The Bad Boys' Virgin Temptress (The Law Castle Bad Boys) (10 page)


“Don’t worry about it. Just help me get these customers sorted. I can work the till for the both of us.”

The next four hours Cheryl was hands deep in sandwiches, bread, buns, biscuits and every other type of desert that could be baked. The work was demanding, but she enjoyed it. The customer came in, ordered what they wanted, and she picked it out or made it up into a gift basket, handed it over, took the cash and waved goodbye. Pretty simple. After the intensive care she’d given her mother, she was looking for something simple.

Once the queue went down, Brenda began to ask her questions about what she could work and when.

“I’m available full time. I can be here when you need me.”

“Well I start getting busy from seven, but I’m here at five in the morning to start the baking early. I work Monday to Friday until four in the afternoon. Could you be here from six till four, Monday to Friday?” Brenda asked. 

“It sounds perfect.”

The rest of the day was spent with her preparing the cookies in gift bags and learning to use the till. Brenda got the paperwork ready for her to sign. Cheryl knew she’d have to thank Noah and Drew for bringing her. The time spent working meant she wasn’t dwelling on her own situation, and the work provided her with a chance to interact in public again.

Several of her old high-school friends had made an appearance, including Andrea Simpson, known as Andy. The two didn’t have time to talk, but ice had been broken so to speak. Cheryl helped clean away the debris from the day, and Brenda packaged up an assortment of biscuits and donuts.

“Give them to your men. They deserve them, and I’ll see you bright and early tomorrow.” Brenda locked the shop and left. Staring at the box in her hand, Cheryl held the gift against her chest and walked towards the mechanic shop.

She pulled her jacket off as the afternoon heat was still warm. Summer would be a scorcher if the present weather was anything to go by.

The mechanic shop was busy with at least three to four cars being worked on. She saw Noah and Drew instantly. They’d removed their shirts. Their chests were covered in grease, and she felt a pull low in her stomach. Biting her lip to keep her moan inside, she walked to the front. Several girls were standing by a bench giggling at the semi-naked men. Turning her gaze away from the girls she saw all the men had removed their shirts. What surprised her were the blushes some of the men wore.

Hum, the
bad boys don’t like certain attention.

Noah glanced up first and gave her a big beaming smile. She held up the decorative box.

“Break, boys,” he said walking over to her. “How was your day?”

“Busy but great. Thank you for taking me.”

“You got the job.”

“Yes, and these are from Brenda as a thank you.”

He took the box from her. The men all dived in with relish. Jake, Brent, and Connor moved away out of sight of the girls while Drew and Noah took her inside the office. They had a window overlooking the work shop, and she watched the three men eating their pastries.

“What’s with the blushes?” she asked, turning back to the two men in the room.

Noah and Drew came to stand on either side of her staring out the window. “They’re girls. Wouldn’t you be a little embarrassed if a fifteen-year-old whistled to you and giggled?” Drew said.

“I guess, but I thought you guys were supposed to love that kind of attention?”

“Sorry, darling, but having a bunch of school-girls admiring me isn’t my idea of a good time. They’re kids, and I don’t fuck around with kids.”

Staring at the girls and then the men, Cheryl suddenly felt kind of bad for them. What would happen if one of the men was caught in a compromising situation? She shook her head, not wanting to think of the possibility. They had certainly opened her eyes.

The girls left when they realised none of the men were going to pay them attention. Cheryl stayed at the shop watching the men work. They looked good with their bulging muscles and tanned flesh on display. Every once in a while she’d hear the whistles and giggles of passing girls, and she’d see them all cringe.

Noah and Drew drove her home later that night, kissed her and then left. Going inside her house, she leaned against the closed door. How long would she be able to cope being around them before she begged them to take her?


The next day was much like the first except that Drew and Noah turned up at her house at five-thirty in the morning. They had a bag with them, and again they sat her at her table as they made coffee and poured her a bowl of cereal. She couldn’t help but laugh at their attentiveness. The comforting silence as they all ate breakfast made her wonder what it would be like if she gave in. Would it be as nice as it was now?

Drew washed the bowls so she could finish getting ready, and with ten minutes to spare they were out her front door and heading towards the bakery. She sat between the two in silence, thanking them once again with a kiss to the cheek. Brenda was already working when she walked in at six.

The rest of the week went by with the same old routine. Drew and Noah were the perfect gentlemen even though she gave them so many openings to simply take her. Instead, they kissed her on the forehead or cheek, and then they’d leave. She loved spending time with them, but she was starting to lose her mind with wanting them. They’d thrown down a challenge for her to go to them, but she didn’t know if she could.

They appeared every morning like devilish angels looking refreshed and sexy as sin while she spent every night with erotic dreams about the two men. She was ready to pull her hair out.

Brenda, seeing her frustration, had let her knead the dough. She’d pulled the hell out of the hard dough making it unusable.

“Do you feel better?” the woman said on Thursday morning.

“Not much.” She was sweating, tired, and aching all over. Her body was on fire for them constantly, and what was worse, no matter how many times she gave herself an orgasm, none of them compared to the ones she experienced in their arms.

They’d ruined her for any other man. If she couldn’t find the best release at her own hand how could she expect to go with someone else but Drew and Noah? Her anger got the better of her making her snap at them when they dropped her off at home. In the space of four days she’d gone from being a carefree woman to a nympho. Every time she saw them, she wanted to jump their bones.

It was so unfair. A week ago she’d been a virgin wanting to find someone to spend her first time with. Drew and Noah had given her an amazing first, second, third and even fourth time, but now they held all the physical away from her.

