Read Caribbean Cowboy: Under the Caribbean Sun, Book 4 Online

Authors: Jenna Bayley-Burke

Tags: #romance;romantic comedy;erotic romance;Alaska;Caribbean;vacation;cowboy;bad-boy;red hot

Caribbean Cowboy: Under the Caribbean Sun, Book 4 (3 page)

“Nik?” Her arms were still overhead and making the most erotic image he’d ever seen outside of his imagination. “I thought you wanted the dress off.”

He rolled her nipple between his fingers. “You want the dress off.”

“Honestly, I’m more interested in your pants.” Her teeth gleamed as she smiled. He leaned his head and tasted it, nipping at her lips as he passed his thumb back and forth over the tip of her breast.

Her breath stuttered and he stilled the kiss, feeling her lips tremble beneath his. “I think you like that as much as I do.”

She nodded and let her hands fall down by her sides. He slid the dress off her shoulder and leaned to the side to let the light trickle in. The world had taken on a warm, gray tone, but he could make out the upturn of her breasts, the curve of her small waist.

She must have noticed the light too, because she looked up at him. “There’s no door?”

He shook his head and peeled his T-shirt off in one motion, setting it on the table beside her. “No one comes up here at night.”

“We came up here.”

He stepped in front of her and rested his hands on her bare hips. “You’re safe with me, Janny.”

“Says the man who spirited me into the middle of nowhere to have his way with me.” She leaned closer, the tips of her breasts teasing his bare chest.

“I wanted to show you the sunset. Everything after has been your fantasy. Mine aren’t nearly this good.” He furrowed his fingers beneath the material of her dress to find the sides of her panties. Cotton, if he had to guess. “Lift up.”

When she hesitated, he wrapped one arm around her waist and lifted, tugging her dress and panties over the curve of her ass with the other. She gasped as he set her down and kneeled to complete the job, careful not to tangle her panties in her shoes. He folded the dress as he stood, then set it on his T-shirt and took a moment to enjoy the view.

“You are a sight.” He licked his lips, loving the confident way she sat, perfect and naked upon his leather jacket.

“And you still have on pants.” She tilted her head to the side, her wild curls teasing her smooth shoulder.

“I hate to disappoint you, but they’re not coming off.”

She reached out, hooked her fingers in his belt loops and yanked him back to her. “Then I suppose you won’t be either.” Her exaggerated sigh made his cock twitch.

“It’s the boots,” he hastened to explain. “They lace up. And unlace. Plus, pants.”

She pulled one end of his belt free and started on the buckle.

“You know, the pants and the boots,” he stammered.

“You’re so eloquent, Nik.” She tugged his belt, leaning back as she pulled it completely free. “Now, tell me you have a condom or I am going to hit you with this.”

He grabbed her wrist. “We don’t need a prop.”

“No, but I will have to hurt you if you rode me up here on a vibrator, stripped me naked and don’t have a condom. Or three.”

He reached into his pocket and pulled out the packet. He held it up. “Just one.”

“That’s a pity.” She set the belt aside, reached for him again and released the button on his jeans with a deft flick of her fingers.

“It really is.” He tore open the package with his teeth. What he wouldn’t give for a bed and a box of condoms. She pressed her palm against the length of him and squeezed until he had to suck in a breath.

“So, Nik, is there anything you need to tell me before your pants come off?”

“Like what?” For the life of him, he couldn’t think of anything but how fast he could get inside of her, get back to touching her breasts and kissing her mouth.

“The basics. Health status. Boxers, briefs or commando. Wouldn’t want to go too fast and do any permanent damage.” She released him and played with the tab of his zipper, a tiny motion that moved his entire cock.

“Um, yeah. I’m good. Boxer briefs, damn, Janny.” He had to lean against the table and suck in a breath. He’d felt like such a badass thundering away on his bike with the hottest girl in town, but now she’d reduced him to a lightning bolt of need and desire.

“I like you, Nik.” She slid the zipper down with exquisite slowness.

“I can tell.” He swallowed and dug deep for what control he had left. He liked women smart, strong and a little bit bossy, but this was getting out of hand. So out of hand, he was likely to go off in hers. “Why are you in such a hurry?”

