Read Honor Bound Online

Authors: Michelle Howard

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Science Fiction

Honor Bound (4 page)

Miki glanced down
to the last male she’d yet to awaken. People would fear him. Most important,
Thenl would fear him. Of that she had not doubt. His bulging muscles spoke to
his physical stamina. Raasa males and their lean bodies did not compare.

Miki considered
the Raasa males who’d expressed sexual interest in her, but none of them
stirred heat in her loins. She came from a sensual race and the idea of
settling for less did not fill her with joy.

“She will not
answer because she lies.” The Overlord wore a smug smile on his face and folded
his arms across his chest. His men grumbled and their faces darkened further if

Miki decided at
that moment she did not like him. She didn’t care about the accolades he’d
received or the fact that his mother considered him worthy of saving. He was hapfe
dung and she glared hard to let him know her thoughts. His thin lips flattened.

“Ashaya switched
the poisoned wine with a drug. She knew she could not defeat Thenl’s and
Dakar’s plan but her hope was to save you all.” Miki made sure to connect with
each of them. “The council decided you should burn in the courtyard for your
crimes with all to witness. The Overlord and his esteemed Warlords will not be
welcomed back in Kaban with opened arms.”

One of the men
spat out a nasty curse she was sure in the Kaban language. Since she only spoke
a few words, Miki couldn’t translate but had a good idea of what was said. “I
agree.” She relaxed her posture and further explained. “With the help of
another, Ashaya hid you all here, intending to use sakar to wake you but by
then rumors flew rampant and the tide turned. More villages were discovered
destroyed and Thenl lay claim they were the work of the Overlord and his top
commanders. It seemed fitting to leave you in the deep sleep while she sought
another plan.” Miki paused to let them absorb the story. A story she’d read
enough times in Ashaya’s journal. “She died before having the chance.”

“Blessed One have
mercy. How long woman? How long have we slept?” Finally, the Overlord asked the
most important question.

“Three years have
passed. Years in which Kaban has fallen into war like times again.”

They were stunned
and dismayed as Miki could very well imagine. Their years of battle wasted.

Chapter 3


“Tell us again
what you offer?”

Miki pressed her
arms around her middle. She realized she would have no greater opportunity to
convince him. Her words
to convince them. Unfortunately, the
unrelenting frown on the Overlord’s face showed his lack of faith in her

For the first
time, Miki considered the thought of failing. Dread curdled in her belly. If
these warriors refused to aid her and the Raasa, her people would present easy
pickings for the Kabanians. Thenl would come through and rule them with his
harsh ways. “I seek a warrior for a True Union. I am the head of the S’Apul
house. One hundred Raasa live under my family protection.”

The Overlord ran a
finger across his lip, eyes narrowed and spoke softly. “We are no mere
warriors. We represent the top Warlords in our region. If what you say holds
truth, many of our friends and family may have gone to the Hills with the
Blessed One.”

Miki’s heart
dipped. She hadn’t considered the impact on all of them. They appeared
accepting of what she told them. A few of them listened to her in disbelief but
the rest carried the same neutral expression as this one.

“I am sorry.” Her
regret meant nothing but her sympathy compelled her to speak. “Peace has not
come as they promised. Thenl and Dakar boasted of a time when mothers would no
longer mourn the loss of sons. Instead, their treachery ruined all that was
done and there are skirmishes and battles daily. Raasa has been caught in the

Another Warlord
spoke up. “Did none stand up to the hapfe dung?”

Miki’s snicker
caught her off-guard. “I wish they had. Or perhaps Thenl silenced their
complaints. It is true that things held together for a brief period, but the
death of so many created distrust and fear. Having no one to blame forced
others to question Thenl. The Kaban Council did not give any help nor did they
control Thenl who quickly rallied the warriors to his side during the turmoil.
Soon the agreement with the Desani fell through.”

She witnessed some
of them wince and couldn’t blame them. The tentative alliance had been years in
the making. It would have been the first of its kind. “Now he seeks to join
with me and convince the Raasa to support his cause against the Desani.”

“If what you say
is true, you will pick another.” He moved a large blunt finger in a circular
motion to include the others around him.

‘Pick another?’
She liked her choice enough of the sleeping man in front of her. As the last to
awaken, he’d have no choice. The others looked none to eager to accept his
offer but as true warriors, they would not protest. “Including you?” she asked
for spite.

His glare spoke
volumes. “As you see, we would not suit. I believe a woman should know and
accept her place.”

