Sanctuary (A Hunted Novel Book 1) (23 page)

“We need to think of different strategies. I think Sanctuary is a good idea,” Tess commented.

“All those people there together? It’s a disaster waiting to happen,” he voiced his concerns. Sure there was a small group of people like him who were trained to fight and track. But the majority of Sanctuary’s occupants weren’t fighters. Learning to fight was delegated to men only, and only if they wanted to learn. Seldom did. Not that he could blame them. The world was dangerous for shifters. Too many ended up in an early grave. It was far safer to stay tucked away in Sanctuary’s walls than it was to venture outside.

“All those people can be trained to fight—trained to defend themselves. Sanctuary is the largest shifter community I’ve ever seen. We could make a stand,” Tess answered determinedly.

“People don’t want to,” Nate argued. It was the truth. Too many people would prefer to cower away in fear than to risk their lives and fight. One would think that losing their homes and their families—everything they had would give people a reason to make a stand. Sanctuary made it too easy for them. It gave a false sense of security. “They let their fear rule them, and they take Sanctuary’s walls for granted.”

“Then they should know their home isn’t as safe as they think it is. There is no excuse for only a few to fight when more can. I know your council thinks women should be kept safe so they can make babies, but we are strong. Women can be a powerful asset in Sanctuary’s defenses,” Tess continued to argue.

“I agree with you. It’s everyone else we have to convince,” Nate ground out. He’d tried on occasions to get the council members to see reason, but it had been futile. Hopefully, this new threat would be the hard slap into reality they needed.

“Then we need to make them see reason, even if they don’t want to,” Tess replied.

“Just like that?” Nate asked, the corners of his lips pulled up into a smile. He liked the way she thought. Tess was strong and determined. She was exactly the kind of woman he wanted.
Now she’s yours.

“What happened with Eden and Xander should be a wake up call to Sanctuary. We can use it to drive our point home,” Tess surmised.

“You’re ready to take on the council?” Nate asked. He wasn’t sure he was ready. They were a bunch of old people who were set in their ways. Getting them to see anything but their way would be hard if not impossible.

“I am,” Tess stated.

“Let’s get Eden and Xander, and then we’ll request an audience. Maybe they’ll listen to you,” Nate decided. “We’ll have to talk to them about us anyway.” He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. That was one talk he wasn’t looking forward to.

“You think it will go badly?” Tess wondered. She bit her lip as she looked over at him.

“I think it will,” he answered honestly. “But with everything going, they’d be smart to let it slide. Worrying about us when our enemies are breathing down our door would be stupid.” It would be too. The council was pigheaded, but surely not so much that they wouldn’t worry about the greater good of the community. “The bonds already complete. They can’t stop it now.”

“Then they won’t have a choice but to accept us as we are,” Tess commented.

“They could throw us out,” he worried. Or they could do worse, he thought to himself. His mom had been adamant a few days ago. Would she have a change of heart when she learned he’d completed the bond? He sucked in a deep breath as doubt clouded over him.
What if they throw us out?
Where would we go? What if they attack us?

Nate looked over at Tess and then down at her hand that still rested on his. He had her. She was the most important thing in his world. If the council wouldn’t accept them, then they would make their own way. It would be hard, and he would miss his family, but Tess was the one person he didn’t want to live without.


ess flipped down the visor and looked in the mirror as she pulled her long locks out of the messy bun she’d thrown her wet hair in earlier. Now wasn’t the time to announce their bond to everyone. The bonding mark was very similar to a tattoo, and quite obvious. She wasn’t sure when the right time would be to announce their relationship, but it definitely wasn’t during a rescue mission to save Nate’s sister. Her fingers snarled in her long locks and she cursed under her breath, wishing she could find the bag that held her brush.

The computerized voice of the GPS spoke loudly, alerting them that their exit was in less than a mile. She swallowed, fluffing her hair as best she could. It was a disaster no matter what she did.
Story of my life.
Thick, wild, untamed hair. Only her mother had ever been able to smooth it out and make it look beautiful. Her heart pinched.
I don’t think I’ll ever see her again.
Tears welled in her eyes, and she quickly swiped them away with her thumb.

“You okay?” Nate asked as he brought the car to a stop at a traffic light.

