Read Honor Bound Online

Authors: Michelle Howard

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Science Fiction

Honor Bound (8 page)

The guard Tesai
who had love sick eyes for Mikayla escorted their holy one from the hall. His
presence no longer needed. The old man who raised Vaan’s bride approached him.
This one held no fear and his green eyes while milky at the center reflected
wisdom and pleasure.

Eran, she called
him, extended his hand. Vaan had no choice but to clasp the forearm in
greeting. “You will be good for my Miki.”

Vaan’s nose
curled. He hated that name more and more. “I will keep Mikayla safe.”

“I believe you
will. I shall go to my eternal rest knowing she is in good hands.”

Vaan eyed the
Raasa, unable to determine his. The gold face Creases and wrinkles lined the
golden face but life often left its mark and did not act as an accurate gauge
for a person’s years. Eran released his arm and walked away, his steps slow and

Argan came over
and Vaan gave him permission to speak. “Were you too harsh with Kavan?” his
best friend asked. “His actions speak to the feelings that all of us share.”

Vaan stiffened at
the reminder and searched for the Warlord they spoke of. His Warlords stayed to
the far side of the room, keeping to themselves. Kavan stood with them,
drinking the cider the Raasa provided and talking.

“It matters not if
you all bear her no love. My heart is not involved either way but I am honor
bound now and my Warlords will honor my choice or suffer my wrath. Mikayla
S’Apul is under my protection and I will challenge any who think to harm her.
Do you take my meaning?”

Argan offered him
a half bow. “Yes, Overlord.” Then his friend dropped to one knee. “And the
others? No one let her know she need not eat the whole slice of bread. I forced
her to accept more when I sensed her stomach sickening and her efforts already
met the ritual needs. Will you seek reparation from us for the offense?”

Vaan’s lip curled
upward. His bride made him proud in the circle. She’d sought his eyes when
Kavan scored her neck. Only Vaan’s warrior training kept him from answering her
instinctive call for help. Her fear visible to them all, yet she stood her
ground each time the blade approached, never knowing if one might take their
anger out and end her. Blinding trust to that extent was a gift and another
reason he’d publicly corrected Kavan. Such gifts were not to be taken lightly,
nor rewarded with pain.

“Yes. Fourteen of
you will make amends to me on the practice field.”

Argan winced and rose
to his feet. “Yes, Overlord.” He paused. “Fourteen?”

  Vaan didn‘t
dignify the inquiry with an answer, only waving him off.

Twenty more Raasa
men entered the hall, dressed in matching tan tunics and leggings. With their
bald heads shining, it was hard to differentiate one from another. They joked
and laughed until they met Vaan’s stare. Some straightened and others hissed
baring fangs. His Warlords walked to stand behind him, presenting a united

Vaan folded his
arms across his chest and widened his legs. With his glare aimed her way, he
knew the pose intimidated. “Mikayla, come.” She looked up from her woman’s
chatter. Her put upon frown turned to a half-hearted smile when she caught his
dark look.

Once she reached
his side, he pulled her in front of him and placed a hand on each of her
shoulders. “You will cede leadership of them over to me.”

She glanced at him
over her shoulder, her eyes wide and curious. “I don’t know what you ask.”

He grunted and
turned her back to her people. He must be patient with her. Quick wits were
obviously not her strong suit. He accepted this, since her womanly softness
pressed against him and stirred his toqa. She need not be smart to bear his
youngling. At the thought, his flesh hardened beneath the leathers and throbbed
in want. Vaan would take care of his need later with his new bride.

Between the crowd
from their joining and these new males, roughly a hundred Raasa waited. “Tell
them of our True Union and my initial rules.”

A few looked
surprised hearing his words but Vaan wished Mikayla to speak. Her people must
see her willingness to give him rule over them.

  “Um, yes. This
is Overlord Vaan Galip. He is Kabanian and my mate. The Ba’asi conducted our
True Union earlier. You will respect the Overlord as the head of my house.”

The temperament of
the group ranged from confusion to anger but Vaan let her continue.

“You will continue
to address me as Su-Su but he prefers to be called Overlord and his men will be
called Warlord. He has brought fifteen of them to stand with us against Thenl.”

