Read My Body-His Online

Authors: Blakely Bennett

Tags: #sex, #bdsm, #domination, #submission, #bondage, #whipping

My Body-His (6 page)

Having brought me to the desired state of frenzy,
Luke finally eased his cock inside of me as I arched my back to
receive him into my wetness. Involuntarily I shifted my body to
accommodate his size as his length entered me, inch by filling
inch. I had expected him to fuck me hard; instead, he moved slowly
in and out of me, looking into my eyes the whole time, sealing our
connection. He had me hooked. I could have cum a dozen times in
those first strokes, but the look in his eyes told me to restrain
my body.

As he continued to leisurely slide in and out of my
wet pussy, I could see a new look in his eyes giving me permission
to release the absolute joy building within me, and for the first
time in my life, I had an orgasm solely from intercourse. That
orgasm seemed to last forever as he continued to slide his full
length into me with a confident, controlled rhythm. I entered
another realm that shook me to the core. Though he said nothing,
his eyes spoke volumes as he claimed my heart with every
penetrating stroke.

Frightened by what his look said to me, I closed my
eyes. His stare felt too intimate, too potent.
Love could not
happen that fast,
I thought. But as my exhilaration rose to an
even higher sphere I opened my eyes to a blur of blending colors.
He touched my clit, releasing a second and third orgasm that wiped
out all my cares and concerns. Then, one last time, he pulled his
cock all the way out and thrust back into me. When he came it
reminded me of a roar of a lion. He looked fierce and powerful and
his gaze matched his physical penetration.

This is just the beginning,” he whispered, as
he lowered himself beside me, his sweat glistening in the soft

As he spooned me to him, I felt as if my childhood
dream—every girl’s dream—had finally been fulfilled. Floating in
complete relaxation I dozed off, thinking,
This doesn’t really
happen to people, certainly not to me.


The shift of the bed as he sat down brought me back
to the real world as the smell of stir-fry filled the room.

We need to fatten you up,” Luke said, holding
a bowl of steaming food.

As I sat up in bed I giggled as he temptingly fed me
leftovers, teasing each bite in and out of my mouth until I’d lunge
for it with my teeth. When he laughed at my antics, I knew I was a
goner. It was by far the most romantic moment I had ever

He scooted me over to the center of the bed and got
in on my side. When he embraced me, I knew we would make love
again. He kissed my eyes and then my forehead, but he must have
noticed my desire to please him. He must have enjoyed knowing he
had inspired such uncontrolled passion and fulfilled a longing that
rendered me young and vulnerable. So, after asking his permission,
I kissed the craggy line of his scar, which stood out on his
otherwise smooth, taut body. I found it sensual, twisted and
poignant. I wanted to know what had happened, who had hurt him. I
wanted to kiss away his pain as he had relieved me of mine.

He allowed me to explore him. As my lips gently
glided over his brawny body, I breathed him in as though he were an
elixir that would cure all my ills. I committed his aroma to
memory, never wanting to lose that moment.

Working my lips over his body, I felt his growing
response against my breast. In a surprising move, he grabbed my
arms just below my shoulders and drew me upright. He positioned me
above him just before allowing me to lower myself onto his rigid
phallus. Then he gripped my hips and pulled me down onto him as he
lifted his hips to meet mine in a single deep orgasmic thrust.

Oh god!” I said. He filled me, wholly and
completely, holding still for a minute before using his hands to
move my body rhythmically back and forth. I matched his pace while
clutching his chest for support. Then he skillfully reached his
right hand between us so I could rub my clitoris against his index

I churned my pubis down on him, crying out in
pleasure and pain as he filled me past comfort. I was so engrossed
that I slammed my pelvis into his again and again as he twirled my
clit with his fingers, bringing me closer and closer to orgasm.

Cum only when I say you can,” he

I looked straight into his eyes, my hips rising and
falling in a fury as my pussy burned with a fire all of its own. My
orgasm hovered close, the need to cum intense, but the brazen look
in his eyes forced me to hold back against everything my body
demanded. As he twirled my clit once more, I forced myself to
contain my orgasm. It could’ve been five seconds or five minutes
but it felt like an eternity. I didn’t want to disappoint Luke as I
bit my lower lip, holding myself at the edge of ecstasy until I saw
him nod once.

Like a tidal wave crashing against the shore, my
orgasm sent the force of my energy into him as the contractions of
my pussy squeezed his hard cock. “Oh yes Luke, I’m cumming for you!
Ohhhh, yes,” I groaned as I clawed at his chest, my senses
screaming. I finally collapsed forward onto his chest, gasping for

I could feel his cock still pulsating inside me. I
resumed wriggling my hips back and forth, loving the way he filled
me, only to have him grab my buttocks and propel them in a circular
motion. We ground our bodies together until the lion growl ripped
through him. Fascinated, I watched his ferocious release as he
impaled me with his cock. His features twisted in agonized pleasure
as his load burst against my uterus, causing my own muscles to
clamp on as if milking every drop of him.

A moment later his body went from rigid to relaxed,
his lips curving into a warm smile. Eyes still closed, he reached
up and pulled me to his chest, wrapping his arms around me. In that
moment, I felt so cared for, so loved. He held me like that until
we both fell back to sleep.

* * * *

Luke left sometime during the night. I slept so
deeply, I had no awareness of his departure. When I awoke in the
morning, I had a slight headache from the saké and felt soreness
between my legs. Smiling at the sensation, I touched my inner
folds, thinking of him. He had completely controlled every aspect
of the night before and for the first time in a long while, there
had been no need for me to think. It had been a relief to be out of
my head, only conscious of the sensations coursing throughout my
body. I really did believe at the time that those kinds of
experiences only happened in fairy tales. Luke had aided me in
becoming a fully sexual being.