Tess forced a small smile. “Yeah.”

“You can talk to me,” he offered.

“I know,” she acknowledged. She did know that. But she wasn’t quite ready to admit defeat. Her parents, the rest of her pride, might still be out there. Hopefully. Besides, right now they needed to focus on Eden. Callum had a solid lead on her, and they couldn’t let it slip between their fingers.

“Here’s Callum’s car. Ray’s car is missing though. He better not screw this up,” Nate ground out. He slammed his fist on the wheel and let out a low growl. “Something must have happened. He was supposed to wait for us to make a move on the cabin.”

Tess swallowed. Fear and anger rolled off of Nate in waves, making her insides twist with anxiety.

Nate brought the car to a halt behind a large SUV and shut off the ignition. Tess opened her door and hopped out, taking in the surrounding woods. The forest was littered with hibernating trees. Leaves littered the muddy ground, coating it in a sea of yellows, oranges, and browns. If it were any other time, she would take a few moments to enjoy the beauty of nature. Today, she was focused on the woods around her. It was quiet—almost too quiet.

Nate opened his car door as he rapidly typed something into his phone. “Callum isn’t answering. Let’s hope he texts back. I don’t want to walk into something unknowingly.”

Tess nodded. She didn’t want to be ambushed either. Her ears perked up as she heard a car crunching over tree limbs behind them. She whirled around as her eyes scanned the woods.
Where is it?

Nate rushed around the side of the car. He clasped one hand tightly around her elbow and led her away to a fallen log. They ducked down behind the limb as the vehicle grew closer.

The car stopped with a screech and a car door opened and thumped closed.

“Nate? Is that you?” a male’s voice called out.

That’s not Callum. Great. I think that’s Ray. Ugh.

Nate shot up. “Ray,” he called, waving his hand. “Over here.”

“There you are,” Ray beamed as he jogged to them. “I went out looking for you. Callum’s up at the cabin. They have Eden and Xander. They’re giving them first aide and we can be on our way soon.”

“Where are they? Is everything okay? What happened?” Nate asked in rapid succession as his eyes flicked over the woods.

“This way,” Ray motioned with his hand as he took off at a steady run.

Nate hurried after him, keeping pace with the other wolf. Tess paused. Her stomach twisted, knotting with unease, but at the same time, elatedness rolled over her. It was an odd feeling. She pushed the happiness to the side and focused on her own feelings.

Something’s not right. What? Ray hadn’t answered Nate’s questions either. Instead, he was leading him hurriedly to the unknown cabin. She searched the woods. Wildlife moved about, birds fluttered from tree to tree and a squirrel scuttled up a tree trunk with an acorn in its mouth. Everything seemed to be in place.

It’s probably because Ray’s a douche and I don’t like him. I’m overreacting.
Eden was close, and she knew Nate wanted to get to her. She charged ahead, racing to catch up to the two wolves.

“Everything okay?” Nate called over his shoulder as she drew closer.

“Yeah,” Tess replied. A chill zipped down her spine and she shivered.
Everything is fine. Calm down. Ray is a jerk, that’s all.

“Up this way,” Ray hollered, urging them on as he led the way up a steep ridge.

She understood Nate was eager to see Eden, but why was Ray running? Why was he so energetic about them reaching their destination? From what Nate said he wasn’t a friend so much as he was a teammate he got paired with often. He was too eager about reaching Eden, and where was everyone else?

Tess scurried up after them, gripping a low hanging branch to pull herself up the rest of the hill. The coppery scent of blood assaulted her senses, and she froze. Her heart beat rapidly in her chest as her pulse roared in her ears.

Nate and Ray hurried ahead.
He’s eager to get to Eden. I don’t blame him. But something’s not right.
She ambled through the woods, following the disgusting scent. A steep, but short cliff blocked her path, peering over her shoulder; she realized there was no quick way around. Best to go up. Finding her footing, she began her ascent.

The blood didn’t smell like it belonged to a hunter. Their blood was bitter and metallic. This smelled more animalistic. She inhaled deeply, trying to place the stench. It belonged to a... wolf. But Xander hadn’t said anything about an injured man. He hadn’t said much of anything.

