Sanctuary (A Hunted Novel Book 1) (22 page)

“Everything okay?” Nate called his voice husky from sleep.

“Yeah,” Tess replied. She grabbed the hand towel from the counter and blotted at her face. Heat radiated off her.
I want him.
The only way to stop the ache between her thighs was to alleviate the need.

“I can’t sleep either,” Nate admitted. The bed creaked, and his footsteps padded towards her.

Tess rubbed at the back of her neck, soaking up all the droplets of water. Instead of cooling her down, it had only turned her on further. Throwing the towel onto the counter she turned to see Nate. A lump lodged in her throat at the sight of his toned torso.

He looks delicious.
Her body trembled as anticipation surged through her.

“You feel it too. Don’t you?” Nate asked, leaning against the wall. “It wasn’t so bad when we were in danger, but now...” he trailed off.

“The attraction, it’s not just physical. There is a mental pull too. We get along and we work together as friends—as a couple,” she whispered.

“I’ll never meet another woman like you. If I’m going to mate, it’s going to be with someone I choose. I choose you, Tess,” Nate’s voice trembled as he took a step closer. “We’ll figure the rest out later.”

Tess nodded, drawing in a shaky breath as he stopped mere inches from her. Nate’s hands went to her hips, his thumbs grazing across her bottom before he lifted her up, and set her on the counter. He nudged her knees apart with his leg and nestled himself between her thighs.

She shivered, wrapping her legs around his lean torso. His hardened cock brushed against her core and she groaned at the contact.
Yes. Yes. Yes. I need this. I want this.
Her nipples hardened as Nate’s chest pressed against hers.
He feels amazing. I need to feel all of him. Claim him.

She leaned forward, capturing his lips with hers. He moaned loudly, his mouth opening to her. Tess slid her tongue against his teeth, melding their lips together.

He tasted like heaven. After tonight, he would be hers, and only hers. Her body shook at the thought. She was his and he hers. Their coupling would unite them as eternal mates. Soul mates.

Eager to subside the aching in her core she trailed her fingers down his chest, slipping them into his boxers. His cock lurched as she curled her fingers around it. He was so hard. Quivering, she began to pump his shaft, hoping that the tedious action would spur him to move faster. She could have him right now. Her center was wet, and he was more than ready.
I just need to get rid of these stupid clothes.
She grinned as she rolled her thumb over the tip of his cock. Nate shuddered in her hands.
I love that I have that effect on him.
Her hands eagerly repeated the action.

Nate tugged her closer, his hands fisting at the hem of her tee and lifting it up and over her head. She broke the kiss with a pop, and reluctantly released his cock, watching as he tossed her shirt to the floor. His eyes glazed over as they took her in.

Nate leaned forward, nuzzling her neck before peppering kisses down her shoulder, and finally to her breast. She groaned as he took a nipple into his mouth. Tess fisted her hands in his hair as he suckled her taut peak. He knew exactly where to kiss her, to touch her, to set her on edge. Her core throbbed as he continued his ministrations.

She suppressed a scream as he squeezed her other nipple, rolling it between his thumb and forefinger.
Yes. That feels so freaking good. I need him. Right now!

The mating would be more sensual—more intimate—than their last coupling. First, Nate would submit to her, allowing her to stake her claim, then it would be his turn to claim her. Together they would seek out a joint orgasm that would complete their bond.

Tess squeezed her legs tighter, enjoying the friction of Nate’s length rubbing against her center. Their relationship might cause a lot of problems, but she couldn’t imagine being with another man. He was the man—the wolf she craved.

Her breath caught in her throat as Nate pulled back from her; he lifted her off the sink and set her on the floor. His fingers looped around her panties, dragging them down her legs. She stepped out of her lacy undies, baring herself to Nate completely. Next, Nate lowered his boxers, discarding the last item of clothing separating them. Tess shivered, her belly tightening with anticipation.
He looks so good. I can’t wait to make him mine.

Nate dropped their garments on the floor and backed up to the beds. She sauntered after him, licking her lips as he lies down on the bed he’d been occupying a few moments earlier.

