Russian Billionaire's Virgin Secretary (9 page)

“Vitaly,” she said with a moan.

“Shh, now is not the time for talk,” he told her as he continued.

He hadn’t touched her any place sexual, but Sarah could feel herself getting wet, as his hands made her insides jump around. Stepping closer, he pressed his legs up against hers, as he pulled her back against him. He noticed that her hands were coming loose from the window but before he could say anything, she had pressed her palms back against the glass. Smiling into her neck, he kissed down her collarbone as his hands worked their way up her torso. Brushing his hands along her sides, he rubbed up her arms. As his hands worked their way back down, he placed one hand on her neck and tilted her head to his shoulder. Turning her chin, he kissed her.

Sarah eagerly parted her lips to give him access as he deepened the kiss. Moaning into his mouth, she flexed her hands, but kept them planted on the window. Smiling, he broke the kiss as he whispered, “Good girl.” Those two words turned her insides to jelly as she trembled against him.

Cupping her breasts, Sarah rolled her head on his shoulder as she moaned. “Do you like that?” At Sarah’s nod, he massaged her breasts as his thumbs rubbed her nipples. “Show me,” he whispered into her ear.

Pushing her legs farther apart, Sarah took her right hand off the window and rubbed two fingers along her slit. When she brought her hand back up, he could see her fingers glistening as she brought them to his lips. She caught her breath as he sucked her fingers into his mouth, nipping at them as he did. Releasing her fingers, he took her hand and brought it back down to her mound. “Do it again,” he told her as his fingers joined hers.

Together, they rubbed her mound easily finding her clit, which had swelled into a tight nub. Using her fingers, he rolled it around, pinching it lightly as Sarah moaned. Sliding her hand down, he joined her fingers as they easily slid inside. She was so wet. Kissing her neck, he began to move their hands in and out, as they slowly finger fucked her. Sarah was pushing hard against the glass with her other hand as her backside found his erection and she rubbed against it.

Pulling his hand away, he told her to keep going as Sarah leaned her head against the glass, lost in the sensations she was treating her body to. Stepping back, Vitaly unbuttoned his shirt as he kicked off his shoes. His pants followed as he stepped back up to Sarah and pressed his now naked body against hers. At the shift in sensation, Sarah shuddered as she felt his erection press tightly against her skin. Grabbing her hand, he began to pump her fingers faster and faster as Sarah’s panting sped up. Moaning loudly, he could feel her body start to clench as her orgasm hit. Crying out, Sarah bowed at the intensity of the orgasm as her backside rubbed against his erection.

Continuing to pump her fingers in and out, he held her as they rode out her orgasm. When she had calmed down, her took her hand and brought her fingers to her lips.

“Taste them,” he told her. As Sarah licked the results of her orgasm from her fingers, he drew them away as he finished cleaning them off.

Taking her hand off the window, he turned her around and pressed her backside against the glass. The sudden coolness was a welcome shift as Sarah’s skin felt hot all over. Lifting her up, she wrapped her legs around his waist, as he entered her. Arching against the glass, Sarah threw her arms over her head as she moved her hips in time to his. Using long, slow strokes, Vitaly pumped in and out of Sarah as she moaned. She looked so beautiful with the skyline behind her.

He had been angry at her behavior, but as soon as he touched her, any other thoughts melted away as the only thing he could think about was possessing her. It was why he was constantly distancing himself from her because she continually fractured his resolve.

Moving faster, he tightened his grip on her hips as he shortened his thrusts. Sarah cried out his name as another orgasm rolled through her. Several more short thrusts and he slammed into her as he came. Pulling her to him, he held her tightly as he continued to make short thrusts. Pushing her back against the glass, he pressed his forehead to its coolness. “Oh that feels good,” he said as Sarah laughed.

“Oh yea, I’ve been enjoying it.”

Walking backwards, he found their way to the couch and he dropped down, taking Sarah with him. Stretching out, he held her, as she lay sprawled across his chest. Lifting her head, she rested her chin on his chest as she looked at him.

“Why do you do it?”

“Do what?”

“Act like a caveman around me? You have to know that it isn’t okay and what you did tonight? That was embarrassing.”

“Women should behave a certain way and what you were doing was inappropriate.”