“Me?” She opened the fly of his jeans and his cock sprang toward her, held at bay only by the confines of his underwear. “You stripped me naked two minutes ago and haven’t done a thing about it.”

“My apologies, Princess.” He shoved his jeans and boxers until they dropped to his boots. He slipped the condom from the package and fisted his cock.

“Let me do that.” Janny twined the fingers of one hand around his wrist and the other around the tip of his cock.

He let her, in part because her fingers felt so good on him. And in part because it was his turn to take back control. With his hands free, he cupped her breasts, teasing the nipples with his thumbs. She hummed her pleasure as she slid the condom over his erection. She wrapped the fingers of one hand around the base of his cock, bringing the other to cup his balls and squeeze. He thrust into her hand and pressed his teeth into his bottom lip.

“Careful, Janny, you already gave me ideas with that belt.” He puffed the words against her ear and trailed kisses down her neck.

“What kind of ideas?” Her throaty whisper hung in the air like a challenge. She released her hold on his cock and gripped his ass, pulling him toward her.

As much as he dreamed of burying himself in her and letting go, he knew she wasn’t nearly as far gone as he was. He slid his hands down her body to her hips and slid her forward, tilting her hips so he could nestle his cock between her plump lips.

He tasted her thrill as she gasped and he thrust his tongue into her mouth the way he would soon fill her body. He led her down so she lay back on his jacket. He rocked against her, a slow movement that wasn’t enough to send him over the edge, just enough to let her know what was in store. He trailed his kiss down her neck, tracing the line of her collarbone with his tongue. His hands slipped to her ribs, pushing closer until he held the weight of her breasts in each hand.

He rubbed his rough thumbs over her pearled nipples. He bent his head and tasted one, the salt on her skin making his mouth water. His tongue flirted with one bud and he tried to mimic the dance on the other with his fingers, but the mewing sounds she made and the way she rocked her hips along his hard cock distracted him.

She arched her back, pushing her entire nipple between his lips. He indulged in the decadence, letting his whole mouth enjoy her nuances. He released her other breast so he could reach around to support her back, holding her to him while he feasted.

Tasting and teasing, he enjoyed every gasp and moan she made and the frantic way she rubbed her sex against his. A small sound caught his attention and he turned his head to see her plucking her ignored nipple with fierce fingers. He hadn’t thought she’d like it rough, but urged by the sight, he brought his teeth into play. Scraping her nipple on top and bottom, he pulled up so he only held the very tip, flicking his tongue as fast as he could manage.

She called out, her Caribbean accent thickening as she begged to be fucked. She gripped his shoulders as her body quaked, her nails pressing into his flesh. Hot wetness coated his cock, and he knew when he did bury himself inside of her, he wouldn’t have to be slow or gentle.

He watched her chest heave as she gasped for breath, grinning at the erotic image. He brought his fingers to the wet nub he’d plied with so much attention and clamped down as he dipped his head to the other.

“Enough, please. Take me.” Her words danced to an exotic rhythm, sounding like a calypso queen. “I want you now.”

Laughter rumbled in his chest. He scraped the stubble of his beard over her wet nipple before pinching it, pulling her breast up. “You wanted me the first time you saw me. Have you been wet for me all night?”

He locked her legs behind him and pulled her closer. “I want to come again.”

“Then tell me, Princess. Have you been wet for me all night?” He leaned closer, until he could see the light spark in her eyes. And then he released his fingers, watching her body writhe as blood returned to her nipples. He held her wrists to the table as she cried out and tried to calm the ache herself.

“Yes, all right? Damn you.”

He leaned down and gave one nipple a long, soothing lick. “Damn me or fuck me?” He pointed his tongue over the other and waited for a response.

“Fuck me, Nik.” She struggled against him, lowered her lashes and sighed. She opened her eyes wide and caught his gaze. “Fuck me the way you wanted to on the balcony.”

