Read Caribbean Cowboy: Under the Caribbean Sun, Book 4 Online

Authors: Jenna Bayley-Burke

Tags: #romance;romantic comedy;erotic romance;Alaska;Caribbean;vacation;cowboy;bad-boy;red hot

Caribbean Cowboy: Under the Caribbean Sun, Book 4 (5 page)

Gasping for breath, she fell limp, her legs splaying open in invitation. He’d grown so hard he pinched the head of his cock before protecting them, not wanting it to be over at first thrust. She rolled to her side, pulling her knees up.

“Was that good, Princess?” He leaned over her, kissing her bare shoulder.

“So good,” she whispered without opening her eyes.

“Want more?” He rubbed the smooth skin of her bare ass and then gave it a hard smack.

“Nik!” She gasped and pushed up on one elbow.

He grabbed her hips and dragged her ass in front of him. She rose up on all fours and glanced back at him. He grasped the dark curls at the nape of her neck, fisting the strands. She seemed ready to ask a question, so he answered by easing his cock into her inch by inch. She lowered her head as her pussy tightened around him.

A full-length mirror on the wall captured the sight. The soft curves of her body, the hard lines of his. He pulled her head up by her hair, the erotic sight becoming even more titillating as his gaze met hers in the mirror.

With her pussy so wet, he nearly slipped out when he pulled back. And then he slammed into her. She gasped and jolted forward with each thrust, his balls slapping against her pussy. Her knees began to slide, and he tightened his grip on her hair, holding her head up while he delivered a hard smack to her ass. Her sex clenched around him, so hot and tight he wanted to roar with pleasure. Damn hotel walls.

Instead, he smacked her again, fucking her until her arms gave out, her upper body sinking toward the mattress. He jerked her back by her hair, bringing her body up against his. With his forearm beneath her chin, he nudged her head with his.

“Look at us, Princess.” Such a carnal sight, his body behind hers, her legs on either side of his, his cock pumping into her pussy.

She stared into the mirror, her expression glazed and dreamy. She reached an arm back until her hand rested on his ass, urging him on. He reached down and circled his finger around her clit, then turned and licked the side of her face.

She shuddered, her body quaking with the intensity of her orgasm. All tension left her body and he helped her as she relaxed forward, her upper body resting on the mattress once more. He held her hips in place with one hand, pressing the other over the sweat-dampened skin of her smooth back.

“I’m going to take you now.”

She hummed in response and turned to rest her cheek on the sheet. “Taken by the tycoon.”

He drove into her harder than he’d planned, but for some reason, having her still so deep in the fantasy struck a chord. He grabbed her hips, pressing his fingers into her soft flesh as he pumped into her, racing the beat of his own heart. Her body inched forward with the force of his thrusts, low moans coming every time he pushed into her.

His balls tightened, his own climax building. But what he needed was more than her body, as good as she was. He needed her to know.

“Janny,” he whispered, brushing the hair from her face. “Say my name.”

She didn’t open her eyes, just moaned and tried to push her body back against his, too spent to move much at all.

He tightened his grip on her hips and fucked her harder with each word. “Say. My. Name.”

“Yes,” she gasped.

“Say. It.” He wanted to hear it, needed to know this was more than a fantasy for her.

She cried out and turned her face into a pillow to stifle the sound.

“Say. My. Name.”

She reached back with one hand, her fingers brushing against his. She probably wanted him to let it go, but he couldn’t. He had to know this was more than a game for her too.

“Say. It.”

She screamed against the pillow, her body tightening around him, her legs shaking beside his as another orgasm rushed through her. Her body collapsed, going slack and heavy in his hands.

She hadn’t said it. An odd stab of frustration passed through him as he eased her down to the mattress and pulled out. He removed the condom and took himself in hand, using her wetness to finish the job. Sweat glistened on her body, her ass cheek red from his slaps, the marks of his fingers still on her hips.

He came with a guttural yell, spurting ribbons of come over her back. He emptied his balls, wishing he’d been able to do it inside of her, to feel her heat instead of the cool air of the hotel room.

With a sigh, he reached for her, massaging her back with his seed. He hadn’t meant to mark her, but he hoped the impressions from his fingers stayed on her hips for days, making her think of him.

