Shades Of Dragon (A BBW Dragon-Shifter Paranormal Romance) (11 page)

“Now?” Tegan groaned, his body aching.

“Yes, now,” Ciara replied. “It’s because of you that he’s safe. Besides, I want him to meet the only man who has ever made me truly happy.” Her cheeks turned crimson red, and her lips curved into a smile.

Tegan chuckled, his eyes sparkling. “Is that so?” he asked, teasingly.

“Yes, that’s so,” Ciara replied, laughing.

“Then that makes me your hero, and shouldn’t the hero get a kiss from his lady first?” A sexy smile played over his sinful lips.

“Oh, but of course,” she murmured. She moved closer, and Tegan’s hands rested on her hips, as he captured her lips possessively, as though he would never stop kissing her. The taste of her tongue was intoxicating, and he clung to her for a long time, lost in the flames of passion and love between them.

Chapter Twelve


“… and that’s when Tegan, this fine young shifter, swooped out of the sky with his dragon army, and saved us,” Arthur, Ciara’s father, concluded. He was standing in front of the council, along with Tegan, Ciara and Grey, dressed in the same stained, ragged clothing he’d been in when they’d rescued him, but still looking every inch the mayor with his proud, regal bearing, and keen green eyes that regarded the council steadily, and without fear, despite the harrowing ordeal he’d just been through. “Without them I can assure you that we would have all been sold off to the highest bidder in Solara, with none of you the wiser. I am eternally in his debt.”

      Arthur turned toward Tegan and bowed his head deeply. Ciara, who was standing at Tegan’s right, looped an arm around his waist and squeezed him, sending warmth and pride radiating through him that even Prophet’s glare couldn’t be touched. The traitor was standing at the other side of the room next to Drake, and two of the Firewalker shifters they’d managed to capture and bring back with them, all in chains and each restrained by their own individual guard.

      “I am just happy that you’re safe,” Tegan told Arthur, but he held Prophet’s gaze, then Drake’s as he spoke. The former clan Alpha looked as though he’d like to spit fire at Tegan, but he was restrained – likely by the gag in his mouth.

      “Thank you for your testimony,” Serina said gravely. She turned to Tegan and Ciara. “Do you two have anything to add?” she asked them.

      Tegan shook his head, as did Ciara. “We’ve said all we need to say,” Ciara told the council. “And I trust you will use the information to come to a sound and fair judgment.”

      “As we will,” the council woman assured her. She turned her head toward the guards. “Please bring the prisoners forward.”

      Drake, Prophet, and the two Firewalker males were dragged forth. “Based on the testimony received and the overwhelming amount of evidence,” she said. “I hereby sentence you all to life imprisonment for your crimes. This matter is now adjourned.”

      Drake started shouting through his gag and twisted hard, clearly intending to launch himself at the council, but the guard quickly restrained him. Prophet, interestingly enough, simply sagged and hung his head in defeat. The Firewalker shifters said nothing as they were dragged away, simply shooting everyone hateful glares. Tegan supposed he should feel sorry for them since there was no way they were going to be able to say goodbye to their loved ones, but he really didn’t; if he’d been but an hour later arriving at that village on the day of the attack, they would have taken Ciara too, and the thought of that alone made him hunger for their blood.

      “Tegan Maxwell,” Serina called when he started to head for the exit, “Please come forth.”

      Tegan paused, his pulse rising as a sliver of anxiety worked its way into his chest. “Yes?” he asked, inclining his head and wondering just what the hell was going to happen next.

      “Are you still planning on remaining with us?”

      “I beg your pardon?” Tegan lifted his head, confusion furrowing his brow. “What do you mean?”

      “Well, you recently connected with your birth father, who is standing outside with his clan mates, awaiting word of the trial,” Serina said. “I’m wondering if you are planning on heading back with him to his clan, or if you intend on remaining with us.”

      Tegan hesitated. He hadn’t really considered the idea of going back to his father’s clan, but now that he thought about it, part of him wished he could simply fly off into the sunset with his father and start over as a family again. But as he glanced over to Grey and Ciara, who stood off to the side waiting for him, he knew in his heart, where he truly belonged.