She felt like a child in a candy store who was being told no, the scent of the candy so close yet so far away.

Friday came, and the same happened. They served her breakfast, which was sweet and loving, but Cheryl had had enough. She spent the day at the bakery and overheard some of the women talking about Drew and Noah being at The Dugout. At four she went to their shop, watched them work until they dropped her off after six. No words were spoken, but soft gentle kisses given.

Going inside she stared at her reflection in the mirror. She had to act now. There was no way she could go on constantly fighting them. Pulling the band from her hair, she removed her clothes and took a shower. By the end of the night, Noah and Drew wouldn’t be able to resist her.



Chapter Ten


Her plan had been fine inside her head, but going through with it was another thing entirely. She’d taken a cab to the bar not wanting to worry about driving with how frayed her nerves were. The previous Friday she hadn’t completely expected to go home with Noah and Drew. This Friday was different. Not only was she going in there with the intention of getting fucked, she was also going in there with the intention of claiming her men.

By the end of the night she never wanted Noah and Drew to deny her. Running her finger through her hair, resolving her issues quickly inside her head, she walked inside the loud bar.

Smoke filled the bar, and couples were all over in different stages of making out. For a Friday night it was pretty crowded. She noticed several of the locals and plenty of people she didn’t know.

Cheryl stood inside the club in her mini skirt and tight white shirt. The clothes she’d picked had been with the seduction in mind.  She hadn’t wanted to leave the house, but Noah and Drew challenged her in ways she never expected. If they didn’t think she was capable of having fun without them she was about to show them differently. Okay, so her main intention was to gain their attention, but she would use any means possible. 

Passing the crowd of people at The Dugout she went straight to the bar and ordered a beer. The woman serving that Friday night handed her a bottle without too much trouble considering the number of people at the bar waiting for their orders. Another Friday night, and the dance floor was heaving. The summer was fast approaching, and she knew the town got busy. Plenty of people wanted to visit
just to see if the ménage rumour was true. Sipping her beer, she perused the other customers. When she hadn’t spotted Drew or Noah she turned her gaze to the dance floor. Couples in two or threes danced together to the erotic beat of the music. Smiling, her face froze, her heart hammering inside her chest.

Drew and Noah had a blonde dancing between them. It looked like the same blonde they’d been dancing with the week before. A skinny blonde with barely anything on, not that Cheryl could complain. Her own outfit left little to the imagination. Cheryl stared at the woman and knew the blonde looked much better than she did. Playing with the sticky label on her beer bottle, she couldn’t look away. Noah, Drew, and the blonde looked great together. Cheryl probably looked like fat cow between two hot men. She took a gulp of her beer. Cheryl couldn’t watch them dancing with the blonde. The jealousy stirred inside her. She took a quick glance at the dance floor and saw another woman dancing. When she looked closely it could be mistaken as a friendly dance. She knew Noah and Drew had a reputation for picking up women. Is that what they were doing?

So much for being their woman. She snorted but couldn’t look away from the sexual scene they were creating. Feeling completely stupid she placed her drink on the bar and turned to leave. She collided against a firm hard chest. Large arms sprang out to support her and to stop her falling backwards. Feeling even more like a sack of potatoes she felt the stain of humiliation claiming her.

“Sorry,” she said.

“Don’t worry about it, Cheryl.”

She glanced up the long line of his body to see Jake, Brent, and Connor surround her. The three men who worked with Noah and Drew. She’d felt sorry for them after the girls kept giggling at them. Now, they looked ready for action. They were no longer covered in grease, and their clothes were tight. She took a moment to appreciate the view only to come up short. They were nothing like Noah and Drew. Her heart didn’t pound, and the flood of heat was nonexistent. Annoyed at her lack of response, she glanced over at the two men who did make her body come alive only to sigh in frustration. No way would she ever be as flexible as the blonde. She loved food too much, and the thought of exercise made her want to vomit. Life was too short to spend it working out to some tune.   

“Do you want to dance?” Jake asked, pulling her out of the morbid thoughts.

Turning back to the dance floor she saw Noah dancing to the music. The women around him looked to be having a good time. They were doing everything to try and grab Noah and Drew’s attention, and that was the final straw. She had to get out of there. 

“I don’t think that would be a good idea....” Before she had time to finish, Jake grabbed her hand and brought her flush to his body.

“We don’t want anything from you, but we all want to see Noah and Drew swoon. Dance with us, and they’ll forget about that blonde. I swear we don’t want you that way.”

Frowning, she stared up into Jake’s eyes. Would dancing with different men drive Drew and Noah crazy? “Why would you help me like this?”

“I have my reasons for doing what I do. Let me help you, and then you’ll owe me when I call in a favour.”

“That doesn’t sound like a great deal.” She made to pull away, but Jake held her firm.

“It’s nothing bad, I promise. Look at them.” Cheryl gazed at the two men who’d denied her all week, feeling sick to her stomach. This is why she wanted nothing to do with them. She would spend every waking moment wondering if they’d found someone to replace her. How could she survive a lifetime with them? “They expect you to go to them. Noah and Drew need to realise what they’ve got in front of them. They want you, Cheryl. You’ve just got to show them you’ve got the grit to stand by them.”

“And for a short time, you’ll get revenge on them without even trying?” She wasn’t blind to the way Noah and Drew ribbed the three men in front of her. Spending time at the mechanic shop for the last week she’d seen it firsthand.


She saw one of the woman’s hands disappearing down Noah’s chest. The other woman’s destination
clear, and
mind was made up. “Let’s go.”

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