Read Tempting Sydney Online

Authors: Angela Corbett

Tags: #Romance, #Romantic Comedy, #new adult

Tempting Sydney (25 page)

Jax smiled and seemed to be lost in thought for several minutes. “It’s really not that bad. Like jumping off a high dive.”

I widened my eyes. “A high dive times three you mean? That’s

He pushed his bottom lip up like he was thinking. “We’ll try it some time.”

can try it sometime. I’ll stay back on the ground with the sane people.”

He leaned over and whispered in my ear, his breath hitting my neck like warm breeze. “I’ll just have to think of a way to convince you.”

I shivered at that, and Jax wrapped his arm around me, pulling me closer. Jax pointed out areas of stone that were popular, like the incredible tapestry wall on a sheer face of rock in one of the canyons. It was clear he’d been here many times before, and knew the area well.

“You know a lot about Lake Powell.”

“My family used to visit. It’s one of my favorite places. My brother and I used to jump off the rocks like those kids were doing. One time, he hit something when he jumped and tore a ligament in his arm. He was so drunk he didn’t even notice until the next day. He was also underage, so we didn’t tell anyone he’d been drunk when he did it. We made up a story about him having a high tolerance for pain and not noticing it right away.” Jax laughed at that memory, a light dancing in his eyes. “We always had a good time.”

This was one of the first times Jax had volunteered information about his past or his family. I felt like I was being included in a very selective club, and I didn’t want him to stop talking. “Do you still come here a lot?”

He paused before answering, “This is the first time I’ve been here in years. I’m glad I came with you, though. I’ve missed it.”

One of the staff members walked over and informed us dinner was ready. I looked at Jax, sincerely surprised. He’d put so much thought, planning, and money into this. It was hard not to read into it. I knew he really cared about me, which was nice because even though it scared me, I truly cared about him.

We got to the front of the boat and found a beautifully set table with more flowers and China dishes rimmed in platinum. The servers brought our appetizers, and we ate the delicious food as we watched the sun set over the lake. The colors of the sky rivaled the colors of the gorgeous rock. It was serene and romantic. I understood why this spot held a special place in Jax’s heart. It now held one in mine.

We were finishing up dessert as I noticed the lights from our hotel. I looked at Jax and held his eyes. “This was the most magical night I’ve ever experienced, Jax. No one has ever gone to such detail, or planned something like this for me. I’ll remember this for the rest of my life.”

He took my hand as the boat docked. “Wait until we get to the hotel and I’ll give you something to really remember.”

A flutter started in my stomach, and quickly moved lower. I couldn’t wait to get back to our room.



The glow of candlelight cast pretty shadows over the suite as we entered. Jax smiled seductively and took my hand, guiding me into the bedroom. Rose petals were sprinkled all over the floor and the bed. “I had housekeeping come in while we were gone and set it up.”

I took in the romantic room, and slowly stepped out of my shoes. I turned around, holding Jax’s gaze. His eyes darkened as I unbuttoned my shirt. “It’s a little warm in here,” I said, letting the shirt fall far enough open that Jax got a clear view of my cleavage, “don’t you think?”

He licked his lips like a man who was stranded in a desert and hadn’t had water for days. “I think you need to lose your clothes. That’s what I think.”

I smiled coyly. “Oh, do you?” I didn’t move.

“Take them off, or I’ll tear them off.”

I lifted my eyes in playful surprise. “My, my. Someone’s aggressive tonight.”

“Syd—” a warning tone carried in his voice as I slowly unzipped my jeans and stepped out of them, then dropped my shirt. The tone quickly turned to a groan as he took in my red, see through corset, two red satin bows strategically covering my nipples, and matching red panties.

“I’m going to rip that off, too.”

He stalked over to me and pressed his lips to mine in a deep, breath-stealing kiss. I was burning inside, and had never wanted anything more than I wanted him. I’d been waiting for this moment with Jax for far too long. I could barely catch my breath as he picked me up, and laid me gently down among the rose petals on the soft bed. I leaned back and watched as he practically tore his own clothes off. In record time, he was naked, his sculpted body a hulking mass over my own. He reached down, and slowly pulled the corset string. It loosened, and he immediately pulled the corset off me, then took one side of my panties in his hands and pulled, leaving them in tatters. I’d never been more turned on.

His breath caught as he took me in. I wished I could see myself through his eyes. I’d never felt so beautiful—or wanted. He kissed me again, moving a hand over my breast. But it wasn’t just his hand; there was something in it. I jumped at the sensation, and looked down. Jax’s bracelet was no longer on his wrist—instead it was doing some very nice things to my chest. He reached out, dragging the bracelet beads across me, pressing into my nipples with the smooth, round stones. My nipples pebbled at the feel of the cool, smooth rocks.

“I have an even better idea for these,” he said, replacing the beads on my nipples with his mouth. The beads in his hands continued a trail downward, creating a path over my stomach. Skirting the juncture of my core, the beads hit my thighs instead, taunting and teasing me. I wriggled, wanting him more than anything. “Please, Jax,” I begged. My eyes were unfocused and I couldn’t think of anything but the need he was creating inside of me.

Jax’s lips lifted slowly, enjoying the game. “What do you want, Syd?” he asked, his voice gravelly as the beads went back and forth over my mound. I was swollen and aching. I wasn’t sure how much longer I could take this torture. And then his fingers found the bundle of nerves that were about to drive me insane.

I moaned.

