Read Trigger Happy (Girls with Guns, #2) Online

Authors: Ashley Bostock

Tags: #girls with guns, #finance, #credit union, #dance competition, #Silver Slippers Saloon, #CEO, #Gun shy, #trigger happy, #handguns, #series, #sexy series, #concealed weapon, #contemporary romance, #accounting, #collections

Trigger Happy (Girls with Guns, #2) (2 page)

As nervous and scared as she was, she was dying to see what this man looked like. Was he a gentle or rough lover? The way that he initially grabbed her told her he was dominating but when she felt his breath on her neck she began having second thoughts.

Amber’s attention went back to the woman, who was now crawling with the grace of a tiger up onto the bed. She took her place in the center of the bed, her feet pointed toward Amber. She couldn’t take her eyes off of her, wondering what she was going to do. The lady was wearing a little black dress that clung to her body, in all the places Amber wished she possessed. She wore stilettos, that in normal circumstances Amber would be jealous of, but as it were, she was on pins and needles waiting for this woman to make her next move. She didn’t know what to expect but somewhere inside of Amber she wanted to close her eyes in embarrassment and yet, stare like a child that hadn’t yet learned her manners.

The woman spread her legs wide open. Amber gulped. Venus wasn’t wearing anything under her LBD. Before Amber could watch her next move, the door swung open. It was too far away for her to get a clear view of the man walking out. At least, not right away. But as he walked closer into the light, Amber became afraid that she wasn’t going to be able to hold herself up any longer. Please be strong, she whispered to herself.

He strolled like a tomcat. Slowly, knowing his prey wasn’t very far away. She could just make out his dark hair and broad shoulders. He was extremely tall, towering over her 5’8” build. His body was camouflaged beneath a dark shirt and denim jeans but she was certain it was a body she wanted to see more of. His dominating eyes watched her the entire time.

Instinctively, she squeezed her legs shut. This man was very handsome. She forgot about the blonde for just a moment and her eyes flickered over to the bed. She was still there with her legs spread open, her hand in between them. Oh God, Amber thought. What am I doing here?

The man followed her train of thought, to the woman on the bed and asked her, “How does that make you feel?”

Honesty, Amber, remember, honesty! She scolded herself. Again, she gulped, almost choking on her words.

“Hot. It makes me feel hot.”

As he began to walk away, he added, “It is very hot. You are very hot. You are very beautiful.”

Amber couldn’t even say thanks as she watched this man’s amazing behind as he strolled toward the bed. He pulled his shirt off at the edge of the bed, intently watching The Goddess as she did those intimate things to herself. He didn’t say a word as he sat on the bed and pushed her fingers out of the way, his taking their place.

Amber watched, tied up, this sexual interlude between these two unknown people. Hottie Number One and Hottie Number Two. She watched as this man drove this woman crazy, as he brought her to the brink of orgasm only to hold her off and start over again.

He finally unbuttoned his denim jeans letting his manhood swing out. Amber almost couldn’t take it anymore. She wanted that. She wanted to be that woman on the bed, receiving all of that sexual energy from that gorgeous man. Amber craved for it to be her who was receiving attention from him. She needed release but with her hands tied behind her back, there wasn’t a damn thing she could do about it. Her mind begged for this man and woman to take her.
Look at me please
, she willed,
I can make you happy, too.
But they were too involved in what they were doing to each other to give her a backward glance.

Slowly the man slid himself into the woman. Her back arched and she screamed in delight. Amber bit her tongue. It was more difficult than she anticipated, staying silent. He moved with a slow rhythm inside this Goddess, her legs bent up to her chest. Amber wanted that! She wanted all of it. She wanted to kiss them, nibble on them, suck on both of them. She definitely wanted the feel of their hands on her most intimate places in return.

She watched as he turned her over and fucked her from behind. She listened to the steady slap of his body against naked flesh. She watched in jealousy at how delightful it must feel.

And she wasn’t getting any of it.

