Russian Billionaire's Virgin Secretary (8 page)

Pulling her mouth away, Sarah slid back up his body as she mounted him. Moaning, she couldn’t lie when she readily admitted how good it felt to have him buried deep inside her. Leaning back, she put her hands on his thighs as she began to move up and down. Flicking her hips forward and back, she added small figure eights as she sought out all those delicious spots that felt so damn good. Vitaly attempted to raise his hips to speed up her ride, but she had managed to pin his legs down.

With a growl, he sat up pulling Sarah tight against him. Her eyes were unfocused as she looked at him. Putting the palm of his hand at the small of her back, he used his other hand to wrap around the back of her neck and hold her still before he began thrusting hard into her. Sarah dug her nails into shoulders as she held on. Pulling her head closer, he laid his forehead against hers as he continued to plunge into her. With a cry, Sarah came as she clenched his cock tight making it difficult for him to keep moving inside her. As she spasmed, Vitaly groaned as he pulled her tightly against himself and they rode out their orgasms together.

As he rubbed his hands over her back, Sarah couldn’t help giggling. “Well, I’ll say one thing,” she told him. “That many orgasms is fantastic for hangovers.”

Vitaly laughed as he held her against him and kissed her cheeks.


Chapter 12

As Sarah got home later that evening, she was surprised that they had actually managed to get any work done. Granted, it was difficult to concentrate with both of them naked and constantly touching each other, but they did accomplish some work. Walking inside, she found Mia lying on the couch with a wet towel on her head. Looking up at her roommate, she frowned.

“Why do you look so…well,” Mia questioned.

Sarah smiled at her roommate. “Well, it turns out that Lisa was right and orgasms are good for hangovers.”

Groaning, Mia put her head back down. “Hating you right now,” she told her as Sarah laughed. “Since you’re doing so much better, find us food,” Mia demanded as she groaned. Sarah chuckled as she went to search the delivery menus for something Mia’s stomach would tolerate before jumping in the shower. An hour later, Chloe and Lisa walked in carrying two large paper bags.

“We ran into the delivery guy in the hall. Hope you ordered enough for all,” Lisa said as she set the bags down on the coffee table.

“Of course,” Sarah replied as she joined her friends. Mia sat up and gratefully accepted the plain pasta with Parmesan cheese, as the girls sat around enjoying their dinner and chatting.

As Mia slowly felt like she was returning to the land of the living, she couldn’t help but ask, “So…anyone notice how Sarah seems to be doing better than any of us today?”

As Lisa and Chloe turned to look at her, “Come to think of it,” Chloe replied, “She does seem to be doing well.”

At Sarah’s blush, Lisa demanded, “Out with it.”

As Sarah filled them in on her afternoon, food was forgotten as they stared at her wide-eyed. As her voice trailed off, Chloe couldn’t resist teasing her, “It sounds like you have it bad.”

Sarah nodded as she picked at her forgotten food. “I think I do and I really don’t know what to do about it. He’s so hot and cold at times, I never know if I’m simply a summer dalliance until my internship is over or if he has any feelings for me. The way he looks at me sometimes, I would like to think that he does want more, but I don’t know what he’s thinking unless he tells me. He’s so hard to read.”

Lisa put her arm around Sarah as she hugged her friend. “Just be really careful that you don’t get hurt. He’s what, fifteen years older than you?” As Sarah started to protest, Lisa held up her hand. “I know that today that really isn’t a big deal, but given that he was your first, it really IS a big deal. So, be careful, okay?”

“And if he does hurt you, remember that you have us. Mia will drive, I’ll bring the shovels and Lisa will tell us where to bury the body.”

As Sarah laughed, she felt blessed that she had such good friends. Although she was really hoping that, there wouldn’t be a need to bury any bodies.


Chapter 13

The following week was uneventful as everyone at VIC Enterprises was busy prepping for their first East Coast contract to go live. Simon and Marcus were handling the details in New York and Vitaly was on the phone with them constantly making sure that everything was in place. He was back to being aloof with Sarah and she simply didn’t know what to make of it. She had commented to Mia that at times he felt like two different people.

Sarah had no idea that Vitaly was wrestling with his own demons. He was determined not to allow another woman into his life, but he found that Sarah was constantly on his mind. Ivan had suggested that he simply let her go, but there was only three weeks left before his PA returned from maternity leave and he needed Sarah’s assistance.