“Oh, I can do much better than that.” He unhooked her legs and lifted them straight up and onto his shoulders. He reached between them and massaged the bare lips of her pussy, spreading her open so he’d push against her glistening clit with every thrust. He slid back the hood and blew a stream of air until she clenched and muttered what he guessed to be some kind of Caribbean curse. He gripped his cock and squeezed at the base until his balls ached, then used the head to circle her clit until she arched against him.

“You bring an all new meaning to the term cock tease.” She pulled her full bottom lip between her teeth.

“Have you never met anyone who’s better at it than you are?” He leaned down and kissed her until she relaxed. He let his tongue play with her mouth the way he played his cock along her nether lips, dipping and tasting until she gave in to the kiss.

With his cock teasing the entrance of paradise, he felt her take control of the kiss. Deepening the connection. As she took his mouth, he took her body, easing in with the same slow sensuality she used on him.

Before he’d even made it halfway, she gave up the kiss and turned her head to the side to pull in a deep breath. She stretched her arms over her head and off the table. Never had he seen a woman so willing and full of want.

He grabbed her hips and dove into her depths, going deeper every time she cried out. Acting on impulse, he pulled back and slammed home, his balls slapping against her ass. Her body rocked with the motion, her breasts bouncing and her chin lifting. Buried deep, he ground himself against her and she cried out.

“You like that?” he asked, letting his weight press farther into her.

“Less talking, more fucking.” She clenched her inner muscles around his cock, pulling him impossibly deeper.

The move snapped his control and he took her at her word. Took her. Pulled out and plunged deep over and over. She thrashed her head from side-to-side until she let it drop over the back of the table.

Her abandon was like none other, her body rocking with each thrust. He tightened his hold on her hips and moved her with each spine-tingling push. Everything spiraled tighter into a blinding need for release. Deeper. Closer. Faster.

The table creaked under the strain. The wood cracked and splintered, but he had to trust it to hold, to last just one more minute. She screamed and spasmed around him, the toned muscles of her belly quaking along with her orgasm.

His heart gave a painful squeeze and his breath froze in a blinding flash of bliss that tightened every muscle in his body. The dark release that followed threatened to buckle his knees and fray the edges of his soul. He came in a gut-clenching, mind-numbing eruption that froze time until his vision cleared and his heart beat anew.

He chased the climax, slamming his hips forward and pulling the pleasure out as long as he could manage. He didn’t want it to be over, not yet. He rode out every sensation, taking her in small hip-jerking thrusts until the table gave beneath them. He grabbed her by the waist and pulled her to him so quickly their bodies joined with a slap. Her pale eyes opened in shock, still glazed over from pleasure. She held tight to his shoulders as he bent his knees and brought them to the floor with as much grace as possible. Which wasn’t much.

She pressed her nose to his. “We broke the table.”

“I built it, I can break it.” He swallowed hard and eased her legs off his shoulders. She’d been the perfect princess at the party and an insatiable lover on the table. But now, with her sexy body sprawled over his, bare save for a pair of strappy heels, and his cock still buried deep, he wanted her more than ever, more than he thought possible.

“You did?” A puzzled expression crossed her face, but she dispelled it with a shake of her head. “We should get back to town.”

“Should we?” He made no motion to leave, just watched as the wanton woman transformed back into the ice queen. Dread coiled in the pit of his stomach. He reached between them and rolled her slick clit between his fingers.

“Don’t.” She covered his hand with hers, her expression softening.

“I could say the same to you.”

She nodded as if she understood, but he didn’t. He didn’t have any practice being something he wasn’t, couldn’t fathom why anyone would.

“I still want you, Janny.”

“One condom, remember?” She sighed and shook her head. “I don’t have sex often enough to be on the pill.”

“With this body, that is a crime against humanity. You should be fucked, well and often.”

“Nice.” The smile was back on her face, where it would stay for as long as he was around.

“I’m simply doing my duty as a man.”

“I’ll add humanitarian to your list of attributes.”

“What else is on that list of yours?”

“Cute, funny, good with his hands.” She took his hands in hers. “Willing to take me back to town even when he doesn’t want to.”

“On one condition.” He pulled in a deep breath of the sex-scented air and somehow managed to be as much of a gentleman as he could be with his woman sitting on his cock. “Tomorrow night, I get to have you in a bed.”

