Read Winning Back His Wife Online

Authors: A. B. Ewing

Winning Back His Wife (8 page)

Chapter 13

It was amazing what love could do to a person. Just a one
touch and one heartfelt, tender kiss and she was ready to say yes. She was
ready to put the past five years of hurt and betrayal behind her and move
forward with her life.

What the hell was wrong with her? Was she a complete and
utter moron? ‘For God’s sake, Neela, have you forgotten just what that man has
done you? Love him or not, you cannot go back to the way things were.’

Giving herself a mental shake, she tried to concentrate on
the noise that was coming from inside the house. Whoever was at the door, Caleb
was not pleased to see them.

Above the screams and laughter from the children in pool,
Neela could hear Caleb’s raised voice. Second to his, she could hear a familiar
female voice just as loud. They were obviously arguing on the move, because the
voices became louder as they drew nearer.

Neela groaned out aloud when she identified the owner of the
voice. God, she was not ready to face that woman yet. Coming to think of it she
didn’t think she would ever be ready.

“How dare you ask me what am I doing here? I every right to
visit! You said give her some time and then you would call. I’ve given you two
weeks and still you haven’t called. Two weeks, Caleb,” the woman concluded as
she came to stand before Neela, legs spread, hand on her hips.

Squinting, Neela brought a hand up to block out the sun that
was obstructing her view of the immaculately dressed woman that stood above

“Hello, Neela, it’s been a while.”

Neela threw a look at her husband who was hovering behind
like a hen with her chicks. The damn man looked as if the sky was falling in.
Drawing her gaze back to her visitor, she responded in the calmest voice she

“Hello, Helen. What brings you by?”


Caleb stayed glued to the spot, staring at the two women in
front of him. Two of the most important women in his life and he wasn’t sure at
all how this whole situation was going to play out.

In the past, he had never been there to defend Neela against
his mother’s viper tongue but it would be different now. If there came a point
where he had to make a choice between the two, there was no question who would
have to walk. Neela was the other half of him and he was going to do everything
possible to protect her. He just prayed his mother did not mention Lori or
Craig. He needed to do that in his own time.

In an effort to get his mother’s attention, he called,

Without so much as looking at him, she waved him off over
her shoulder.

“It’s hot out here, Caleb, why don’t you get us something to

“Mother,” Caleb’s tone went deep, warning his mother in that
one single word.

Half-turning to him she attempted to assure him. “It’s okay
Caleb, I just want to talk to Neela. I won’t upset her, I promise.”

There was something in the way she said it that made Caleb’s
heartbeat settle. That was the voice she always used when she was trying to
comfort him as a child. Somehow, he just knew everything was going to be okay.

Centering his attention on Neela, he offered, “If you need
anything, I’m just inside, okay?”

At her curt nod, he turned and vanished inside again.


Inhaling deeply, Neela braced herself as the fire breathing
dragon took the seat Caleb had not too long ago vacated.

She knew when that mouth opened, nothing good was going to
come out of it but this wasn’t the old Neela. This Neela actually had a back

Ready to do battle, Neela squared her shoulders but was
thrown completely out of her comfort zone when Helen Wilder said, “I’m sorry,

Not sure if she heard correctly, she asked, “Sorry, what did
you just say?”

“I’m sorry.” Nowhere prepared for the apology, she sat there
staring at the older woman.

“I am not going to do the whole violin and song thing. The
fact is I was downright nasty to you and even though I was happy when you left,
my son wasn’t.” That was certainly getting to the point but she wasn’t

“The fact is you’re back in Caleb’s life and I see a glimpse
of the man he used to be. He loves those kids.” Helen nodded at the pool where the
kids were playing but her eyes never left Neela. “If nothing else, I am
grateful to you for that. I don’t know if you and I could ever be friends but I
am willing to try if you are.” Speechless, that’s what she was. What do you say
to a statement like that? The woman was sitting there; back as straight as a
pin, not a strand astray in her shoulder length blonde hair. It was if she had
just delivered the weather.

Finally able to form words again, Neela reiterated just to
be sure.

“So let me see if I get this right. You don’t hate me, but
you don’t like me, yet you are willing to call a truce because of Caleb and the

“Yes, that’s about it.”

Pondering long and hard on the conversation at hand, Neela

“I will agree but on the following conditions.”

Helen drew a deep breath as if contemplating arguing but
instead checked herself and asked, “What conditions?”

... And that is a big if, I decide to stay married
to Caleb, our marriage is private. I will not allow you to meddle.”

Neela knew that was going to be tough for Helen. She had
always played a constant role in the children’s life.

“Okay, fine. What else?”