Miki hissed in
annoyance. “I want this one.” Besides, as fearsome as they all looked, the more
she studied the male on the ground the more she wanted him.

“You. Will.
Choose. Another.” He grit out. The harsh order was accompanied by the flexing
of his fist.

Miki could not let
fear overcome her. A look on the other warriors’ faces expressed a sincere
desire that she not choose them. The range of horror and disappointment could
not be feigned.

“No offense but I
don’t like any of you. A True Union is for life to a Raasa and I will not curse
myself to a loveless bond with a man I don’t like. Not even for my people.” The
one holding his sword had the grace to look away. “I want youngling and the
making of such should be a joyous activity for both parties.”

 This brought on a
wave of grimaces and frowns from all of them. Were they all like this? She
hadn’t interacted much with many Kabanians but they had to be the stiffest
bunch of males she’d ever been around. Miki forged on. “This Warlord here has
the mark of battle about him.” While there were no scars and wounds to mar his
body, the small lines at the corner of his eyes and mouth could not be missed.
They spoke of life lived hard. Even with his long curled eyelashes to distract.

The Overlord
smashed his fist into the palm of his hand at her answer. Miki jumped. A small
argument broke out among them. Miki watched with interest, unable to understand
a word. Finally, they reached some sort of consensus. The leader looked as if
something distasteful filled his mouth. She held her breath.

“You will present
your offer but it will be up to him to accept or decline.” He leaned forward a
step in her direction using his body to intimidate. He was very successful and
Miki flinched from his next words. “The moment you seek to betray him or us, I
will kill you, Raasa.”

“Why should I
agree? If he refuses, I am left with nothing after my efforts to awaken you. I
risked a lot and you offer nothing in return.” Miki hated that her voice
trembled but his death threat frightened her for many reasons. She was the last
of her line and her house needed her. She would not leave them to the mercy of
others. If Miki failed it meant they’d all suffer. Thenl’s actions did not lead
her to believe her people would survive with him at the rule.

He considered her
words. His scowl spoke volumes but Miki waited. “If he refuses, I guarantee
another to take his place for all you have done.”

“Then I accept
this decision.” He left her no choice.

Miki leaned over
the prone Warlord. Her sac swollen and full. She needed to release. A quick
prayer to the Blessed One and Miki placed her mouth against his. Her tongue
stroked the swollen flesh and her sakar released. Its tangy essence filled her
mouth with familiarity though there had been few times for her to use the
defense mechanism.

The Warlord’s
mouth lay still beneath hers. Her tongue stroked along his until she coated his
mouth with venom. The texture of his soft tongue differed, not forked at the
tip like hers and no bumps on the surface. It was smooth, wet and silky all at
once. Miki raised her hand and rubbed his throat. The primitive manner of
transfer would have to work because she had no injector to direct it into his
blood stream.

May this warrior
forgive me, she prayed because mouth to mouth exchange of venom between a male
and female not bonded could often prove fatal. Miki had to gauge the amount she
released exactly. Too little and it would have no effect. Too much and he’d
never awaken, leaving his body to eventually succumb to death.

When she deemed a
sufficiently amount of time had passed, Miki pulled back. She eyed him closely
for any sign of change.

“He is not up.”

Miki ignored the
grumble as best she could and placed her hand on the bare chest. “It takes
longer without the injector. I must make sure to give him enough.” She once
again pressed her mouth to his and kissed him deeply. Miki loved kissing. The
intimate act showed a sign of trust between two Raasa for the mouth could be
generous or deadly.

His mouth warmed
beneath hers and she felt the tentative touch of his tongue. Miki sought to
pull back in surprise but a firm hand came up to clasp her neck from behind.
Miki braced a hand on the ground beside his head and moaned. Her lips moved
against his until she was pushed back suddenly and fell to her back side.

The man beneath
her sat up and unsheathed the dagger from his thigh. The look he aimed Miki’s
way had her breath catching. Black eyes shot flames of anger as he slowly
climbed to his feet.

“Raasa,” he
growled. “You seek to poison me.”

Miki shook her
head frantically crouching on all four. “No, No. You misunderstand.”

The other Warlords
came between them. Words flew back and forth. None of them included Miki in the

 With quaking
limbs, Miki stood and stepped back a pace. She had to get away. Spinning
around, she tried to spot a way out of the cave without crossing their paths.
These were not the understanding warriors she’d come to expect. Why had she
ever thought different?