I will always be grateful to him for that but ….

As I lay on the bed resisting getting into the
shower, I recall already being confounded by Luke. He frightened,
even terrified me at times, and yet I felt possessed by him, filled
by him, freed by him. How can you feel freed and captured at the
same time? I started to get anxious.

Would I see him again today? Would he call me?

I dragged myself to the bathroom for a hot shower. On
the counter, laid out neatly, I found my underwear from Friday

For some reason this made me laugh.




By the end of the first hour of work I had averted
several crises, finding temps to fill in where needed. On the plus
side, I was too occupied to think about Luke.

At two o’clock a knock at the door startled me.
Pierce, an executive assistant from the twelfth floor, brought a
large bouquet of burnt orange and yellow spotted lilies into my
office. The aging college preppy wore khaki pants and a
button–down, long-sleeved Polo shirt. His loafers were shiny brown
and I wondered if he used the same shine from his shoes on his
slicked back hair. The grapevine had previously informed me of his
interest as had his meek overtures, so I immediately assumed the
flowers were from him.

Flowers for me? Why are you buying me
flowers?” I asked.

When you didn’t respond to me, I just figured
you for a lesbian,” he said. “They’re not from me. It says, ‘from
Luke.’ ”

You opened the card?” I said as I made room on
my desk for the vase.

No, it’s written on the envelope,” he said,
placing them in front of me. “So you’re not gay after

Get out,” I said as I pushed him through the
door and closed it quickly behind him.

I plucked the envelope off the plastic stick and held
it for a moment. I admired the bouquet of large yellow lilies.

Did I tell him I liked lilies?

Shaking, I slid my nail along the edge of the
envelope, pulled out the card and saw his handwriting for the first
time. The distinctive slant indicated that he was left-handed.
“Last night was everything I’d hoped for,” the card said. “I will
be away for a couple of days. Think of me. P.S. You still owe me
for being late. I have not forgotten.”

He had me twisted in knots. My arousal confounded me.
I couldn’t be sure if my nipples hardened because he said he’d
enjoyed last night or because of what I suspected would happen when
he got back. I didn’t like the way his card made me feel. I tore it
up and threw it in the trash. I thought of throwing away the
flowers as well, but I’ve always adored lilies. I left them on the
desk and crossed the hall to attend a meeting.

* * * *

After work I met up with Sandy to go for a walk. She
had a scrunched expression on her freckly face as she approached me
as if she was trying to sum me up. Although barely five feet tall,
she swung her arms and carried her back so straight that she gave
the illusion of more height. No one would call her beautiful but
she was the epitome of cute, with her button nose and bouncy red
pageboy cut. Her deep brown eyes fringed by thick light lashes gave
her away every time. She couldn’t hide her true feelings if she

Look at you! What’s happened?” she

What do you mean?”

Have you looked at yourself? You look like the
cat that swallowed the canary.”

I feigned complete ignorance.

“ ’
Fess up, Jane. Who is he?” Sandy said,
turning to face me with her hands on her hips.

I have no idea what you’re talking about,” I
said with a sheepish grin.

It’s fine if you don’t want to talk about it,
but I thought—”

Okay, okay,” I said. Sandy’s shoulders dropped
as I interrupted her. “I went to a party with Scott

You don’t look like that because of Scott.
There’s no way! You said he wasn’t even—” Sandy threw up her

It wasn’t Scott,” I cut in to explain,
“someone I met there.”

Sandy and I had been roommates in college. Assigned
the same dorm room in our freshman year, by our third year we moved
off campus to share an apartment. She knew me pretty well, probably
better than anyone. I felt happy for her and Jason. She seemed to
be doing well but in all honesty, I felt a little jealous. Okay,
maybe what I felt wasn’t so much jealousy as envy. I wanted
happiness for her but wanted it for myself as well.

Well, what’s his name? What does he look like?
Is he nice? What does he do? When do we get to meet him? Why didn’t
you come right out and tell me? Or call me on the phone?!” she said
in rapid succession.

Take a breath, will you?” I tried to figure
out how much I wanted to tell her. Usually I would tell her
everything, including the size of his cock, but I wasn’t sure how I
felt about Luke. I didn’t want to hear, “Run toward the light,
Carol Ann” or essentially “What the hell were you

What the hell was I thinking?

So there I stood, trying to figure out what to say.
I’d never lied to Sandy before. I didn’t want to start now. I broke
into a confession. “Scott brought me to a sex party.”

You went to a sex party?! You met a guy at a
sex par—”

Let me finish for god’s sake.”

Okay, okay,” Sandy said, lowering her arms to
her hips.

When I figured out what kind of party it was,
I went upstairs looking for a phone. I couldn’t get a signal on my
cell. He was … Luke was up there. He loaned me money to take a cab

Why didn’t you call me? I would have picked
you up. A sex party?” Sandy said, shrugging her shoulders and
shaking her head.

I didn’t want to bother you. I did think of
calling you.” I wasn’t sure what else to say.

Well, do you think this will turn into
something? You met him at a sex party?” She giggled. “Do you know
where he lives? I feel like you’re leaving something out.” Sandy
stopped walking and turned back to face me.

I’m not sure how I feel about him,” I

So …. What does he look like and what does he

I’m not sure how to describe him, other than
he is very fit.” I laughed. “He says he sells his photographs and
paintings abroad but I don’t have any idea if that’s a hobby or how
he pays the bills.”

It’s still early,” she said.

I think you’re more enthusiastic about this
than I am,” I said.

Well, you know, I want the best for you and
you have been single for a while now.”

I get it, you want to double date,” I said,

That would be great, wouldn’t it? Jason gets
along with everyone.”

That is true. You found a great man; I hope I
get as lucky.”

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