On Friday night, he had a client meeting at the Casbah. Vitaly had been in negotiations with a local software company and he was hoping to close the deal. For some reason, many of the more introverted techs liked coming to the club. Perhaps it was the attention they got, but as far as Vitaly was concerned, throw enough money around and you’ll get all the attention you want. Although not all of it would be positive. He only hoped that he could keep their attention long enough to close the deal and get out. It had been a long week.

Sarah couldn’t believe that she was back at the Casbah. Mia and Chloe had begged off, but Lisa was game to go. Sarah had decided that she was fed up with Vitaly’s aloofness and she was going to have some fun. They didn’t even bother finding a table upstairs and headed straight to the dance floor where the girls quickly drew the attention of most of the males. As the girls were dancing, suddenly Sarah felt hands on her hips. Whirling around, she was surprised to see Daniel.

Deciding a little payback was in order, she began dancing with Daniel. Lisa gave her a sour face as she turned to dance with someone else. Daniel gave Sarah an appreciative look as he took in her dress and pumps. He had been so used to seeing her casually dressed; he was impressed at what she had to offer. If he had known that’s what she would look like, he might have cheated on her a little less than he did.

He tried to guide Sarah off the dance floor, but she refused as she worked her way back to the center of the floor and continued dancing. Daniel quickly realized that she didn’t care who she was dancing with and if he was going to have a chance to talk with her, he had to play along.

As the DJ took a brief break, the girls headed to the bar for drinks. Daniel caught up and placed his arms across their shoulders as he escorted them off the floor. At the bar, he finally had a chance to speak with Sarah. “You look fantastic,” he told her.

“Thanks,” Sarah replied. “Growing your hair out?”

Happy that she had noticed, he ran his hand through his hair, “Yea, I thought I would give it a try. What do you think?” Sarah smiled and shrugged as she leaned in to hear what Lisa was telling her. Laughing, she turned, smiling toward Daniel and was surprised at how close he was standing as she ended up rubbing against him. She swallowed when she felt his erection straining against his pants. As she attempted to step back, he tightened his grip on her arms.

“Ouch, Daniel that hurts,” she admonished. Before she could say more, Vitaly was suddenly at her side and she was yanked toward him. “Hey,” she started to complain, as Daniel demanded to know who he was.

“You’re leaving,” he told her as he started walking toward the door.

Sarah yanked away from him, as she attempted to go back to the bar. “Oh, no, I just got here.”

As Vitaly turned to grab her, Daniel stepped in, “Dude, I don’t know who you think you are, but she said she’s staying.” Just as Daniel reached to grab Sarah, Vitaly issued a short jab to Daniel’s face, sending him to the floor. Before Daniel had a chance to react, Vitaly was standing over him.

“Not that it’s any business of yours, but I own this place and you can consider yourself banned.” With a wave of his hand, two bouncers appeared and grabbed Daniel to remove him from the club.

As Vitaly turned to Sarah, her hand flashed out connecting with his cheek as she slapped him as hard as she could. His eyes darkened in anger, as he slowly rubbed his cheek. Looking at Lisa, he asked her if she had a ride home. At her nod, he scooped Sarah up throwing her over his shoulder and strode out of the club. Sarah tried to kick him, but he had a tight grip on her legs as he bounced her lightly on his shoulder to settle her.

She let out a burst of air as she put her hands together and began pummeling his back. But her efforts were completely ineffective as he ignored her and kept walking. Sarah knew that they were outside when she felt cool air on her legs. She was mortified at the way Vitaly was treating her and hoped that no one would recognize her.

She heard a car door open before she was unceremoniously dropped inside followed immediately by Vitaly. As the driver pulled away, Sarah crossed her arms and glared at him.

“What the fuck were you thinking with that caveman stunt you pulled?” Sarah demanded.

Crossing his arms, “So, have I graduated from Neanderthal to caveman or is that a demotion,” Vitaly questioned as he glared back at her.

“They are one and the same when you pull that macho shit. I don’t think I can go back there, now.”

“Good. I don’t want you going out anymore because clearly you exhibit poor judgment.”

“Excuse me? Who the hell are you to tell me what I can and cannot do on my own time!” Sarah demanded. “I’m your intern, Vitaly, NOT your spouse. And even if I WAS your spouse, you would not be dictating who I hang out with.”