“Adam and Melody. I know they are your grandchildren, and I
will be happy to listen to any suggestions you will have in their upbringing
but I will not tolerate you undermining me in my decisions. I say no and I mean
no. That is non-negotiable.” Standing up to this woman who had intimated her
for so long was like inhaling a breath of fresh air. It felt great!

“Is that all?”


“Good. Now that’s settled, I hope you don’t mind if I go say
hi to my grandbabies.”

Getting to her feet, she turned and yelled in the most un-lady
like manner, “Caleb, come get your wife and take her out of this sun.”

The woman never seized to amaze. Even in her fifties she
looked like she was now beginning life. Not a hair out of place, the cream
sleeveless knee-length dress clung to all the curves in her body. Neela shook
her head in awe as Helen Wilder sauntered towards Adam and Melody.

Caleb appeared from inside as though he had been standing
behind the door, just waiting for something to go wrong.

A smile creased her lips when she saw the worried look on
his face. The fact that he was concerned about her welfare, tugged at her heart

Bending at her side he looked for signs of distress on her

“Is everything okay?”

“Yeah. I’m just a little bit tired with this sun. I think I
better go lie down”

“Okay, let me get Garvin…” Caleb was about to stand when she
caught him by the arm.

“No!” Returning to his stooping position, he waited for what
was going to come next.

“Will you take me?” She was actually giving him the
opportunity to touch her, to hold her close to him, to feel her soft skin
against his skin. Would he take her? Hell yes!

Without waiting for her to ask again, he swept her off the
chair in one fluent motion and headed inside. Caleb felt as if they had crossed
a major hurdle today. Things were certainly look up.


Somehow the events that had unfolded at the pool four days ago
had brought Caleb and Neela closer. There was a measure of comfort between them
that wasn’t there before. He touched her more but never in a sexual way.

Although Garvin still did all the therapy, Caleb tended to
the more personal stuff. 

Like tonight, he had brought her up to bed and disappeared
to tuck the kids in but she knew he would be back soon with all the therapeutic
oils. Garvin was sent home early and Caleb was going to do the massaging of her
feet. Although she still couldn’t feel a thing she knew this was going to be

A soft knock sounded on the bedroom door. Caleb came in,
shutting it behind him.

“Are they asleep?” Neela enquired of the kids.

“Yeah, they were out like a light as soon as their heads hit
the pillows.”

She was sitting against the pillows; her legs stretched out
before her much like she did by the pool. Only this time there was no bathing
suit and no ponytail. Instead she wore a navy blue camisole and matching
boxers. Her hair was in a single braid, coming over her shoulder, to rest on
her chest. Did Caleb think she looked sexy? Where the hell did that come from?

 As Caleb took his place at the foot of the bed, Neela
closed her eyes and lay back. What wouldn’t she do to feel those big hands that
were gently massaging her legs? Oh well, they did say good things came to those
who waited.

She didn’t know when she fell asleep but she woke to the
sound of Caleb calling her name.

“Neela. Neela, babe?”

And he was there above her. His handsome face so close to
her, his warm, minty breath on her face. How could she possible resist him?

Oh, damn it all to hell. She was only human. Burying her
hand in his hair she drew his mouth to hers.

There they were - the fireworks that always went off when
they were together. Caleb groaned deep within his throat when her tongue
flickered out to caress his lips.

“Neela, God, baby. What are you trying to do to me?” Caleb
breathed into her open mouth. Neela took the opportunity to penetrate his
warmth ,drawing his taste in.

Flattening his body against hers, he used his hands to touch
everywhere he could.

His large palm cupped her waist, squeezing a little before
it dove under her camisole. She whimpered when his hand travelled up her bare
skin and grazed the underneath of one firm breast.

Hungry to feel his skin, she tugged at his T-shirt, yanking
it above his head, his muscles constricting and relaxing as he arched his back
to help her.

This was not love-making. It was two people that were
starved for sexual release. It was pure animalistic mating.

Caleb drew up her camisole to expose one voluptuous breast.
Lowering his head he took the pebbled peak in his mouth.

Neela arched off the bed, her fingers digging into the flesh
of his back.

“Caleb, please. I need you now.”

“I know, baby. I need you too.”


Lifting himself, Caleb was reaching for the button on his
jeans when his phone began to ring.

Who the hell was calling him this hour of the night?
Ignoring the phone, he continued to undress. This is what he had been dreaming
of for the last five years. To have Neela like this, in bed, fully aroused and
needing him as much as he needed her.

Only in his boxers now, he lowered himself back onto his
wife, his jeans flung carelessly on the floor next to the bed.

He was about to kiss Neela when the dreadful mobile began
ringing again. “Just one second, baby.” he whispered against Neela’s neck.