She looked back to
see if this met with his approval. He leaned down and spoke in her ear. “You
will tell them of the touching.” His hands lowered to her hips and pulled her
firmly along his front so she would not miss his arousal.

“Vaan, the
Overlord also prefers that no male touch me without...” She cleared her throat
and Vaan sensed her discomfort. “Without his permission.”

It was done. They
could accept it or receive his punishment for infractions. He took over
speaking. “The first thing my Warlords and I will do is handle the securing of
the premises. Tonight, we will own guarding the gates. Tomorrow, we will
practice in the outer court yard at morning tide to select the finest of you as
warriors. Those who do not meet our satisfaction will act as guards on the gate
and signal when danger approaches. No one will enter this compound without my
knowledge and no one will enter this home without my permission.”

“Tesai is right.
You would have us be prisoners in our home.” One Raasa male yelled out.

So the hapfe dung
already stirred his discontent. “Better prisoners with a generous Overlord than
cattle for Thenl to crush in his march to unattainable glory. Are you so bold
you speak for others if their family falls to his greed?”

Some paled and a
few cried out. They got his meaning. Blessed One save him if this was all he
had to battle Thenl. Crying men and women. He almost expected them to fall to
the floor and wail while tearing at their clothing. There was one more thing.
He tugged on Mikayla’s arm. “Send in more food.” It was going to be a late
night and the food of earlier had been tastier than he or his men expected. As
she left to direct her servants, Vaan caught Balal’s eye and signaled his
Warlord to approach.

Balal came over
and bowed. “Overlord, you have need of me?”

“Tomorrow, after
the practice to identify worthy Raasa to join our ranks, I will challenge my
men to one on one combat. A much needed practice session.”

Balal winced and
bowed again. “Of course, Overlord. It will be as you wish.”

“You will not meet
me on the field tomorrow.”

His Warlord
frowned. “If I have offended the Overlord, I would make amends.”

Vaan clapped the
young warrior on the shoulder. “You will not face a beating tomorrow at my
hands because you honored my bride. I will not forget.” Vaan left the man with
those thoughts. He’d noticed Balal’s action in the circle. He’d been gentle in
his vows to Mikayla during the circle.


The task to find
rooms for the fifteen Warlords began with unnecessary difficulty. When Miki
mentioned them bedding in the guard house, Vaan firmly interrupted. “No. My
Warlords will rest under my roof.”

Her home supported
several resting rooms but not enough to house an additional fifteen extremely
large men. But Vaan remained adamant and turned his back, leaving the matter
for her to resolve. It took well into the evening for Miki to get arrangements

Miki opened the
cabinets in the storage room to remove more blankets. Tesai interrupted her
harried efforts. “Miki, do you know what you are about?”

She paused, her
arms full of folded linen. His eyes dilated, revealing his concern. “We have no
choice, Tesai. Warlord Thenl will destroy us if I do not agree to his plan.”

Tesai slammed his
fist into his palm. His passionate response surprised her. “We must fight.
Let’s reach out to the other compounds. Together we can stand against the

Miki sighed,
stirring the hair at her temple. She loved Tesai. His friendship guided her in
her fledging years, and her heart rejoiced at the help he’d offered time and
time again. “It is no use, Tesai. I sent messengers to them all and none want
to confront the warriors. They hope Thenl will cease his tyranny if I commit to

Tesai’s lips
thinned and pleaded. “What if they were right? Have you considered what this
will mean to your life now that you’ve tied yourself to the Overlord?” He flung
his hand in the direction of the hall and grimaced. “They are ill-mannered
barbarians and he is the worst of the lot.”

Tesai closed the
gap between them and touched her arm above the elbow. His thumb feathered over
the sensitive crease. “Think about it, Miki. Perhaps the others have the right

Anger surged
forward. She shook off his hand. How could he of all people be so blinded? “I
will not risk my people on a chance. Thenl is bad news and my joining with the
Overlord will save us.”

She stormed from
the storage room, leaving him behind. Assa passed by and Miki handed off the
stack of blankets. She twisted her lips into what she hoped passed for a smile.
“Please make sure these are used. It is the last of them.”