      “No,” he said softly. “My intention is to remain here with the Redwater clan, my home…with my family.”

      “We are very happy to hear that,” Serina said, a warm smile spreading across her handsome features. “And rather relieved, as we would like to beg a favor of you?”

      “Anything.” Tegan bowed his head, relieved that he hadn’t done anything wrong.

      “Would you be willing to take over as clan Alpha?”

      “What?” Tegan’s head snapped up again. “Clan Alpha?”

      Serina’s tone was almost apologetic. “We know this is very sudden, but we do need someone to pick up the reins in Drake’s absence, and you have proven your leadership skills. We are convinced you would make an excellent Alpha.” She gestured to the other council members, who all nodded in agreement.”

      Tegan was flabbergasted. “You should be asking Grey,” he said, pointing toward his old friend, a man he called uncle. “He is far more qualified – ”      

      “I certainly am,” Grey interrupted with a smile, his voice gentle but firm. “But I am too old.” He stepped forward to lay a hand on Tegan’s shoulder. “I may be strong in mind, but my body is too frail at this stage in my life to be able to defend the clan should the need arise. You, however, have what it takes both mentally and physically.”               

      Tegan narrowed his eyes as he looked back and forth between Grey and Serina. “You two have already discussed this.”

      Serina didn’t even blink. “As I said before, we all agree you would be an excellent choice.”

      Tegan sucked in a breath. “I – I’ll have to think about it,” he finally said. “I can’t make such an important decision such as that on the spur of the moment.”

      “We understand,” Serina said smoothly, inclining her head. “Take a few days to think it over. After that you must let us know so we can find another candidate, if necessary. Until then, you are dismissed.”

      “Thank you.” Tegan bowed, and then exited the cabin with Grey and Ciara.

      As expected, Dageus was waiting outside with his shifters. They had been fed, rested, their armor patched up, and looked ready to hit the skies again. “I surmise from the murderous glares those fellows sent me that you’ve already won,” Dageus said, stepping forward and opening his arms wide for a hug. “So I won’t press you for all the details just yet, as we need to get going. But you will have to fill me in on everything when you come to visit next.”

      “I will.” A lump formed in Tegan’s throat as he embraced his father, feeling the warm, loving embrace of his biological parent for the first time in living memory. “Thank you so much for everything.”

      “Thank you.” Dageus’s eyes were shining a little as he stepped back. “For having the courage to come to me for help. I am sorry that you had to endure such hardship in your life, but I promise you, I will always be here for you.” He squeezed Tegan’s shoulder, his gaze turning into a serious one. “Don’t hesitate to call on us again if you need us. And bring your pretty maiden, too.” He winked at Ciara, who grinned and blushed, then embraced her as well.

      “Come visit soon,” Garrison said, stepping up for a hug of his own. “We have much to catch up on as brothers.”

      “I will…I promise.”

      They stood by as the Blackfire dragons shifted and took flight, watching them soar off into the sky until they were pink dots in the pale dawn light. Tegan was completely exhausted, having been up throughout the night getting all the villagers home safe and sound, then returning to Redwater to deal with Drake, and the council. But all of it was overshadowed now by the joy and triumph he felt, and by the love that surrounded him as Grey stood on his left, his hand on Tegan’s shoulder, and Ciara to his right, with her arm around his waist.

      “Well this has been quite an adventure,” Grey finally said when they were alone. He turned to Tegan, a tired smile on his face. “But I’m afraid it’s a little too much excitement for an old man. I’m going to go and rest for a little while and leave the two of you alone. Try not to get into too much trouble, would you?”

      “We’ll try not to,” Tegan replied, and he and Ciara laughed. As Grey headed back down the hill to his cottage, Tegan drew Ciara into his arms. “What do you think he meant by trouble, exactly?”

      “I’m not sure,” Ciara replied, a mischievous glint in her eyes, as she looped her arms around his neck. “But it probably has something to do with the fact that I can’t keep my hands off you.”

