The Bad Boys' Virgin Temptress (The Law Castle Bad Boys) (7 page)

Wrapping her arms around Drew, she was pulled back against Noah with both of their hands all over her body. Her figure did not bother her. Even with four hands on her she had more than enough flesh to go around. Noah rubbed his cock near her ass. She broke the kiss to cry out, turning her head for Noah to kiss her lips. Drew moved down to her neck to the opening of her blouse.

She had no idea why she was protesting to their attention. They both knew what to do with their hands and mouths. Being with them would provide her with plenty of experience. Could she give her body to them repeatedly without expecting any commitment?

Don’t settle for a life of wondering if they will love you.

Closing her eyes, she tried to rid her mind of the negative thoughts. Noah and Drew were not the settling type, but she was. She wanted to settle down with a guy who could love her and be happy with her alone.

Shaking her head, she broke off all contact. Her hands were up in the air pulling away from both men. The heat in her body scared her at the intensity of pleasure they created.

“I can’t do this,” she said in a whisper to herself.

“We want you, Cheryl. Let us in.”

She shook her head. “No.” It didn’t matter who spoke the words. She refused to give in. “I said no.”

Walking out of the kitchen she made her way to the front door. Drew and Noah followed close behind her. Opening the front door she turned to look at each man. Both of them looked annoyed, and she knew they were ready for a fight.

Drew put his shirt on, and her gaze drifted, those bulging muscles in his arms gaining her attention. She knew what it felt like to have his hands on her. The strength in his arms commanded her in ways she never thought possible. Next she turned to Noah. His shirt was on, but she saw the strain in the fabric to fit around his arms.

“Please, leave.”

“Slam, bam, thank you, men,” Noah said with a smirk.

She winced from the harshness of his tone.

“Just go.”

Drew moved closer cupping her cheek and brushing her lips, kissing her gently. “This isn’t over,” he said.

Before she had chance to argue, he left going down the steps to her front gate. Noah came next, but he wasn’t gentle. He cupped her chin and slammed his lips down on hers, pushing her up the wall. The front door had been left open. They stood behind it, out of view. He grabbed her hands and placed them by her head trapping her between him and the wall.

“What are you doing?” she asked.

“We will never give you cause to doubt us, Cheryl.”

Tears filled her eyes, his words hitting at the exact thoughts that were keeping her away from them.

“How can I know for sure?”

“Because we’ve never gone back to a woman for seconds, let alone thirds.” She went to protest, but he claimed her lips in another fiery kiss turning her protest into a moan of submission to his dominance. He moved down to her ear, biting her lobe. “And we’ve never had a woman stay the night between us. We send them home as soon as we’re done.”

What could she do with that new information?

“Think about it, Cheryl. We’re not giving you up without a fight. You may as well admit you’re going to be ours.” He let her hands go, slammed his lips down on hers, and then he lifted her leg over his hip and thrust his pelvis against hers.

God help her, she gave in. Wrapping her hands around his neck she pressed back meeting him half way.

The moment went as quickly as it started. He pulled away leaving her panting behind the door.

“Think about me until next time I’m in your cunt.”

She flushed, growling out curses. Noah left, and she heard him chuckling all the way to her front gate.

She slammed the front door and gave it a swift kick for good measure. How dare they talk to her like that? She wasn’t their woman, never would be. A couple bouts of good sex didn’t make a relationship.

Throwing her hands up in the air in exasperation she went back to the kitchen to unpack the groceries she’d managed to buy from the market.


Noah could taste her on his lips. He smiled thinking about her death stare before he walked out of her front door. She was destined to be their woman. All they had to do was prove it to her.

“It would appear our reputation is going to cause us a problem,” Drew said.

“Nah. Cheryl isn’t a quitter. Our reputation will provide her with a challenge she can’t refuse. She wants us. She’s just too afraid to give herself completely in case we get bored.” Noah ran his fingers through his hair, his cock rock-hard inside his leather pants. A small touch from Cheryl and he wanted to sink himself balls deep inside her warmth. Closing the gate behind him, he thought about what it would feel like to claim her ass.

A moan escaped him loud enough for Drew to hear.

“What dirty thoughts are you thinking?”

“Her ass. She’d be as tight as fuck. We’d have to get her used to being touched before we can fuck her there.”

“Jesus, man. I can barely keep myself contained. You have to go and talk about that luscious ass?”

They began walking the short distance to their mechanic shop. Jake and all the workers would be off for the weekend, but they still had work to do. The street was all but deserted.

“Do you really think she’ll give in?” Drew asked.

“I won’t take no for an answer. Cheryl will be our woman. All we’ve got to do is give her some persuading.” Noah pushed away any niggling doubts he had. Cheryl awakened something good inside him. For the first time in all of his thirty years he wanted to know what it was like to wake up next to a woman. Other couples in
loved one woman and looked more than happy when he’d seen them around town. He could finally have a family with Cheryl and Drew.

Settling down with one woman had never been part of his plan with his life, but having children had been. He was thankful he’d found a suitable woman in Cheryl to be the mother of his children.

Noah knew he was thinking too far ahead, but he couldn’t help it.

“Do you think we should give her some space?” Drew asked.

“And give her a chance to come up with more reasons not to be with us? No. Cheryl came to us for a reason. She could have told us to fuck off at The Dugout last night and gone home with Jake and his boys. She picked us.”

Since taking her home and fucking her brains out, along with claiming her virginity, Noah had felt a possessive need to claim her as his. He didn’t want to talk about it with Drew because he wasn’t sure what it meant.

