Read Hurricane Online

Authors: Taige Crenshaw

Hurricane (3 page)

“I know, I know. I would have ejected everyone by now. We’re going.” Syneca came into view.

The woman was in a lab coat with a stethoscope around her neck. Her name card read ‘Locke’. At the sight of her last name Keenan’s suspicion was confirmed. Syneca studied him intently. The scrutiny in her golden gaze would have unnerved, or offended, most people. Instead, Keenan was amused at the thorough checking out he was receiving.

“Time to go.” Syneca walked towards him and Keenan stepped to the side, opening the door for her.

“Don’t tire my big sis out, Mr Callaghan.” Syneca’s warning was clear in her tone.

The others followed her out of the room but three lagged behind the rest.

“I’m Regina. The other partners and I will be in the waiting room to talk with you.”

The full-figured woman was not what he would have pictured as the laid-back doctor’s wife. She seemed cold. The look on her dark, honey-brown face was contained and her green eyes seemed to see more than they revealed. She nodded, then went out. Spencer was leaning over, blocking his view of the woman in the bed.

“We’ll take Rissa back home with us.” A tall man lifted a child against his chest. He turned, and pale grey eyes met Keenan’s. There was a sense of power in the man.

“Get some rest, Jules. I’ll be by tomorrow to get you, or one of us will. Follow what the doctor says.” The woman had the same cadence in her voice as the woman Spencer had called Syneca.

She walked towards Keenan, the man holding the child close behind her. The woman had the same look as the other Lockes. The man exited and the woman paused.

“I’m Noelle Locke, Mr Callaghan. Keep it short.” Noelle nodded and strolled out.

“Quite a family,” Keenan said softly to Colby.

“You don’t know the half of it. They’re close. I’ll wait in the waiting room while you question Jules.” Colby took her leave.

“After Keenan is done, you get some rest,” Spencer said to his patient.

“I’d rest better if you would let me go home to my own bed.”

The smoky voice with the musical cadence sounded disgruntled. It was similar to the other women who had spoken, but something about her set all his senses on high alert.

“You’d sleep well. But I wouldn’t. My needs trump yours. So one night in the hospital it is. She’s all yours, Keenan,” Spencer said cheerfully.

Spencer exited the room. Keenan’s breath caught as he stared at the woman reclining on the bed. Although she and her family shared similar features, she was exquisite compared to the other women he had seen that she was related to. Her long, dark brown hair tinged with gold framed her smooth face, which was the colour of toffee with a hint of cloves. Her forehead, sculptured high cheeks, slightly flared nose and rounded chin melded together to create a sexy air—she was a vixen. Her lips looked soft and kissable. She blinked, causing her eyelids to shield her golden eyes briefly. The look in her eyes was shrewd and sharp.

“You have some questions for me, Mr Callaghan?” she said in a lilting tone.

I want to hear you say my first name as I take you.
Keenan frowned at the thought. He was here for work. Never before had anyone made him forget that fact. Scowling, Keenan began his questions.


Chapter Two

Julianne answered him in the same clipped manner as he questioned her.

Once finished, he said, “If I have any more questions, I’ll be in touch.”

“When will your investigation be completed? Will we be informed of your findings?”

“I can’t give you a time frame,” he snapped, then gentled his tone. “When I feel I have everything I need, I’ll have to review it. If it’s not arson, I’ll make sure to let you know what I find. Hope you feel better, Miss Locke.”

He closed his notebook and left. Outside the door, he breathed out. He had acted rudely, bordering on being an ass. But something about Julianne Locke set him on edge.

Pull it together, Keenan. Finish up and go home.
He went to question the rest of the partners of Moments. Over an hour later, he left the hospital. In his SUV, Keenan’s thoughts turned to Julianne. From talking with her partners and Reid Locke, her brother, who was also the architect of the building, Keenan had got a solid impression of the woman. Julianne was hardworking, dedicated to her business and family and highly respected. The one thing he noticed was that there was no mention of a private life. Just as Julianne had, they had all clammed up when he had asked anything about her life outside of work.

Keenan wondered why. He made a note in his book to do a search on her.