“Hold.” The order
came from her future mate. She turned back only to see two Warlords move
forward between them. They stood with their backs to Miki in an effort to
contain him.

Miki snorted and
wished them luck with that. Another hasty step pressed her back against the
cave wall and ended her escape. He shoved the others to the side and came to
stand in front of her. Heat pulsed from his body. As a cold natured race, Miki
admired those that maintained their own body temperature.

“You know of

Clearly they’d
exchanged a lot of information with him in a short amount of time. Miki found
herself nodding beneath the intimidating look he sent her way. Her palms
flattened against the wall behind her.

“He seeks to join
with you in the way of a man and woman?”

Another sharp nod
was all she managed. He cursed and moved too fast for her to anticipate. The
Warlord pinned an arm across her chest and raised his dagger to her throat. “I
owe you thanks for my life but if you lie, I will slay you where you stand,

Fear danced
through her. The pressure of his blade made it difficult to swallow. With a
shaky breath, she spit out, “Mikayla S’Apul. My name is Mikayla S’Apul.” She
wouldn’t accept the continued insult of referring to her by her race. If he
killed her, he would know her name.

He eased his hold
marginally and Miki breathed deep. His masculine scent filled her nostrils but
did not stop the racing of her pulse. “Will I die from the venom you placed in
my mouth?”

Miki couldn’t help
but to blush. She hadn’t considered how an outsider would view her actions.
“No. It’s different,” she explained.

Pulling her away
from the wall, he eased behind Miki, the blade never wavering. Her back met his
chest as he lowered his head along side hers to speak. A muscled arm clamped
around her waist and warm breath stroked her ear. “I know of the Raasa means of
defense and I would have you vow that you have not poisoned my men or I.”

“I vow that I have
not,” she hissed, suddenly angry at his accusations. “I seek to save you in
exchange for your help.” She struggled in his grip but his hold held firm and
the blade bit deeper into her flesh. Miki froze. Would he actually kill her?

 “Tell me this
bargain you seek and I will decide if we accept.”

The others did
nothing to aid her. In fact, the one she was beginning to hate intensely
smirked at her.

“I need a mate.”
No response, not even a betraying twitch.
He knew
. They’d already told
him of her desire. This was a game. A cruel game. She bit her lip to control
her wayward tongue. Anger would solve nothing at this point. Putting pride to
the side, Miki repeated her bargain. “In exchange for saving your lives, I seek
a True Union to help me and my house defend ourselves against Thenl.”

“You have refused
the others.” He ran the blade from her neck to her shoulder and back again. It
wasn’t a question.

“The others would
not have me and I would not have the Overlord,” she corrected.

His entire frame
stiffened. “You would refuse the leader of the Warlords you see before you?

Uncaring of how he
reacted, she flung her hand towards the smirking figure. “He is hapfe dung and
hates me. My youngling will know love and honor from their father.”

He pulled the
blade away from her completely and loosened his hold around her waist. His next
words were again in Kaban and directed toward the others. Her tormenter
responded in kind, not glancing her way but she knew he spoke of her. A few of
the Warlords joined in. For her defense or to add their own interpretation
against her? Her hands clenched at her side.

“Be at ease.” The
husky command distracted her.

Miki tried to tilt
her head to the side to catch his expression, but he merely lifted her until
her feet scrambled for purchase. Her hands came up to push against his arm but
it was like attempting to move steel.

“You chose me?”

Miki wanted to
deny it. Her decision based on his appearance seemed embarrassing now. She
slumped in his arms. It was all for nothing. Her noan would be disappointed
that they would have to come up with a new plan. “I can see you don’t want me
anymore than your men. I will find another way. I am willing to enter a True
Union without love in hopes of respect and affection developing, but I will not
tie myself to one who believes my people are distasteful as your eyes reveal.
Some things should not be dishonored and a mating is one of them.”

The grip at her
waist loosened and Miki took it as an opportunity to turn. His eyebrows rose
quizzically. The arches of dark hair added to his intimidating expression and
Miki questioned their actual purpose. Raasa had no such hair on their

“You believe in
honor that much? You would sacrifice the one chance your people have at

Miki nodded.

“Then I accept
this bargain, Mikayla S’Apul.” He said her name smoothly without the stumbling
many outsiders made over the long drawn S of her surname.

It took a moment
for his words to sink in. Her eyes widened in shock. Many races mingled and
provided mixed birth but none with the Raasa. Miki’s joining with a Kabanian
would be the first of its kind.

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