He got up and strode to the bathroom to get rid of the condom, bringing back a warm washcloth. He took care of her and then lifted her from the disaster they’d made of the bed. He carried her to the empty bed and climbed in, curling himself around her.

She turned, nestling her body into his. “Nik?” she whispered in the near darkness. “That was the best fantasy I’ve ever had.”

He smiled, his heart warming and body relaxing. “Better than the stranger on the motorcycle?”

“So much better.” She snuggled deeper into him and kissed his chest.

He held her tight, wanting to explain and loving that he didn’t have to. She’d opened the door for him to unleash a dominant streak that would shock most women. Hell, he hadn’t been sure just how far he’d take things until now. Until her. She’d given him permission to act on his desires, let him take care of her completely, as if it were the most natural thing in the world.

This went deeper than sex. His chest squeezed, because he doubted either of them were ready for a connection quite like this. Something had changed in that moment when he’d seen her at his feet submitting to him. A tenderness he’d never known tugged at his heart.

Janny yawned and slid one of her legs between his. “If you ever visit Holly on Anguilla, you should look me up.”

“I’ll take the first flight out.”

She gave a small laugh, her breath slowing once more. He couldn’t let this be the end. He twisted one of her ringlets around his finger and knew he’d find a way. Not just into her bed, but into her heart.

Janny settled into the tiny seat on the miniature plane and closed her eyes. All morning, she’d been trying to decide if she should call Nik to say goodbye, but in the end, she’d left his number right where he’d left it, on the notepad at the hotel. What happened in Alaska would stay in Alaska.

She knew better than to get attached, to try and make the memories of a beautiful weekend into more. She wanted to get to know Nik, to indulge in more fantasies with him, to figure out exactly why she’d let him take her places she’d never dared before. But those were all romanticized notions from her reading obsession.

Thank goodness, she was getting the hell off this rock. Distance would surely shut this down, and she could go back to her regularly scheduled life with no scars, just decadent memories. If she stayed longer, there was no way she’d get out unscathed. The man knew he could have his way with her, at any time and in any way. That kind of vulnerability was dangerous.

“Are you feeling okay?” Kristin asked as she settled into the seat across the aisle.

“Fine, why?” They were used to the small planes of interisland travel, but this tin can pushed the limits. Not to mention how landing on this rock had felt like falling out of the sky.

“You seem…I don’t know, preoccupied. Please tell me it has to do with Holly’s brother.”

“What are you talking about?” She usually liked talking with Kristin on planes, but this flight was going to require her ereader, and possibly a marriage of convenience. Or a royal wedding. She needed brain candy, stat.

“Nik, you know, the guy you left the reception with? He’s gorgeous, if tall, dark and handsome does it for you.”

Janny nearly dropped the device. “But Holly’s brothers are fishermen.”

“The older ones. Nik is a rancher and Val is in medical school. It was in the wedding program.”

Which she hadn’t read because she’d been looking for a bad-boy biker and avoiding Sebastian. Fantastic. She couldn’t even manage to have a fling right.

“You didn’t know he was her brother?” Kristin leaned across the aisle as two more people climbed aboard. “Did you sleep with him?”

“What are you talking about?” Her mind blinked a bright-red deny signal.

“You left the reception with Nik, and now you’re all out of sorts. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to do the math.”

“I left with Nik to get away from Sebastian. And if you must know, I’m hung over. You know I don’t drink. The Prinsens bring it out in me.” She never kept things from Kristin, but what had gone down with Nik was too…well, too damned much to explain. Especially since he was Holly’s brother.

Which made it even harder to reduce him to some vacation indiscretion. Damn it.

“That’s too bad. I was hoping that maybe…”

Janny shot her a glare that read cease and desist.

“Fine, I get it. No sparks with Nik Hansen. What about any of her other brothers?”

“I couldn’t tell one from the other.” She hadn’t bothered to think of them that way. They were Holly’s brothers and therefore, not holiday-fun material. She would have avoided Nik if she’d known.

“One of these days, you’re going to find a man who blows your mind.”

Been there, done that, and apparently, he was their best friend’s brother. Bitchcakes. She cleared her throat. “I’m much more interested in a Prinsen-free week. In fact, let’s make a pact. No talk of men at all.” She wiggled her pinkie until Kristin caught it with hers.

