Read Just One Night Online

Authors: Hazel St James

Tags: #Contemporary, #Romance, #alpha male, #spanking, #erotic romance, #bdsm

Just One Night (8 page)


hris’ body hurt in places
he didn’t even know existed. How in the hell did he end up like
this? Not less than two months ago, he shared an intimate night
with an extremely responsive chestnut-haired siren. Whether or not
she would continue as a submissive was up for debate. Hell, he had
to call Dominic down to give him a hand that night. But Sara was so
perfect, so sweet. He really wanted to see if maybe they could
pursue their relationship further.

Then it happened. His world started to
crumble. The walls that he had carefully resurrected around himself
after he left his home in Dallas were bashed down with a wrecking
ball. He had to go home and help his father. He didn’t know that he
would be gone so long, or that he would have to spend a stint in
jail to accomplish his goal. Or that his body would be this beaten
down again.

By the time Chris got back to Colorado, it
was the dead of winter. The snow was already a foot deep in some
areas and classes had long since ended for the semester. Chris was
sure that he had flunked all of his classes, but he was sure that
after a visit with Dominic and the Dean of Students, he could talk
his way back into school.

Chris was surprised that there were no
letters, no notes, no nothing from Sara. He knew that she wouldn’t
call him; he realized too late that they had not exchanged phone
numbers. Chris was sure that Sara would have assumed that he had
left her without a second thought. She didn’t know how desirable
she was to him. She didn’t know how much control she actually had
over Chris for weeks as he tried to work his way into her life. He
had spent countless hours just watching her from the back of the
auditorium during their accounting class. He knew that she was a
submissive the minute she heard him say “sir” to Dominic the first
day of class. That one word had made his cock jump. Chris
remembered Sara breathing out that very word, stroking her to
orgasm, and then her body flying apart for him.

But now, he stood in the entryway of her
apartment building. Chris had sent Dominic to get Sara’s car from
the school parking lot, the morning after he had to fly out to
Dallas. Dominic said that he saw her address on some mail that was
sitting on her front seat. Chris knew where she lived, but he
didn’t know if she had wanted to see him. Pounding on the door to
her apartment, Chris heard the door to the adjacent apartment open

“Would you knock it off, asshole! No one
lives there,” a withered old lady said to Chris as she flicked the
ash from her cigarette on the floor.

“You wouldn’t happen to know where she moved
do you?” Chris asked.

“I know she didn’t stay in Colorado. She
said that she needed to get out of here quickly and asked if I
would sell her crappy furniture for her. She packed her bags and
left pretty much the same day. Didn’t get much for her shit, but I
did pocket a few bucks. She did leave behind some crap that I
couldn’t sell if you want it,” she said as cigarette smoke billowed
out her mouth and nose. The woman walked in to her apartment,
coming back out with a shoe box. She handed it to Chris and then
slammed the door in his face.

Chris’ heart sank. She was gone.
Did she leave because of me? Did she really not
want to submit to someone? Did she think that I left
Chris remembered all the times that night that he
had said to her that it was
just one
He could kick his own ass for that now. Sara
probably thought that she was just a one night stand to him, that
it meant nothing to him at all. She really didn’t realize how much
he wanted her, needed her, needed to possess her. But he had fucked
it all up and was left with a was a shoebox.

Chris opened the lid of the box and his
heart fell. Among the trinkets and pictures was the origami note
that Chris had made for her, when he left for Dallas that fateful
morning. His mind flew back to the images of her gorgeous body
draped across his bed and the serene look on her face. She looked
like an angel laying there in the dim light. Chris didn’t even get
a chance to sleep next to her that night since his dad had called
him shortly after she had fallen asleep.

Chris took the box, walking back outside of
the apartment complex. He knew that Sara felt something for him
too. She had kept his note with other sacred treasures, but just
forgot to take them with her. He decided that someday he would
return the box to her. But for right now, he decided he better get
his shit together before he offered Sara anything more.

Sara and Chris’ story continues in the “Learning to
Let Go” Series. Coming soon!

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