She watched and watched and watched for what felt like eternity. She wanted to cry. Is this what she really signed up for? Was she crazy? The idea turned her on but now that she was actually enduring all of it – enduring it with no relief, she wanted to gouge her eyeballs out. The pleasurable feeling that had been teasing her moments ago had now been turned into pain. Her thighs hurt from squeezing her legs together, trying to create friction – some sort of release.

Her eyes were finally giving up. She couldn’t take this man doing all of these pleasurable things to this woman anymore. Especially since it wasn’t her. She was going to pass out, she was certain, as her eyelids grew heavy and her ears heard no sound. Oh thank God. They’re done? It was torture. Are they done? She hoped so. She pried her eyes back open and there he stood, in all his male glory, directly in front of her.

“Did you watch or were your eyes closed the whole time?” he demanded.

“I watched,” she confessed.

He slowly moved to pull her skirt down. He gripped her hips and slowly but surely pulled it down past her hips and buttocks, finally letting it fall to the floor.

“Did you like it?” He was so close to her she could smell sweat and sex and his cologne. She could feel his breath on her cheek. Okay, it was a reasonable question. Yes, she loved it. But she hated it too.

“It drove me crazy,” she confessed.

His lips quirked into a little grin, “But did you like it?” he demanded once again making his question crystal clear.

“Yes. I liked it,” she whispered.

Before she could think, his fingers found their way inside her panties, inside of her. She arched her back, her head ramming into the column.

“Aggh,” she screamed. She was unbelievably close to an orgasm. She wanted him to take her to bed.
Fuck me
, she begged silently,
want me

“I am glad you liked it because you know what, Reina?” His forehead rested upon hers. She could smell her sex wafting up between them. His breath was on her lips. “It is time for you to join us. I have been dying to pleasure you.”


orry I'm late. It sounds like you ladies are making yourselves comfortable. Can I get you something to drink before we begin? I have coffee, tea, water, pop.”

Amber would have recognized that voice anywhere. She knew it was him before she even saw him. She could feel it was him by the tension he brought into the room bringing her body back to that night all those years ago. He really was here in Windsor? When she saw him at Agave, she wondered if he was here on business. But never did she even think about him living here, or near here! Let alone working in Windsor at the local credit union!

"No, we're fine. Thank you, though," “I think,” Marilyn mouthed to Amber. Marilyn looked quizzically at her friend but she couldn't speak. Gage Alexander made his way to the chair behind the desk, yet to see either of his clients.

He turned and extended his hand. "How are you? I'm Gage Alexander, CEO of Colorado Financial Federal Credit Union. You must be Marilyn Jacobs; Blake has told me a great deal about you."

It wasn't until he spoke to Marilyn that he saw Amber and recognition crossed his face.

He looked exactly the same as he had all those years ago. His hair was still dark as the night but now had sprinkles of grey growing throughout. His face showed no signs of aging. He looked more mature but it made him so much sexier. His bushy eyebrows, his smooth face, the brown skin – all of the things she had committed to memory with the notion that she would never see him again - could still make her knees weak.

Amber's palms were already damp from thinking about having to shake his hand. Her heart was beating so fast, she thought she might pass out from lack of oxygen. How could this be happening?


age would recognize her anywhere. In a big city, or in a small town, and here she was in the same town he worked and lived.

Not too many things surprised Gage Alexander, but this did.

He didn't like surprises.

He held out his hand for Marilyn’s friend.

"I'm Gage Alexander. And you are?" his eyebrows rose as he introduced himself again.

She struggled to get any words to form. She stuck her limp hand out to shake his, "Uh, Amber. I'm Amber Prescott. Hi."

Hi? That was all she could think of to say? Really? She wished she could crawl out of his office right this minute. How had this charming, handsomely devilish man, who called himself Gage Alexander, CEO, whom she had anonymous sex with eight years ago inside a private sex club wind up here in Windsor, Colorado?

That, Amber decided, was something she was going to have to find out.


he next morning as Gage was getting ready for work, he couldn’t help but think of his meeting yesterday with Marilyn and Amber. He liked to take a proactive approach to his life. If something needed worked on, work on it. Get it done. Do not procrastinate. If something bothered him, take the one-up approach - identify it and solve the problem. He hadn't been that way his entire life. It was when he joined the Army that he adopted that behavior. His Drill Sergeant held him to the highest standards and soon enough, Gage realized it was easier to do things first than to wait idly by for something to happen.