Staring at her smugly, “Care to place bets on that?” At Sarah’s stare, he continued. “You should not be going to clubs alone.”

“I wasn’t alone.”

“You mean that boy? He had his hands all over you. He needed to be stopped.”

“I had everything under control,” Sarah shot back. “You misunderstood what was going on. And no, I wasn’t with him, I was with my friend, Lisa. Daniel happened to find us there.”

“You mean the blonde you were dancing with? She behaves worse than you do. You will not be seeing her anymore.”

“What part of, you cannot dictate who I can and cannot see, did you not understand?” Sarah demanded. “Lisa is one of my best friends and I would choose her over you, any day.”

“Is that so?”

“In a heartbeat.” Sarah looked out the window, “Where are we going?”

“My place.”

“Oh, no, I’m not,” Sarah declared as she reached for the door handle.

“Do not be so reckless as to endanger your own life by attempting to jump from a moving vehicle. We are going to my place. End. Of. Discussion.” Sarah sat back and continued to glare at him.

“Take me home.”


“This is kidnapping.”

“It won’t be.”

“What is THAT supposed to mean?” They drove up a long driveway and pulled up in front of a large colonial style mansion. As Vitaly stepped out of the car, he held his hand out for Sarah to join him.

Leaning in, “If you like, I can pull you out the same way I put you in,” Vitaly said calmly as he waited for Sarah to comply. Sighing, Sarah climbed out of the car, but refused to touch him. As she stepped out onto the cobblestone driveway, she stared up at the giant house. “You like?”

Shrugging her shoulders, “Seems a bit much for only one person.”

“True, but I bought it for the view.” Turning around, Sarah took in the view of San Jose below them.

“Oh, wow.”

“Indeed.” Taking her by the elbow, Vitaly escorted her inside.

Sarah was completely overwhelmed by the sheer magnitude of the mansion and forgot that she was angry at Vitaly as she stared up at the four-story ceiling in the entryway. Vitaly had dropped his grip on her arm and stared at her in bemusement as she walked into the living room. She gasped when she saw the lights of the city outside the floor to ceiling windows.

Vitaly walked up behind her and put his hands on her shoulders. “Do you like it?”

Sarah nodded, “Oh yes, the view is spectacular, but it really is a lot of house for one person. But then again, you do seem to like open spaces.” Vitaly stiffened at that reminder and stepped back to sit down in a large leather chair. Reaching for a remote, he turned on some jazz as Sarah turned around to look at him.

“Dance for me, little one.”

“What? No, I couldn’t,” Sarah said as she got flustered.

“You were dancing at the club.”

“That was different. No one was watching.”

“EVERYONE was watching.”

“Not like you are,” Sarah said quietly.

Standing up, he strode back over to her, “Would it help if I joined you?” At Sarah’s shy nod, he took her hand and pulled her against him, as they began to move to the music. As they danced together, he slowly moved a bit farther away, as Sarah became lost in the music. Before she realized it, he had stepped completely away as she twisted and twirled in time to the music. She is breathtaking, he thought as he watched her move.

When the song ended, Sarah slowed to a stop, too shy to look at him. It was so easy for her to get lost when she danced and she was always embarrassed when she saw people watching her. Vitaly tilted her chin up with his fingers as she slowly opened her eyes. Innocence rapidly shifted to awareness when she saw the raw hunger in his eyes.

Turning around, she lifted her hair, as she looked at him over her shoulder. “Unzip me, please?” She held her breath as he slowly drew the zipper down. Stepping away, she turned to the side as she drew the dress down her body and stepped out of it. Looking at him, she reached behind to unhook her bra before dropping it to the floor next to her dress. In the darkened room, her body was silhouetted against the lights from the city. Leaving her high heels on, she walked to the window. Spreading her legs, she put her hands on the glass, as she looked out.

Vitaly walked up behind her. Placing his hands on her wrists, he leaned against her.

“Your hands stay there,” he ordered. Sarah shivered as she nodded in compliance. Starting at her wrists, he ran his hands down the backs of her arms and down her back. Cupping her hips, he kneaded her cheeks as he continued down her legs. When he reached her ankles, he placed kisses at the sweet spots at the top of the backs of her thighs, before sweeping his hands to the front of her legs and beginning a path up. When he reached her pelvis, he took his time rubbing her hips and lower stomach as Sarah began to pant. He made lazy circles all over her stomach as Sarah moaned.

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