing is, I did stop by this afternoon to see you. I
wasn’t trying to eavesdrop or peep, but I couldn’t help but observe things
between you and Jake.”

Laura felt her face flame. Oh God,
what had he seen? She thought of the passionate clinch and wanted to die. She
put her face in her hands, wishing the floor would open up and swallow her

Walter put his hand on top of hers,
gently pulling them away from her heated face. “I don’t mean to embarrass you
in any way. I only mention it because I feel it only fair to warn you that Jake
will never be able to give you what you want.”

“What do you mean?” Laura suddenly
felt cold, a creeping sense of doom stalking through her at his words.

“I mean he is incapable of a
relationship,” Walter told her bluntly. “I would have thought you would know
that. Surely you know what happened two years ago?”

“Not really,” Laura said faintly. Her
mind was reeling. “I’ve heard some reference to it, but nobody has really said
what happened. Do you know?” Would she finally get the answers she sought?

“I don’t know everything,” Walter
told her, his voice soft with understanding. He took her cold hand in his,
squeezing it gently. “I had only just started here shortly after it all
happened. I know that Jake was engaged to be married to a woman named

Laura closed her eyes. The woman
she’d known had to exist suddenly had a name and Jake was going to make her his
wife. He must have loved her a great deal to still be tormented by her loss. A
sick empty feeling filled her and she suddenly didn’t want to know anymore.

“She was very, very beautiful,”
Walter carried on, oblivious to the fact his words were like knives through her
heart. “I saw her a couple of times on distance before she moved away. She was
the kind of woman no man would ever forget.”

Laura looked at him. Walter’s eyes
had taken on a far off dreamy look, as he pictured the absent Victoria. Laura
felt her heart shatter. What had this woman been like to make a man like
Walter, who loved all women, have an expression like that on his face? How
could she have been so foolish as to think Jake could ever be interested in
her? After all, when he’d first seen her, he’d said she was plain. How could
she have forgotten that? She’d let herself be caught up in a dream that wasn’t
really based on reality. She should have known better than to think a man like
Jake would want her.

Walter seemed to collect himself,
shaking off his memories of the beautiful Victoria. “Anyway, from what I was
told, she was in love with both him and his best friend Dan Walker. Jake had no
idea. He only found out on the eve of his wedding to her. I believe he found
them both together although nobody quite knows what happened that day, except
for Jake, Dan and Victoria. Somehow, Dan and Jake fought and Dan hit Jake with
something, I don’t know what, but it broke and scarred his face. The two
haven’t spoken since. Sad really, considering people said they were like brothers
before all that happened.”

Walter patted her hand, still held in
his own. Laura didn’t even notice. Her face had gone chalk white.

“I am sorry, Laura.” Walter leaned
closer to her, his breath fanning her cheek. He looked deep into her stricken
eyes. “I am only telling you this because I care for you deeply. I don’t want
you wasting your time on someone who is still in love with another woman….” He
broke off at Laura’s sob.

“I’m sorry Walter. Please excuse me.”
She jumped up from her seat, pulling her hand from his and fled into the house.
She didn’t see the triumphant smile on Walters face. He couldn’t believe how
well things had gone.

Walter would admit it had rattled him
to see the two of them when he’d come to the house earlier, but a plan had
formed in his mind to win his way into Laura’s bed by turning things to his
advantage. A woman hurting was easy prey. Jake had unwittingly primed Laura as
an easy target.

Walter would be there to comfort her
and listen to her troubles. He would be a sympathetic shoulder for her to cry
on. When the time was right, all that electrifying passion he’d witnessed would
be all his! Whistling a happy tune, he got up and walked swiftly from the
house, narrowly missing stepping on a slug in his path.


Lotta lunged for Flo’s arm as she
raised it a second time to take aim at Walter. “You can’t turn him into a slug
Flo!” she yelled, narrowly avoiding the wand that waved in agitated fury.

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