In this case, it wasn't a what but a whom.

Amber Prescott.

He hadn't known her name, that night nor through all these years. Amber. He supposed that suited her. Now, here she was in the same town as he. What were the statistics on that happening, he wondered. He had met her at the Silver Slippers Saloon. Met wasn't really the correct term. Can you technically meet someone if there aren't any introductions? It was more like he fucked her brains out one night, all night, a long time ago. Case closed. He never thought he would see her again. That was the whole idea of going to a private club – no strings attached.

Sure, he thought about her. There were times he was with other women and one of them would do something and it would bring back a hazy memory of something she – now that he knew her name - Amber, did that night.

It wasn't often that she came to his mind. But when she did, she invaded his senses. He could remember the scent she was wearing down to the flower that was infused into her perfume. He could remember the feel of her hands roaming all over his body once he had untied her, like a newborn baby remembers their mother.

God, she was beautiful then, but she was stunning now.

He didn't like it.

That was one unpredictable thing he did in his life a long time ago. And that unpredictability was here, in his town? He was going to have to do something about it. He hadn't quite thought of a plan. Yet. But he would soon. It felt like a loose end that needed tying up.     As CEO of the credit union, there was no way he could have her roaming town spilling her guts about how she met him inside a sex club. No. That shit wouldn't fly. He could already hear the hushed whispers, the quick glances from members as they did their business at the credit union.

He couldn’t make her move out of town, unfortunately. He feared he would have to set up a meeting with her and discuss his expectations. That would have to do, he supposed. At the moment, that seemed like a plausible solution. Unless he could think of something else, soon, then he would have to make that work.

Unable to control his urge to get the matter at hand taken care of, he finished buttoning his dress shirt and decided today was as good as time as any to meet with one Amber Prescott.


mber loved teaching dance. She loved watching the little kiddos learning how to keep their balance, loved how their eyes lit up when they finally got the hang of something. They would practice over and over until they could get the move right. She had them lined up in formation this morning, getting ready to practice simple ballet moves. This class was toddlers aged 2-4. They came once a week in the mornings for forty-five minutes. They were a lot different from the other classes she taught for the older groups. With the older ones she was able to teach them dance steps by showing them which position to start in, how to follow through with the move and finish it out.

With her little ones, she had to sneak in the moves while 'playing' games with them. Then, once she felt they were comfortable enough doing certain routines, she would break it down into steps. The four-year-olds were able to grasp the dance steps a lot easier than the two- year-olds. But she had no problem teaching them either. She would crank up her iPod and play some hip-hop music and the kiddos loved dancing time - which is what many of them called it.

Once class was over, she had nowhere to be for a few more hours until her older girls came in. She cranked up her iPod, and Lady Gaga's Do What U Want blasted through her speakers. She took to the wooden studio floors and began dancing. She loved dancing. It freed her mind, her body. It was like meditating for her. Any time something bothered her, she always felt better after she was able to dance. Even when there wasn't anything bothering her, she loved doing it.

She swayed her hips to the sound of Lady Gaga's voice, lip-syncing along with her. She wore her gray yoga pants with a skintight tank top and felt way too constricted as she moved along the dance floor.

Gage pulled up to the dance studio where his friend Blake told him he could find Amber. Blake was dating Amber’s best friend, Marilyn. After Marilyn helped Blake out of a sticky situation with her ex-boyfriend, they had been inseparable since. Needless to say, Marilyn’s ex was serving a little time in prison on theft charges.

The dance studio was situated at the corner of a strip mall - a long one-story complex that held a variety of businesses. The sign was flipped to closed but Gage wasn't going to give up that easily. He got out of his Range Rover and locked the doors. He really didn't want to see Amber but he knew this is what he needed to do for damage control. Walking up to the door, he could hear music blasting out from the inside. What type of music did she make her students listen to, he thought. He tried the door. Unlocked. In he went.

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