“Vitaly, you own clubs that capitalize on women acting the way I do.”

“That’s different.”


Sitting up, he moved Sarah off him as he stood up and put his pants back on. “It just is.”

“Well, I can see that honesty isn’t your thing, so I guess I’ll be going,” Sarah stated as she got up to retrieve her clothes.

“And where do you think you are going?”

“It’s still early, maybe I’ll go back to the Casbah.”

“No. I forbid it!”

“You forbid it? And how are you going to do that?”

“I own the club. One phone call and you will be denied entrance.”

“Fine. Yours isn’t the only club, I’ll find another.”

“Not tonight, you won’t.” Grabbing Sarah, he flung her back over his shoulder as he marched up the stairs. Striding into his bedroom, he kicked the door shut and threw her on the bed. Sarah was off the bed in an instant and running for the door.

“You can’t force me to stay!” she screamed at him.

“Oh, kotyonok, now who is lying? You know that I won’t be forcing you to do anything you haven’t been fantasizing about,” he stated as he stalked toward her. Standing in front of her, he watched her skin flush, as she became aware of his proximity. Taking a step back, Vitaly matched her step for step as Sarah attempted to avoid touching him only to end up pressed against the bed. Lifting her up, he set her back on the bed before kneeling on it.

Sarah saw that predator look in his eyes and swallowed hard knowing full well who his prey was. Scooting backwards, he followed her slowly, like a panther stalking its prey. When she got to the headboard, the voice in her head was screaming at her to get off the bed and make another run for the door, but her heart and body were overruling her. She knew that she wanted this. Her body craved his touch. Demanded it. Her eyes grew large when he continued crawling up the bed.

Straddling her legs, he reached for his belt and slowly pulled it from his pants as he watched Sarah’s reaction. While he could see some fear, he also saw lust and desire. Grabbing her wrists, he pulled them in front of her and wrapped the belt around them. Leaning up, he hooked the belt to his headboard before grabbing Sarah’s ankle and pulling her until she lay stretched out on the bed and her arms were pulled tight above her. As Sarah began to pant, he rubbed her legs soothingly.

“Are you in pain?” At her shake of the head, he smiled at her as he continued to rub her legs. Shifting back, he positioned himself between her legs as he pushed them farther apart. His thumbs made lazy circles up the insides of her thighs as Sarah pushed her legs farther apart. He chuckled, “It’s so good to see that my kotyonok is much more compliant when her claws have been sheathed.”

As he leaned down to kiss the insides of her thighs, Sarah gasped. “What…what does kotyo- mean?”

“Kotyonok means kitten. And it is time I trimmed those claws,” he told her as he stretched out between her legs. With his head between her thighs, he began to lick up and down her slit as Sarah writhed beneath him. Parting her lips, he dipped his tongue inside and began licking her as if she were a delicacy.

Sarah quickly found another orgasm building, but each time she would come close, he would ease up. Finding her clit, he began to suck on it as he inserted one finger deep inside her. She moaned as she felt a storm brewing deep inside her, but before it would crest, he withdrew his finger and shifted his attention elsewhere. When he shifted back, he inserted two fingers and twisted them finding her g-spot, which caused her to buck, but he pulled his fingers out as he put his other arm across her pelvis, pinning her to the bed. Inserting two fingers again, he slid them along the inside of her slit, but refused to push them in any farther. Sarah moaned as she tried shifting her hips to get Vitaly to push his fingers in farther.

“Vitaly,” she moaned. “Please.”

“Please, what, Sarah.”

Clenching around his fingers, Sarah groaned in frustration when he pulled them out. “Fuck me, Vitaly. I can’t take this anymore. Please. Fuck me hard.”

With a growl, Vitaly was on her. This time when he kissed her, there was no gentleness. This was a demanding kiss that took instead of gave. Plundering her mouth, he nipped at her lips and chin before nipping at her neck. Sarah was bucking beneath him as she tried to get her legs around him, but he held her down. Kissing his way down her neck, he settled his mouth on one nipple as he licked and sucked on it. Not to be left out, he twisted and tugged on her other one before switching places.

As Sarah cried out, he unhooked his pants and dropped them below his hips. Grabbing her legs, he pushed them together and placed them on his shoulder before he slammed into her. Pushing her legs toward her chest, he leaned on them as he continued to slam into her.