This was it. He was submitting to her. His body was hers to take. Trembling with desire, she crawled across the bed. The mattress dipped beneath their combined weight as she placed her knees on both sides of his hips. Her eyes lingered on his toned, perfect body, taking it in. It was all hers, and only hers. No other woman would ever get to touch him. She smiled at the thought.

Tess ran her fingers down Nate’s chest before gripping his cock and angling it towards her sopping apex. Tess rolled her hips, teasing the tip of his length as she leaned forward to lace her fingers with his.

Staring down, she met his beautiful cobalt eyes. “Mine,” she whispered huskily.

Nate squeezed her hands as she slowly slid down his shaft. He stretched her deliciously, his dick fit inside her perfectly as if it was made just for her.
It was. He is mine. My mate. My lover.

Tess ground her hips against him, enjoying the way he slid in and out of her. There would never be anyone else for her. No man—cat or wolf—would ever please her like this. She would never want them to. Today, her and Nate started a new journey as mates. Their bond would grow from here, to what she didn’t know, but she wanted to find out.

Nate gripped her hands harder, pushing up into her as he rode her from the bottom. She closed her eyes. The back of her neck tingled as the mark deepened, and strengthened their bond. Her body tightened, begging for sweet release.


ate bucked up into Tess, enjoying the feel of her slick folds cascading against his cock. She was amazing. She was his. Now all he had to do was claim her.

As if sensing his need, she slipped off of him, positioning herself on her hands and knees beside him. He pushed himself up to his knees and crawled behind her. He ran a hand down the spine of her back up to the mark. His mark. Their mark.
Take her. She’s submitting to you, giving herself to you.

He reached forward, entwining one hand with hers and using the other to position himself at her entrance. Nate rubbed the tip of his cock against her slick opening.

“Mine,” he growled as he pushed inside her and united their bodies as one. He wrapped his free arm around her torso and lifted her up so her back was flush against his. They both cried out at the new angle. He shuddered, realizing how deep he was in her. His cock was buried to the hilt, and it was amazing. He made a mental note to remember this particular position. Her inner walls clamped around him and he drove up into her with more force.

Tess was his and only his. The back of his neck tickled, and he knew their bond was near completion. Eager to bring her to her peak and mate, he sped up his pace. Tess moved against him too. Her body moved harmoniously in tiny circles. With each thrust her core tightened and his cock grew harder.
So close. Don’t stop.
He moved faster, grinning as Tess’ moans grew louder. Their sweat soaked bodies slid together with ease, and he peppered kisses against her glistening collarbone.

White burst behind his eyes and a delicious explosion coursed through him.
Oh my God.
All thoughts left his mind, the only thing he could think about were how wonderful he felt. Dots blurred his vision as pleasure erupted through him. He continued to pump into Tess as her core milked his orgasm. Their bodies shook from the powerful release. Nate held her sweat-slicked waist tightly, not ready to part from her yet. Amazing. He placed kisses to the back of her neck, moving her sweaty hair so he could pepper their bonding mark with love.

The paw print, half wolf, half cat, was beautiful. The mark now bore a deeper, more vivid black color. She was his. Nothing else mattered, other than pleasing, protecting, and loving Tess. He would do everything he could to keep her safe until his last breath.

“Mine,” he whispered against the back of her neck.

“Mine,” she panted as she turned to capture his lips.

Nate kissed her sealing the deal and their lives together.

Chapter Twenty

ess groaned as a loud ring echoed through the hotel room. Who was calling? It was too early. The bed moved out from under her and dipped down. A cold chill zipped over her body as the covers were pulled back, exposing her naked form. She peeked her eyes open, watching as Nate hovered over her, reaching for his cellphone.

“Hello,” he grunted as he placed the black device to his ear.

“Hey, I’ve got a lead on Eden and Xander,” a deep male voice spoke.

I think that’s Callum.
The werebear was the one who had been heading up the hunt, her intuition was probably right. Hopefully, his lead panned out. Eden was a kind-hearted woman, and while Xander hadn’t been friendly to her, he was important to Nate. That made the werewolf important to her too.

“Where are they?” Nate asked.

“Small town on the Kentucky, Tennessee border. I’ll text you the address. I’ve got a team standing by. We’re waiting for Ray to join us with another team,” Callum explained.