Chapter Three

So you’re going to sit through a wedding

Janny grinned at the title on the front of the wedding program. Holly was going to shake down the buttoned-up core of the Prinsen family. Sebastian had raised his sons with a sense of wealthy entitlement, their every wish his command. The old man was probably squirming at their choices in women too strong to be tamed, too opinionated to obey. Served him right to finally be put in his place.

She scanned the pews again as guests filed into the ornate Russian Orthodox church, wondering anew where Nik was. Their fantasy night had been amazing, and the steamy kiss they’d shared last night when he’d dropped her off had been enough to leave her wanting more. She’d been able to play it cool last night, but she didn’t trust herself not to betray her thoughts if he sat down beside her.

His leather jacket and motorcycle boots were nowhere in sight today. Janny focused on the tiny magazine being doled out at the doors by a pair of teens who looked as if they wanted to crawl out of their tuxedos and run for the hills. She knew the feeling. If getting off this rock weren’t such an event, she would have escaped in the wee hours of the morning.

If it weren’t for the greedy ache between her legs, she might be able to convince herself she’d dreamed up the whole thing. It was so like a fantasy. But a fantasy she could let go of. This had her by the throat, wondering if the bad-ass biker was a romantic gentleman or a sexual deviant, because after last night, it could really go either way.

Harm and Holly seemed to have everything figured out on the cover of the program. Holly wore a crocheted bathing suit that must be one of the designs from the fashion label she owned with Saskia. A large floppy hat hid their faces as they embraced in a romantic clutch. She couldn’t help but sigh.

Inside told a bit about Harm, the real estate mogul determined to single-handedly boost the economy of the Caribbean island she called home. The full page photo showed him smiling, which wasn’t a typical look for him. But maybe he only shot those angry glares Janny’s way.

Holly looked gorgeous sitting behind her desk at Sassy V Designs, brightly colored crocheted bikinis piled on every surface. They’d used the same image on their website.

She skipped over the pages about Holly’s parents and Harm’s. She knew more than she cared to about Sebastian Prinsen and his gullible saint of a wife.

The next spread was a collage of photos simply titled
The Prinsen Family
. She tried to flip past it but froze. Her own face smiled up from the pages. At Saskia and Johannes’s wedding last month, she’d been a bridesmaid, so her appearance in that photo could be an oversight. After all, Sebastian’s godson, Falco, was included as well. But what made her blood chill in her veins were the two pictures of her as a child. In one, she kneeled on the beach between Saskia and Kristin, with the three Prinsen brothers standing behind them, squinting at the sun. The other was of Harm as a gangly tween, holding her five-year-old hand.

She could recall the picture at the beach, how awkward it had felt to have Sebastian watching her every move as she tried to play with her friends. She’d known who he was, known he was too ashamed of her to tell his sons and that she was to keep her mouth zipped about it. But she had no recollection of the other picture. Why in the world would Harm be walking her anywhere?

And above all, why would Harm include her on the family page of his wedding program? It was like a banner flying overhead, announcing to the world his father’s indiscretions. There had always been a silent understanding that Sebastian wanted his Janny-shaped skeleton to stay closeted on Anguilla.

Her gaze darted around the church, scanning the room to see if anyone else noticed the disaster threatening to hemorrhage from the pages. The echoes of laughter and conversations rang down from the high walls, scratching at her ears while her stomach clenched and her heart raced. This was not the time. Not the place. Not how she imagined it at all.


She nearly leapt from her seat at the sound of Sebastian’s clipped accent. She closed her eyes, refusing to look at him lest he see how shaken she felt. She could really use Nik right now, the black knight ready to ride her off into the sunset. But she opened her eyes to the ugly reality she couldn’t escape.

“Will you sit with me in the front?”

She shook her head, trying to find her way out of this Twilight Zone. She turned to see him, his clear-blue eyes so much like her own. His precisely combed silver hair and meticulous suit added to his air of authority. She wondered if she were the only person in his life who’d ever turned him down.