Sarah’s first orgasm hit as soon as he entered her and she felt as though she were riding one after another and quickly lost count. When Vitaly finally came, he roared as he emptied himself inside her. Collapsing on the bed next to her, he reached up to pull his belt off the headboard before releasing her wrists. He rubbed them both as he kissed them to make sure they were okay. Sarah rolled over as Vitaly pushed one leg between her and she sprawled against him. Too tired to do anything, Sarah fell asleep as Vitaly pulled a blanket up over them.


Chapter 14

The next morning, Sarah woke to an empty bed. This seemed to be a normal occurrence with Vitaly. Sitting up, she found a robe lying at the foot of the bed. Wandering into the bathroom, she made use of his mouthwash before she found a brush and brushed out the tangle that was her hair. When she walked downstairs, she found Vitaly reading on his tablet and drinking coffee. As Sarah sat down, he pushed the French press and an empty coffee cup her way, which she filled before taking a long drink. Closing her eyes, she savored that first sip.

Her phone beeped and she had decided to ignore it, but Vitaly informed her that it had been beeping insistently since he came downstairs.

“Oh no,” Sarah cried as she jumped up to grab her phone. “I never texted Lisa last night to let her know that I was okay. Everyone must be so worried.”

Sarah quickly read through her messages before sending off a group text to let her friends know that she was fine. Setting her phone down, she picked her coffee up and closed her eyes while she drank it.

When she opened her eyes, she blushed when she saw that Vitaly had been watching her. “Do you always close your eyes when you drink coffee?”

“Sometimes,” Sarah replied. “When I’m enjoying it.”

Before he could respond, Vitaly’s phone rang. Picking it up, he conducted a short conversation in Russian. When he got off, he looked at her. “Well, I had hoped to at least spend the morning with you, but it looks like I have work to do.”

“Oh. Did you need me to come into the office?”

“No. I will take care of it. My driver will take you home and you can enjoy the rest of your weekend with your friends.”

Nodding, Sarah stood up and went to retrieve her clothes from the living room. Dressing quickly, she met Vitaly in the foyer. Holding his arms open, Sarah walked into them. This was the first time he had ever hugged her. Hugging him back, she tilted her head up as he bent to kiss her. Escorting her to the car, he opened the door for her to get in and watched as she drove away.

As soon as Sarah got home, her friends descended on her demanding to know what happened. Lisa had left the club shortly after Sarah did and reported seeing Daniel at the entrance arguing with the bouncer. Sarah had to admit to a certain sense of satisfaction at Daniel being banned from the club. She wondered how long it would last. The remainder of the weekend was uneventful and Sarah reported for work Monday morning. When she got in, she was surprised to see that Vitaly wasn’t already there. When she asked Laurel, she was told that he had flown to New York on Saturday to attend to business. Sarah was surprised to hear that he had gone to New York without saying anything to her. Shrugging it off, she got to work.

By Tuesday, she still hadn’t heard from him and thought that she would check in. Calling his mobile, she was startled to hear a woman answer the phone. “Hello? Who is calling please,” asked a sultry voice. Sarah froze, unsure what to say. She heard Vitaly laughing in the background, as he asked who it was. She had never heard him sound so happy before. Staring at the handset, she quietly placed it back in the cradle.

Looking at her computer, Sarah was determined to get back to work, but she couldn’t concentrate as tears trickled down her face. Wiping angrily at her cheeks, she couldn’t believe that she had fallen for it again. For him again. She should have known that he was playing her from the beginning and that Friday night was nothing more than a game for him. Well she was done with games and she was done with him. Gathering her stuff together, she walked over to Susan’s office, but she wasn’t in. Taking a deep breath, she went to Laurel.

“Laurel, I…” she started to say before the tears started again.

Standing up, Laurel came around her desk and hugged Sarah. “What did he do?” she asked.

Sniffling, Sarah hugged her back. “It’s not what he did,” she replied, “It’s what he won’t do. And I can’t be here anymore. I only have two weeks left on my internship anyway. I just…I think it would be best if I leave now.”

“Of course. I’ll call Diane and maybe she would be willing to come back early. Now you go do what you need to do and don’t worry about us.”

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