Swearing under his breath, he sat up and grabbed for his
jeans. Whoever was on the other end better have had a damn good reason for
bothering him. But when he retrieved the phone, he froze when he saw the name
that flashed across the screen. Lori. He cut the call.

Turning to look at Neela lying there, so beautiful, eyes
full of happiness waiting for him, he knew he had to tell her. He could not
postpone this any longer.

“What is it, Caleb?” Neela’s hand fluttered across his back
causing his heart to stutter.

“Neela, there’s something I have to tell you.” Oh God, this
was going to destroy her. How could he spare her this pain?

Propping herself up on her elbows she looked at him, her
eyes so trusting.

“What? What’s wrong?”

“Neela, Lori has a son. He’s just six months old. His name
is Craig.”

She stiffened. He could see her trying to prepare herself
for what she knew was coming next.

“Neela… Craig is my son.” Caleb delivered the final blow.
And there in her eyes he could see her heart shatter into a million pieces.


Chapter 14

‘Breathe Neela, breathe. Just keep your eyes shut and when
you open them, he’ll be gone.’

“Neela? Caleb called from outside the darkness.

‘One, two, three, four... Deep breaths. You can stay in
control. Leave, Caleb. Just get up and leave.’

“Neela?” he persisted calling for her, a measure of
desperation in his voice. What was he desperate for? Did he want her to
understand his behavior all those years ago? She tried but now he wanted her to
understand why he had continued to sleep with that…that woman. Was she supposed
to understand that there was a child out there that was a product of him with
that...that woman?

‘God Neela, breathe. You can do it! Just please God let him

But Caleb was obviously asking for it because he had the
audacity to attempt to touch her cheeks and say, “Neela, I love you...”

Her reflexes were much faster than her brain because her
hand shot out to smack him hard across his lying unfaithful face.

Momentarily stunned, his guard down, she attacked. Fists
pummeling his unguarded body she let it all out.

“You bastard! You unfaithful lying bastard. Don’t you ever
say that to me! Don’t ever say you love me.”

Caleb tried to arrest her flaying arms but his strength was
no match for her anger. Fingers clawed, she raked it down his arm, leaving
bright red streaks in its wake.

“Neela baby, please calm down.”

“Calm down? Calm down? Okay, I’ll calm down.” She did but
just for a few seconds to sink her teeth into the firm flesh of his finger.

“Dammit Neela, what the hell…” He released her flaying arms
to survey the damage done to his hand.

Big mistake! She grabbed a patch of his hair and yanked.
Hard! She actually felt a measure of satisfaction when his eyes watered.

His long fingers pried at the hand that was locked on to his
hair. When he was finally able to get her to release, he jumped off the bed
standing at a safe distance.

“Now listen, Neela…”

“Oh no. You don’t get to tell me what to do. Not now, not
ever. That is a privilege you no longer hold. For once you are going to shut up
and listen to what I have to say.” She glared at him, her eyes revealing five
years of pent up rage.

Obviously not used to this side of Neela, he clamped his
lips together in shock.

“It wasn’t bad enough that you cheated on me with that
bitch, but you had to continue even after I left. You spew all that bullshit
about missing me and loving me and then you tell me you have a son with that
whore. Well you know what? Why don’t you go to her? Obviously it was her
calling. What were you going to do? Screw your crippled wife and then run off
to her?”

“Neela, no, it’s not like that…”

“Shut your lying mouth. I don’t really give a damn about
what it
like. You screwed her and got her pregnant. I know you aren’t
stupid, so I know you would not claim that child unless you were one hundred
percent sure it is yours. So why don’t you do us all a favor and get the hell
out of here?” Exhausted from her outburst she fell back against the pillow, her
breathing labored, her body trembling.

“Neela, please don’t be like this. Please, please can’t we
just talk about this?” His voiced travelled across the room because he had not
moved from the spot.

Eyes closed she calmly stated. “Caleb if you don’t leave
right now, I swear to God I am going to wake the whole house. And just in case
you get the idea that when I calm down we will talk, forget it, because this is
it. I have had enough. As soon as I am well enough, I want a divorce. If you
want a family you can have it with your whore and your bastard.”

‘Now leave before I begin to cry,’ she added silently. She
heard him shuffling around the room, probably picking up his discarded clothes.
For a couple of seconds there was quiet and she knew he must be looking at her.
Ear cocked, she heard him open the door and then the soft click as he closed it
again. It couldn’t have been a second sooner because no sooner had he left, the
tears began to flow.


Outside the bedroom, Caleb pressed his back up against the
door, head thrown back, eyes closed.