“Please, come sit with me, Jannis.” He held out a hand, his nails perfectly manicured.

She glanced at his hand, then up to his face. “Why would I want to do that?”

“Because you don’t know anyone else here.” He brought one hand to the other and clasped them together in front of him, the sizable diamond in his wedding band shining in the light.

“I don’t know
, Mr. Prinsen.” Everything in her wanted to spew the hate-filled speech she’d gone over in her mind so many times, tell him the pain he’d caused her mother, how he couldn’t buy his way back into her life after years of rejection. But this was a wedding. In a church. And more than a few people had already taken notice of the tense conversation.

“You belong in the front with the family.”

Since when?
She really wanted to rage at him. Maybe slap him in the face with the damned wedding program. Thank goodness, her mother had taught her a sense of respect and decorum, because she obviously never would have learned either from him. “Go away, Sebastian.”

“Either come with me to the front or I will sit here with you.” He spoke the threat as if they were discussing the weather.

“Maybe I should leave.” She grabbed her clutch and stood. He called her bluff and grabbed her elbow.

Any resistance would have garnered the full attention of the guests. As much as she wanted to toss Sebastian off, she would not ruin Holly’s wedding. He might be a manipulative prick, but she was a better person.

“You have one uncle.” Sebastian explained as they walked. “His wife is about your age, so we’ll not call her an aunt. My brother is an artist who changes his muse often.”

“I don’t care,” she said quietly, taking a seat on the smooth wooden pew. “I’m here to see the wedding, not you. If you knew Holly better, you wouldn’t have pulled this stunt and risked ruining her day.”

“Holly would understand.” Sebastian crossed his legs and smiled at Harm getting a last bit of instruction from the priest. “She brought Harmannus back to me.”

“What? Back to you? Holly is not moving to Amsterdam.” Maybe the man had gone senile in his old age.

“There was a rift, a misunderstanding with my boys. Healing that has given me hope of a relationship with you.”

“I haven’t wanted anything to do with you since I was five.” She rolled the program in her hands and gave careful thought to where she could smack him with it. Upside the head seemed about right.

“Communication and honesty are the keys to healing old wounds.”

“Honesty?” She faked a laugh. “Perhaps you should peddle your particular brand of honesty to someone who hasn’t lived your lie her entire life.”

“It wasn’t me who withheld the truth.”

The string quartet began to play before she could get a word out. Sebastian Prinsen was one lucky devil, saved by the wedding bells.

“If you want to run, I’ve totally got it taken care of.” Nik whispered in Holly’s ear as she checked her face for the eighth time. He’d been counting.

She drew her brows down and glared at him through the mirror. “That’s not even funny.”

“It wasn’t a joke. There’s a plane at the airport on standby, just in case.” He smiled as her face relaxed. The Hansen clan had never done this before, married off one of their own. Their older brothers really should have stepped up instead of making Holly go first. Nik might not feel so unsettled about it if he’d been through it before.

“Where’s Dad?” She turned around and scanned the now empty bridal suite.

“He promised Leila that he would watch her turn as flower girl. I think you made her dream come true with that gig.”

Holly’s eyes shone with happiness. “I loved how excited she was to have her hair and makeup done. Her joy made me feel like the best big sister ever. It almost made up for Britt and Nina’s attitudes. What is up with them, anyway?”

He shrugged and stuffed his hands in the pockets of a suit he’d had to buy for the occasion. He’d probably never wear the thing again. “Britt’s pissed that I won’t take her with me to Oregon. Nina’s annoyed that Britt is refusing to go to college with her. Apparently, it is very hard to be an eighteen-year-old girl.”

“It can be. I’ll talk with them tomorrow. I’ve been too busy with wedding stuff to have a proper sister heart-to-heart.”

“Tomorrow is your honeymoon. I’ll talk to them again.”

“No offence, little brother, but the twins have never seen you as a confidant.” She touched the diamond necklace that had belonged to Harm’s mother. “You’re too pragmatic for their bouts of hormonal witchery.”

“And you’re not?”

She winked at him and stood, smoothing out the volumes of material that made up her dress. “I’m getting married to a man I met four months ago. Spontaneity is my new middle name.”