She reached for a branch to hoist herself up onto the overhang. The limb snapped and Tess grumbled as she caught herself on a tree trunk. She gripped the trunk tightly and hauled herself up. Cold, unmoving fingers greeted her, grazing against her face as she crawled up and over the edge. She suppressed a shudder, focusing instead on getting safely to the top. No, they couldn’t be fingers, she was imagining it, they were probably rocks or tiny ashen branches. The coppery stench was overwhelming now, and she turned back to where she thought the fingers were. Crawling across the earth, she carefully moved aside some leaves. What the hell? A scream bubbled up her throat, and she clasped her hands over her mouth as a body came into view.

Oh my God. Is that Jax?

“Don’t move,” a male voice ordered.

Tess gasped as the leaves and twigs crackled around her. Hunters stepped out of their hiding spots, their guns trained on her. A lump formed in her throat as she slowly rose to her feet. She was completely surrounded with nowhere to go. She’d walked right into a trap.

Tess inhaled a shaky breath. She had to warn Nate. He was in trouble too.

Something cold pricked her neck and a painful jolt tore through her body, causing her to cry out loud. Tasers.
Good. Make noise. It’s the only way to warn Nate.
She shrieked again, unable to form words as another violent burst from the taser jarred her. Blackness clouded her vision as she fell forward onto the ground. Jax’s cool dead eyes stared blankly at her as yet another painful shock coursed through her.
Oh God. Stay awake. Stay awake
, she pleaded as the darkness clawed at her.

Chapter Twenty-One

ate’s steps faltered as Tess’ voice echoed through the woods. Anger and fear rolled over him like a tidal wave. He spun around, looking for her, but she was nowhere to be seen.
Where are you? What happened? I have to find her.

Nate held his breath, listening intently for any signs of his mate. He balled his hands into tight fists. Something wasn’t right. Tess was in danger. He turned and trotted off.

“Where are you going?” Ray called. “Eden’s this way.”

“Something’s up with Tess,” he hollered over his shoulder. Did he honestly not hear her scream?

“I know,” Ray snorted.

A gun clicked to Nate’s right, and he froze as a man stepped into his path. What the hell?

Nate frowned and turned back to his friend. Ray beamed as he strode toward him a cocky smile spreading over his face.

What the hell was going on? Did Ray do something to Tess? Is he working with the Hunters? Ray’s a wolf—he’s supposed to be on our side. What is he doing? Why is he betraying us?

“I can see you have questions,” Ray began, stopping a few feet away from him. “Let’s get to the cabin and I’ll answer everything. I assume by the shriek we heard moments ago that your little girlfriend is on her way there now too.”

They had Tess. Was she okay? Rage surged through him and he lunged toward Ray. Why couldn’t he hear her anymore? If anyone hurt her, they were going to feel his wrath.

Ray dodged out of the way and three more hunters stepped protectively in front of the wolf. So they are working together. Why?

“Where is Tess? Was Eden ever here?” Nate snarled. He wanted answers now.

“I don’t like repeating myself. This will go a lot better if you come with me,” Ray motioned for him to follow.

Nate gritted his teeth, peering around at his surroundings. There were at least eight men. All of them had guns aimed directly at him. He’d play along with Ray. For now. “Lead the way,” he snapped.

Ray beamed and continued his trek. Begrudgingly Nate followed behind.

The hunters circled around him. He didn’t need to look to know that the barrels of their guns were trained on his back. One wrong move and he’d be shot. It would be risky to run, and harder to help Tess and Eden, if Eden was even here, if he was injured. He suppressed a growl. Ray was going to pay for his betrayal.

A small cottage came into view just over a hill and he swallowed, watching as smoke billowed out of the brick chimney. They climbed up the incline in silence. Nate let his eyes wander, in an effort to count their enemies. He saw at least ten now. There were probably others he couldn’t see.
How did I miss that? Because I trusted Ray. I didn’t even think to look.

“This is far enough,” Ray said coming to a halt outside of the cabin.

“Is Eden in there?” Nate asked with a growl. If that bastard hurt his sister, he was going to kill him.

Ray turned around and tutted at him as he pulled thick zip ties from his jacket pocket. “On your knees.”

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