Her friend rushed
off to do her bidding while Miki returned to the main hall. As soon as she
entered, several Warlords glanced in her direction and immediately dismissed
her. The Overlord rolled the map in front of him and reached for another. Miki
hesitated, unsure of her next actions.

When she
envisioned her joining day, her mind conjured images of her friends around her,
Raasa from the neighboring compounds in attendance and a beautiful sari made of
silk. Instead, she’d worn a bland tunic and leggings. Rough clothing she put on
for outdoor work.

Tears shimmered on
her eyelids but Miki blinked them away. Now was not the time for sorrow. She
stood by her decision and knew it gave her people the best opportunity against

Still, she
couldn’t help thinking of what might have been. In a True Union from the heart,
she’d laugh and dance the night away in the arms of her love. Looking at Vaan
Galip didn‘t inspire dancing and she bet he’d never laughed a day in his life.

His stern features
sent another shiver of foreboding down her spine. He snapped a question to the
Warlord standing to the left of him and the warrior answered instantly. Miki
wrapped her arms around her middle before turning. Obviously, their planning
wouldn‘t end any time soon. Her mate would be tied up for however long he felt

On the verge of
leaving, Miki looked over her shoulder and considered walking over to wish him
good night. The Warlord Argan spoke and all of the warriors threw back their
heads and laughed uproariously. Heart heavy, she turned away once more and
pushed her dreams of love into a dark corner.

Vaan had stationed
one of his stone faced Warlords at the opposite end of the hall to prevent
anyone from getting close to their room while they slept. The frowning warrior
begrudgingly let her pass. It was with relief that she finally retired to her

The sky darkened
hours ago but she’d worked side by side with her servants for most of the
evening preparing beds and airing rooms. Grateful to be off her feet, Miki
changed into her thin knee length shift for sleeping. The sight of her thick
bedding reminded her of her exhaustion. She doused the glow stone, plunging the
room in darkness, and dropped to the bed. Sleep called before her head hit the

She’d rested for
what seemed like minutes before she heard the door open and close. Miki hadn’t
bothered with the shiny new bolt Vaan had found someone to install but she knew
it was him. Vaan’s heavy booted feet crossed the room and she listened as he
disrobed. The bed shook and creaked from his weight when he climbed in.

Her lids started
to drift shut again when Vaan’s arm wrapped around her middle and pulled her
close. He rolled his weight atop her body and braced above her. Miki’s eyes
snapped open in puzzlement.

“We must anoint
the union,” he announced.

Her brain slugged
through his words to sort their meaning. She gasped as he slid her shift up to
her waist. “What are you about?” Her hands landed on his shoulders.

Her new mate
merely grunted and parted her legs, allowing his weight to settle between her
limbs, his purpose clear.

“Vaan!” Sleep
faded and Miki struggled to sit up. His large frame immobilized her efforts.

A blunt finger
probed her center and Miki stiffened from the unfamiliar touch. “Good. You are
not so different.” With those words, he drove into her opening.

Miki cried out
more from surprise than pain and used her arms to push against his shoulders.
This was not what she expected. Where were the soft kisses and tender caresses
that a man gave a woman? His length filled her and stroked against her tender

Her hips arched
away from his attention but he continued to thrust, his low growl reaching her
ears. The frame of her bed creaked and rocked into the wall. Its’ thumping
sound overly loud in the room. She tried to catch a glimpse of his expression
but his head faced the other direction as if he focused on his duty only and
not her.

Mikayla shifted
her hands and tentatively touched the hair hanging past his shoulders and
brushing her face. Thick and yet soft as the silk she’d bought from the market
place. Her hands eased to his shoulders. Sweat slicked the skin from his
efforts as he gasped and labored above her.

She wanted to feel
something but the heat of his toqa stroked roughly over her dry center. When he
began to grunt, she worried her lower lip and watched his straining features.
The tendons stood out starkly against his tanned throat. His motions sped up as
he slammed her deeper into the mattress. He gave one last groan before his
weight crashed upon her. Wet fluid trickled between her legs.

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