      “You read my mind, woman.” He scooped her up into his arms, and caught her mouth in a long kiss, then headed around the back of the council’s cabin for the woods. “How do you feel about getting into lots,” he kissed Ciara on the neck, his lips drawing a gentle line down to her shoulder and she shuddered, “and lots of trouble tonight…”

      Ciara gave him a positively devilish grin. “I think there are worse ways to end an adventure.”

      Tegan carried her into the shelter of the woods, a bounce in his step as he strode briskly towards the clearing. In no time they were there – a small clearing with soft, mossy ground that he often came to when he wanted to sit and think and just be alone. He lowered Ciara gently to the ground, then settled his body atop hers and kissed her deeply. She moaned, wrapping her arms and legs around him, but just as he began to relax into her, she shifted suddenly, rolling them so that he landed flat on his back with a thump.

      “Wow,” he growled, somewhat breathlessly – as he watched her straddle him. She looked like a warrior princess, still dressed in her leather armor with her red hair flowing wild and free behind her, her eyes gleaming with the fire of a successful battle. But it was to be a battle of lust rather than bone and blood, so he was more than happy to surrender.

      She simply shrugged, an impish smile on her face. “I thought it would be nice to be on top this time,” she said, and then looked down so that she could undo the laces on her armor. He watched hungrily as the leather slid away from her body along with the cotton underneath, revealing her bare torso and those beautiful full breasts that he hadn’t tasted in what seemed like forever. But when he reached for them, she pulled back a little, leaning so they swayed tantalizingly, just out of reach.

      “Uh, uh, uh.” She waved a finger at him as though he’d been naughty. “I’m in charge.”

      “So you are,” he said, a little surprised at where this was going, but very pleased. He laid back and allowed her to strip his armor from him, which she did slowly and carefully, taking her time as she ran her fingers along the contours of his body. He hissed when she touched a sensitive spot, groaned when she dragged her tongue across a patch of salty skin, and sucked in a breath when she pushed down his pants, and took his cock in her hands.

      “A few of the women in my village have talked about doing this,” she said, grinning shyly at him as her hand slid up and down her cock. “But I’ve never really understood why one might want to until now.”

      Before he could ask what the hell she was talking about, she lowered her head and took him into her mouth – all of him. A sharp cry left his lips, startling the birds from their perches in the trees, and his whole body went rigid.

      Ciara lifted her head abruptly, her green eyes wide with worry. “Did I hurt you?”

      He half-laughed, half groaned. “No, sweetheart,” he said, his voice tight with need. “It just… felt really good. Almost too good.”

      “Do you want me to stop?”

      “Hell no.” He bucked his hips a little, indicating where he wanted her attention. “By all means, keep going.”

      The shy but mischievous grin returned, and she lowered her head again to take his length back in her mouth. He sucked in a sharp breath, then pressed his lips together to keep from alerting the entire clan that he was out in the woods making love to Ciara, but the wonderful pleasure she was giving him with her mouth and tongue was so intense that he couldn’t help but let out a groan. He slid his hands into her hair and moved her head up and down, urging her to go faster, and she did, increasing both the pressure and speed until he was rocketing toward the edge at a faster pace than he could handle.

      “Ciara,” he gasped, trying to pull her away. “I’m going to come.”

      But she didn’t stop, simply swatted his hands away and kept on sucking until he exploded, his entire body convulsing as the orgasm crashed through him. This time there was no holding back the cry that burst from his lips, echoing across the tree trunks and probably the very hills behind them.

      When he finally came back to himself, he opened his eyes to find her still settled between his legs and watching him with an absolutely devilish grin on her face. “Well, if your clan didn’t know what we were up to before, they certainly do now,” she said, her voice filled with suppressed laughter.

      “Yeah, well you know what?” he said, with a grin. He pounced on her then, sending her toppling backward with a shriek. “I don’t really give a damn what they think. We’re going to stay out here and make love until we’re catatonic, and then once we wake up, we’ll do it all over again.”

      “That sounds like a plan to me,” she said, her full lips curving into a playful smile. “As long as you don’t get bored of me, of course.”

      “Oh, you don’t have to worry about that,” he growled, dipping his head down to kiss her again. “I’ll never, ever get enough of you.” His eyes burned with a hunger that would never dim as he took her into his arms and kissed his mate.


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