“Fine. We can talk about my wedding instead.”

Nik leaned back into the weather-worn Adirondack chair on his parents’ deck. He’d headed out here with a cup of his mother’s cinnamon coffee to watch Janny’s plane leave. Now the coffee was gone and so was she.

He’d planned on taking a couple of days to ride back to Oregon, but now that much time alone with his thoughts seemed too daunting, dangerous even. He’d had a life plan for as long as he could remember. And two days with Janny had him rethinking.

He wanted to follow her, the woman, not the fantasy. Everything about their time together felt otherworldly and unfinished. He never left a job undone.

“I knew I’d find you here.” Holly stepped onto the porch, sliding the door closed behind her. “Pops is looking for you with his clippers.”

“Persistent SOB.” He pushed a hand through his hair, wondering if he ought to give the old man a win. He’d refused to cut it before the wedding on principle, but he didn’t care. Bigger things were on his mind. “What are you doing here, anyway? Aren’t you supposed to be honeymooning?”

“We’re going to Manhattan for a few days, then back to Anguilla. When you live in the Caribbean, every day is like a vacation.”

“How romantic.” He checked his mug. Still empty.

Holly moved to the railing, smiling as she stared out at the deep gray of the Bering Sea. “The only things I miss about this place are kicking everyone’s ass on family game night and the blue of the sky.”

A mental image of Holly’s victory dance across the sofa cushions lifted his lips in a grin. “We let you win. It was easier than dealing with your grump.”

She spun around, leaning her elbows on the rail. “Bring it, little brother. Backgammon, chess, pick your poison. I’ve gotten wicked good at dominos. It’s the game of choice in Anguilla.”

He smiled wide. “Stick pull.”

“Indian or Eskimo?”

“You choose. I can crush you in either.”

“Eskimo, but I’m putting Harm in my place. The last time you broke my nose.”

“Your nose was not broken, just bloody. And that was Erik.”

“The brute. Do you know what he gave us for the wedding? Boxing gloves.”

The laugh overtook him, shifting his mood. “You have the best brothers on earth.”

“I do, but that was ridiculous. Not as awful as your earplugs though.”

He shrugged. “You snore.”

She stuck her hands on her hips. “Harm swears I don’t. Really, this is the impression you guys want him to have of our family? That we’re a bunch of pranksters?”

“Might as well let him in on the truth, first off.” He glanced at her midsection, no sign of any baby bump. “Though if he runs, we will hunt him down and use him for crab bait.”

She shook her head and leveled her gaze at him. “I need you to be serious for a minute before Pops comes out here and scalps you.”

“I’ll do my best, but no promises.”

“Harm and I want you to consider starting a ranch on Anguilla.”

He laughed, but could tell by her expression it wasn’t supposed to be a joke. “You can’t be serious.”

“He’s bought up a lot of land on the east side of the island. The tourist side is in the west, so he wants a ranch to help with the cost of importing food.”

“I’m a cattle rancher, Holls. Not a farmer.”

“Your degree is in agriculture. You could do it.”

“Making a ranch out of nothing is an expensive process. And slow. This isn’t something I can go and set up like a party. Even if I wanted to.”

“But you could get it started.”

“Thanks for thinking of me, but I already have a job. On a ranch without palm trees and white sand beaches.”

“Nik, I didn’t want to have to do this.” That look appeared on her face. The one that she used whenever she needed to manipulate any of them to do her bidding.

He stood up so fast the chair jumped back. “I’m going to go find Pops.”

“I need someone with me until I have the baby.”

And there it was. He gripped the cold handle of the sliding door, too late to make a getaway. He couldn’t say no. And she knew it. “Saskia is your best friend. She’s there.”

“Sass is great. And married to Harm’s brother. I need an unshakable team-Holly support system. Even when I’m wrong, which lucky for you doesn’t happen often.”

He peered through the glass at Leila and Adam, locked in a determined chess battle at the coffee table, and his memory rocketed back to how often he and Holly had been right there. Brother against sister, a brutal battle unless someone unrelated dared intervene. The Hansens took care of their own. Always.

“Britt is dying to get off this rock,” he said as Leila glanced at him and grinned. At twelve, she hadn’t grown into her teeth yet, and looked exactly as Holly had at that age.

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