“Ray’s leading his own team?” Nate asked, scrubbing a hand over his face.

Tess cocked her head listening to the long pause. Did neither of them think Ray was capable? Interesting. Why did they think that? Sure she thought he was a jerk, but what made Nate and Callum have doubts?

“Yeah. Your dad made him team lead. He was off gallivanting around with one of his women when everything went down. There were a couple other stragglers away from Sanctuary that needed something to do. Ray’s been gunning for a chance to lead, guess your dad finally gave him the opportunity,” Callum sighed.

“Let’s hope it doesn’t bite us in the ass. He’s too hot headed,” Nate murmured. “Try to keep him in check when he shows up. I don’t want him to blow our opportunity.”

“All the more reason to hurry your butt up and get here. Don’t worry, Nate. We’re going to get Eden and Xander back,” Callum assured.

“Text me the address and I’ll put it in the GPS. We’ll gather our things and get ready to go. It might take us a few hours though,” Nate reminded.

Tess took that as her queue to get out of bed. She rummaged through the bags of clothes they’d purchased yesterday and pulled out a pair of jeans and black sweater. Then she grabbed the bag with their soap and hurried to the bathroom for a quick shower. It was a good thing they took care of everything yesterday. If they both hurried, they could be on the road within thirty minutes.

She flipped on the water, turning the nozzle all the way to the hot side. Heat was definitely her friend. She set her clothes down on the counter and opened up the toiletry bag, setting the shampoo, conditioner, and soap on the side of the tub.

Steam billowed out from the fountain of water. Slowly, she stepped in and set to work washing herself.

The bathroom door creaked open and a jolt of hunger ran through her.
No. There isn’t time for that. Eden and Xander come first. You don’t even know how he feels. There’s a chance he woke up and changed his mind. That’s not going to happen. But what if it did? Lust could do crazy things to your hormones.

“Everything okay?” Nate asked. He paused and cleared his throat. “Are we all right?”

Tess grinned as she lathered her hair. Was she okay? Her body had never been so lax before. It still hummed with content from their lovemaking. The familiar ache began again in her core and she shuddered with anticipation.

“Tess,” Nate mumbled.

Tess blinked realizing she never answered him. “Sorry. I’m okay,” she assured. “I’ll be out in a minute.” She lathered her hair with shampoo and scrubbed it clean underneath the steaming water.

“Good,” he sighed sounding relieved. “We’ll have plenty of time to talk on the road,” Nate said quietly.

“Yes we will,” Tess replied. They’d have time to sort all of this out and come up with a game plan. What did he think about them? Was he okay with it? Did he change his mind? Her heart sped up at the thought. What if he had second thoughts? “Are you okay?” Tess asked her voice wavering.

“I don’t have any regrets about last night,” Nate assured. “You are exactly what I want.”

Tess let out a relieved breath as she slathered conditioner in her hair. Everything was going to be okay. It could only get better from here. Right?


ate flipped his blinker on and merged onto the freeway. The GPS said it would take them three-and-a-half hours to reach Callum. If he drove fast enough, he could shave at least an hour off that time. He needed to see Eden and make sure she was okay. Now, he just hoped the clunker they’d purchased would get them there in time. The 2001 Ford left a lot to be desired, but it started, and seemed to be running okay. Hopefully it continued to do so. Eden was his priority.

His heart clenched painfully. He’d let her down. It was his duty to protect her and he'd failed.

“It’s going to be all right,” Tess whispered, reaching out to place her hand on top of his.

Nate swallowed and looked down at her soft hand on his.

“It wasn’t your fault. The Hunters have been planning this. You couldn’t have known,” Tess continued.

It was like she was reading his thoughts. Maybe she was in a way. When she’d been in the shower, he’d felt apprehension and arousal churning in his belly. The mood had startled him. His mind had been drifting in a different direction altogether. He’d been focused on Eden. Perhaps that was what she’d been thinking about. Now she was picking up on his emotions. Interesting.

“For once, I’d like to be one step ahead of them,” he spoke aloud. “We’re always going on rescue missions. We never get to act
an attack happens. I would like to get to a shifter community before its been destroyed. I’m tired of losing.”

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