Is this for my investigation, or for my own personal use?
He had no answer to that. Closing his book, he placed it on the passenger seat and pulled out of his parking spot. Hopefully, by the next time he saw her, he’d have control over the way she made him feel. Golden eyes flashed across his mind. He clenched his hands around the steering wheel. Somehow, he doubted he would. Yet he was looking forward to seeing Julianne Locke again. Soon.



Later, unable to sleep, Keenan turned over in bed. He stared out of the glass door onto the balcony beyond. His thoughts were still on Julianne Locke and her captivating gaze. His shaft went hard. He imagined how those eyes would look when filled with passion. They would deepen to a smoky colour. Her full lips would part as she moaned her want.

Keenan slid his hand down the muscles of his chest across to his nipple. He tweaked the pebbled tip, groaning as in his imagination Julianne worried the flesh with her teeth. She’d rack those white teeth over the bud, biting down gently, then suckling it. Keenan rocked his hips as he wondered how his hardened member would feel pressed against the soft flesh of her belly as she straddled him, working his nipples. He moved to the other and pinched it, as he wanted her to do. Her fingers would be firm as she rubbed her thumb and second finger together, squeezing tighter and tighter. Keenan played with his nipples shifting his body on the bed to get closer to the Julianne he fantasised about.

She would release his nipples and slide her warm hand over the ridges of muscles down his chest to his stomach, digging in with her nails, making him shake. Keenan shivered, moaning as he did, as he wanted her too. He turned onto his back spreading his legs. He continued his downward journey, moving his fingers along the line above his groin then down to the protruding flesh. Keenan gripped his cock and dragged his hand up and down his hard shaft. Instead of his own hand he imagined it was one smaller than his. Julianne’s hand would run along his erection as she pulled on his turgid length. He squeezed, manipulating the skin of his cock. She’d bring her hand to the head and run her thumb over the leaking pre-cum, spreading it around as it flowed out of his shaft.

The wetness coated his fingers and he moved his hand faster along his length. Keenan closed his eyes, thinking of Julianne’s face and how it might look etched in passion. The soft pane of her face would be filled with desire and her gaze molten with wanton need. As she jacked him she’d be crouched over his body and would lower her head to bring those full lips closer to his erection. Julianne would open her lips slightly and blow out a slow breath over the head. The rigid flesh would fill even more. He’d watch as she would slowly move her head forward and put her lips over the spongy head of his cock. She’d suckle him deep, take him greedily as she brought more of his essences up into her mouth. Her cheeks would hollow as she sucked him, moving her hands up and down as she took him in and out of her hot mouth. Keenan imagined arching into that mouth, working his hips.

He rocked against the bed, groaning as he pushed into his fist. Behind his closed eyelids, his fantasy Julianne raised her gaze. Her eyes were deep amber and the look demanded he give her all he had. She opened her mouth, taking him deep into her throat, and made a purring sound that reverberated around his erection. Keenan moved his hand up and down on his cock faster and faster as she moved over him. He arched, spurting hot liquid over his clenched fist.

“Julianne.” He groaned as he worked his shaft until all his release was spilled over his hand.

Opening his eyes Keenan stared at the ceiling of his bedroom as his harsh breath echoed in the empty room.

I will definitely be seeing you soon, Julianne Locke. And after this case it will be all personal.

He slowly relaxed his hand, still held loosely over his now flaccid member. Keenan’s eyelids slid closed and he went to sleep.



Julianne had frowned as Keenan Callaghan left, and she was frowning now, hours later. Before he’d arrived, Harmon and Carlton had both talked highly of his skills as a cop. They hadn’t known how he’d become an arson investigator, but had recalled that, when he’d been a detective for the Singleton Police Department, he’d had a high clearance rate for his cases.

She didn’t know why a fire investigator was needed anyway. The thought of the destruction being anything but an accident was absurd. Her brother Reid and cousin Sampson co-owned Locke Structural, which had done all the architecture and construction on the building. Reid and Sampson were furious that, somehow, the labour or subcontractors they’d hired for the project had messed up. That was the only plausible explanation. With the additional security from HJC Security Specialists, there was no way someone could have got into any of the properties to commit arson.