“I bet I know what you
want,” he whispered. My breath was short, barely contained as I waited for his next move. He wrapped the beads around his fingers, and without warning, pushed into me. The new sensations of the cool, smooth beads moving deep inside me made it difficult to breathe. Every shift of movement sent me into a new state of bliss. With each twist of Jax’s fingers, the beads hit another spot that threatened to take me over the edge. I didn’t want to lose myself like that tonight, though. Tonight, I wanted my first orgasm to be with him inside me.

I reached down and grabbed his hand, willing myself to make him stop moving his fingers and the beads. It was the hardest thing I’d ever done. “I need you, Jax. Now. Inside me.”

His eyes darkened and he slowly pulled the beads out, one by one, each pull threatening to send me further over the edge. He laid the beads on the mattress, then moved between my legs, towering over me. His sapphire gaze raked my body, taking me in with intense focus. “God, you’re beautiful.” He reached down to position himself, and then took my mouth with his as he thrust into me, and I lost every sense I had. His thickness filled me completely. There was nothing but this moment, these sensations, and Jax. Jax was what I needed. In every way. He pulled back slowly, and pushed in harder. I tugged him down to me, needing to hold on to him. To be as close to him as I possibly could. My hands scraped over his back as he rolled his hips. Sweat slicked our tangled bodies. He grimaced, “I can’t stop, Syd.”

“Then don’t.” I took his mouth with mine like it was oxygen. He bucked inside me as I pulsed around him, basking in the ecstasy. His body relaxed and he breathed out a deep sigh. He lay on top of me for several seconds before moving off to the side. Putting his arm under my shoulders, he pulled me half on top of him, so that my head rested on his heart. And that’s how I fell asleep. Listening to Jax’s heartbeat, feeling like the luckiest woman in the world.



I woke up a couple of hours later, still on Jax’s chest with his fingers trailing lightly through my hair. I gave a contented sigh at the relaxing tugs. That was the best sex of my life. Jax was as focused and passionate in bed as he was out of it. I hadn’t been disappointed. No wonder Brynn loved sex enough to make it a research topic. She’d had experience with men like Jax. If I’d known what I was missing out on all these years, I wouldn’t have waited so long to find someone who knew what they were doing. I was glad I hadn’t done that, though. I liked that the best sex of my life had been with someone I truly cared for.

Jax shifted and I groaned. I didn’t want him to move. “I’ll be right back,” he said, leaning down to kiss my head. He was gone for a minute and then leaned over the side of the bed and picked me up, carrying me outside. It was the middle of the night and the air held a chill, but Jax put me down in the Jacuzzi and I wasn’t cold for long. He stepped in behind me, holding me between his legs, the warm water and jets relaxing us both. Moonlight was shimmering off the glassy surface of Lake Powell, and stars shone above us. The entire night had been perfect. I never wanted to leave.

I turned my head against Jax’s chest, looking up at him. “You’re pretty incredible, you know that?”

His lips ticked up. “Of course I do.”

I put my hands over his, and realized his bracelet was back on. “You told me I couldn’t take my bracelet off.”

“You can’t.”

“But you can take yours off?” I asked, rolling my fingers over the beads, drops of water shining on them. I’d never look at the bracelet again without thinking of tonight. Even the thought of them, and what they’d done to me, made me wet all over again.

“I said
couldn’t take yours off. Mine has no rules.”

I laughed. “I think that statement applies to your whole life.”

He held me closer, his hands tracing my breasts. “The bracelet did its job.”

I lifted one corner of my mouth and nodded in agreement. “Damn straight it did.” That was better than most of my sex toys. And it didn’t even require batteries, or a special box to hide it from my mom.

“No. I mean your bracelet worked.”

I knit my brows together. “What?” My bracelet hadn’t done anything but shift on my wrist while I was writhing in pleasure. “What are you talking about?”

“Your beads. They’re rainbow obsidian. They’re supposed to help you let go of fear and dissolve barriers. Considering you let me in—in more ways than one—I’d say you’ve conquered your fears, and dropped quite a few barriers.”

I snorted. “Well, let’s hope the barrier keeping me from getting knocked up stays nice and sturdy.” Really, I wasn’t worried. We’d used a condom, and I wasn’t anywhere close to ovulating. But, since sex with Jax was something I wanted to happen at least once a day, I’d have to go see my doctor about getting a new diaphragm. My old one definitely needed an upgrade.

“Did you choose those beads because you thought they’d make me less uptight?”

He cocked a brow. “You bet I did. I was desperate, and willing to use any help I could get—even metaphysical.”

I gave him a playful glare and pinched his thigh. “So,” I said, glancing at his bracelet, “do your beads have a meaning, too?”

His expression fell and he was quiet for several seconds. “They do.”

It seemed like the meaning was pretty important. I waited to see if he’d tell me what it was.

After about a minute, his expression changed. He smiled and said, “They promote healthy egotism.”

I rolled my eyes. “Well, you should take them off then, because you certainly don’t need any more of that.”

He pulled me closer into him, his body pressing against my back. I could feel his length against me, ready and willing. “You think my ego is sexy. I bet you’ll even dream of me tonight.”

“See,” I said, “you have no problems in the self-confidence arena.”

“I don’t mind admitting when I’m good at something.”

Oh yes. He was sooooo good. I shifted forward off his lap, turning around to face him. I let my gaze trail over his perfect body, my eyes hooded. I slowly licked my lips, thinking of everything we’d already done together, and everything I still wanted to try. Jax’s brows pinched together, a look of wary desire crossing his expression. “Syd—what are you doing?”

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