He would have done anything, anything to spare her that
pain. Seeing her like that was unbearable. Neela had always been quiet, humble,
reserved. To think that his actions had brought out what he just witnessed, was
a blow to his system.

Why couldn’t Lori just disappear? Then things could be
different. Things could be better between him and Neela.

His head snapped when he heard the sound from the bedroom.
Spinning around he rested his ear against the door. The first sob caused his
heart to twist. She was crying. That’s all he ever seemed to do - make her cry.
Spreading his palm against the door, he rested his forehead against it too and
listened to every heart-wrenching sob. God, how he wished he could he could take
it all away.

“Daddy?” Caleb spun around at the sound of the tiny voice.

Wiping at the tears on his face with the back of his hand he
looked at his children standing in the corridor. Hand in hand brother and
sister stood, so identical but yet so different.

Kneeling before them, he queried, “What are you two doing

“We heard Mummy shouting. Is she okay? Is she hurting?”
Melody looked at him through innocent eyes.

“No, no. Daddy just did something to make her angry but
everything will be okay,” Caleb tried to reassure the little girl.

“Does this mean that we will have to go and live with Aunty
Kay and Uncle Kevin again?” Adam piped up.

“No, no. This is your home now. We are a family and nothing
is going to break us up. I promise.” Gathering his children up in a fierce hug
he fought against the tears that were threatening once again to come. Managing
to subdue them he stood up.

“Come, now, let’s get you back to bed.” He ushered them back
into their respective rooms all the while praying he could keep his family


Anger fueled Neela’s determination to walk. She pushed
herself day after day, harder and harder. And when she made that first step on
her own she felt as if the weight of the world was lifted off her shoulder.

In less than a month after Caleb’s announcement, she had
graduated to crutches. Happy as she was about her progress, she was still
haunted by images of Caleb and Lori or Caleb holding a baby - Lori’s baby. He
had resumed work at the office and every time he left the house Neela wondered
if he went to Lori. Were they still lovers?

Her children were her only link to sanity. She avoided Caleb
at all cost. There was nothing he could say to her that would change the way
she felt. She would never deny that she loved him, probably always would, but
forgive she couldn’t.

One thing she was sure of was that she was done running. If
he wanted to be with Lori and that child he could go. It would hurt like hell
but she would get over it someday.

She was staying put, right there in that magnificent house
and like it or not he was not getting a divorce. She was going to be the only
Mrs. Wilder in his life. Lori would just have to settle for the role of


Everyday Caleb felt her draw further and further away from
him. There was no mention of a divorce again nor had she made any plans to
leave but it felt as if she was all the way in Trinidad.

Neela was a beautiful, desirable woman and she was beginning
to get her strength in her legs back. Seeing her wobbling around in those
crutches was such a wonderful thing but now Caleb was even more worried than
before. What was to stop her now from finding someone to make her happy - someone
to give her the things he didn’t?

Every time she smiled at Garvin, Caleb wanted to break the
young man’s neck. Even a fool could see the he was smitten. Caleb had even
attempted to fire him but Neela made it quite clear that Garvin was
and he was staying.

It was pretty clear to Caleb that he was losing his wife and
he knew this time it would be for good. He couldn’t let that happen.

Lori answered on the first knock.

“Hi, Caleb.” Lori beamed at him. She was a beautiful woman
and maybe if his heart didn’t belong to Neela and there wasn’t so much sordid
history, he could have someday had a serious relationship with her. Craig had
matured her in so many ways. She was no longer the spoilt socialite she was
before his birth. Her life was dedicated to her son.

“Come in.” She moved aside to allow him in. Accepting her
invitation, he went straight to the play pen in the living room. The baby slept
soundly, his little chubby face so much like Caleb’s when he was a kid. How did
he get himself into this mess? He couldn’t do this anymore.

Turning to Lori he asked, “How are you, Lori?”

“I’m fine, Caleb, and so is Craig. It’s good to see you. How
are Neela and the kids?”

“How do you think, Lori? I had to tell my wife that I had a
six month old son with the same woman I committed adultery with.” When she
looked away obviously hurt at his words, he felt as if he could kick himself.
Lori didn’t deserve any of this either.

“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that.”

“No, it’s okay. You are just saying what you feel. I just
wish there was some way to fix all this,” Lori whispered.

“There is, Lori. Just let me tell her the truth.”

Lori’s head snapped up at his suggestion.

“No, no, Caleb. You promised me. No one can ever know the
truth,” she cried wringing her hands together nervously.

God, why did he ever make that promise? Everything he held
dear was hanging in the balance and all he had to do was tell Neela the truth.
He knew without Lori’s permission he would never be able to do that. Why the
hell did life have to be so complicated?


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