Women were great, and he loved them; but he never felt the intense need to see them again or to give them a second try. He appreciated women for one thing only, their ability to ease his cock. Noah winced at his own thoughts. If Cheryl could hear inside his head, she would run away as fast and far as possible. He would need to hold his tongue when he was around her.

Losing her wasn’t an option.

When they got back to the mechanic shop, Jake had pinned a note to the door about some of the customers who’d popped in. Drew disappeared inside the office while Noah got to work on some of the machines.

Neither put on the radio, and, for once, Noah appreciated the silence. He needed to think.

He worked on the cars for several hours, his head filled with thoughts of his woman. That was how he thought of Cheryl, as his woman.

After working four hours straight, he pulled himself out from under the last car and saw his Uncle Patrick staring down at him.

“I’ve been waiting for you to come out of there,” Patrick said, giving him a hand to stand.

Stretching out his used muscles, Noah shook Patrick’s hand and then called out to Drew. His friend came out of the office with Larry, who was Patrick’s best friend and partner. They shared a wife and lived on the outskirts of town. When Noah’s parents had skipped town to join a rock band they’d left him with his uncle. He didn’t regret it. Uncle Patrick had been a wonderful substitute dad and friend. The older man kept him out of trouble and had helped him to understand his need to share a woman.

“What brings you here?” Noah asked, grabbing a cloth from his waist and wiping the excess muck from his hands.

“Gloria wants you to come to dinner and to bring Cheryl Fisher with you,” Patrick said.

For the first time in twenty years Noah felt a blush stain his cheeks.

“How does she know about Cheryl?” he asked. Drew was staring at the floor looking every bit as guilty as he felt.

“You’ve been sniffing around that girl for a while. Do you think we wouldn’t know when you’d start trying to get the girl to settle down?”

“Also, Gloria was at market today and saw you pretty much making out with the girl in front of the fruit and vegetables,” Larry said.

Noah went to run his fingers through his hair but stopped when he saw the amount of grease still on his hands.

“Drew and I can make it, but Cheryl would more than likely turn down an invitation.”

The blush got a deeper red. Cursing the woman who was making his life difficult, Noah glanced at the man who’d been more a father to him than his own dad.

Patrick and Larry began to chuckle. “Your reputations getting the better of you?” Larry asked.

“Cheryl is under the impression we’re not the settling type. She said she couldn’t live a life wondering if we were about to go off with some other woman.”

“Then you’ve got to show her who’s boss. Gloria fought Larry and me every step of the way.”

It had been over ten years since Noah had asked his uncle for advice. Looking at the older man, he wondered why he hadn’t asked him for advice with regards to his feelings for Cheryl before now.

“What did you do?” Drew asked before Noah got chance to.

“We showed her without any doubt she was the woman we were more than happy to settle down with.”



Chapter Seven


The following day, Cheryl decided to have lunch at the local diner. She hated cooking a dinner for herself on a Sunday and missed her mother terribly. Being at the diner meant she could begin building the friendships she’s been hiding from ever since her mother had found out she had cancer.

Last night had been one of the hardest nights she’d spent alone in a long time. Being with Drew and Noah for the short period of time had opened her eyes to the loneliness she was living.

She brushed her hair and applied some lipstick before grabbing her keys and leaving the house. Locking up behind her had become a routine, and she still did everything the same. The sun was shining, and she’d decided to wear a plain white summer dress. The colour wouldn’t clash with her hair. The dark red strands always made certain colours look too garish on her. Also, her size was a little off-putting. Some colours screamed out to her that she should go on a diet.

Several people passed, saying “morning” to her, and she responded to them with a smile. Every day was getting easier for her to live life. Living on her own wasn’t as much fun as she’d thought it would be.

Her mother had been a big influence in her life. The house, with all of her wonderful memories, could plague her in the dead of night. She still got up, even after a year of being alone, to the call of her mother.

Shaking her head to clear the morbid memories, she kept on walking until the diner was in sight.

Once in her short life she’d had plenty of friends. Men and women who hung out, played around, waiting for the time when they’d be adults and could go out partying for real. When she was less than fifty feet away from the diner a pair of hands around her waist stopped her in her tracks. She yelped from the contact and went to lash out. A hand covered her mouth, and then the undeniably sensual voice whispered in her ear, “I dreamt about you last night.”

Drew held her in his arms, his hand over her mouth to stop her scream. Her panic dissipated. He would never hurt her. In the position she was in, he held all the power, but she knew she was safe.

“I’m going to let go of your mouth and turn you around. When I do, you’re going to kiss me. Understood?”

The command in his voice undid her. How could a woman not love it when a man took control?

She did know that if Drew held her, Noah wasn’t too far behind. Those men hunted together like a team.

Nodding her head to answer his question, she waited for him to release her. In a matter of seconds his hand was gone from her mouth, and he’d turned her around and was kissing her passionately. Without thought, Cheryl responded. Pressing her body to his, she met him stroke for stroke. Opening her lips and giving him access to her mouth, she kissed him back with a fever of her own.

His hand sank into her hair, and she felt him tighten his grip.  Letting out a moan she tightened her hold in the hair at the base of his neck. Two could play at that game.

“If you get any hotter you’re going to have to get a room. However, you’re giving the customers at the diner a real good show,” Noah said.

Drew pulled away from her with a smile on his lips. “I take it you missed me just as much as I missed you?” He ignored Noah, and she couldn’t help but smile at his teasing grin.

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