She and her family had all listened to Carlton’s assurances that Keenan’s presence was procedure for any suspicious fire. He had even said that Keenan was very affable and easy to get along with.

When Keenan had arrived, she had estimated him to be at least six-foot-four of hard muscle—the kind someone got from hard work, not a gym. He was big, with large, blunt fingers and hands and a chest that made her think of lying there and resting for a while. His body was also large, although the way he moved was graceful. His shaggy, shoulder-length blond hair had a slight curl and framed a craggy, handsome face. His light green eyes had crinkled at the corners when he’d smiled at Syneca as she’d squared off with him. He hadn’t flinched, and had held the door open for her.

It showed he was a gentleman. He had been quiet as the others had taken their leave. When he’d come to her, she had caught his slight hesitation when he’d spotted her. When he’d opened his mouth to question her, it had been in a clipped, almost accusatory manner. Carlton and Harmon’s assurances that he was affable had been a big, fat lie. Julianne snorted. The man was rude and an ass.

And too damn sexy for my own good.

As soon as it formed, she dismissed the thought. Keenan might be sexy—well, more like panty-soaking scrumptious—but she wasn’t paying any attention to that. All she wanted was him to do his job, to let them know what the problem was, so they could clear the site and get back to work. Julianne laid her head back on her pillow. If she was lucky, she wouldn’t have too much interaction with him. Putting him out of her mind, Julianne sighed. She was feeling the aches from her fall.

“Jules,” a voice called softly.

Opening her eyes, she spotted Noelle and her husband Pierce. Pierce brought over the bundle he carried. Gently, he placed the sleeping child next to her.

Julianne swallowed the lump in her throat, then spoke, “Thank you.”

“I figured you’d want her close to you.” Noelle’s gaze showed her understanding.

Pierce ran his hand gently down the hair of the sleeping girl, then touched Julianne’s shoulder before they left. Julianne studied the precious child next to her, and hugged her gently. Thoughts of the past flashed through her mind.

Being pushed down an empty hall late at night. The aches and pains from the car accident seemed removed from her. Julianne was grateful Syneca was silent as she took her down the hall. She was tired of talking to everyone. There was nothing to be said. The whoosh of the door as it opened was loud. She was placed in front of an incubator. Syneca touched her shoulder gently, then her footsteps moved away from her.

Bracing her hands, she went to stand, hands helping her as she was too weak to do it by herself. Blearily, she glanced to her left, surprised to see Spencer Jacobs. His face was impassive, but his eyes held sorrow. Turning away, she glanced to the right at Syneca. She had the same look as Spencer. Lowering her head, Julianne breathed deeply. Raising it, she glanced at the incubator. Tubes covered the tiny child who, from all they’d told her, should not have lived. At twenty-two weeks, she had less than a ten per cent chance of living. They still believed she wouldn’t. Thus, they brought Julianne to see her before the unthinkable happened.

Julianne’s breath caught. She looked so much like the two of them. Raising a shaking hand, she put it on top of the incubator, over her child. Tears fell from her eyes, blurring them.

“It’s just me and you now, baby. Daddy is gone.” Her voice caught on a sob, then she pressed on. “You are the combination of me and your daddy. He would have loved you so much, baby. You would have been Daddy’s little girl. He was so proud to be having you. We both are. They don’t think you’re going to make it, that you’ll leave me alone. But, little one, I can’t survive without you. Please…don’t leave me. Live for me. And I promise to live for you. Together, we can weather this hurricane. You’re my life now, and I love you, Marissa…Rissa. You are my heart, soul, and life.” She gasped, the tears flowing down her face. “Live for your mommy, Rissa, baby.” She continued to croon to her baby, who was fighting for life.

Julianne’s thoughts turned down to the child she now held. Marissa, whom they called Rissa, had not only survived, she had thrived. She’d had no problems from her premature birth. Rissa was a vivacious and extremely smart eight-year-old. Her baby was in advanced classes, way above the grade she should be given her age. Julianne kissed the top of her head, and tears pricked her eyes. She had almost left her baby. Intellectually, she knew it was a possibility, but to face it was a whole different story.

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