Except Holly planned everything, and when something dared not follow her design, her revenge was swift and deadly. That determination had led her to be the first of the brood to leave Alaska for college, to dare to live on the East Coast and to start a clothing line on a bikini-string budget. She visualized the outcome she wanted and did whatever it took to make it real.

Realization hit him right in the solar plexus and he reached for her arm. “You’re pregnant. That’s why you’ve planned a wedding with two weeks notice.”

She shrugged him off and covered her middle with her hands. “Shut your mouth, Nik, or I will bust out your teeth.”

“Jesus, I was only half serious.”

“We are in a church, Nik.”

He crossed himself and stepped close enough to whisper. Their father would be back any minute to escort her down the aisle. “You don’t have to do this if you don’t want to.”

“Oh, Nik.” She took his hands in hers. “Marrying Harm was inevitable, getting pregnant only changed our timeline, not our commitment to be together. I want this. I am a little worried about why it has you so worked up.”

“I’ll get used to it, sis.” Being supportive was his job where his siblings were concerned. Maybe it was the finality of a wedding, or that he’d had his world upended last night by a relative stranger, or that he was on the cusp of making the biggest investment of his life and buying a ranch of his own. Nerves got to him like those last seconds before a bungee jump. Even though logic all but guaranteed things would work out, he had a nagging feeling there was a snag somewhere.

“Well, hurry up.” She squeezed his hands and released them. “I expect you to be smiling in all the pictures. Oh, and I need a favor.”

“Anything.” She checked her face in the mirror again, and he just managed not to laugh.

“I need you and the rest of our band of brothers to dance with Janny at the reception. You know, my friend from Anguilla. She left the rehearsal early last night and I want to make sure she has a good time.”

He nearly choked on his tongue but managed to cover by clearing his throat. He hoped.

“I know, you all hate to be set up and blah, blah, blah. It’s not a set up. She’s not looking to bag an Alaskan bad boy. She’s great, so great Harm’s friend, Falco, circles around her like a shark and she is so not interested. There are so many Hansen boys she’ll be busy all night and won’t have to deal with him.”

He knew he couldn’t say a word without Holly knowing something was up. He’d be sure to keep Janny away from this Falco character, as well as his brood of horny brothers. In fact, he’d do his level best to make sure she left the reception as early as possible, with him.

Nik knew he should be drawn to a woman for her mind, but the curves on Janny would make a priest do a double take. Settling his hands on those hips last night had been nothing short of perfection. He’d kept tabs on her since the reception began, hoping for an opening, but she kept close to her friends. When the dancing had begun, he’d made his way closer, only to see that Holly had also enrolled her new husband and father-in-law on her dance with Janny plan.

If it had been one of his own brothers, he would have cut in, but you couldn’t exactly edge out the people paying for the wedding and not seem like some kind of desperate ass. Maybe he was. He hadn’t had a full minute without thinking of her since he’d dropped her off. She’d even managed to star in his dreams, like some kind of highlight reel of the way they’d ruined that table.

There was something about the woman that was more than her sexy take on cocktails, the daring way she’d let him take her for a ride, or even how amazing it had felt to be inside of her. She was more. Of what he didn’t know, but he intended to find out. As soon as she stepped off the dance floor and headed toward the bar, his feet started toward her like they had a mind of their own. He lengthened his stride and made it there just in time to step behind her before one of his father’s deckhands got too close. The guy took the glare at face value and headed in the other direction.

He leaned closer and whispered, “Ready for a screaming orgasm?”

Her shoulders shook in surprise, but she didn’t turn around. “I think I’m better off sticking to champagne tonight.”

“I’m in the mood for a buttery nipple. Two even.” He straightened, smiling as she turned to face him.

Her Arctic-blue eyes widened as she looked him up and down before narrowing her gaze at him. “Have you been peeking at my fantasies?”

“God knows, you’re starring in every one of mine.”

“You look great.” She sighed before turning back to the bar. He stepped beside her and ordered her an amaretto sour and a shot of Jäger for himself. He dropped a few bills in the tip jar.

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